Humanity /2/ TO

By poultergeist

321K 8.4K 2.4K


Part One
Ch. 1 Always and Forever
Ch. 2 Graduation
Ch. 3 House of the Rising Sun
Ch. 4 Tangled Up in Blue
Ch. 5 Girl in New Orleans
Ch. 6 Sinners and Saints
Ch. 8 Bloodletting
Ch. 9 The River in Reverse
Ch. 10 Reigning Pain in New Orleans
Ch. 11 The Casket Girls
Ch. 12 Après Moi, Le Déluge
Ch. 13 500 Years of Solitude
Ch. 14 Dance Back From the Grave
Ch. 15 Crescent City
Ch. 16 Long Way Back From Hell
Ch. 17 Le Grand Guignol
Ch. 18 Farewell to Storyville
Ch. 19 Moon Over Bourbon Street
Ch. 20 The Big Uneasy
Ch. 21 An Unblinking Death
Ch. 22 A Closer Walk with Thee
Ch. 23 The Battle of New Orleans
Ch. 24 From a Cradle to a Grave
Part Two
Updated Cast
Fairy Tales
Ch. 1 Rebirth
Ch. 2 Alive and Kicking
Ch. 3 Every Mother's Son
Ch. 4 Live and Let Die
Ch. 5 Red Door
Ch. 6 Wheel Inside The Wheel
Ch. 7 Chasing the Devil's Tail
Ch. 8 The Brothers That Care Forgot
Ch. 9 The Map of Moments
Ch. 10 Gonna Set Your Flag on Fire
Ch. 11 Brotherhood of the Damned
Ch. 12 Sanctuary
Ch. 13 The Devil is Damned
Ch. 14 I Love You, Goodbye
Ch. 15 Stay
Ch. 16 Let Her Go
Ch. 17 They All Asked for You
Ch. 18 Save My Soul
Ch. 19 Exquisite Corpse
Ch. 20 Night Has a Thousand Eyes
Ch. 21 When the Levee Breaks
Ch. 22 City Beneath the Sea
Ch. 23 Fire with Fire
Ch. 24 Ashes to Ashes
I'm Sick
Book 3

Ch. 7 Fruit of the Poisoned Tree

8.4K 226 144
By poultergeist



Wow I just realized I haven't talked to all of you in forever

Care Bear❤🐼
I know! I miss you and Lilly

I can't believe you've been in New Orleans for 4 months now
No wonder it has been so quiet


How's the devil's spawn?

I miss having a useful person at the Grill

Why are you all so mean to me and my child?

Bonnie says she misses you too

Stef Stef
Who is this?

Jeremy ur going to make me cry. Nope too late. Tell her I miss her too
Why did Stefan just ask who I was?

He has no memories

Care Bear❤🐼


Long story

Did any of u tell him who I was?

Care Bear❤🐼

I didn't

Srry tbh I didn't see u as someone important to bring up
U 2 weren't close.

Thx sm for forgetting me everyone

Care Bear❤🐼
Love u <3

Did I mention I miss u?

Mmhmm. Well I'm ur friend
sort of
I moved to New Orleans while I'm pregnant with a magical miracle baby

Devil's spawn

Care Bear❤🐼
Ur my sister and I love u but ur taste in men sucks

Says the girl dating my ex / 1st baby daddy

Care Bear❤🐼
USUALLY ur taste in men sucks

She's not wrong
U slept with Damon


does everyone kno about that?

Stef Stef
U slept with my brother? Pls tell me that we at least weren't dating

U slept with Damon????!!!!

Ok Ew Stefan
You did sort of flirt with me but u had no emotions and I threatened to kill u afterwards
And great now everyone knows.

I now have to agree with Care and Jeremy

Can we pls get off my really bad sex life?

Ric just appeared yelling YESS!!

Crap why did u say that?
I'm crying again


Hormones suck

Care Bear❤🐼
Speaking of how's baby #2?

