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if you have a dream that is beyond your limits let's explore it with lily More


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Cross examinining my exam papers I gave it to my teacher. This scholarship exam can cherish my dream of becoming a well known singer. But it's not easy thou. First I need to go through so many processes.
When I step out of the exam Hall my family members covered me and  started asking questions like shooting stars. But I knew my parents ,like me they also want me to become a famous singer.
That day me, my parents, my bro, my aunt and uncle went out to celebrate. We went to a five star hotel in kerala. On the way to the entrance I saw someone who was beating a poor old beggar. I ran to help that beggar. The man who was beating had a masculibe body and a long yet beautiful hair. But on seeing me coming ,he ran away. I turned toward the beggar and saw him drenched in blood. I immediately dialed for an ambulance. I asked my family to leave early because I had some works to do. I didn't inform  my parents about the beggar. At  that evening I went to see them off in the bus stop and I rushed back to the hospital. When I went there the nurse had already tended the poor mans wounds told me not to worry. I was relived
I sat on the bed and took the old mans hand and called him grandpa. On hearing me calling him that, his eyes filled with tears. Within minutes we became good company. I introduced me to him on hearing my name(lily) he told me that I was the heidi(lily). And patted my head twice and said that I am different.
That night back in my hostel I wondered why he called me different. That night in my dreams the man with the long hair appeared again this time I saw him trying to kill grandpa.
I rushed to the hospital and got shocked........

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