My hero academia: The Red Hood

נכתב על ידי sharkbacon11

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This story is about a kid name Jason Todd. He was adopted by a family when he was little due to the fact his... עוד

Chapter 1: First meeting
Chapter 2: First kill
Chapter 4: Molly likes mint chocolate chip
Chapter 5: But.... Its Saturday morning cartoons
Chapter 6: A second chance
Chapter 7: First day

Chapter 3: The man in the red hood

2.5K 37 61
נכתב על ידי sharkbacon11

On their way home

Jason and Izuku were now making there way home after the slime villain incident. Jason was still a little worked up about it, but he was a lot more calmed down then he was before. He noticed something about Izuku though. He seemed more cold and dead. Like a part of him died or something. He felt like he had to ask or check if he was alright.

Jason: Hey Izuku are your ok?

Izuku: Huh?... Oh yeah, it's just...... *sigh* I don't know honestly. I feel like I was completely useless today. I didn't help anyone and in fact made everything worse.

Jason then stopped in his tracks. Izuku was confused and stopped as well. Jason then put a hand on Izukus shoulder.

Jason: Izuku you weren't useless. You were in fact great today.

Izuku was a little confused by this.

Izuku: B-But I just got in people's way.

Jason: You saved me today. When that slime guy tried attacking us you pushed me out of the way and saved me. I really wish you didn't but to say that you were useless is complete bull shit. You even tried saving Bakugo after everything he did. Even if the little shit didn't deserve it.

Izuku just smiled at what Jason said. He felt a little better now.

Izuku: Thanks Jason. It really means a lot.

Jason: Your welcome little bro.

Izuku: I-I'm n-not that l-little.

Jason just laughs it off and continues to walk. Until they started to hear Bakugo screaming.


Jason's head: Oh, great this guy again.

They both then turned around with Izuku looking interested and confused and Jason looking annoyed and done with life. Bakugo finally caught up with them and stopped in front of them. His fist were clenched and shaking with anger.

Bakugo: HEY don't think you can look down on me Deku. You were useless and didn't help at all. You to Jason. I didn't need your help I would have been fine on my own.

Bakugo than just turned around and kicked the ground in frustration and started to mumble and mutter in anger his way back. Leaving Izuku and Jason just thinking "what was that all about".

Jason: That guy got some serious anger issues.

Izuku: *chuckle* And you don't.

Jason: *sigh* fair point.

They than started to walk again only to be met with another figure coming from an alley.

???: Excuse me you 2.

Izuku and Jason look at the figure. He was a skinny man who looked like a skeleton with skin and had nice blond hair.

Jason: Yeah what do you want.

???: My name is Toshinori. Could I talk to your friend? Just him though.

Jason: What do you need to talk about to him alone?

Izuku though cut in.

Izuku: Its alright Jason. I know him. Don't worry ill catch up to you later I promise.

Jason just shrugged his shoulders and started to walk home again.

Jason: Alright ill see you at home.

With Jason walking home

Jason was finally almost home until suddenly he heard a female voice scream in pain.


Jason immediately turned around to try and find the voice of the scream. He than followed the scream down into a dark alley. Once he finally made it to the end of the alley he saw where the scream came from. He saw 3 men with all with guns pointing at a girl wearing a school outfit. The girl had blond hair in 2 buns and had yellow eyes. She also appeared to have fangs on her teeth. Just the sight made Jason's blood boil.

Thug 1: You killed my men you stupid bitch.

Thug 2: Time for you to pay.

???: Just leave me alone. Or else.

Thug 3: Or else what. We have you sur-ACH.

Jason than went into action. He tackled the 3rd thug into the wall and made him hit his head on the wall dazing him. He than turned around and started to wrestle the gun out of the 2nd thugs hand. When he did though he left himself open and the 1st thug pointed a gun right at Jason's head.

Thug 1: You should have stayed out of this kid.

He was about to pull the trigger until the girl from before sliced the 1st thugs neck with a knife killing him. The girl than kicked his body to the ground. Jason than over powered the 2nd thug and got the gun out of his hand. Jason then hit the thug across the face with his gun. After he did that he pointed the gun at the thug making him stay where he is.

