A SuperFlash Fanfiction

By charliecat13

262K 4.3K 2.2K

When Barry and Kara met, they were just normal teenagers who met at a reptile camp. But, when Barry and Kara... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Author's Note
The Villians
The Fallen
The Children
The Justice League Part One
The Justice League Part Two
The Justice League Part Three
The Justice League Part Four

Chapter 118

774 17 1
By charliecat13

Barry's Point of View
One Week Later

Kara and I were at Star Labs. We were playing with Nora and Alura. Caitlin, Julian, Ralph, Dominic, Winn, and Cisco were all talking.

"Thanks again for the new suit Cisco.", Ralph said. "I actually look more like a superhero now. How did you even find time?"

"I had some help.", Cisco said looking at Winn. "Which reminds me." Cisco looked at us. "Winn and I made a different variety of suits."

"They are really cool.", Winn said.

Winn has been spending most of his time at Star Labs ever since he quit the DEO. He didn't have a concussion anymore, but his leg is still broken.

"Can't wait to see them.", I said.

A flash of light came in. We all saw Jessie.

"Jessie?", Harry asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you.", Jessie said.

Jessie and Harry walked downstairs. After ten minutes, Jessie walked up. She seemed pretty angry. The lights started flashing red.

"What's going on?", Harry asked walking up.

"It's from Joe. An ARGUSS facility hanger is being attacked. The CCPD is there.", Winn said.

"Ok.", Kara said. "Let's suit up."

Myself, Kara, Caitlin, Ralph, Cisco, and Jessie all breached to the location. We knocked all the bad guys out besides one.

"Its over pal.", Ralph said.

"No.", the bad guy said. "Its over for Central City."

The bad guy pressed a button. Before it could fully go into affect, I ran towards it. I was about to grab it when I noticed something. Everyone was standing still.

"Barry?", Jessie asked walking up to me. "What's going on?"

"I have no idea.", I said. "I think we are moving so fast that everyone is still."

"So we just have to keep moving and everyone will be still."

"Pretty much." I then looked at the container. "Oh my god." I walked in to see a nuclear bomb. "It has already gone critical."

"This is really bad." We both sighed. "Wait. Jay Garrick. He knows pretty much everything there is to know about the speed force. Maybe he can help us through whatever is happening right now."

"Good. Go get Jay."

Jessie left. I tried to think of who in the room I was in would know what to do. I looked at Cisco. Maybe if I touch him, he will be able to move just as fast? I reached out and touched Cisco. Cisco tried opening a breach but it wouldn't work. Since Cisco wasn't a speedster, I had to let him go. I was about to go ask Harry when a flash of light came in. There was a little boy standing a few feet away from me. When I got closer, I recognized him.

"You were that little boy from Oliver and Felicity's wedding.", I said.

"Yeah.", the boy said.

"And you are a speedster?"

"Correct." He sighed. "I'm from the future. I was running and accidently traveled back in time."

"How old even are you?"

"Eleven. I am from the year 2033." He sighed. "I was trying to keep a low profile so I wouldn't mess up the timeline. But when everyone froze, I knew something was up."

Jessie and Jay ran in.

"What have you gotten yourself into Barry now.", Jay said.

"Who's that?", Jessie asked pointing to the kid.

"I really don't want to say my name yet.", the boy said. "Don't want to change the timeline."

"Anyways.", Jay said. "How do you think we stop a nuclear bomb?"

"A nuclear bomb!", the boy yelled.

"Maybe we could throw the bomb into the speed force?", I asked. "If we can't open a breach, maybe we can do that instead."

"Absolutely not.", Jay said. "That bomb could destroy the speed force, rendering all speedsters without the speed force in their systems."

"We would all lose our powers.", Jessie said.

"Then we need to find another way.", the boy said.

The boy then fell down to the ground. He looked tired. He then froze. We must only be able to stay at top speed for so long. We tried cooling it down and throwing lightning at it. We failed both times because Jay also froze. Jessie went to talk to her dad. I tried to figure out how to save everyone but I just couldn't. I super speeded to Star Labs and looked at Nora and Alura. I sighed and then super speeded back to the hanger. I touched Kara.

"Barry?", Kara asked confused. "What's going on?"

"Um." Tears started pouring. "I can't save us this time."

"What do you mean Barry?"

"There is a nuclear bomb. I can't stop it. We have tried breeching, cooling it down, and lightning." I sighed. "I am so tired."

"Hey." Kara pulled me into a kiss. "You are so strong. Whatever is going on, I know you can figure it out. I love you Barry Allen."

"I love you too Kara Zorel-Allen."

We kissed one more time. I then let Kara go. I then thought I could use the lightning from the speed force. I ran into the speed force and used the lightning to hit the bomb. I landed on the ground in pain. Everyone started moving again.

"Barry!", Kara yelled.

Kara and the little boy ran to my side. After I was checked out by Caitlin at Star Labs, we all decided to talk to the new kid.


Kara's Point of View
One Week Later

Barry and I were at Star Labs. We were playing with Nora and Alura. Caitlin, Julian, Ralph, Dominic, Winn, and Cisco were all talking.

"Thanks again for the new suit Cisco.", Ralph said. "I actually look more like a superhero now. How did you even find time?"

"I had some help.", Cisco said looking at Winn. "Which reminds me." Cisco looked at us. "Winn and I made a different variety of suits."

"They are really cool.", Winn said.

Winn has been spending most of his time at Star Labs ever since he quit the DEO. He didn't have a concussion anymore, but his leg is still broken.

"Can't wait to see them.", Barry said.

A flash of light came in. We all saw Jessie.

"Jessie?", Harry asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you.", Jessie said.

Jessie and Harry walked downstairs. After ten minutes, Jessie walked up. She seemed pretty angry. The lights started flashing red.

"What's going on?", Harry asked walking up.

"It's from Joe. An ARGUSS facility hanger is being attacked. The CCPD is there.", Winn said.

"Ok.", I said. "Let's suit up."

Myself, Barry, Caitlin, Ralph, Cisco, and Jessie all breached to the location. We knocked all the bad guys out besides one.

"Its over pal.", Ralph said.

"No.", the bad guy said. "Its over for Central City."

The bad guy pressed a button. I then felt as if I was still for what seemed like seconds before Barry touched me.

"Barry?", I said. I looked around to see everyone frozen but us. "What's going on?"

"Um." He was crying and looked super sweaty. "I can't save us this time."

"What do you mean Barry?"

"There is a nuclear bomb. I can't stop it. We have tried breeching, cooling it down, and lightning." Barry sighed. "I am so tired."

"Hey." I pulled Barry into a kiss. "You are so strong. Whatever is going on, I know you can figure it out. I love you Barry Allen."

"I love you too Kara Zorel-Allen."

We kissed one more time. I felt like not a moment later, everyone was moving again. I saw Barry laying on the ground in pain.

"Barry!", I yelled.

I ran to Barry's side. Another little boy ran to his side as well. After Barry was checked out by Caitlin at Star Labs, we all went to talk to the little kid.


Mystery Point of View

Everyone was in the cortex.

"So you are from the year 2033?", Julian asked.

"Yes.", I said a little nervous. "I accidentally traveled here through time."

"Do you want to return home?", Barry asked.

"Actually, can I stay here for a bit? Only for a couple days."

"Of course.", Kara said. "But can you at least tell us your name?"

"John.", I said. I smiled. "The name is John."

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