I Choose You - Menough Wedding


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INFO & Playlist

I Choose You

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“You ready to go?” Maria asked Derek. He was getting ready for his 14 hour flight to Greece. It was 4 days before their wedding, and he was headed to Mykonos early to help make sure things went smoothly. Maria stayed behind to work and take care of Dia.


“What’s wrong?” she sounded concerned. “You’re not getting cold feet, are you?”

He laughed. “Definitely not.”

He pulled her closer to him. “I just get incredibly bored on planes when it’s longer than six hours.”

“Do you want a sleeping pill?”

“No, I’ll be fine. I loaded up my iPod with stuff. Plus, there’s always Skymall.”

“You’re sure.”

“As sure as I am that I want to marry you.”

He kissed her just as Dia started crying via the baby monitor.

“I should get her ready,” Maria said. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, babe.”

An hour later, Maria drove him to the airport.

“You didn’t have to take me. I could’ve used a car service.”

“Yes, but you know one of my favorite things to do is say goodbye at the airport.”

“I didn’t know that,” he chuckled. “Why is that?”

“I don’t know… I think it just makes me feel like goodbyes are only temporary. Like, we say goodbye now, but we’ll be reunited soon. Like we’re only a plane away from each other.”

“Yeah… also the plane could crash.”

He laughed after a few seconds. She did, too.

“Way to kill the thought!”

She entered the unloading zone of the airport and got out to help him.

“Ok, so the wedding planner will meet you at the hotel in the morning. Make sure and give her these final notes, and this bag. Don’t forget!”

“Ok, Bridezilla,” he joked. “What’s in the bag?”

“It’s a secret-- don’t look!” she said as she opened the back door.

“Say bye to daddy.”

“Bye!” Dia exclaimed happily.

Derek gave her a hug and a kiss. “Bye, baby. I’ll see you in a few days.”

“Bye!” Dia exclaimed again.

Maria closed the door and gave Derek a hug. They kissed passionately. Maria felt her heart begin to race; Derek’s breathing was heavy.

“I love you. Call me when you land, please.”

“I love you both!”

And with that, he walked away with his bags.


On the plane, Derek got settled. He text Mark.


A few minutes later Mark was the last one on the plane.

“Sorry,” he said to Derek. “I overslept.”

“At least you made it.”

“How are you? Nervous? You look nervous.”

“I’m fine.”

He sat next to him.

“How excited are you, man?” he asked Derek. “You’re getting married!”

“Yeah, it’s crazy.”

The captain talked on the loudspeaker, and then they were off.


During the flight, Mark took a sleeping aide and Derek put on his headphones. He had the window seat, so he looked out the window. While he watched the clouds and how perfect they looked, he thought about Maria & Dia, and all that they’ve been through. Three years ago he never imagined that he’d ever be on a plane to Greece for his destination wedding to the love of his life, or that he’d have a 2 year old baby. It was all so weird to him, and suddenly he felt overwhelmed by it all. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He opened them a few seconds later and looked to his right, in front of Mark’s chair. In the pocket was a copy of SkyMall. He smiled and picked it up.


Later that day, Maria got into her car and drove home. Her dad and Dia were waiting for her to have dinner with them.

“Dia, I’m home,” she shouted as she entered.

“Momma,” Dia said as she crawled to her. Maria picked her up and kissed her on the cheek.

“Let’s eat dinner,” she said to Dia.

They did; then Maria gave her a bath and held her until she fell asleep. She gently set her in her crib, turned on the nightlight, and made sure the baby monitor was working.

“Goodnight, baby,” she whispered.


“Derek, we’re here, look,” Mark said as he pointed out the window. Derek did just that. As he looked, he saw the beautiful blue water below. There were big white buildings all around. A half hour later, they were off the plane. They carried their English-to-Greek dictionaries in one hand and their bags in the other. Throughout the years Maria had taught Derek Greek when they had time off, but he was still learning. They walked out the doors of the airport and found an attendant.

“Ταξί;” he asked.

The attendant pointed them in the direction of the cab stand.

“Σας ευχαριστώ.”

They got into the taxicab.

“English?” Mark asked.

“Yes,” the driver replied. Mark sighed in relief.

“Great. Arte & Mar Elia Suites, please.”


“Hello,” Maria said as she and Dia walked into Julianne’s house.

“Hey,” Julianne replied. “I’m in the kitchen.”

“Are you sure you’ll be okay taking her all the way there?” Maria asked her as she walked into the kitchen holding Dia.

“Yeah! Don’t worry, It’ll be fine. Our nanny is coming and doesn’t mind.”

“Thanks so much. I gotta go pick up Rachel. We’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

She kissed Dia and handed her to Julianne.

“Bye, baby!” she said to Dia.


