Shards of Black Glass (Zak's...

By AllyNordell

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This is the same story as my other book under the same name. Only this time, it's told in the thread of Zak's... More

Invitation of Death
Unsweet Tea
Alice Sayans
A Visitor Comes
The Fiery Trail of Demons
Prison Riot
Serpent of Hate
Weapon of Good and Evil
Pictures are Worth a Thousand Words
Finding Truth
Sky of Black and Silver
You Are My Angel
Stones of Truth
Northwoods is Freed
New Life
Author's Note


211 5 0
By AllyNordell

Alice's body is taken out of the building by the police. When the owner called them, I could see Saira tensing. I have a feeling that she doesn't like police, even though these ones are on our side. Now, Saira is in the corner of the room, trying to stay out of the way. Her arms are wrapped around her body, as if she's cold, but her expression flashes with anger whenever an officer comes close to her.

I look down at the head police officer, who's interviewing Aaron and me. He has short blonde hair and a mustache, as well as a yellow notepad he keeps jotting notes in. He asks the generic questions: Where were you when the body was found, Why were you there, Who are you? Then, he asks who discovered the body. Without thinking, I say, "Our new camera person, Saira. She's over there." I gesture behind me, and can feel the stab of Saira's anger in my back.

The officer nods, jots down something, then walks around me to get to Saira. I turn around, watching the man make his way across the room to Saira's corner. I can't hear what they're saying, but I can tell that Saira is pissing the officer off. 

"You know, it would be a lot easier if you just asked her out. The worst thing to happen would be her turning you down," Aaron mutters. I turn my head and scowl at him, and he smiles. "Just saying, Zak. Besides, it's clear that you like her. Even a blind person could see that," he continues. I roll my eyes, and look back at Saira. Her eyes are locked on the officer, who now looks to be ready to hit her.

Anger wells up within me, and I have to force it down. "You know how I feel about women, Aaron," I say. My friend laughs quietly, and I glare at him. He still smiles, and says, "Trust me, Zak. Anyone who tried to hurt Saira-whether alive or dead-would get their ass kicked. You can just tell that she isn't the kind of person to take shit from anyone."

I roll my eyes, then look back at the officer and Saira. He looks sad now, and he turns and walks away from Saira, who watches him go with anger and triumph in her eyes. A scowl in place on my face, I walk towards her. When she sees me, her face contorts into a scowl as well, and her arms fold to mimic me.

We stare at each other for about five minutes, neither of us speaking. Finally, I break the tension between us by asking, "What did you say to him?" Saira shrugs, her face betraying no emotion as she says, "I told him about his son. He didn't believe me, that I talked to Alice's ghost. So, I talked about his son. Only things that he and his son would know. He seemed to believe me after that." Bitterness tinges her words, but I ignore it as I roll my eyes skyward. 

"Just because you have the power to see and hear ghosts, Saira, doesn't mean you always should relate what they're saying." Saira snorts, and I stare at her. I can see her visual defenses coming down, but now I can feel her hot anger, another shield protecting her true feelings.

"Yeah, I know," she says, annoyance sparking off her words now, "Or else everyone in my building would know that the girl who overdosed three floors down liked country music. Or that Miley Cher liked to make fun of her boyfriends on Facebook. Or that Mikayla Sanchez dated half the boys in town then got murdered by one of them when he found out she was cheating. Yeah, Zak, I know how to keep my mouth shut. I have been since I was five. It's not a new subject to me."

I can only stare as Saira pushes past me. I can hear her leave the house, but I still don't react. Aaron is the one that pulls me out of it by asking, "I'm guessing it didn't go well?" I turn towards him, and say, "I didn't ask her out, Aaron. I couldn't. Not when she's practically yelling at me."

Aaron shakes his head, a smile curling his lips. "Love is always hard, Zak. You should know that by now. Bu I have a feeling that this love will be even harder," he says. I roll my eyes, and say, "Thanks, Aaron. Nice pep talk." My friend laughs, and says, "Just don't let this one get away, Zak. No matter the trials, I'm sure that Saira is one hell of a catch."