Thug 2: *sigh* you just had to get involved. Tch fine. We won't bother her anym--*BANG*.

Jason pulled the trigger and shot the thug in the head killing him. He than turned around to see the 3rd thug getting up and putting his hands up trying to surrender.

Thug 3: Hey man what are you doing. Just take me to ja-*BANG*.

Jason than shot the other thug in the head again. All that was now left was Jason holding a smoking gun and the school girl holding a bloody knife and 3 dead guys. Jason turned to the school girl and put the gun down.

Jason: Hey are you ok?

???: Yeah, I'm fine...... You killed them without a second thought?

Jason then started to worry a little. If she goes to the cops, then he could get in serious trouble. All though it was self-defense and since he doesn't have a quirk it couldn't be labeled as unauthorized quirk usage/ vigilantism.

Jason: You were in trouble. What else was I supposed to do.

???: Oh no don't play coy with me cutie~.

Jason's head: Wait did she just call me cute.

???: I saw that look in your eye. When you pulled the trigger. You wanted to kill those thugs, didn't you?

Jason: *shrugs shoulders* I don't know what you're talking about.

The girl than started to sway her hips walking to Jason.

???: Admit it. You liked killing them.

She than was inches away from Jason face and started to walk her fingers from his chest, to his neck, to his face, and then booped his nose.

Jason: I only killed them because they deserved it.

???: Oh, I see. You kill for justice.

Jason backed up from the girl and then started to get suspicious. Because for a school girl victim she seemed pretty ok with dead bodies and even killing that other guy.

Jason: Why exactly were those thugs after you for.

???: Well at first, I was stealing some food from them. Than some of this guys *kicks thug body* men found me and attacked me. I killed them and escaped, and then they chased me here. Then you found me and saved me. So, I guess I should thank you.

Jason: Uh.... Yeah you don't need to. I just heard a scream and came to help.

Jason than turned around started to walk away. He than heard footsteps coming at him though. He quickly turned around and saw the girl running at him. Before he could react though the girl grabbed both of his hands and pushed them on his own body. She than slammed her lips right onto his surprising him. It was like that for a good 5 seconds until they separated for air.

Jason: *blushing a little* What exactly was that for?

???: Think of it as a thank you *wink*. Besides I want to give you a reason and some motivation to find me and see me again.

The girl than turned around and started to walk to the end of the alley swaying her hips.

Jason: WAIT what's your name?

The girl than turned around giving a smirk.

???: Toga...... Toga Himiko...... And you?

Jason: Jason...... Jason Todd.

Toga: Nice name it suits you....... If you want to see me again come back tomorrow right here.

Toga than ran at the wall and jumped on it. She than put a foot on the wall and jumped off of it landing on the wall opposite. She kept doing this over and over till she made it near the roof ledge and was now hanging on it with one arm.

Toga: ~Don't make me wait~.

Toga than pulled herself up and disappeared into the night. Leaving Jason in the alley staring into the sky in awe and shock.

Jason: Woah

He than looked at the time on his watch.

Jason: Oh, crap it's pretty late.

Jason than started to make his way back home since its already dark out and he hasn't even gotten home yet.

At the Midoryias residence

Jason walked into his home and Izuku and Inko were both waiting on the couch for him.

Jason: Hey I'm home.

Inko immediately ran up to Jason and hugged him.

Inko: OH, THANK CHRIST YOUR OK. You're not hurt, are you? Your ok right? Oh, I was so worried about you.

Jason was catching his breath from Inko literally squeezing the air out of his lungs. When he did he finally collected himself.

Jason: I'm fine. I'm sorry for making you worry.

Inko had a hard sigh of relief. She than grabbed his ear and yanked on it.

Inko: WHY are you so late.

Jason: OW SORRY. IM SORRY. I got distracted a little and lost track of time. It won't happen again.

Inko released his ear and then hugged him to death again cracking his back.

Inko: Oh, just forget it I'm just glad my 2 boys are alive, well, and home.

Jason's head: Is she mad or glad to see me I can't tell. This is so confusing.

