Chuck's Daughter

By Edenwinchester02

509K 12.2K 1.1K

Chuck's very first creation was his daughter Eden. She was treated as an equal to himself and Amara but Amara... More

In the Beginning...
The Fall
Living hell
Raised from perdition
Who the hell is castiel?
Getting to know you
Yellow Fever
Anna? Do you hear Voices
Anna the Angel?
Anna the Angel? (Part 2)
Hello Brother
Lucifer Rising
Apocalypse now
Where the hell is Raphael
The Walking Croatoan
Changing Channels
Meanwhile in Heaven
Hello Michael
Abandon all Hope
Luci I'm Home
The Song Remains the Same
My Bloody Valentine
Point of No Return
Stop the Apocalypse
Horsemen's rings
Take a Sick Day and Have Pizza with Death
Swan Song (Part 1)
Swan Song (Part 2)
The Sequal Is UP!!!!!

Hammer of the Gods

8.7K 234 46
By Edenwinchester02

Eden's POV*

It was raining cats and dogs. We could barely see the road. There was a detour a few miles back and nothing was this way for miles except for one motel. "There's a motel off the next exit. Let's just stay there the night and be on the road tomorrow." Sam suggested. We were all very tired so we agreed. This place was off. It was so much nicer than any place we have ever stayed before. But it was in the middle of nowhere. Something was wrong. We walked up to the front desk. The man behind the desk looked so familiar but I couldn't place my finger on his name or where I knew him from. "Busy night?" Dean asked as the man behind the desk viciously typed away. "Any port in a storm I guess." He smiled politely. "If you could just fill this out." The man slid some papers across the desk. "Sir it looks like you got a shaving nick there." The man smiled handing Dean a tissue. It was only then I noticed Dean was bleeding a little. How the hell did that happen? "Hey you got a coffee shop around here?" Dean asked. "All you can eat buffet. We have the best pie in the tristate area." He smiled. NOPE officially don't trust this. I'm getting a weird vibe and I don't like it. 

We were at the buffet. I had a small plate like sam. Meanwhile Dean was making a plate big enough to feed a small baseball team. There was one lady Dean tried to flirt with. I feel like I know her too. I know I don't like her. I don't remember why though. I couldn't place my finger on it. I don't like this place. I have a very very bad feeling. Sam seems to have the same feeling but Dean says we need some rest. And of course we listen. I still don't like it though. The room was nice but our neighbors were....loud. Newly weds. Then something weird happened. There were two loud bangs on the wall. It was with such force that the bricks in the wall moved. We raced to check on them but they were gone without a trace. The only thing left in the room was her wedding ring. I WAS RIGHT something is totally going on. We went to the creepy front desk man but he just said they checked out. He brushed up off. He was super creepy. Then weird crap started happening all over the place. An elephant in a hotel room and the desk guy disappeared. Then everybody else was just gone and the doors were locked. What is happening? Oh maybe Eden was right! Oh no Eden you just are on edge calm down and take a break. Well screw you Dean-o I was right. We found all the other guests in the fridge but we were caught and brought into a big meeting room.

Then I saw their names. Ganesh, Odin, Kali, Baldur, Baron Samedi, Mercury, and others. Oh crap. "Pagans" I hissed. These guys have stolen credit for me and my father's work for centuries. I hated all pagan's. All they were were false gods. I hate them more then I hate the horseman, more than I hate Demons. Not to mention they were eating poor humans. "Ladies and gentlemen our guests of honor have arrived." Baldur smiled. Oh we are soooo uber boned.  "In all my centuries I never thought I'd see this. This many gods under one roof." Baldur continued as everyone sat. Oh he has no idea. "Alright before we get to brass tacks some ground rules... no slaughtering each other. curb your wrath. oh and keep your hands off the local virgins were trying to keep a low profile here. Now we all know why we are here. The judea-Christian apocalypse looms over us I know we've all had our little disagreements in the past but the time has come to put those aside and look towards the future. Because if we don't we won't have one. Now we do have two very valuable bargaining chips... Michael and Lucifer's vessels. The question is what do we do now?" Baldur finished. No way that BOY is running the show. My money is on Kali. That is one manipulative bitch. Then the "gods" started fighting over what to do with us. The boys tried to leave... dumb move. Kali shattered a chandelier in front of them. "Stay!" kali said forcefully.  "We have to fight... the archangels the only thing they understand is violence. This ends in blood there is no other way... It's them or us." HAHAHAH These cocky sons of bitches really do think they deserve a seat at the table. A piece of MY GARDEN. They don't deserve to negotiate with my brothers. I want them all dead. "With all due respect ma'am we haven't even tried talking to them!" Mercury offered. Oh the greek wants to talk. I have a few choice words for you olympus! Kali choked him for interrupting but then stopped. I was about to reveal myself and smite them all to oblivion. Then I felt the presence. Gabriel was here..."CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!" He yelled making a big entrance. Thank dad!!! Now this will be fun. "Gaberi-" Sam started but Gabe took their voices. Oh I see... They don't know who he is. "Sam...Dean... always wrong place worst time with you muttonheads huh?" Gabe smiled. "Loki" Baldur spat. HE'S PRETENDING TO BE A PAGAN. Trickster. Always tricky I guess. "Baldur...Good seeing you too. I guess my invitation got lost in the mail." Gabe smirked. "Why are you here?" Baldur asked. woah what was going on there. "To talk about the elephant in the room....No not you... The apocalypse. We can't stop it gang.... But first things first." Gabe turned to us. "The adults need to have a conversation... check ya later." He said before raising his hand and sending us to our room. I went with it and went to the room to wait for Gabe.