There was a knock on Derek’s hotel door. He answered it. It was Lola.

“Hey, Derek, are you ready for the walk through?”

“Yeah,” he replied. “Oh…” he grabbed the bag and notes, and gave them to her. “This is from Maria.”

“Oh, yes, great,” Lola replied. “Let’s go.”

They walked to the area of the beach where they would get married.

“Wow,” Derek whispered to himself.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Lola asked rhetorically. “The weather for Sunday is expected to be beautiful, so don’t worry about that. And you’re having a sunset wedding-- that’s my favorite-- it’ll be perfect.”

They walked further down the beach.

“You choose a great set-up. It’s intimate; your brides maids & mates will be fairly close to you, standing here--” she pointed. “The seats will be lined up like so.”

They walked a bit more.

“And the reception will be up there-- the Capelayo Restaurant, upstairs. Downstairs is the beach bar.”

“This is so great,” Derek said as he overlooked the beach. “Maria is going to love it.”

Lola smiled. “Well, that’s all I have for you.”

Just then, his phone rang. “Ok, thanks. I’m gonna stay for a bit longer.”

She waved and he answered the phone.

“Hey, babe,” he answered.

“Hey, I’m about to get on the plane. I just wanted to remind you to make sure you meet up with Lola. Just make sure everything is going swiftly.”

“I actually just finished meeting with her. You’re going to love it.”

She squealed. “Yay! I’m so excited-- opp, I gotta go. I will see you soon!”

“Love you.”

He hung up and sat in the sand. 48 hours from now in this very spot, his whole life will change. He would be married. He’d have a companion for the rest of his life. He was happy.

“Derek!” Mark screamed across the beach. Mark ran over to him. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing. Just thinking.” he smiled.

“We have dinner plans with the guys, remember?”

“Yeah, I didn’t forget. Let’s go.”

At the restaurant, he sat with the guys.

“You ready for it?” Maks asked him.

“What? To be married?”

Maks nodded.

“I’m ready, man,” Derek replied. “It’s been so long. I just love her.”

“You don’t have to marry her just because you love her so much. Look at me and Kirstie,” he said as he took a drink of his beer. “I love her to death, but… marriage, no.”

Val looked at Maks like he was crazy. Derek thought for a second.

“I want to give her my name.”

“She is going to take your name?” Mark asked.


“That’s cool, bro,” Val replied. “I’m really happy for you. Cheers.”

Their glasses clink.


“I am in the building,” Maria giggled into the phone.

“I can’t wait to see you.”

“I’m in the room directly above yours. You know how my dad is; we have a baby together, but he still sees it be traditional.”

“It’s ok, I understand.”

Maria entered her room and sat on her bed. She looked at the clock: 10PM. She bit her lip and resisted the urge to ask him to sneak into her room.

“Are you there?” Derek asked. “What’s wrong.”

“Nothing. I just miss you.”

He paused. “What are you doing tonight?”

“I’ll probably just sleep. Why?”

“The beach on the shore of the hotel is open until  midnight. Will you take a walk with me?”

She couldn’t help but smile. “Yes, I’ll meet you in the lobby.”


And they did. They stepped out of the back door and they were on the beach. They held hands and walked to the shore.

“It’s even beautiful at night,” Maria expressed.

“It’s so calming.”

They took a seat at the shore.

“This is it,” Derek said. “This is the exact spot we will be married in a few days.”

“Here?” she asked excitedly.


“Can you believe it’s so close?” she asked in awe.

“A day and a half, technically… finally.”

She rested her head on his shoulder. She felt him take a deep breath. The air felt clear & fresh.

“I’m so happy,” she lifted her head. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, too. And I can’t wait to marry you.”


The next morning Julianne, the babies, Ryan, and Chelsea arrived. Rachel roomed with Maria; Chelsea with Mark, Julianne with Ryan and the babies; the guys on the third floor, the ladies on the fourth.

WE’RE HERE! Julianne text Maria.

Still in her pajamas, Maria jumped out of bed and rushed next door. Julianne opened the door.

“That was quick,” Julianne laughed.

“Mama!” Dia exclaimed as Maria walked through the door.

“Dia!” She swooped her up into her arms and picked her up.

“How was the flight?” she asked Julianne.

“Crazy. Long. The kids got restless after, like, 6 hours. But Dia was good.”

“Good. You guys wanna get brunch? We’re gonna meet up with the guys downstairs.”

“Yeah, let me just get the twins ready.”

“Cool. I’ll get dressed.”

With Dia on her hip, she walked next door.