I sigh, stuffing my hands in my pockets. I look towards the door, where Saira exited the hotel. I can sense her anger and fear, even from far away, and without actually being able to see her. That's only happened with my older sister, Meredith.

I don't look at my friends, because they can read my expressions too easily. I know that something terrible has happened to Saira, but I can't figure out what. Maybe several somethings, actually. I want to help her, but I don't know how to approach this fiery girl with iron for bones and whips for words.

Finally, I signal to the guys to pack up. They do so, leaving me be. They know that I'm thinking, and when I'm thinking, it's best to leave me alone. A plan is forming in my mind, something that may just shock and delight the guys and viewers alike. I just need to run it by one more person.

We all walk outside. I stare down the street at a cemetery. Saira stands at the gate, her arms folded and her back towards me. I try not to stare at her as the guys load the truck, but it's hard not to. Her black shirt fits her body like a glove, and lifts a little whenever she shifts her weight.

Aaron glances at me, then down the street at Saira. I look at him, and he rolls his eyes with a smile. My friend walks down the street while I lean against the van door, my hands in my pockets. 

Saira and Aaron walk back towards me, and I look down at her. Her eyes are fierce, the walls back in place. I can still feel the fire of her anger licking across my skin, can still envision the burning flames dancing in her jade irises.

My voice is soft and quiet as I say, "I'm sorry for being rude to you." Saira snorts, "Ha. I was the rude one. Still am." I almost laugh, but Saira's eyes flick to the side of my face, like she's seeing another beside me. Her eyes are back on mine a nanosecond later, but the urge to laugh leaves me.  

"Well, you apparently have a connection with the spirits. So, tonight, you're joining us on our investigation," I say. Saira's eyes widen slightly, and she smiles as she jokes, "So I have to go through initiation as well?" I smile as well, and say, "Yes. Ghost Adventures tradition."

A few hours later, the sun has set in the west, turning the sky black and blue. I walk in front of the group, leading the way up the steps to the hotel. A thrill of nervousness runs through me like always as I turn to face Aaron's camera, since it's the closest.

"We are now going to investigate the Wiza Hotel in Springfield, Missouri. Our AV techs, Billy and Jay, are going to be watching us live from nerve center. We also have a guest investigator with us here tonight. Saira, say hello," I say to Aaron's camera. Aaron turns towards Saira, who smiles and waves. She has a camera on her hand as well, though no fear shines in her eyes.

"Saira is one of our new camera operators. This afternoon she came into contact with a spirit that lived in this hotel. So, we invited her to join us tonight. Now, let's investigate. Guys, night vision on. Let's go," I say, gesturing towards the front door of the hotel. I lock eyes with Saira, but she looks away just as fast. So, maybe just a little scared.

We all turn to watch the owner lock us in. Then, I lead the way to the nerve center in a small room. I quickly scan the room, doing a mental check of everything. Then, I turn towards the guys, and say, "Jay, Billy, you monitor us. Aaron, you and I are going to the third floor. It's said to be the most haunted floor. Saira, you're going to room 519. That's where people see apparitions and shadow figures. See what you can dig up. Alright? Let's go."

I grab a camera, then walk out of the room with Aaron. A slice of fear trickles down my spine, but I ignore it. Saira can probably handle herself. And, if she can't, then she isn't investigating anymore. My fear won't go away, though, as if it's warning me that something dark lurks in this building.

Aaron and I go to the third floor. We start off normal: EVPs, heat signatures, seeing if we can find anomalies. Nothing happens, however, for over an hour. Finally, I call it, and head back downstairs with Aaron. I then send him to the twelfth floor, and Billy to the basement. Neither of them look happy with their assignments, but they don't complain.

Finally, I send Jay upstairs to find Saira. When I gave him the order, I could sense fear and apprehension roiling in my gut. I don't know how, but I could tell that Saira was having communication, and she'll have more tonight.

When she and Jay come back down, I hear her stifle a laugh. I glance at her,  and see her smirking at the image of Billy in basement. "He's annoyed 'cause Zak sent him down to the basement. A lot of crazy stuff has been happening to him down there, and he's fed up with it," Jay says, taking a seat.

