His Little Fae

By AidaBekar

1.8M 52.4K 13.1K

He wanted a Queen, she had no need for a King. He wanted his mate, she wanted adventure. He wanted her close... More

Coming soon
Unwanted Encounter
Prison Discussions
The King's Orders
Bad Decisions
Attempted Ambush
Upsetting Him
Foreign Lands
Terrifying Truths
Last Moments
Thank You
Small Signs
A Spiral of Tears
A Chance
Another Encounter
Unsupervised Adventures
Strange Visions
Your Mate is a Billionaire
(Not) Thinking Rationally
Fates Intertwined
Unconcealed Ardor
New Relations
Drunken Haze
Luna della mia Vita
Kitchen Escapades
Euphoric Illusions
Moonlight Exploits
Fiery Animosity
Mild Vexation
Incandescent Flames
Sorrowful Mourning (I)
Midnight Discussions (I)
Midnight Discussions (II)
Dead of Night (I)
Dead of Night (II)
Saccharine Showers
Buried Enmity (I)
Buried Enmity (II)
Come Home
Lying by Omission
City of Lights (I)
City of Lights (II)
Calm Before the Storm
Monody (I)
Monody (II)
Monody (III)
Laconic Heartache
Arduous Distractions
Ephemeral Nights (I)
Ephemeral Nights (II)
Melancholic Bloodlust (I)
Melancholic Bloodlust (II)
A Fae's Epiphany (I)
A Fae's Epiphany (II)
Faerie Hunting (I)
Faerie Hunting (II)
Seeds of Doubt (I)
Seeds of Doubt (II)
Fresh Marks
Seraphic Truths (I)
Seraphic Truths (II)
Doorways (I)
Doorways (II)
Doorways (III)
Empty Threats (I)
Empty Threats (II)
Loyalty (I)
Loyalty (II)
Drawing Near (I)
Drawing Near (II)
First Blood


27.3K 779 129
By AidaBekar

"I fell in love with her courage, her sincerity, and her flaming self-respect

And it's these things I'd believe in,

Even if the whole world indulged in wild suspicions that she wasn't all that she should be.

But of course, the real reason is that I love her,

And that's the beginning and end of everything."

"Father, Alexius is being mean to me again," I whined as my brother teasingly pulled at my hair, whilst I attempted to eat dinner.

"Alexius leave your sister alone," father answered distractedly, his eyes skimming through a letter before briefly looking up to give Alexius a warning look.

"You spoil her father," Alexius stated instead.

Father shrugged, "She's my only daughter."

I watched as Alexius rolled his eyes before turning back to his dinner, blinking down at it before lazily pushing it around.

"My pride and joy," father added, playfully pinching my cheek as I beamed.

"Little devil," Alexius muttered under his breath, and I stuck my tongue out at him as father looked away.

"Queen Isadora told me I was an angel," I responded proudly.

He scowled, "That's because she just met you."

Ignoring his words, I stared down at the plate before me, suddenly lost in thought, "It's too bad she left so soon," I mumbled sadly.

"She said she'll visit again," Alexius muttered. .

I was smiling again, "she even said she'll bring her son."

Mother quirked a brow whilst father looked up, both suddenly interested, "she said she'd bring her son?" father inquired.

I nodded, unsure why they were suddenly curious.

Mother turned to her husband, "They only have one heir right, Orion?"

Father nodded, before shaking his head, "they wouldn't risk bringing him here, not even for a visit, especially not the two of them together."

I pouted, suddenly downhearted, "I was looking forward to meeting him."

"He's not even your age," Alexius chuckled, voice mocking and I glowered up at him.

"It still would've been fun," I shrugged.

Father furrowed his brows, "Wasn't he born a year before Alexius?"

Mother nodded, "That's why we couldn't make it to the ball they held for him. We did send them a gift though."

"Did you ever see him?" I questioned, my mouth filled with spaghetti as mom shot me a warning glare.

"Manners, Alexandria," she told me, golden eyes alight.

"I met him once last year," Alexius mused, and I immediately turned to him, my interest piqued.


"At the games."

I scowled as I recalled being unable to go to the exciting event.

"I hated him," my brother suddenly snarled, and father raised his brows.

