By unJINtelligent

232K 4.7K 1.2K

Tired of scrolling through the endless #KPOP tag and #BTS tag and only finding incomplete AU's, bad grammar... More

skinship is hard
nickname series: hyung line
nickname series: maknae line
~fun in the sun~
전정국 | scars
김남준 | dimples
박지민 | mochi
사생팬 (1)
사생팬 (2)
moon lovers
<scarlet heart>
nana's mv
plan (1)
<police station>
to-do lists
김태형 | sock monkey
박지민| daredevil
king taehyung
modern times
ice skating

execution (2)

3K 93 26
By unJINtelligent

~In which the boys go according to plan~

Nana was alone, but she didn't really care. Her nap had been exactly what she needed, and with the others gone, she was rid of distractions. Come to think of it, where were her members? It was awfully quiet in the dorm, and that was almost never the case. She left her warm cocoon to go investigate.

The lights were all on, but nobody was in any of the rooms she checked. That is, until she came across Kookie's door. There were voices, six of them, and they were doing a poor job of keeping their voices down. Jimin was sitting outside with his back against the wall, supposedly keeping watch, though he was about to be fired for sleeping on the job. Nana crept forward, careful not to wake him, and strained to make out what they were saying inside.

She caught bits and pieces, "...plan...finally" When she heard her name, she made more of an effort to hear everything they were saying. 

She left the door forming a plan of her own. Jungkook wasn't the only mastermind in the group.

"So, you all know what you're doing, right?" Jungkook asked for what might've actually been the hundredth time.

"Yes," they all groaned.

"Great. What are you all standing around for, then? Get going," he ushered, to their annoyance. The grumbled as they left, but were excited about the prospect of finally scaring their fearless member.

Jimin, startled awake by the others rustling about inside, pretended as if he had been keeping watch. He went to check on Nana to make sure that she was still in the same place he left her. He was happy to see that she remained huddled on Hobi's bed in deep sleep. 


They all reconvened an hour later with the necessary supplies. They reviewed their positions and went their separate ways to set up. They had initiated a temporary truce to achieve the bigger goal; after they (hopefully) succeeded, they could go back to scaring each other. But for now, this was too important. 

Jungkook had even enlisted expert help. Some of the best artists he knew were hard at work preparing. Make-up artists were on standby, ready to paint on whatever was asked of them. Jungkook, who had thought ahead, had had a small set constructed before, and was ready to use it. When he said this plan was big, he meant it. The boys spread out on the floor, cutting paper and gluing things together. Hoseok was sent to keep watch on Nana, seeing as she was still in his room, and to pretend like the others were out running errands. 

While he was keeping her entertained and oblivious, the others moved in. 


A grunt sounded from outside the door. Nana and Hoseok ignored it, figuring the others were back and causing trouble again. When a small scream pierced the air, they still weren't too concerned; stranger things had happened. However, when something heavy thudded against the door, they grew uneasy. Hoseok, pretending to be brave, made a move towards the noise, hand shaking as it reached for the knob. Rolling her eyes, Nana opened the door in one smooth motion, only to jump back when a body slumped to the ground.

A little worried, she was quick to squat down and check on whoever it was. Hobi was behind her, scared but concerned. Nana shoved the person lightly, checking for any response. When she saw none, she checked for a pulse, relieved that there was one. At least there were no dead bodies.

But that begged the question: what exactly was this person doing here? And why did they collapse in the BTS dorm?

"There's something weird going on..." Nana spoke with furrowed brows.

"What tipped you off? The noises or the almost-dead body?" Hoseok replied. She shushed him and made sure to grab something heavy as she walked outside. It was dark, but when she tried to turn the hall light on, nothing happened. She flicked it up and down a few times, but was met with the same result: nothing.

"Well, I guess the power's gone out. You staying here or you wanna come with me to check it out?" 

"I would stay here out of harm's way, but I'm way to scared of being alone, so I'm coming with you."

"Suit yourself, scaredy-cat."

Nana walked down the familiar hallway holding a foam bat that she had found in Hobi's room. She was ready to attack if need be. Despite its light weight, she was sure she could do some damage.