Inko than let go of Jason again and started to walk into the living room again.

Inko: Dinner is in the fridge. Heat up and come hang with us. Good doctor is on.

(Also, if you have Hulu you should watch it. It's pretty good.)

Jason than went into the fridge and found left over chicken curry and yellow rice. He noticed Izuku walk into the kitchen with him though.

Jason: Hey Bro.

Izuku: Hey Jason... So where did you go? I thought I would be the last one home but didn't.

Jason: Eh like I said I just got distracted and didn't realize the time.

Izuku: Oh ok.

Jason than started to put the food on a plate and then put it in a microwave to heat it up.

Jason: So, what did that guy talk about with you.

Izuku just tensed up and started to sweat a little. Jason noticed this and was a little off put about it.

Izuku: Oh uh. It was nothing really. I just met him at uh school and we had talked, and he was just catching up with me.... Yeah.

Jason knew he wasn't telling the truth. Which made it that much more suspicious because Izuku always tells him what's up and is 100% honest all the time. So why did he get nervous and seem like he was lying this time. Before he could respond though Izuku spoke up.

Izuku: *Fake yawn* Anyways sorry I'm really tired and I should probably gotosleepsogoodnightbye.

Izuku than just very quickly walked into his room and shut his door. The lights under the door then went out.

Jason's head: What was that about.

The microwave than beeped meaning his food was ready. He than took it out of the Microwave and grabbed a fork. He than walked his way to the living room and sat on the couch next to Inko.

Inko: Where did Izuku go.

Jason: He....... He said he was tired and went to sleep.

Inko: Aw really, oh well I guess its me and you than huh?

Jason didn't want to really worry Inko. He knew if he pried into Izukus business eventually Inko would and he doesn't want to stress her out. She already stress eats and gained weight because of it. Ever since he was little she has been the nicest and sweetest person to him and basically a mom. So, he always try's his best to help her out when he can. Right now, they were just enjoying there show and watching it until Inko spoke up.

Inko: So how was your day.

Jason: Crazy... You?

Inko: Crazy busy at the hospital

(BTW Inko is a nurse at a hospital)

Jason: What happened.

Inko: *sigh* Well I had the E.R. today and we were short staffed today, so it didn't help with the fact that the E.R. was filled with kids.

Jason was kind of shocked by this.

Jason: Kids?

Inko: Yeah it was strange. It started off pretty good with the usual drunk idiots or house accidents. But then the E.R. was flooded with multiple patients under the age of like 10.

Jason: Well what happened.

Inko: That's the thing we don't know. Cops were escorting buses full of children to the hospital. All they would say is that it was confidential information and to also take care of the kids... The weird thing to is that none of the kids said anything. They all looked broken. Some even were pretty banged up with cuts bruises and even some were unconscious. Some even died on the bed. From what the forensics could get it was because of a drug over dose.

Jason: That sounds terrible.

They than went back to watching their show. It was a good 10 minutes until Inko spoke up again.

Inko: Thank you.

Jason was surprised and confused but gave an eyebrow.

Jason: For what?

Inko: For protecting Izuku. He told me what you did. How you ran into danger to protect him. How you defended him when he was being scolded...... I always worry about Izuku. I probably always will. It's good to know though that Izuku has his own personal hero and big brother to protect him though.

Jason's heart was so filled with just so many emotions that he couldn't even identify them. But something kept being said over and over in his head though.......... "Hero".

Jason: I'm not a hero Ms. Midoryia.

He than started to have a flash back and remember the day earlier. How he killed the slime villain. How he killed those 2 thugs.

Jason: I was just a guy trying to protect his little bro. Izuku though. He is the real hero.

Inko: W-What do you mean?

Jason: Oh, he didn't tell you. Well first off, he saved my life.

Inko got really worried again.

Inko: W-Wait what your life was endangered TWICE when?

Jason: Well the slime villain actually attacked us under a bridge when we were walking home. Izuku pushed me out of the way from the villain and saved my life. Than even after that and when All Might saved us he tried saving Bakugo.

Inko: I – Wait it was Bakugo. I-I thought he always bullied Izu.