Saira smiles a little wider, and accepts the water I hand her. She leans against a table near me, and I try my best not to look at her. Especially not at the sliver of pale skin I can see between her shirt and jeans, or the black line cutting across it like a scar.

Suddenly, a loud crash echoes throughout the room. All of us are up in an instant, ears perked and eyes wide. A voice whispers in my ears, and I can feel my face slacken with shock. Saira looks at me and Jay, then grabs her camera and marches out.

I don't even try to follow her. I'm too shocked by the voice I heard, a voice that growled "Saira Collings" like a curse. I look at Jay, and see him already looking at me. Out in the lobby, I can dimly hear Saira's voice, though her words aren't clear to me. 

A few minutes later, Saira appears, right after Billy walks in. Everyone looks at her, and she folds her arms and leans against the doorframe. Her camera and EVP recorder hang limply from her hands. 

"We heard you talking. Sounded like an argument. Got any EVPs?" Billy asks. Saira shakes her head, and looks over at me. I watch her, trying to figure out what she saw. In my head, I hear a voice of a man whispering, She saw her end. Scars across wrists, and blood on the floor. 

I tell the voice to shut up, and I can hear it laughing at me. Saira watches me across the room with keen eyes, as if she can read my mind. I tear my gaze from hers, and look at the screens along with Billy and Jay. I can feel Saira's eyes drilling into my skull.

Aaron calls it, and walks back to nerve center. When he walks in through the door, everyone turns to look at me. "Alright, team. Isolation time. Aaron, you go to the top floor. Bill, you go to the third floor. Take an Ovulus. I'll stay in one of the rooms down here. Saira, as a newbie, you get the basement," I say.

Next to Saira, Aaron mouths "thank God". Saira elbows him, smiling as she says, "Isn't the creepy places supposed to be your specialty?" Aaron laughs and says, "Not tonight. Tonight, I get off the hook. Awesome, if you ask me."

Everyone splits up after laughing. I go to room 7, trying to concentrate on the investigation on hand and not on Saira in the basement. I take out an EVP recorder, and press the button. I can't get a word out, though, since my walkie turns on and a scream pierces the room.

I instantly know that the scream is Saira's. My body reacts without my brain's consent, turning itself towards nerve center and running. 

I burst into nerve like a blizzard. I scan the room quickly, and see Saira leaning against the wall, her face pale and waxy. I grab her shoulders, which she jerks at. I ignore this, and ask, "Are you alright, Saira? Saira? Are you okay?" Saira only nods, her eyes unfocused and confused. 

I look over my shoulder at Jay, and say, "I heard her scream over the walkie. How long has she been here?" Jay can only blink for a second, but then he says, "A few minutes, tops. She ran in like she was running from something, and her breathing was ragged. She didn't respond to me when I said something to her."

I look back at Saira, who promptly collapses. I grunt as I take her weight on me. Jay reacts faster than I do, calling over the walkie for Aaron and Billy to get back to nerve center. I lay Saira on the ground, telling her to stay awake. "No, walkie," she mutters, her hand reaching for her left hip. 

I touch her hip, and see her teeth bite into her bottom lip slightly. My brain filters over this, and tells my mouth to say,  "Jay, she doesn't have her walkie on her. Must've left it in the basement, along with her camera, apparently. Wait, she has an EVP recorder in her hand. Here, analyze this."

I grab Saira's recorder, and hand it over my shoulder to Jay. He sits down and starts analyzing, but I ignore this as well. My focus is purely on Saira, trying to bring her back to wakefulness.

My hands are on Saira's shoulders. When did they get there? My mouth moves, words come out, but I don't know what they say. I only know because it's recorded on the nerve center camera. "Stay awake, Saira. You're more vulnerable in your sleep."

Saira blinks. Aaron and Billy rush in, fear and confusion flashing across their faces. They look at me, crouched on the floor next to Saira. I look up at them, and say, "Guys, go get Saira's camera and EMF device. They're in the basement." Billy disappears again. 