Devil's spawn

Can you pls stop calling it that? And here

Bonnie just started screaming


Me and Caroline r so stealing both of them to take them shopping

Care Bear❤🐼
Hopefully this 1 will actually like me

Lilly does like u

Care Bear❤🐼
She likes Damon better than me



Stef Stef
Who is Lilly?

My 2 year old

Stef Stef

Who I probably need to go get b4 Rebekah steals her

Care Bear❤🐼
Pls do not let her steal my niece

R u talking about the same person u called the She-Devil for over a year?

Yep believe it or not we're friends now
She has saved my life a few times but I think it was mainly just for her niece who is occupying my womb

Care Bear❤🐼
And u just feel completely normal living with her?

Yeah she is sort of family now

We r talking about the same Rebekah right?

Pls just don't judge them all right now
Klaus is my kid's father and Rebekah is its aunt and Elijah is its uncle
Pls accept that

U do remember how many times all 3 of them tried to kill us right?

Yeah no offense Ror
just saying

Which of us spent the summer in bed with Rebekah?

At least he made sure there were no strings attached

Care Bear❤🐼
Guys stop

No keep the attack coming
I don't give a crap

Fine I'm sorry

Me too

Yeah she's gone

Did she seriously put me on read?

Care Bear❤🐼
R u surprised? She was easy to tick off b4 she was pregnant and hormonal


Now annoyed, I walked downstairs to the kitchen with Hayley. I wasn't sure exactly how I was supposed to tell my friends that I might actually be falling for my Original hybrid baby-daddy. I knew none of them would like it. None of them liked that this baby was his in the first place. They had been begging me to move back to Mystic Falls as soon as I got unlinked from Sophie. I knew Klaus wouldn't go back though. Meaning I had a big decision to make. Disappoint my whole family, or the guy I was falling for.

I rubbed my growing bump, while I walked. I glanced into the living room, where Klaus and Elijah were reading and a girl was bleeding out on the coffee table.

"Okay, can someone clean that up before my two year old wakes up and sees it?" I asked, gesturing to the girl.

Klaus turned, smiling. "Of course, love. You know where Rebekah is?" he wondered.

I knew what had him smiling. He was thinking about me kissing him last night.

I shook my head, walking up behind him as Elijah got up and went into the kitchen with Hayley. I looked over his shoulder at the poem he was reading and smiled. He was reading Poison Tree, a poem I had read in high school. "Someone starting to get nervous about fatherhood?" I wondered.

He quickly shut the book, glancing back at me. "Of course not," he said.

"Really because being a mom scared the crap out of me," I told him. "But I also became a parent when I was one thousand years younger than you are now."

He smiled. "Being a mother never seemed to be a problem for you," he told me.

"Yeah, well, I had had a little bit of practice before you met me. You should have seen me the first few weeks. I didn't sleep at all. And every item of clothing I had at that time has since been thrown away since all of them had some kind of new born related stain," I admitted.

Klaus grimaced. "Lovely," he muttered.

I smiled. "You'll do fine," I told him. "I need breakfast." I patted him on the shoulder and pecked him on the cheek, before heading into the kitchen.

I found Hayley and Elijah inside. I walked towards them. "Pregnant lady coming through," I warned. Elijah quickly moved out of my way, letting me climb up on the counter behind my sister.

"Good morning," Elijah said.

"Not really. Feed me," I said. Hayley smiled and opened the fridge, right as Rebekah opened the doors to the backyard. I turned to watch her come inside.

"No milk," Hayley said.

"Seriously? Look, I know the two of us and Lilly are the only ones who drink milk in this house, but would it kill any of you to make sure it was on the grocery list?" I snapped.

"Speaking of, add bleach," Rebekah said as she headed into the living room.

"Thank you, I don't think it is healthy for me to be around chemicals right now," I said.

"That's just your excuse to keep from cleaning anything," Rebekah said.

I smiled. "Not wrong."

Hayley passed me a tub of ice cream. "Oh, my gosh. I love you," I said.

"You know, I do hope that my siblings were hospitable to you both during my absence," Elijah told us.