They reached the main room where she attempted to flip on the lights but, again, nothing. 

"Let me check if it's the whole building or just the dorms."

"Why? What does it matter?"

"Well, if it's the dorm, then it's usually a problem with the breaker. If it's the whole building, then that would probably be a whole power outage." Hoseok nodded along to her explanation.

"Never knew you were so knowledgeable."

"This is common sense, Hobi."

"Never knew you had common sense."

Suddenly, another groan sounded in the dark. Nana, on edge but still relatively unbothered, looked around. Thankfully, her eyes had adjusted slightly, and she was able to make out shapes in the dark. She placed a protective hand on Hoseok's arm before walking towards the noise, bat at the ready.

"Who is it? If it's one of you boys, I swear to God I will beat your ass with this bat for scaring the hell out of Hope."

"It's–" the unnamed person began but groaned again.

"Jin, what's going on?" Nana was around her members enough to recognize the sound of their breathing, not to mention their voices. 

"I'm hurt," he stammered out, his training in acting finally being put to use. "Something's going on outside. I-I don't know."

"Do you know why some random dude just passed out in here?"

"Oh my God, you have to get out of here. If there's someone here, it means some-something must have h-happened," he groaned again. "My side is killing me." He was holding on to his ribcage, but when he lifted his hand, it was slick and coated with a dark liquid. Before passing out, he managed to squeeze out, "be safe."

Nana, becoming more distraught as Jin slumped over on a chair, decided that her best course of action was to call for help. Yet, just her luck, the phone was disconnected. Her cell phone was left in Hobi's room, as well as his, so there was no way to call for help. Hoseok wasn't willing to be alone, and she didn't just want to leave Jin unattended. 

Hearing movement in the hall just beyond the door, she crept forward slowly and silently, almost silent. Approaching the door, she strained to hear anymore sounds before quickly swinging open the door. Feeling a sense of deja vu, another figure collapsed straight into her arms. This time, it was someone she recognized; Taehyung. 

"Are you alive?" She asked the boy in her embrace. 


"What happened?"

"We got attacked. Something is going on with the people outside. It's like they're being controlled or are set on hurting us," he shot up only to hiss in pain. "Where's Jin? He was supposed to be here."

"He's having a little rest on the chair over there. I suggest you do the same. Hoseok and I were going to go check out the power in the building, but I guess now that you guys are here, he should keep watch over you. I'll just go by myself." She helped Tae up and to the couch. Hoseok nodded, wide-eyed with worry. 

"I'll make sure they're ok. Be careful. Something isn't right."

"No shit, Sherlock. I'll see you in a few." She winked and ducked out the door. 

Walking along the hallways and down the stairs in the dark was surprisingly peaceful. She'd imagined something might find the opportunity to jump her or attack her, but she found no obstacle on her way down. In fact, this might've been the most chill time she had had since becoming a trainee. Certainly gave her time to think about what was happening.

I mean, it wasn't everyday that two idols were attacked and passed out. Not to mention that complete stranger. 

She spun around the foam bat, appearing completely relaxed despite the eerie surroundings. Humming to herself in the silence, it felt like she was the true terror of the night, not whatever was picking off her family one-by-one.

A flurry of steps interrupted her stroll down the hall. Her head turned sharply towards the noise. She broke into a sprint; that many people couldn't be something good. If she could outrun it, she would. She turned a corner and hid, hoping she wouldn't be seen. The steps continued on past her and she breathed in relief. Conveniently, there was another stairwell a few feet away, so she descended the steps as quickly as her legs would allow. 

She finally reached the bottom floor, only to find...nothing. It was completely devoid of life. Yet, as she moved through the room, she sensed something. She couldn't explain it, but she knew there was someone here. She called out, figuring she had nothing to lose anyway. 

"I know you're here. Show yourself or I identify your dead body after I kill you."

Hands raised in surrender behind the front desk, followed by a few heads.

"Namjoon–? Jimin–? Yoongi–?" She exclaimed in surprise.

"In the flesh," Jimin responded, coming towards her. 

"What were you doing behind the table?"