"He's just an arrogant little prick if you ask me. He had an attitude worse than yours, and that says a lot," he continued, crossing his arms whilst I glared up at him.

"I'm not that bad," I pouted.

He shrugged, "Yeah, you might be worse."

"Shut up," I bit out, repeating the statement I had heard him say to one of his friends.

Alexius quirked a brow before smirking, "See? You two would be perfect for eachother," he chuckled.

I was about to say something, to snap at him again, but my mother's voice stopped us both.

"Enough, both of you," she ordered, "Alexandria, I don't want to ever hear you telling anyone to shut up ever again, do you hear me?"

I nodded mutely, narrowing my eyes as I heard Alexius chuckle.

"Now that I think about it," I began slowly, "what was it you told me happened at the games father? There was a draw?"

"It. Wasn't. A. Draw." my dear brother snarled, and I grinned as I managed to get under his skin.

"Really? The judges said it was," mother added, "you two fought for hours, there was no end."

"His breathing was more uneven then my own, signifying weakness," my brother stated proudly.

Father laughed, "It was a draw, son, accept it."

Alexius turned away, "I'll beat him the next time I get the chance."

"You probably won't," I grinned.

"You're rooting for him?"

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend," I said, wisely quoting father.

"Funny, because you don't even know the 'enemies' name," he muttered, voice bitter.

I scowled, swiftly turning to my parents, "Father, what's his name?"

My father chuckled for a few moments, shaking his head at my antics before slowly answering.

"Prince Livius."


Another vision.

Another dream.

Another unwanted nightmare.

I've been having them a lot lately, and I hated it.

I hated remembering Alexius and my mother and father. I hated being forced to remember.

It hurt to see them every night. To be able to feel their energy and love again. It was as though they visited me in my sleep, and were ripped away from me when I woke up.

Every dream was me reliving my memories, and all I wanted to do was yell. To tell them to leave. To run away before it was too late. But then I'd simply wake up feeling emptier than I was before.

Not only was it heartbreaking, but it was terrifying to be reminded every night that even after all this, after all the kind people that I've had the honor of meeting, I was still alone. No matter who I had by my side, or how many people I know, or how many wolves adored me, it was never enough. Because there was always that lingering feeling that continuously reminded me that I had no family. No living person that shared my flesh and blood.

And Livius was no different.

Surprisingly enough, I managed to wake up before him. He often awoke before I did, and was gone before I could even say anything, but today was somehow different.

Pulling out of his grip, I slowly lifted my head and rested it on my palm as I stared down at him.

He looked so at ease. Intimidating blue eyes hidden behind closed eyelids, his face relaxed, and breathing even.

I smiled, suddenly tempted to reach out and run a hand through his messy black hair, before holding myself back.

He needed this sleep.

Sighing, I leaned back into his arms, shutting my eyes as my mind frustratingly wandered back to my dream last night.

It was strange knowing that had everything went as planned, Livius and I could've met as children. We could've been friends. I remember speaking of him back then with simple curiosity, but I'd completely forgotten about him after the attack.

It was partly Mrs. Valentina's fault, but I don't blame her. She tried to detach me from the supernatural world, especially after the horror we'd both witnessed. I wasn't really against it, hell, I didn't even know what was going on.

Burying my head into my mates chest, I inhaled deeply, allowing his intoxicating scent to surround me as I slowly relaxed.

"Good to know you act cuter when you think I'm asleep," I heard Livius say, voice a deep baritone.

I squeaked, sliding away from him as heat rushed to my cheeks, my eyes unintentionally drifted down his glorious form, taking in his rippling muscles.

Meeting his gaze again, I scowled as he shot me a lazy smirk, most likely catching my lingering gaze.

"You needn't be subtle, my queen, I'm all yours," he stated teasingly, and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself Livius, I've seen better," I muttered, watching as his eyes narrowed.

Glaring down at me, he seemed lost in thought before suddenly reaching for me, "Come here," he murmured huskily, blue eyes alight with a new emotion that I was unable to read.

Grinning mischievously, I attempted to maneuver out of his arms length, choosing to tease him, "Do you really think-," I began, only to cut myself off as I let out a small shout, before tumbling off the bed, the silky sheets slipping along with me.