"I'm not sure if hospitable is the word," I said, smirking to myself while I thought about last night.

"In your absence, as you like to call it- which is a way too polite way of saying your brother stuck a dagger in your heart- we have been attacked by French Quarter vampires. We've lived in a house with a secret dungeon full of coffins, and she was nearly murdered by witches who are convinced her baby is Lucifer," Hayley told him.

Elijah had been going through the fridge while my sister talked and now pulled out a carton. I smirked at my sister. "Oh, milk," she mumbled, as he started fixing us bowls of cereal.

"They've been fine, Elijah," I told him.

"Yeah, your siblings have been weirdly protective. I know we have you to thank for that," Hayley said. I rolled my eyes. There had to be something going on there.

"I'm just happy to see that you are both in one peice. Back to the murderous witches, I have some concerns," he said, holding out bowls of cereal to both of us.

"I'm happy with this," I said, hugging the ice cream carton.

"They're evil," Hayley told him.

"We've handled worse, but my life is still magically linked to Sophie Deveraux, which is not comforting," I told him.

"Yes. I think it's time we took care of that little problem," he said.

"I am all for it," Rebekah said, walking in. She was dragging the dead girl by her feet. "As soon as they're unlinked we get to leave this crap town. Who do we have to kill?"

"Probably no one," Elijah yelled to his sister as she left the room. I gave him a look. "Alright, potentially everyone."

I laughed and took a bite of my ice cream.


Me and Rebekah sat on the floor, Lilly running back and forth between us. Rebekah wanted a baby more than just about anything, so she took advantage of having mine around. Plus, she was actually pretty good with kids.

"So, you realize everyone in this house has supernatural hearing, right?" Rebekah asked, while the two year old handed me a toy.

"Yes, why?" I wondered.

"Just saying, since both me and Elijah could hear you and Nik upstairs last night," she told me.

"You heard me and him talking and what happened afterwards?" I asked.

"Yep," she said.

"What's the big deal?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just wondering what is going on with you two," she said, before turning her attention back to Lilly.

"I'm five months from giving birth to his child. I don't know. Kind of hard to know if he cares about me or just the baby inside me," I told her.

"I think it is both," she said. I gave her a small smile, while she grinned widely at Lilly.

I winced and touched my neck when pain went through it. "You okay?" Rebekah asked, looking up from what she was doing. She pulled Lilly into her lap, looking at me worriedly.

"I don't know. It felt like I was being stabbed. And uh..."

I trailed off as I held up my finger I had just used to touch the spot on my neck. It had a drop of blood on it.


I had sat down in a chair, worrying about what was going on. Hayley was sitting on the couch next to me, Lilly sitting in her lap.

Rebekah walked in with a bowl of apples in her hands. "Time for the demon spawn to snack," she said, cheerfully.

"I really wish you would stop calling her that. I already had to put up with Damon calling her devil's spawn all morning," I whined.

"I'm sorry, have you picked another name yet?" I rolled my eyes. "Take one, the plantation is lousy with them," she said, holding out the fruit. I picked one up, and she moved to sit the bowl on the coffee table.

"How's your neck?" Hayley wondered.

"I feel fine, which is weird. I'm sure this is Sophie related," I told them.

"Well, do me a favor and don't die on my watch. I'll never hear the end of it," Rebekah told me.

I smiled. "You know, when I first met you, I thought you were a real bitch," I admitted.

Hayley stifled a laugh, but Rebekah took no offense. "What changed your mind?" she asked, smiling.

"Oh, I still think you're a bitch. I've just grown to like that about you," I told her.

"Well, that's sweet of you to say. Remember it when I'm gone," she said.

"Gone? Where are you going?" I asked, my smile falling.

"I only came to town to make sure everything was okay with Elijah. He's fine and he hasn't punished Niklaus for daggering him, so, as usual, they'll be thick as thieves and I'll be left to clean up the mess. It's time for me to fly the coop," she explained.

"Oh," I mumbled. I had hated the girl for so long, and now that I liked her she was leaving.