Aaron crouches next to me. I don't look at him, but I can feel his hand on my shoulder, even if it feels distant and not real. The only real thing to me right now is helping Saira. Aaron stays by my side, a silent support. I see her chest stop moving, and fear trills through me. I press two of my fingers to her neck, and almost scream when I don't feel a pulse. 

Panic rushing through me, I open a bottle of water, and press it to Saira's lips. She drinks it down, blinking as she does. I sigh in silent relief, then look over at Aaron. "Aaron, go get the cameras from upstairs. It's almost time to get out of here." My friend nods and stands, walking out the door.

I look back at Saira, and press my fingers to her neck again. This time, a heartbeat pulses against my fingers. I must've imagined the stillness of her neck and chest. 

Saira looks up at me, and smiles. I smile back, and say, "Hey. Thought we lost you for a second there. You stopped breathing, and I felt your heartbeat stop." Saira laughs, though I can see fear in her eyes. 

"What time is it?" she asks, looking up at me. "Almost seven-thirty. Almost time for us to leave this place," I answer. We both smile, though for probably different reasons. I smile because Saira is okay, and she probably smiles because her night of initiation is almost over. 

Suddenly, Saira sits up, almost hitting me in the nose. "Did you send Billy down to the basement?" she asks, her voice frantic and her eyes wild. I blink at her, then nod. As fast as light, Saira is up and running, grabbing her camera along her way. 

Jay and I wait for a few minutes, straining to hear footsteps. When we do, Saira and Billy walk in, Billy's arm draped across Saira's thin shoulders. I'm surprised that she's carrying him, as he's bigger and taller than she is. 

Saira sets Billy down in the chair Jay vacated, then sits down in Billy's normal chair. Jay and I stare at her, and she scowls at us as she snaps, "What?" Jay says, "Nothing. We just didn't expect you to be up that quickly and moving so fast after being passed out and having nearly died."

Saira shudders, her eyes flicking to and fro. Aaron walks into nerve center, holding tripods and cameras. My friend's eyes flick between all of us, and he asks, "What's going on here?"

Before I can say anything, Saira says, "Billy and I got attacked by a demon." Everyone stares at her, shock rippling through all of us. I wonder about how she can say something like that so simply, as if it's a basic fact that everyone knows.

"Rewind the tapes. You'll see," she says, looking at each of us. I grab Billy's camera, and Aaron grabs Saira's. We both rewind the footage. Aaron is the first to gasp.

My friend shows me the screen, which shows two glowing red eyes. He then shows it to Saira, who looks at it with distaste. I'm shocked again. Does she normally see demons, or does she not have a lick of fear in her body? 

"When was this taken?" Saira asks, staring at Aaron. Aaron says, "A little while ago. The camera fell, then rises, as if by itself. Then, these two glowing eyes appear onscreen." I huff, "Got them over here too. Along with a strange dark shadow."

Jay stands up, grabbing a camera to film my screen. He then moves back so Saira and Billy can see. Billy is pale and frightened, but Saira is calm and collected, her eyes like chips of green ice. She sighs, though, and drops her head into her hands, shattering the image of composure.

After a few heartbeats, I clap my hands, making everyone look at me. "Okay guys. And girl," I add, smiling at Saira. She doesn't smile back, and I feel a jab in my chest. "Let's head out. The owner should be coming back soon to unlock us," I continue, barely pausing. 

Everyone stands and starts gathering equipment. I can't get out of that building fast enough when the owner comes to unlock us. 

I glance over at Saira, and see her breathe in deeply. I smile to myself, feeling a strange twinge of joy at seeing Saira in the sunlight. A dark voice speaks at my shoulder, saying, You will not be able to save her. She is destined to watch you die. She has done things you could never imagine, Zachary Bagans. Things that would give you nightmares, and send you running in fear. Do not trust her. For, if you do, you will die.

I try to shake the voice, but I don't think I succeed. The next time I look at Saira, I see a darkness in her eyes, as black and bleak as her dark clothes, which hide her body and soul from view. I don't know what the voice was talking about, but I have a feeling I'll find out soon enough. 

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