Jason: Honestly a part of me thought he deserved it for everything he did. But then Izuku just ran in. It was like his legs were moving before he could think.

Inko than started to remember something though. It was the night they discovered he was quirk less. Izuku asked her if he could be a hero and she basically just said no and tried to comfort her son.

Inko: Oh no...... What have I done?

Jason: Huh?

Inko: How could I be so.... So easy to give up on him.

Jason: Inko what are you talking about.

Inko than even began to tear up.

Inko: I-I-I'm such a bad mother I told him he couldn't be a hero I-I-I-I *SOB*.

Jason though grabbed her hands comfortingly. Inko looked up and saw Jason look at her with a very caring expression. He than brought Inko into a gentle hug.

Jason: You're not a bad mom. In no way are you a bad mom. You have done so much for me and Izuku. You have been there to support us no matter what happened. Quirk or no quirk. Izuku could not have asked for a better mom so don't say for one second that you are not a good mom. Because your one of the best damn ones out there.

Inko couldn't help but hug Jason back tightly and use his shirt to wipe the tears off of herself on his shoulders. She felt so warm hearted by what he said. Eventually she let go and wiped her tears off her face and stopped crying.

Inko: Thank you Jason really. I'm so lucky to have found a good young man who cares about me and my son so much.

Jason: *chuckle* It's the least I could do. You gave me a family when mine didn't want me.

Inko: I would gladly do it again *looks at time* Well it's pretty late I need to go to bed for work. Good night Jason.

Jason: Good night.

Jason and Inko than went their separate ways and Jason also went to bed.

The next morning

After Jason had a good night sleep of rest he got up and walked out of his room. He then saw Izuku up. He was sitting on the kitchen counter devouring a bowl of cereal incredibly fast.

Jason: *wake up groan* Morning Izuku.

Izuku: Oh, good morning.

Izuku than went back at it with the cereal.

Jason: Woah easy their bro. Your going to choke or get sick from eating so fast.

Izuku than just finished the bowl of cereal and rinsed it.

Jason: Hey listen mom is at work so me and you are going to hang out today.

Izuku: Sorry can't. I got to go somewhere.

Jason: Go? Go where?

Izuku: I was going to head to Dagobah Beach.

Jason: The place filled with trash?

Izuku: Yep.

Izuku than started to put his shoes on and tie them.

Jason: Oh um.... Ok. Well be safe. Don't get yourself in trouble or anything.

Izuku than opened the door.

Jason: Alright I'll see you-


Jason: -Later? ....... That was weird.

Jason's head: Dang. I actually was looking forward to hanging out with him today. I was even thinking about hitting the arcade or something with him. *Sigh* Oh well.

Jason than started to get on with his day. He got dressed took care of his hygiene and got breakfast and even did his morning workout.

Stretch 60 seconds

50 pushups

30 sit ups

30 pull ups.

10 burpees

Nothing special but just a healthy habit he developed when he took up fighting classes. After he did all that he just sat on his bed in his room staring at the ceiling. He remembered though about yesterday and what that girl Toga was like. He than also remembered if he ever wanted to see her again to just show up at the alley where they met.

Jason's head: Well it's not like I got a whole lot else to do. Besides it could be fun to see her again.

Jason than got some better clothes on and left his house and made his way to the alley. He had on a black jacket with the inside being red including the hood and also some jeans and a plain white shirt.

(Like this except a plain white shirt)

In the alley

Right now, it was a pretty bright and sunny day. Jason was just casually walking through the alley. He eventually made it to the exact spot he met her.


Jason than looked up to see Toga on the ledge of the roof with her legs dangling kicking them back and forth.


Jason: NO, I GOT IT.

Jason than took a few paces back. He than ran onto the wall and kicked off of it. He than jumped from the wall onto a window that was higher up. He than started to pull him self up. He than started to climb on some bricks that were out of the wall a little. After there were no more bricks he pulled himself up leaping at the ledge of the building getting a hold of it. He than pulled himself on to the roof finally getting up.

Toga: You got some moves.

Jason: Well what were you expecting.

Toga: Quiet honestly, I thought you were going to need help up.