I started to bite into by apple only for the room to start spinning a little and my stomach to start turning. I blinked, hoping it would pass. "What's wrong?" Rebekah wondered, both her and Hayley moving closer to me.

"I don't know. Probably morning sickness," I said, while she put her hand to my forehead.

"Oh, you're burning up, actually," she told me.


"Stop fussing, will you?" Rebekah asked. She had moved me into my room and had me lay down. She was now putting a cold, wet cloth to my forehead. "Elijah will be here any minute."

She had called Klaus and Elijah to find out what was going on. Klaus was going to go be Klaus and threaten people to try to find a way to fix this, while Elijah came back to help Rebekah keep this baby alive.

The Mikaelson brothers had already figured out what was happening. When Sabine had been helping me find out what the baby was, she had had some kind of vision about how my baby was evil. Now all the witches wanted it dead, which was why I had been attacked and why this was happening.

Agnes wanted my baby dead. She had first tried to get warlocks to kill me, and when that didn't work she realized there was no way she could get to me. So she was using Sophie. Since me and Sophie were linked, she had decided to use a dark object on the witch.

It was a needle, which was what I had been stabbed with this morning. It caused a fever that got so high it caused a miscarriage.

"I feel like I'm being microwaved. Look, I can handle being punched and poked with needles and fangs and scratched with claws, but I do not like being sick," I told her.

"Hey, just because you're carrying a baby doesn't mean you get to act like one. I'm sure my little niece is healing you up as we speak," Rebekah told me.

Right then, Elijah and Sophie walked into the room. Rebekah jumped up from her spot on the bed. "What is she doing here?" Rebekah snapped.

"I'm trying to help," Sophie said.

"Help? You're the reason we're in this bloody mess. Why aren't we unlinked with this witch already, Elijah?" she asked.

"Rebekah, let her do what she can," Elijah said.

"I may know a way to slow the fever down, but I'm gonna need some special herbs. I'll text you a list," Sophie said.

"Fine, happy to play the fetch girl," Rebekah said. She shoved the towel at her brother before storming out of the room.


Unlike Rebekah, Elijah didn't complain as he took care of me, which kind of surprised me. I usually would have made some comment about him taking care of me, but I was too out of it.

We were doing everything to bring the fever down, including me stripping down to the thinnest tank top I had and shorts and Elijah trying to help me cool down by putting a wet towel to my forehead. Nothing was working and we were running out of time.

"Where's Klaus?" I asked, groggy. Right now the only person I really wanted was the hybrid, yet he was nowhere in sight.

"He's off somewhere being Klaus," Elijah said, making me smile. "That said, he's working to solve this in his own way too."

I looked at him. I knew Klaus didn't want to lose this baby, but I also knew that he was Klaus. "No wonder you're a man of honor," I told the Original, chuckling. "You can't lie worth a damn."

"Believe me when I say you have a gift no woman in a thousand years could have ever offered him," he said, looking me in the eye. "He cares."

I nodded. "I know. But that only makes the situation we're in right now worse," I said.

Sophie groaned from where she was sitting nearby and Elijah turned towards her, standing. "My temperature is through the roof. I- I can't slow this fever," she said.

I hissed as I felt a familiar pain. "Ahh. Ahh," I said, my right hand moving to my stomach. Elijah walked over to me and I grabbed his arm with my left hand. "That definitely hurts. I forgot what contractions felt like for a little while."

I groaned as it continued. Elijah held my hand and used his other to rub my back in an effort to comfort me.

Sophie stood up. "We need to do something before this fever kills the baby. Elijah, I need your help," she said.


I sat by the pool, a blanket wrapped around me. Rebekah walked over to me, putting a hand to my forehead. "She's burning up. We need to do this now," she told Elijah and Sophie. I had told Hayley just to watch Lilly.

"Get her in the water," Sophie ordered. Elijah ran over to me, jumping into the pool. I dropped my blanket to the ground as he helped me in.

