Reunion (l.s)

By TPWLarry

7.4M 238K 1.4M

It's the year 2020 and Louis gets an unexpected call informing him that one direction were reuniting in no le... More

The phone call
Catching up
Packed bags
The meal pt1
The meal pt2
Pool troubles
Shopping trip
Back in the studio
Fighting back
Dressing rooms
Sweet creature
Carpool karaoke
Old memories
Spill your guts
Lip syncing
Broken contract
Given up
Chatty man
Lazy day
New rules
Disaster interview
Legal actions
Busy day
Party bus
Water fight
Just hold on
Plan B
The rebound
Another problem.
If i could fly
Shit show
Blue and green
Our story/ Part one
Our story/Part two
Our story/Part three
Reunion is finished
Update/new book

The late late show

143K 5K 41.9K
By TPWLarry

I'm so proud of this chapter omg♥️ some Larry at the end;)

"One direction reunion is here"

"Are one direction finally getting back together?"

"Hints have been circulating the bands twitter for a few weeks now"

"The band have now been seen on James cordens carpool karaoke"

"A tour promo video just dropped last night"

"The rumours are in fact true"

This is all the lads have heard ever since the two videos dropped online. Media outlets and news channels have been eating up the news and now it's the only thing the world is talking about.

Management are getting calls left and right from interviewers and journalists who want their questions answered and now the lads have packed schedules.

Tonight they're set to be featured on James' late late show as it would only make sense for the man to interview them first. Then they are meant to show up on Ellen and jimmy Fallon's shows before flying back to the uk for interviews with Jonathan Ross and Allan Carr.

Currently, the lads were on their way to the studio for preparations before the interview. They needed to get their hair and makeup done as well as their outfits, they had to learn timings for when they were coming on and going off and they needed to be briefed on what subjects may come up.

They were also expecting some sort of game to occur during the show but they hadn't been told what it was yet, Louis only hoped it wasn't anything to do with touching or eating.

"I swear to god if he makes us do that fucking dance battle" Louis murmured to himself and the lads while sat in the car.

"It's your own fault for challenging him, he's not going to back out now" Niall said with a smirk.

"Either way use lot are doing it with me, no way am I dancing solo" Louis reminded them with a huff.

"Yeh yeh whatever, thought the dance battles normally happen with Allan Carr though" Liam said with a confused expression.

"Hopefully he won't want a rematch either then" Louis said with a bored expression.

Once they had arrived they were instantly directed into the large building through the back entrance and led to meet James in the backstage area.

It was about two hours or so before James had to begin his show so the crew were frantically setting up lights and cameras, making sure everything was in order.

When they saw the man, they greeted him with a hug before sitting down on the couches in the main dressing room where James would brief them on what to do and where to go.

"Okay so the first section will be standard interview circumstances and it will begin at about 7pm ish, you'll be coming on right after the Kardashian's-

"The Kardashian's are here?" Zayn said with a shocked expression, turning to take a quick look in Harrys direction.

"Oh no one told you? Their new season of keeping up is starting like next week so they have a half hour segment" he explained.

"Who exactly will be here?" Harry asked cautiously.

"Kim, Kylie, Courtney, Kris and Kendall" he said with a knowing smirk in the mans direction.

Harry sighed and rolled his eyes, not wanting to bump into the woman tonight. They're of course on good terms, he likes her, but he didn't want any unnecessary attention from the media speculating about them again when 1. she has a boyfriend now and 2. Just because they're on the same show on the same night doesn't mean they're instantly hooking up again.

Louis was clenching his fists at the news, not wanting to have to see Harrys "ex" with him tonight. He knows it was only for publicity, but the thought of having to see the two interact right in front of him made him sick. It brought back old memories of how mentally draining it was having to pretend he was fine with the two being an "item", seeing it all over social media every two seconds and just wanting to be able to call Harry his in front of the world.

But now, now Louis didn't even have the right to feel that way. Harry wasn't his, he couldn't tell the world that even if he wanted to. So if harry were to persue anything more with Kendall, he would just have to endure it.

"Don't worry, you probably won't be seeing much of her anyway, I'm sure they'll have somewhere fancy to go right after their interview so you wouldn't have the chance to catch up even if you wanted to" James said in a reassuring tone.

"Thank fuck for that" Harry breathes out, which was a shock to the lads and James as they were supposedly good friends now.