Toga than started to walk away and Jason followed.

Jason: So, I'm here. What now?

Toga: Now we have some fun.

Toga than started to run on the roof and then jumped when there was none left and landed on another roof doing a safety roll. She than got up and smirked while waving at Jason.


Jason: *smirks* BE RIGHT THERE.

Jason than followed through and did the same thing even to doing a roll to land.

Jason: Can't lose me that quick.

Toga was actually a little surprised he could keep up. So, she decided to really test his limits.

Toga: Alright Jason lets see what you got.

Toga than started to run on the roof with Jason following her. When they ran out of roof they than jumped onto another one doing a roll. They then continued to run and then took a sharp left. Up ahead of them was a giant gap to big to jump. It had a construction pole up top and a wall to the right connecting the 2 buildings. Toga jumped onto the construction poll and swinged on it and made it to the other roof.


Jason took another route though.

Jason: PFF EASY.

Jason than instead ran onto the wall and started to wall run over the gap between the 2 buildings and when he made it he did a roll. There chase than continued and it led them to a drop off leading to a roof. They both than jumped off the roof and into a wall at the side. They than used their foot to stop themselves on the wall making there fall less high. When they hit the ground, they did a safety roll, so they wouldn't get hurt.

Togas head: Alright let's see if I can lose him.

Toga than started to continue running until there wasn't any more roof. Once she did run out she jumped down and jumped into an alley way. She than used her foot to push off of the wall and towards the wall opposite. She than caught her self on a bard up window. She than jumped to the other wall and grabbed onto some uneven bricks. She than landed right onto the ground safely. She then looked up and saw that Jason was still just looking down on her from the roof.


Jason than smirked.


Jason than jumped off of the roof straight up not planning on parkouring his way down.


When Jason was falling he than grabbed onto a laundry string used for drying clothes. One side of the line snapped off and Jason was now swinging on a clothes line down....... Until instead of landing on the ground he landed into a wall going splat on it. He than fell from the wall into the dumpster.

Jason: *groan of pain*.

Toga than poked her head into the dumpster with a blushing and cute smile.

Toga: *Giggle* That certainly was some style.

She than started to help him out of the dumpster.

Toga: How about I treat you to a frozen treat. Its my treat.

Jason: *Chuckle* You said treat like 3 times.

Toga: ~Treeeeat~

Jason heart just sky rocketed at that point. He hid it well though. So, he just nodded and soon they both left the alley.

On a roof looking over the city near night time

Toga and Jason were just sitting on the ledge of a roof and looking over the city where the lights sparkled like stars and the night was beautiful. Toga was eating a red popsicle and Jason had a small plastic container with 4 ounces of rocky road. And they were just talking.

Toga: So how do you move so fast. You only get that good if you live on the streets.

Jason: Eh for a while I did.

Toga: *Slurps popsicle* What happened?

(I fucking see you...... YEAH you. I see you thinking dirty thoughts. Its just a popsicle man god. Keep your dick in check and head out of the gutter. Freaking Mineta.)

Jason: *takes a bite of ice cream* MMM well my family didn't want me and left me. So, for a while I was just living on the streets surviving. Then one day I got lucky and met some nice people. They let me stay with them and I've been with them ever since...... What about you.

Toga: *tastes popsicle* My family didn't really want me either. They thought I was a monster or cursed and left me. Ever since then I've been on my own.

Jason: Sounds lonely.

Toga: It can be but...... it makes moments like these worth a lot.

Toga than finally finished her popsicle and threw it from the roof into the dumpster.

Toga: Kobe.

Jason: Nice shot.

Toga: Thank you...... So, what about quirks what's yours.

Jason kind of froze a little and was hesitant to answer. Toga noticed this and decided to be a little playful to get him to open up.

Toga: How about on 3 we both say our quirks ok? ...... 1 ....... 2....... 3.

They both then spoke at the same time.

Toga: Transform.

Jason: Quirk less.

Toga's face changed from playful to surprise. Jason kind of started to look down.

Toga: Quirk less? So, you don't have a quirk?

Jason: Uhh.... Yeah.... It's kind of the reason why my other parents didn't want me and left.