"I don't see how a midnight swim is supposed to help," Rebekah muttered.

"Her temperature is sky high, and the water, with the help of the herbs, should cool us down," Sophie said, getting into the pool and coming over to us. She held a cup out to me. "Drink this."

I did as I was told. "You're gonna have to get her heart rate down," Sophie told Elijah.

"And how do you suggest I do that?" Elijah wondered.

"Hold her. It's a natural human remedy to slow the heart rate and reduce blood pressure," Sophie explained.

Elijah picked me up bridal style. "Don't get any ideas," I warned, making him chuckle.

"This is never gonna work," Rebekah muttered.

"Davina will break the link. We just need time," Elijah said.

It suddenly seemed like I couldn't get enough oxygen in my lungs. "I can't breath," I said.

"Ok, take long deep breaths. Rory, look at me. Long deep breaths. Just focus on the sound of my voice. You'll be okay. You'll be okay," he told me, lowering me further into the water.

I did as he said and actually seemed to be doing better, until it got worse. I felt it as soon as it did. I cried out, pain filling me.

I clutched my stomach. This couldn't be happening. I was not losing this baby.

Finally, Sophie said what I wanted to hear. "I just felt it lift," she announced.

She was right, the pain was fading. Elijah helped me back to my feet, as I tried to catch my breath. He grabbed my hand, checking for blood as Sophie pricked her own. "No blood," I muttered. "Now I would really like a warm shower because I'm freezing."

Elijah and Rebekah laughed as Elijah helped me towards the other end of the pool.

"Elijah," Sophie said, stopping him. I climbed out, and Rebekah wrapped a towel around me. "As soon as your brother finds out that the link is broken, he'll kill Agnes."

Elijah looked down. Was he really listening to this crap? "Klaus has every right to kill her. She just almost killed our child," I snapped.

Sophie sent me a glare, but turned back towards the Original. "I know you don't owe me anything, but please don't let him kill her," she said.

He used vampire speed to run out of the pool and over to me and Rebekah. "Elijah, please, she is our only access to the power we need to survive. Promise me that you'll stop him," Sophie begged.

Elijah grabbed his phone out of his pocket, dialing Klaus. "It's me. Where are you?" he asked. "Don't hurt her. I'll be there shortly." He hung up, and Sophie sighed in relief.

"I'll make you one last promise. I won't let my brother kill Agnes," he said, glancing at me. Then he left.

Sophie got out of the pool and started to leave, but I grabbed her arm. "I get that you wanted to use me to help your people. I understand wanting to protect your family and I will do the same. So if you hurt me or one of my kids again- werewolf curse or no werewolf curse- I will kill you myself," I warned.

I walked over to Rebekah and my head started spinning. I quickly sat down in the chair to keep from falling on the hard ground. "Rory," Rebekah called.


I sighed as I saw my surroundings. I was suddenly in St. Anne's church. I saw Klaus grab Agnes. "Don't touch my family, especially not her," he told the witch. She seemed terrified at this point.

"Leave her," Elijah told him, walking in. Klaus spun to look at his brother, a hand around the witches throat. "I gave my word."

"You tend to give your word at the most inopportune times, brother. We've been doing things your way all day. Come on. Just one little snap, and it's toodle-loo, Agnes. She deserves it," Klaus told him, and I totally agreed.

"Niklaus do not make another move. You have asked for my forgiveness. I will grant you that forgiveness, but do not make me break my word," Elijah said, walking over to his brother.

Klaus reluctantly let Agnes go. I could tell how angry he was, but he eventually smiled. "My noble brother. How's that for personal growth, huh?" he asked. "Still, it is just like you to spoil my fun."

Elijah's eyes moved from his brother to Agnes. "Oh, not necessarily," he said. There were three warlocks near by, all of which were soon missing their hearts. Elijah held two of them in his hands, the other sat on the ground. Agnes watched in terror as he dropped the hearts in his hands to the ground. He grabbed his handkerchief from his pocket to clean his hands.