Landing roughly on the carpeted floor, I felt my hair tumble out of the messy bun I had put it in, the long brown strands falling past my hips, and covering my face whilst I pouted, "Ouch."

I watched as Livius' head peaked out over the side of the bed, amusement dancing in his eyes as I raised a finger at him, "Don't you dare say anything, Livius," I warned.

He simply chuckled, ignoring my warning as he stared down at me, "Hey, I encouraged you to come towards me, but nope, you and your stubbornness just couldn't handle being told to do something," he shrugged.

My eyes widened as he suddenly brought up his phone, his thumb hovering over the center as the sound of several photos being taken filled the room.

Fuck. Was he really taking pictures of me right now?

Glowering up at him, I pushed my hair over my shoulder for the tenth time, before staring up at him with a fake pained expression, my brown eyes wide, and lips still pouted.

He couldn't help it.

In seconds he was beside me on the ground, blue eyes flashing with concern, as he cupped my cheek, and I giggled causing him to snap out of his protective haze.

"You're a little devil, do you know that?" he inquired, rolling his eyes, before standing back up, and slowly extending a hand down to me.

Brushing aside the wave of intense emotions that washed over me, I attempted to seem nonchalant as I grabbed his hand, sparks erupting at the contact, "my brother told me often enough."

His eyes flashed in recognition, but he said nothing, instead choosing to respond with a small chuckle.

"Ah, what a morning," Livius breathed, and I smiled up at him as he suddenly pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, eying it curiously.

"It's so long," he mused, and I flushed.

"Should I cut it?" I questioned, cocking my head as I played with one of the loose strands.

I really didn't care much about how it made me look. The reason why I initially kept my hair long was because it was part of Fae culture. Most of the woman had long hair from what I could remember, even my own mother. It gave me a strange feeling of solidarity, even if they were all gone. It made me feel both happy and sad. A bittersweet emotion that stood in the middle of both.

Perhaps I should cut it. Perhaps it was yet another reminder of the past I'm unable to undo, besides it is hard to maintain.

Livius pulled me out of my thoughts when he suddenly ran his hand through the rich brown locks, "Why would you do that?" he murmured.

"I love your hair, ma reine."

Never mind.

Funny how just six words from him could make me entirely change my mind on something.

Almost instinctively I found myself softly stroking my hair, my head bowed as I bit my lip, Livius' piercing gaze on me.

"Thank you," I mumbled, briefly meeting his amused gaze, before turning away and stalking into the bathroom, the door shutting behind me as I leaned against it, a hand over my beating heart as my lips quirked up into a goofy smile.

Shaking my head, I stripped off my clothes before slipping into the shower, the warm water hitting my face as I let out a shaky breath, and moved my face away.

After finishing my shower, I stepped out and quickly slipped on a fluffy bathrobe, before brushing my teeth and washing my face with a cleanser soap I had bought when Livius and I went shopping.

Staring back at my reflection, I took in my flushed cheeks, full lips, and wet hair, before meeting my gaze through the mirror, eyes narrowed as I took in the strange brown color of my pupils.

I let out a sigh, before pulling the bathroom door open, and stepping out, only to find Livius already shrugging on his suit.

His hair was still wet from the shower he must've taken in one of the other bathrooms in the wing, and he glanced up at me as he buttoned his suit, meeting my amused gaze as he arched a brow.

"What are you smiling about?" he questioned, and I shrugged, instead casually stepping into the closet.

Slipping on a set of undergarments, I threw on a green oversized hoodie before striding back out.

Livius took in my apparel, a frown etched on his features, as his eyes flashed with concern, "It's cold, my love."

"Once again, I'm a wolf," I reminded.

"Once again, you're only half a wolf," he retorted.

I rolled my eyes, "Livius, there's no possible way for me to catch a cold, relax."

Walking past him, his grip on my wrist caused me to turn back to meet his gaze, "it's going to snow any day now, my queen, I don't want to risk it," he warned, and I groaned, throwing my hands in the air in exasperation before stepping back into the closet and slipping on a pair of leg warmers.