"What should we do?" Sam asked. "I don't know save those poor saps from the freezer maybe gank a few freaks along the way if we're lucky." Dean said rubbing the back of his neck. "And when are you ever lucky?" Gabe smirked. "You know what bite me Gabriel." Dean spat. "Maybe later big boy." Gabe said sarcastically. "You know what I knew this had your stink all over it!" Dean said. Gabe looked at him like he was stupid, "You think I did this? Please. I'm the causner to your houston. I'm here to save your asses... And well the gods too judging by little miss smite-the-holy-hell-out-of-the-pagans over here. Speaking of..." Gabe got off the couch and walked over to hug me. "Hey big sis. You okay? They don't know who you are right?" He spoke in enochian so the Winchesters wouldn't hear his concern. But I smiled at Gabe's concern. "Awww Baby Gaby you goin' soft on me?"  He rolled his eyes at me. "Nah it's purely selfish. Your the only way to get my dumb ass big brother off his high horse. Purely strategic. " I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say Baby Gaby." He scoffed. "Would ya stop calling me that!" I smiled," Calling you what baby Gaby?" He lightly punched my arm while I laughed. He turned around and turned his attention back to Sam and Dean "Those guys out there are either gonna dust you or use you as bait. Either way your uber boned. Oh don't get me wrong. the end is still nigh Michael and Lucifer are gonna dance the lambada. But not tonight. Not here." Gabe said pointing to the Winchesters. "And why do you care?" Dean asked. "I don' But... me and Kali...we uh-... Had a thing. Chick was all hands... WHAT CAN I SAY I'M SENTIMENTAL!" Gabe explained. EWWW KALI! REALLY GABE! A PAGAN?!?!? "Do they stand a chance? against satan?" Sam asked I frowned at the term Satan. I hated that word. "NO WAY IN HELL It's a terrible idea. Luci's gonna turn them into finger paint!" I said at sam. "She's correct-to-mundo as always! so let's get going while the going's good." Gabe interjected. "Great why don't you just zap us outta here than." Dean asked. "Would if I could. Kali's got you by the short and curlys. It's a blood spell you boys are on a leash. That means it's time for a little of the old black magic." Gabe said spraying breathe spray in his mouth. I over dramatically gagged at what he was getting at. "We're taking the orderves with us." Dean announced. "Forget it its gonna be hard enough sneaking you mooks outta here." Gabe said. "They called you Loki right? Meaning they don't know who you are." What are you getting at dean. Where you gonna go with this? "I told you I'm in witness protection." Gabe smirked. "Okay well then how bout you do what we say. Or we tell the legion of doom about your secret identity. They don't seem like a real pro-angel kinda crowd" 

"I'll take your voices!"

"We'll write it down."

"I'll cut off your hands!"

"We'll then they're gonna start askin' why ya runnin around with no hands?"

HAHAHA THEY OUTSMARTED GABRIEL! Oh I will never let him live this down. I could see the defeat in his face when he said, "FINE!" Then he was off to go seduce Kali


Gabe failed now he's stuck too. Man Baby Gaby is really batting a hundred tonight. They know his identity. AND they have his angel blade...No not angel blade. Fake. "Westerners the sheer...arrogance. You think your the only ones on earth? You pillage and you butcher in your god's name but you're not the only religion. and he's not the only god... Now you think you can just rip the planet apart. your wrong. THERE ARE BILLIONS of us and we were here first. If anyone gets to end this world... it's me." Kali whispered. I had had enough. I started laughing hysterically. All attention was turned to me. I stood and walk to them still laughing. "No sweetheart... Let's get a few things straight. A.) You weren't here first. I WAS. I don't remember seeing you around when me father created me. you pagans. you think so highly of yourselves. You are nothing! B.)This world you claim... IS MINE AND MINE ALONE! My Garden, my humans, MY EARTH! you darling are nothing. You have a problem with that? That seems like a personal issue. YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO THREATEN MY FAMILY?!?! You live because we let you. You are nothing but cheap entertainment. So do not talk to my brother as if you are superior...You are so far below an archangel on the food chain your just a step above humans... you have no power here. This isn't your world... It's mine." I ranted Kali took a step back "Who are you to talk to me in such a way, mouse?" I smiled darkly. "I'm Eden. flea." I said in my Goddess voice. I let my eyes glow to their full potential. Kali stepped back taking in a shaky breath. "y-you're d-dead!" She whimpered. "No... but soon. You will be." I smiled. She took the fake angel blade and shoved it into my heart. I didn't even flinch. I looked down at it and smiled. I grabbed it and slowly pulled the blade out of my chest. To say that the pagans were terrified would be a gross understatement. "You know what... I'm feeling generous. I'm gonna let that slide. Alright you primitive screwheads listen well. Now on any other given day I would be doing my damndest to smite you into nothingness. You filthy murdering chumps but you know what even though there is nothing I would love more than to slit your throats. I will offer you my assistance. Get my brother Lucifer here and I will stop this here and now. No more apocalypse... first things first. Mercury let those main courses go...NOW." Mercury ran to release the innocents. "Kali... give me the blood... now bring me my brother." I turned to Gabriel as the gods followed orders. "Your gonna be a great leader." Gabriel smiled at me. "Shut up... Luci's coming. We can stop this." I told him. "I can't kill our brother Eddie." I shook my head. "No no no we don't have to. We can talk to him. He'll listen to us. We can stop this Gaby... All I need you to do is keep the pagans in line and make sure no one gets hurt. Okay?" I gripped his shoulders. "Your the boss. Let's do this." I smiled.

This was it. We could stop the fighting. I just hope my faith in Lucifer isn't misplaced. Then I felt his presence. The pagans did it. Luci was here...

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