A Whole New World ✶ J.S. [CO...

Por kay_alex

28.4K 571 47

Olivia grew up with parents who constantly fought. Now, her dad wonders why she's always acting up and skippi... Más



1.4K 33 2
Por kay_alex

Song of the chapter: The Woods by Sarah and the Sundays

We march into the boatyard, finding things to use as weapons against Rita. It's not much, but it's better than nothing. We carry a mix of rusty chains, an old axe, a shovel, all sorts of random objects that will hopefully help us defend ourselves.

 As we weave through the old, torn down boats, Jason finally stops us. We follow his gaze to the lone chair sitting in the center of the dock. Jason whispers, giving us directions as we slowly make our way towards her. 

We start running, and someone starts yelling as we skid out in front of the chair. An old fisherman sits tied up and duct taped to the chair, rock music playing faintly in the background. The others argue over whether to untie him or not and I follow his terrified gaze up to the ceiling.

"Uh, guys. We're in deep shit." I mumble as my eyes lock onto Rita's. Water drips from her body onto the man's face, and she smiles, letting out a scream as she drops onto the deck. We all fly backwards and land on our backs.

"Right on time. I was beginning to think you were too dumb to know where the dead ships live." Trini throws her axe at Rita, who dodges it and watches as it becomes lodged in the wall. "Let's play." Rita starts off strong, taking us all out with her golden staff. Every time one of us would get up, she'd knock us back down. My back slams into a barrel and I knock it over, groaning. My body lays in the middle of a mess of broken wood chunks as I contemplate whether I should play dead or get up and try again.

I start to panic as ropes tangle around my body and pull me out towards a boat in the water. The ropes pull themselves up onto the boat and keep me tied to the side, along with the others.

"Six little Rangers, tied up like fish." She places her hand on Jason's cheek and sighs. "The leader? Oh, hello, Red." He slams his forehead into her's, his breathing heavy. She chuckles lowly. "You're not entirely disappointing. Look at you, trying to figure out my plan." She glances from him to Trini. "Yellow has led you to your deaths. Because I'm going to kill you," Jason looks at me with a worried expression. "One by one, until you tell me, where my crystal is."

"We don't know." Jason growls, looking her in the eyes. She smiles contently, as if she knows something we don't.

"No, Red. You don't know! But guess what?" She grabs his face in her hand again, tighter. If I weren't currently tied up I'd bite her hand right off her slimy arm. "Two of you do! Who could it be?" She paces before us as Jason looks around, trying to figure it out. "Eenie, meenie, miney..." No. "Blue." Please, no. "Blue, so loyal. Pure of heart. Tell the class what you know!" She points to the rest of us, and I pray that he keeps his mouth shut, or he's smart enough to lie. "Where's my crystal?" He struggles, trying to free himself from the ropes. I start to feel claustrophobic, not being able to move my arms. "You can tell me now, Blue, or you can tell me after I kill all of your friends."

"He doesn't know. Leave him alone." I snarl, catching her attention. She smiles at me, waltzing in my direction. Billy looks over at me as if asking what to do and Rita steps in front of me. "Ah, Silver. You two are close, yes?" She asks, pressing her weapon to my throat and gesturing to Billy. Suddenly pain shoots through my whole body and I can't breathe. It's like being shocked, but the shock isn't just a one and done, it's a long shock. I cry out, clenching my teeth to try and hide the pain.

"No! Stop! Please!" Jason calls out from beside me. She presses it further into my neck, the pain growing harder to ignore. "Stop hurting her!"

"Oh, do you care for her, Red?" Rita asks, completely cutting off my airways. My vision becomes clouded with black and white spots, and my jaw feels like it'll break if I clench it any tighter. "She dies in three, two, o-"

"Okay! Okay!" Billy yells. She pulls the staff away from my throat and a rush of air fills my lungs, causing me to burst into a coughing fit. "Don't hurt my friends, alright? It's at a dining establishment."

"Where? What does that mean? What's it called?" She demands as I try to maintain control of my breathing.

"Billy, do not tell her. You promised you wouldn't," I choke, forcing my voice to come out loud enough for him to hear it. He squeezes his eyes shut and groans in defeat.

"It's a Krispy Kreme."

"Krispy Kreme?" Zack asks quietly.

"Krispy Kreme. This is a special place?" Rita asks.

"Very special."

"It must be. The source of life itself is buried there. Thank you, Blue, for being so weak." She walks towards me. "And thank you for reassuring me that you and Blue knew where the crystal is." She pats my cheek before strutting away from us, smiling. "Zordon would lose all respect for me if I don't kill you. I guess the two of you will do." She spins around, a green beam shooting out at Billy and dropping him into the water.

"Jason, I swear to god if you don't help Billy first I'll kill y-" Suddenly my body is submerged in dark, cold water. My heart starts racing as I panic, claustrophobia setting in as I struggle to move my arms at all. Rita must've made the rope hold me in place, because I'm not naturally floating to the surface. I try my hardest not to breathe in, but between panicking and not having time to take a breath before being submerged, it's pretty difficult.

My eyes sting from the lake water as my instincts begin to kick in. Despite my efforts, nothing seems to be working. My mind flickers to how Billy is feeling. God I hope they get him out in time.

My vision starts to fade as the green water around me turns to black. My mouth opens and my lungs automatically start sucking in water. They try to push it back out but it keeps coming in. I kick my legs, trying desperately to get out of my entrapment. Nothing is working. 

Water starts to fill my nose and my mouth, seeping into my lungs quicker than they can push it back out. My throat begins to close off and my legs begin kicking weaker and weaker. Everything goes dark, and my body goes limp. I can faintly hear the water around me, filling my ears. My body goes numb and I can no longer feel the cool temperature of the water. All of the sounds surrounding me slowly fade away, and I'm left with nothing. 

I try to bring myself back, I push myself to let out a scream or open my eyes or wiggle, but I get no reaction. Something wraps around me and I'm pulled into a bright white room. My eyes fall closed and someone tucks me into a bed, leaving me alone to rest.


Another short one, but I promise this is not the end for Olivia... or is it?

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