After everyone had brunch together at the hotel restaurant, they went to the spa. Kade, Alexa, and Dia stayed with the nanny. The group got manicures and pedicures; some even got massages. A few hours later, it was time for the wedding rehearsal, then the rehearsal dinner. They arrived to the very spot where, only 24 hours later, the ceremony would take place. Lola greeted them, and they went through the ceremony several times. They had practiced this a few times before when they were still in the States, but this made everything feel more real. The rehearsal dinner was next. Everything was set up neatly. Mark even made up a fake speech. All exhausted, they went to their respective rooms, with the exception of Maria and Derek. They stayed in the lobby and said their goodnights, since they wouldn’t see each other until Maria walked down the aisle. But neither of them could sleep. It wasn’t the jetlag as much as it was the anticipation-- this new beginning for their family.


Maria woke up to the sunlight shining in her room. She stretched and made her way to the wardrobe closet. She opened it and looked at her outfits that she would wear later. She touched it; it reminded her that it was real. The day was finally here. She smiled as she got ready for brunch with the girls at the beach bar. She took what felt like the best shower of her life, put on a bit of make-up, and shorts & a tank top with sandals. She opened the connecting door to Julianne’s room to get Dia and head to brunch.


Maria, Dia, Julianne, Alexa, Kade, Rachel, Kirstie, Chelsea, and the rest of Derek’s sisters sat at a table.

“Are you ready?” Julianne asked excitedly.

“Yeah…” Maria replied. “I am.” She sipped her champagne and stared at Dia. “It’s been so long in the making.”

“Hey,” a voice said behind her.

“Dad? I thought you were brunching with the guys?”

“I am,” he replied. “But I wanted to give you this.” He held out a necklace.

“It was your mom’s. Now it’s yours. Your ‘something old.’”

Tears formed in her eyes. The others watched in awe.

“Thanks, dad,” she responded. She gave him a hug and a kiss.


After brunch, they made their way to their rooms to begin getting ready. As she had rollers in her hair, she got Dia ready. She dressed Dia in a sparkly off-white colored dress. It had very thin straps and it was poofy at the bottom, like a tutu. She wore a blue clip in her hair and baby blue Toms.

“So pretty!” Maria exclaimed to her. “Let’s take a picture.”

The door between the rooms was opened, so they walked in to check on Julianne and the twins. Alexa was dressed in a dress similar to Dia’s, except no poof; Kade wore khaki shorts and a white dress shirt with a blue bowtie.

“We have such adorable kids,” Maria laughed.

“You should be getting ready,” Julianne expressed. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of Dia.”

Maria turned to walk away.

“Oh, wait, did you borrow anything yet?” Julianne asked.

“Not yet.”

“Here.” She handed her a flower ring. “I thought it’d match the theme.”

“Thanks, Jules!”

“No problem. Now go get ready!”

Maria walked back into her room just as the phone rang.


“Ms. Menounos?”


“We have a package downstairs for you.”

“Can I have someone pick it up for me?”

“We can bring it up to you if you’d like.”

“That would be perfect! Thank you.”

She hung up. A few minutes later there was a knock. She answered and received the package.

“What’s that?” Rachel asked as she opened it.

“My barefoot sandals.”

Rachel didn’t look impressed. Maria laughed.

“They’ll look better when they’re on my feet.”

“What’s your ‘something blue’?”

She pointed. “That.”

Upstairs, Derek took a large chug of water. His groomsmen were in the same room.

“Here,” Maks said as he walked over to him. “Take a shot, you’ll feel better.”

Derek took it from him and drank it. He stood up and headed for the closet and grabbed his outfit. He changed and looked at himself in the mirror. He smiled as there was a knock on the door. Mark answered it.

“Costas! How are you?”

“Good, good.” he walked in. “Where’s Derek?”

“Hey, what’s up?”

“I want to give you something.” He pulled out a small box. “I gave Maria a necklace earlier. It was her mother’s. I want you to have this.” He handed it to him. “Open it.”

Derek opened it to expose an old pocket watch.

“It matches her necklace. I want you to have it.”

Derek was speechless.

“Thank you so much.”

They hugged.

“You make her happy, so I’m happy.”


Julianne rushed in to Maria’s room. Maria was smiling while she looked into the mirror.

“Maria-- oh, wow, you look amazing.”

Maria gave a soft smile. She had tears in her eyes. “Thanks.”

“You ok?”

“Yeah. I’m just… so happy.”

“That’s good! And I’m happy for you. It’s time to go.”


It was a beautiful day, just like Lola had said. There was a breeze, just slight enough to hear the waves. The white chairs were set up in a half circle that divided in two sides. Before the guests entered, there was a sign that read: CHOOSE A SEAT, NOT A SIDE-- WE’RE ALL FAMILY. A few feet from that, a sign over a bucket read: SHOES HERE, VOWS THERE, LOVE EVERYWHERE. In the aisle laid a thin, blue carpet with starfish lining it. People walked out and chose their seats. The only seats that were reserved were the front rows. In the far right of the first row, in the last seat, sat an empty chair with two photos in frames-- one of Maria’s mom and one of Derek’s grandma-- on the back of the chair was a banner: IN LOVING MEMORY. The groomsmen walked out as Derek followed them. They all wore khaki boardshorts, white buttoned up shirts with rolled up sleeves, and no shoes. Derek stood patiently with the feeling of butterflies in his stomach. He looked around and smiled; everyone he loved was there. It gave him a feeling of warmth.