"Did we miss something?" Zayn asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"You missed nothing. I just don't want to give the fans the wrong idea, they'll see Kendall being interviewed, then me, and they'll make assumptions by putting two and two together" he explained with a tired expression.

"Sorry mate" Liam said, patting him on the back.

"Whatever, continue James" he said, changing the subject swiftly.

"Okay as I was saying, your first section starts at about 7pm and will end at 7:20 for a 10 minute break. When you return we will do the more fun side of the interview, probably play some sort of game or two and that should take another 20 minutes until the end of the take. If you want you can stay here to watch the rest of the show from backstage but it's up to you, if not you can leave and I wish you all the luck with tour and all that" He said with a bright smile.

"Cheers mate, but what game we playing?" Louis asked suspiciously.

An evil like smirk spread across James' face which could only mean one thing.

"Spill your guts" he announced, causing them all to groan.

"Oh for fuck sake I've already played this! Can't I sit out?" Niall said with a pleading look.

"Nope, I wanted to play this with you guys because we've never done it with so many people, it will be hilarious turning you lot against each other in it" He said with a chuckle.

"I fucking knew you were gonna make us play this" Louis said with a sigh.

"Wow good for you Lou, you must be psychic" James sarcastically replied.

"Fuck off" he spat back but had a small smile playing on his lips.

He didn't realise the way Harrys eyes darkened at the nickname.

"Alright I'll leave you to get ready, I've got to start the show in about an hour and a half so I can't stay to chat, see you later" he said before waving them out the room.

They were then ushered to their own dressing room by one of the crew members and the team got to work.

Each of them were sat at vanity's next to each other lining the far wall, hair and makeup products were displayed in front of them and they were practically being treat like royalty.

They were asked what drinks they wanted and had them served to them, they were offered magazines to read and even had a small buffet just for them.

Louis pulled out his phone and plugged it into the adaptor on the vanity mirror, sitting back in his chair while the lady got to work on his hair. It wasn't Louise working on him today as she was busy helping Harry, instead it was one of Lou's trainees who had been invited to do some practice work on the lads, and she was surprisingly good.

She was talkative but not in the annoying way and knew how to portray louis' hair just how he wanted it, a quiff laying perfectly on top of his head. She then moved onto makeup and thankfully didn't use too much product, just concealing his under eye and any blemishes on his near perfect skin. She added some powder so he wouldn't be shining in the studio lights and then combed and gelled his brows, to finish it off she added the tiniest amount of mascara to his already long lashes and spritzed his face with setting spray.

"All done" she said with a smile.

"Wait, your only a beginner?" Louis asked incredulously.

"Uh, yeh why? Did I do bad?" She asked in a worried tone.

"Course you didn't darling, Lou might have a competitor here" he said with a wink, reassuring the young girl.

"Oi I heard that Tomlinson" Louise shouted over to him with a scoff.

This gained the lads attention, including Harry. Who turned to look over at the two and his eyes lingered on Louis' face, a lust filled gaze washing over him, however Louis didn't notice it.

Damn that makeup artist is good, Harry thought to himself, in awe of how good Louis looks tonight.

He was angry that he couldn't stop himself from wanting Louis, he wished he was ugly, it would have made it 10x easier.

10 minutes later and the lads were all dressed to perfection, ready to go out for their interview any moment now.

Louis was wearing an all black outfit, some skinny jeans, a t shirt and a black unbuttoned shirt to layer over the top, paired with some black vans.

To no ones suprise, Harry was wearing another Gucci suit, this one being black and white in a checkered pattern. It fit his figure perfectly and made him look more mature than he really was.

Liam wore black jeans with a cream coloured t shirt and a jean jacket in the same colour, the sleeves ended just below his elbow, showing off his ink covered skin.

Niall has on a pair of denim jeans with a white band tee, paired with some black boots. It was much more simple compared to the other lads but worked well with his style.

And lastly, Zayn was wearing an all black outfit much like Louis', a black button up shirt with the word truth in white was resting on his slender frame, contrasting to the slightly more baggy trousers and high top trainers.

They all waited at the top of the stairs, ready for their cue to go on stage when James announced them, and then it was time.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like you all to give a warm welcome to an immensely talented band that we've all been waiting for to return. Here in the studio we have one direction!" James shouted as the audience erupted into cheers, clapping for them as they entered the room one by one.