"I swore you would not die by my brother's hand. I said nothing of my own," Elijah told them. Then he used his supernatural speed to run over to Agnes and grab her by the throat. "No one hurts my family and lives." He snapped her neck and turned to leave. "No one."

I laughed as I saw the proud grin on Klaus' face.


I woke back up to multiple swear words. "What the bloody hell just happened?" Rebekah asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Just freezing," I said.

"You just passed out," she said.

"It's normal. I-"

I realized Sophie was still here and lowered my voice. "I saw how Agnes dies," I said.

"You what?" Rebekah asked.

"It's complicated. I have these vision thingies. I got them from my family, I don't know anything else," I told her.

"And you never felt the need to mention it?" she asked.

"I thought you knew. Kol did," I said.

"No," she said.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

I nodded. "Then we'll deal with this some other time."


I took a warm shower and got some comfy sweatpants and a T-shirt to wear. And thankfully, Hayley was one of those people who stayed busy while she was stressed. She had already gotten Lilly fed, bathed and in pajamas. I really wanted to just go lay down, but instead I got trapped talking to Josh.

He was a newbie vamp, turned by Klaus. He was using him as a spy for Marcel. The poor boy was barely older than me, and like me, was very likely to get murdered this year.

"Where is he? I've been trying to find him all day. Marcel knows that Klaus lied about where he lives," Josh told me.

"Look, Josh, I actually kind of like you, but if you don't leave me alone I'm going to snap your neck. I'm his baby-mama, not his wife," I told him.

"Fine, just tell him to call me, please," Josh asked.

"Okay," I said. "Now I have to get her to bed." I looked at my two year old who I was holding. Lilly smiled and shyly waved at the vampire.

Josh smiled slightly and waved at the two year old before leaving.

I moved back towards the living room, and sat down with Lilly in my lap, only to hear a knock five seconds later. I got up, sighing. "Josh, if I didn't have a two year old who repeats everything I say, I would be swearing at you," I snapped, before opening the door.

I was greeted by Marcel. "Rory," he said. I tried to cover up my surprise, but it was a little difficult.

"Marcel, hi. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"This was the plantation where I was a slave when I was younger. I just kind of stopped by and saw that the lights were on," he explained.

"Oh, I didn't know you had lived here. I'm just staying with some friends," I explained.

He nodded, then seemed to notice my bump. "So you were pregnant," he said.

I nodded. "Yeah, a little over four months now," I admitted.

"And this must be Lilly," he said, looking at my two year old.

"Yeah, I'm not moving back home, at least not till after the baby's born, so I thought I'd bring her out here with me," I told him.

I felt trapped. I didn't like Marcel being here, especially when all three Originals were out, Hayley was asleep, and Lilly was in my arms. I tried to not look as nervous as I felt, but I wasn't sure if it was working.

Lilly gave the vampire a small wave, before laying her head on my shoulder. "You've got a really cute kid," he told me.

I forced a smile and nodded. "I know. Now, I probably need to get her to bed. Was there something you needed?" I wondered.

"No," he said.

"Okay," I said, and started to close the door.

"How do you know Rebekah?" he wondered.

I opened it again. "What?" I asked.

"Well, you said you knew the Originals. How do you know her?" he asked.

"I told you. They attacked my friends. And I don't know, things changed. She wants kids, I have one and a half. She likes having them around I guess," I told him.

"Is their dad in the picture?" he asked.

I quickly tried to answer that question. "Uh, one is. Lilly's dad left before I got pregnant again," I admitted.

"Are either of them from around here?"

Why was he asking so many questions? "No. They're both from Virginia, where I grew up," I said. It wasn't a lie. Klaus had told me that was where he was born.

He nodded. "Goodnight," I said.

"Goodnight," he told me.

I shut the door, before leaning back against it. "That was fun," I muttered.

I was happy to finally be able to sit down, but then I heard another knock. I groaned. I opened the door again, and who stood outside shocked me even more than Marcel.

Early chapter because I'm bored. And I wrote in one of the deleted scenes from this episode.

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