Jason kind of was afraid this would happen. He was an all-around decent guy but when he told a girl he was quirk less immediately all of them lost interest. Except-

Toga: So, I guess that's another thing we have in common. Our parents left us for how we were born.

Jason looked at her with a "huh".

Toga: My parents didn't want me because they thought my quirk was unholy and villainous. My quirk allows me to taste someone's blood and turn into them. It also gives me a craving for it.

Jason: So, you don't think I'm less because I don't have a quirk.

Toga: No... It's kind of funny though that a quirk less person can move better than any other person I know who had quirks....... Do you think I'm bad because of my quirk?

Jason: I think you may have done some stuff. But as far as I'm concerned, your one of the most decent girls I ever met. Even if you do like to drink blood.

Toga just smiled at the comment. She than started to move closer to Jason and were now touching shoulders. Jason noticed this and put an arm around her. Toga than moved her body closer and was now leaning on him.

Toga: So, what about your home. What is it like?

Jason: Honestly its pretty great. I got lucky when I found them. There real nice people and I wish I could do a lot to help them. To repay them.

Toga: It sounds really nice. Wish I had something like that.

For a little while that's literally all they ever did was sit and talk. Until something caught Jason's eye though. He saw a van and inside the window he could have sworn he saw hospital gowns and unusually small hands. He than started to get up and Toga got off of him.

Toga: Is something wrong.

Jason: I don't know.

Jason than started to walk along the edge. His eyes were following the van. Before he could lose sight of the van he started to run along the edge of the roof.

Toga: Jason? Where are you going?

Jason: Don't know.

Toga followed him though and tagged along what ever it was he was doing. When Jason was running he jumped from one roof to another and didn't roll and kept running. He than jumped and grabbed onto a pole. He swung his body onto the pole and let go making him quickly use his momentum. He was now flying through the air and eventually landed on a fire escape on the side of a building. He than started to climb up the fire escape. Once he was finally at the top of the building he could see the van again. It was parking into what looked like a crappy old and abandoned building.

Jason: Why would they go there? It looks abandoned.

He than started to see multiple men exiting the van. Some had guns or were either armed with quirks.

Jason: Why would they need to pack heat as well?

Jason than started to climb down the gutter pipe of the building eventually making it to the ground. Once he did he started to make his way into the building.

Inside the building

Jason sneakily made his way into the building without getting noticed so far. He had his hood up which was red covering his face a bit. The building had white ceiling and floor tiles with the doors colored a fake cheap wood brown. He was crouching and sneaking through a hall way until he was at a turn. He hid behind the corner wall and peaked to see if anyone was there. When he looked he saw one guy sleeping in a chair. He than slowly made his way to a door in front of him. He saw on the floor under him there were blood stains. The stains looked as if something bleeding was being dragged in and out of the room. He slowly opened the door and looked what was inside the room. His eyes went wide at what he saw. He even began to frown at what he saw, and his pupils were shaking with rage. He looked to his right and down the hall to the guy sleeping. He than started to walk up to him and was now standing over him. Jason saw that he had a gun and slowly pickpocketed out of his holster.


Jason than shot the sleeping guard in the head killing him.

Thug 1: Huh? What was that.

Thug 2: C'mon let's check it out.

Soon 6 guys started to swarm into the hallway. They all saw Jason standing over one of their friends body that had a bullet in his head. They all were a little shook at the scene but were all showing no signs of weakness.

Thug 3: Hey did you kill our friend.

Jason didn't respond though. In fact, he had his head down with the hood covering his face.

Thug 2: Get em rick.

Thug 4: RRAAAHH.

"Rick" Than charged at Jason. Rick had weird metal strands of hair shaped like a mohawk making his hair seem silver and really sharp. Rick tried to head butt Jason, but Jason dodged left and sweeped his legs under Rick tripping and making his body fall and go up a little. Ricks head than hit the ground hard at an angle and it immediately snapped his neck.

Thug 3: W-What the hell?

All the thugs were amazed at how quickly their friend was taken out.

Thug 1: SWARM HIM.