Maria stood on the hidden deck.

“Ok, Maria, we’re ready to get started,” Lola said to her. “Whenever you’re ready.”

She took a deep breath and could feel the butterflies in her stomach.

“Maria, I am so proud of you and I love you very much,” her dad said to her in Greek as he handed her the bouquet of blue & white flowers.

She hugged him. “Thank you, dad. I love you, too.”

She locked arms with him and took another deep breath. She nodded to Lola, who signaled the music. “Mendelssohn’s Wedding March” began to play. Julianne began the line as she walked with the kids-- Alexa & Dia were the flower girls; Kade the ringbearer. The other bridesmaids followed (all of whom wore baby blue knee length dresses with pockets, and headbands to match).


As he heard the march, his breathing became rapid. Then he saw Dia. It calmed him to see his baby girl, who just recently learned to walk, walk toward him looking so beautiful. As the crowd quieted, he looked up and saw Maria. She wore an off-white, flowy dress. It had white stitched flowers on it and very thin straps. She wore barefoot sandals, diamond earrings in her ears, and a blue flower in her hair. He released the breath he didn’t notice he was holding. He smiled at her, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She had a permanent smile on her face. She reached the end of the aisle and kissed her dad on the cheek. As he sat, Dia screamed, “Momma!” Everyone laughed. Maria walked over to Derek, placed her hand in his, and the officiant began to speak.


As they listened to every word carefully,, the smiles on Maria and Derek’s faces were impeccable. They looked deep into each other’s eyes, each noticing the glistening in the other.

“... Derek, do you take Maria to be your lawful wedded wife? Will you love, comfort, help, honor, and protect her; forsaking all others to be faithful to her until death do you part?”

Derek held her hand softly.

“I do,” he said with a smile.

The officiant asked the same of Maria.

“I do,” she replied with a tear rolling off her cheek.

“The couple has chose to stick to traditional vows…”

They said the vows, and Julianne gave them their rings.

The officiant continued: “Repeat after me: this ring, which has no beginning and no end, symbolizes the trust and love between us that will never cease…”

Maria placed the ring on Derek’s finger; as he did the same, his hands were shaking. She squeezed his hand, as if to silently tell him it was ok.

“Maria and Derek have been searching for love and answers, living separately. But now they will live as one forever. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

They kissed deeply. They could both feel the other one smiling.

“Ladies & gentlemen, I present to you: Mr. & Mrs. Derek Hough.”

They walked back down the aisle as everyone clapped and cheered. “Tie It Up” by Kelly Clarkson played in the background. After a few moments, everyone made it to the restaurant where the reception was being held, with the exception of some people who wanted to change before they danced. The festivities took place on the restaurant’s spacious outside deck. A sign (yes, another one) read: YOU CAN FIND YOUR SEATING ASSIGNMENT HERE, BUT YOUR PLACE IS ON THE DANCE FLOOR. Maria and Derek walked in together; the DJ played “Come To Me” by the Goo Goo Dolls. After the speeches, they disappeared as the DJ brought attention to himself.

“And now the bride and groom have put together a special dance.”

He dimmed the lights and “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri began to play. They danced an alternate, extended version of their Viennese Waltz. They had practiced this for months, yet as they glided across the floor it felt as natural to them as breathing did. They saw no one but each other, and ended the dance with a passionate kiss. They hugged and cried a little, knowing that this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and they were able to share it with their best friend.


After an hour, the nanny took the kids to the room to put them to sleep. Everyone danced and drank well into the night. The last song they danced to was a slowdance to Ellie Goulding’s “How Long Will I Love You.”

It wasn’t until 2AM Greece time that they made it to their 6th floor suite. They were exhausted, but intoxicated. They entered the room, both in an extended awe. Maria sat on the bed.

“Ahhh, we’re actually married!” she exclaimed.

“I thought the day would never come,” Derek responded as he sat next to her.

She dangled her arms around his neck and went in for a kiss. Derek knew what she was doing. He couldn’t help but laugh.

“What?” she asked playfully. “It’s our wedding night. We only get one.”

“Well, when you put it that way…”

He nuzzled up to her and looked in her glossy eyes. He wanted to remember this moment. He wanted to feel and be in the moment. As he began to remove her dress, he knew that there was nowhere in the world that he’d rather be. She felt the same as she kissed his lips.

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