"There? Happy?" I inquired, and he gave a satisfied nod as I sighed before heading towards the vanity, and running a brush through my hair.

"You're taking longer than usual to get ready," I mused, "going somewhere?"

He shook his head, "No, I just have a few company related meetings with some important wolves."

I nodded, taking in the grey suit he wore, before choosing to finally repay him for turning me into his own personal doll back at the mall, "Hm? Grey doesn't suit you, my king."

He quirked a brow at my statement, but I simply continued, "Try maroon," I offered, and he held my gaze for a few moments before turning away.

A few minutes later he came back out in a maroon suit, and I studied it before again shaking my head, "No, the other one."

I really had no idea whether or not he had another maroon suit, but he probably did.

Shooting me an irritated look, he stepped back into the closet as I giggled.

This was fun.

About five suits later, I cocked my head at the navy blue color he wore, pursing my lips, before shaking my head, and he growled at me in frustration, "Now, you're just playing."

"Wait, wait," I waved a hand, attempting to hold back my laughter, "Try the black one I got you from Saint Laurent."

"What are you talking about now?"

I gave him a confused look, "You haven't seen it yet?" I questioned, stepping into the closet and returning with the large black bag he seemed to have overlooked.

"Try it," I encouraged, and he shot me a suspicious look as I extended the bag to him, tired of my antics.

Livius walked back out minutes later, completely dressed, and I smirked, "See? Now don't you think those last thirty minutes were worth it."

He shot me a pointed look, eyes filled with a promise of retribution.

Sauntering over to him, I reached for his bowtie, doing it for him as his arm slithered around my waist, causing me to give a small smile as I finished up with it.

Patting his chest contentedly, I slipped out of his grip before making my way back to the vanity, proceeding to run a hand through my silky locks.

Rolling his eyes at my antics, Livius turned back towards the bedside table, and grabbed his phone along with a few other things as he spoke to me, "Two things I must make you aware of before I leave," he began.

I hummed in response, not turning around, and instead waiting for him to continue.

"One, I want you to drop by my office later today," he continued, "there's something I've realized you might want to see."

"Why now all of a sudden?" I inquired.

"I figured after last night's... conversation, I shouldn't be hiding anything from you," he murmured in response, leaning down to retrieve something from one of the drawers in the bedside table.

I paid no mind to his actions, "you've been hiding something from me?"

"Not hiding, love," he corrected, briefly glancing up at me, "I had overlooked it at first, but now I realize that it may be of importance to you," my mate explained and I slowly nodded.

"And important subject number two?" I questioned, amused at his mini list.

Livius shocked me as he appeared behind me, his arms sliding a golden chain around my neck that I now realized he had been pulling out whilst we spoke, and I blinked at the elegant piece of jewelry, reading the words written.


"Why?" I whispered in awe as he clasped it around my neck, before sliding his arms around me.

"I figured you didn't want to forget your roots," he murmured, nonchalantly.

"When did you get the chance..." I trailed off, voice laced with shock as I met his gaze through the mirror.

This wasn't a random necklace from a store window, it was so clearly custom made...

"I decided to have it made a few days after our talk in my office," he responded, playing with a strand of my hair, "I only picked it up from Cartier yesterday."

"Do you like it?" Livius suddenly questioned worriedly, "I hope it didn't reopen an old wound, I didn't have it made so it would hurt you like that..."

I smiled softly at his concern, before turning in his embrace, and shocking him as my lips met his own in a passionate kiss. Pouring all my emotions of not only gratefulness, but happiness into it, I kissed him feverishly, lost in everything that he was.

"I love it, Livius," I mumbled in response, breathing heavily, "Thank you," I added, voice laced with gratitude.

He simply grinned, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead, before retreating a few steps away from me, and I let out a sigh, already missing his warm embrace.

"Don't make that face, love," he warned, amusement once again dancing in his eyes, "If I stay any longer, I'll probably never leave."

I giggled as he swiftly grabbed the door handle, prepared to walk out before calling out over his shoulder, "Behave, Alexandria."

I snorted at his statement, causing him to shake his head as though realizing it was pointless to even ask.

Shooting me one last warning look, he walked out, and once again left me alone for the day.

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