The lads waved to the audience and smiled brightly, missing the reaction they got as a band. It felt nostalgic coming back here as a five and not as solo artists, Louis hadn't realised until now how much he missed being a part of the band.

When they reached James they hugged him before sitting down on the sofa comfortably, taking a sip of their drinks that were ready for them on the coffee table.

"Good to see you again lads, even though we literally filmed together not even a week ago" James greeted them.

"Yeh you too" A few of the lads replied.

"So, I've already asked you a lot about tour and stuff like that in the carpool karaoke, so a lot of these questions will mainly focus on you individually" he said with a smirk.

"Oh god" Louis huffed out, gaining a laugh from the audience as he sat up properly in his chair.

"Now look, I know you hate these questions but you can't blame me, we haven't heard a whole lot from you in the past few years, not as a band anyway. So what's going on in your love lives right now, you still single, new boo?" He said teasingly, making them huff out a laugh and roll their eyes.

Louis had to think for a second about this one. His relationships were complicated right now, he was still talking to Eleanor quite often but he wouldn't consider them an item anymore, he's only seen with her for PR stunts and publicity, it's never really genuine.

But he didn't know wether saying he was single would end up in management screaming in his face or not, but fuck it, he thought, if he hadn't been told what to say, he may as well say the truth.

"Niall?" James asked.

"Single as a Pringle" he replied with a grin.


"I'm actually back with Gigi right now yeh" he replied with a fond look in his eyes.

"Really, how'd that happen?" James asked in interest.

"I don't know really, we just got back in touch and hung out for a while, sorted our shit out- wait can I swear on here?" He suddenly asked, a worried look on his face.

"Not really but we'll just beep it out" James said nonchalantly.

"Thank fuck" he said in relief and once again caused the audience to laugh at his use of the words anyway.

"Uh so yeh, sorted it out and we're back on good terms now" he said with a nod.

"Well yeh I would hope so, be a bit awkward if your dating someone your not on good terms with wouldn't it?" James replied.

"Very awkward" Harry butted in, knowing all to well how it felt to "date" someone he didn't like.

He then realised he shouldn't have said that when he noticed the pointed looks he was getting from James and the lads.

"Anyway, Harold" James said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes?" Harry said hesitantly, knowing this was going in a bad direction.

"Any relationships? You've been papped with a lot of girls these past few years, well done though, they seemed about your age" he said smugly.

"Fuck sake" Harry groaned out with a half hearted smile, the audience laughing at his reaction.

"Well then?" James pushed.

"They're just friends" he replied with a shrug.

"Even Kiko? You were seen a lot with her last year, Japanese outlets were going mad for it, or so I heard"

"Again, just a friend. We were actually filming an episode of queer eye, she was there because she works with the show and as I was in Japan that Year making my second album, she contacted me asking if I'd be a guest on the show" he explained, gaining a look of understanding from James and the audience.

"I assume they asked you to be on the show because of all the rainbows on tour then?" James asked with a small chuckle.

Harry laughed back and nodded his head.

"Yeah I guess so, probably thought I was some gay icon or something" he said sarcastically.

"Yeh you did seem to love the sparkles" James said back.

"Might as well go into drag at this point" Harry said with a shrug, winking at James.

"Stick with the nail polish mate, you can't do makeup for shit" Zayn said causing the lads to laugh as Harry uttered out a "heyyy".

"Alright let's get back on track, Liam, single?"

"Yeh, I still talk back and fourth with Cheryl though, what with the baby an all" he replied.

"Oh yeh, hows the little lad doing then, must've gotten a lot bigger by now" James asked, smiling at Liam.

"He's doing great. He's a funny kid, I have to watch my language around him though or he'll just repeat me for the next week. Cheryl's always on my back about that" Liam laughed, and you could see the adoration in his eyes for his son, just talking about bear made his eyes light up like it was Christmas Eve.

"They do take after their parents" James replied with a smile, before turning to Louis. " "You back with el or Brianna then?" He changed the subject, finally asking the dreaded question.

Louis hesitated for a moment before answering, not meeting his eyes.

"No, it's kind of been on and off lately, we still talk though, we're mates at least" he said, referring to Eleanor.

Louis saw Harry glance at him out of the corner of his eye, a small, barely there smile playing on his lips, but it quickly vanished when Harry knew he had been caught.