All the thugs than began to swarm Jason all going in for an attack. The first thug tried punching him but instead he dodged and kicked his knee side ways breaking it. Than another thug tried to go for an attack only for Jason to block it and counter it. He than grabbed his head and kneed him in the face breaking his nose. Another thug tried going in for a right hook only for Jason to grab his arm and use his momentum to throw him over his body and landing hard on the ground. Than before He could react a thug slugged him right across the face. Jason's lip was now bleeding a little and his hood fell off of his head. This completely shocked the remaining conscious thugs.

Thug 5: Seriously I'm getting my ass handed to me by a kid.

He didn't care though. He than jabbed at the thugs throat making him stagger back. When he did Jason grabbed his head and slammed it into the wall knocking him out. Than there stood one last thug. He was shaking in fear. Jason than grabbed the thugs jacket and threw him on the wall. At the same time Toga walked in and finally caught up with him. When she got their she was surprised to see all the body's and groaning thugs. What really got her attention though was Jason pinning a thug into the wall with that look in his eyes.

Thug 6: H-Hey man I wasn't apart of any of that I swear. I just work here man.

Jason: Wither you did anything or not matters it was the fact that you did nothing and watch as it happened. In fact, you let it happen.

Toga was confused at what he meant or was talking about. Than she saw the door that Jason was looking at earlier. She looked into the door and knew what they were talking about now. Even her eyes went wide at just the sight in that room.

Thug 6: W-WAIT you're a kid you can't kill. Kids like hero stuff. You turn me into jail *nervous laugh*

Jason was FURIOUS NOW. He threw the thug on the floor and grabbed the gun he was holding before and pointed it right into his neck.

Jason: You don't deserve jail. You deserve hell.


Jason pulled the trigger killing him. Jason than got up. He than started to step carefully around the bodies. Every time he passed a body though he shot it in the head making sure he killed every single one of them with the only sounds being a loud BANG and the bullets shell dropping to the floor.

*BANG*............. *BANG*............. *BANG*............. *BANG*............. *BANG*.............

He than finally made it to where Toga was who was still looking into the room with wide eyes feeling disgusted and horrified at the sight.

Jason: Are you ok?

Toga: Are you?

Jason: .........It doesn't matter right now.

Jason than entered into the room along with Toga. It was a few moments of silence. Then Jason walked out carrying a little 8-year-old girl in his arms who was wearing a hospital gown. Toga than held the hand of another little girl. She than started to lead more and more children counting up to about 12 out of the room all of them with green brown and red stains on the hospital gown.

Outside the building

Jason called the cops from a phone booth and told him that he heard gun shots at the building. Then the police showed up and the empty and abandoned building that was before deserted was now filled with cop cars ambulances and red and blue lights flashing. The girls they found were being questioned and care for by the cops and first responders. They couldn't get much out of them though. All of them were so exhausted and suffering from nutritional deficiency that they either rested or were to broken to talk. The only straight answer the first responders got out of them was when they asked who killed all those men. They all said the same thing.

"It was the man in the Red Hood."

On a roof near by the same building

Jason and Toga stand on the roof watching over the scene happening. Jason was silent that entire time and didn't say a word. So, Toga was the first to speak up.

Toga: You're a hero you know. You saved them.

Jason: I'm not a hero.

Toga: In my book you are.

Toga than got in front of Jason and put her arms around his neck.

Toga: Because no matter what everyone else thinks you saved those kids.

Jason than gently grabbed Togas arms and took them off of his neck and Toga hugged her arms around herself a little. Jason than turned and started to slowly walk away.

Jason: A hero wouldn't have done what I did...... But they deserved it. They all deserved it for what they did to those innocent kids.

Toga than turned Jason around and slammed her lips right onto his. Jason than melted into the kiss kept going passionately kissing her. After 30 seconds they separate.

Toga: Maybe the world has enough heroes. Maybe it needs something...... more.

She than put her mouth into his ear and slowly whispered.

Toga: ~Besides hero or not you deserve a reward~......... ~J-a-s-o-n~.


Anyways if you liked the story please leave a comment or vote and as always, I hoped you enjoyed....... OK BYE.

המשך קריאה

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