"Okay that's all we have for now, but don't worry we will be back with spill your guts or fill your guts here with one direction after the break" James called loudly into the camera and audience before they were notified they could go for their break.

Louis turned to tell James he was going for a quick smoke and by the time he had turned back around he saw that Harry had already left. Louis shrugged and ignored it, asking Zayn if he wanted to come with but he politely declined.

Louis walked through the long hallways, making left and right turns until he got to the back exit of the building.

He had opened the door and was just about to step out when he heard two people talking. He quickly realised it was Harry, and Kendall.

"You realise I'm gay right?" He heard Harry say in a hushed tone.

Harry was leaning against the wall, Kendall right in front of him, a little too close to just be friendly, she had her hand tracing the material of Harrys suit up his arm and had a seductive look on her face.

"No Haz, your bi, you've never had a problem taking me home before" she stated matter of factly.

Hardy removed her hand from his arm and stood up properly, towering over her even though she was nearly the same height being a model and all.

"What don't you understand by no?" Harry said with a stern voice, clearly irritated by now.

"Oh come on, your not seriously saying no because of that twink your so in love with?" She said with a mock tone.

"Call him a fucking twink one more time" he warned with his fists clenched.

Louis was confused. Twink? In love? He was starting to worry that Harry really had moved on.

She smirked before saying, "I think your little twink is watching us right now"

With that she pounced on Harry, smashing their lips together in a sudden kiss, it took a second to realise what was happening before Harry pushed the girl off him harshly, eye wild with hatred.

"What do you fucking mean he's watch-

Louis coughed slightly, drawing the fuming mans attention towards him. Harry looked shocked, seeing Louis stood there looking smaller than ever.

"Lou" Harry said softly, not wanting the man to have seen that.

As much as he hated Louis, or thought he hated Louis, he didn't like him seeing him out of control. After being so vulnerable to the man years prior, he liked holding the control in front of him so he didn't appear weak ever again.

"I'll leave you too it, call me" Kendall said before pressing a kiss to Harrys cheek and sauntering off back inside the building.

Harry said nothing, and instead slumped against the wall, looking up to the dark sky and breathing in deeply, trying to calm himself down.

Louis hesitantly stepped fully outside, grabbing his cigarette packet before walking over to Harry and offering him one.

"Thanks" Harry said, taking one and lighting it up.

Louis lit his and leant against the wall just as Harry had done. It took him a while to get his thoughts in order before breaking the silence.

"So what was all that about?" Louis said, while trying not to anger the man again.

"Nothing" is all he replied, gaining a sigh from Louis.

"I know you hate me but-

"I don't hate you" Harry interrupted, shocking Louis.

"What?" Louis asked in disbelief.

"I may not particularly like you, but, I don't hate you either. I couldn't ever hate you, even after all the shit you put me through" he said, still not meeting his eyes.

"I'm sorry" Louis said shortly, not knowing what else to say.

"It doesn't matter now" Harry replied.

"Well, I was gonna say, you know you can still talk to me right. We may not be on the best of terms right now, I know that, but we used to tell each other everything. That shouldn't change just because of how things ended" Louis said sadly, turning to try and get Harrys attention.

Harry finally looked at him.

"You broke my heart, you know that right?" He said with a broken voice.

Louis nodded with glassy eyes.

"And things can't ever just go back to normal. I've changed Lou, and not for the better, I'm too messed up for you now anyway, you shouldn't have to deal with my mood swings 24/7, you might have messed me up, but I'm not going to let you go down the same path" he breathed out quietly, never breaking eye contact.

"Your not messed up" Louis said, slowly bringing his hand up to touch the mans soft face.

"You may think so, but to me your just the same old Hazza, only with a bit more attitude" he said with a small smile, making Harry huff out a quiet laugh.

"I just don't see how this could work again" Harry said sadly.

"Just try, please. I'll do better, I promise I'll never let you down again" Louis pleaded desperately.

"Okay" Harry replied, bringing the small man into a bone crushing hug.

Author notes:

Ahhhhh, I'm so fucking proud of this chapter omg.

Larry finally made the first step into resolving their problems!!!

It's obviously way longer than my usual chapters, this one being nearly 4K words, but I put so much effort into this and I hope you enjoyed it.

It would mean a lot if you commented your opinions and gave this a vote:)

Next chapter will be spill your guts!!!

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