"Hiding, obviously," Namjoon answered, brushing dust off of his shoulder.

"I'm not talking to you if you're going to be like this. Why were you hiding?"

Yoongi spoke, "I think it's finally the apocalypse. We're paying for our sins as the human race. Things like capitalism and global warming and pollution."

"How...philosophical of you," Nana furrowed her brows. "All I know is a lot of weird things are popping up left and right and I don't know what to do. I've just been trying to restore power to the building. Do you guys know if all the other buildings outside are out of power too?" She wanted more information.

"Yeah, the whole city, maybe even the country, is completely dark. There's no point in checking the power; we already tried that."

Nana moved to a window, peeking out of the curtains to see that it was like what Namjoon had described: dark. She could see the outline of buildings and cars, but there was no illumination whatsoever. She sighed in disappointment and released the curtain, allowing it to fall back into place. 

"Let's go back up to the dorm. The others are up there: Hoseok, Jin, and Taehyung." She paused. "Where is Jungkook? Don't tell me you lost him."

"I haven't even seen him since we left this morning," Jimin grew frantic. "What if he's hurt? Or worse? Oh my God, I can't believe he's not here..."

"We'll find him; I'll find him. Anyone got a phone?"

"Yeah, but there's no signal. Unless you wanted to play some internet-free games, there's no way to contact anyone," Yoongi explained.

"Whatever, I'll figure it out. Why don't you guys go up and reconnect with the other three. Jin and Tae are injured and Hoseok's keeping watch and probably peeing his pants right now."

"You don't want one of us to stay with you?"

"Trust me, you'd just hold me back. I'll be fast. Love you guys," she turned her back on them, leaving them to follow her instructions. It was like some switch had flipped inside of her; her survival mode was incredibly helpful. 

"If I were Kook, where would I be?" She whispered. A light went off in her head. She entered the kitchen.

"Kookie?" She called out. A head peeked out from behind the fridge.

"That's my name, don't wear it out."

"Now is not the time, bud. What are you doing? And how did you get there?"

"You see, survival is an instinct. I follow my instincts more than most. Some would say that I only follow my instincts and don't think about things like common sense. I am inclined to disagree. But anyway, my instincts told me that something funky was happening outside, and then it told me that no one would ever look behind a fridge, so I just wiggled in. And now I think I'm stuck."

Nana came around and tugged on him until he loosened himself enough to wriggle out. 

"What would have happened if I wasn't here to save you?" Jungkook shrugged. "Let's head up to the room where the others are. If I had known it would be this easy to find you, I would've just had them wait for us."

"So everyone else is up there? Does that mean you were alone? Don't you know it's dangerous to be by yourself? Especially now."

"I still have no idea what the problem is. Every time I ask someone, they reply with a vague answer. The only solid explanation I got was from Yoongi, who said it was an apocalypse because of our sins."

"Nobody really knows, but I think there's either another Godzilla or there's zombies."

"Your two theories do nothing for me." He shrugged again.

They exited the stairwell they had been talking on and walked down a hallway. There were apparently a lot of hallways. 

Something sliced right in front of the two. Nana's bat was in front of her faster than Jungkook could blink. A large stranger stepped out from behind a door wielding an axe. He chuckled menacingly and began to swing haphazardly at the two, but mainly at the youngest. Each time, she countered him.

"Run!" She shouted as she took off, hoping he was following. 

Out of the blue, another figure emerged, this one smaller than the last, but still just as dangerous. Dressed like a court jester, this one threw cards that were so sharp they lodged themselves into the wall behind them. More and more doors opened, revealing an array of terrifying characters that joined the chase, each equipped with a special weapon.

"What the hell? Where are these people coming from?" Jungkook yelled.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?"

Their room was coming up. They knew if they could just reach that safe haven, they would have a chance of barricading and formulating a plan.

"3." They looked at each other.

"2." A familiar gleam shone in their eyes.

"1." A smirk graced their lips. They lunged for the slightly open door at the same time and closed it behind them, locking and stacking heavy items to hold against the attackers.

The two slid down a wall, catching their breaths. The others had found some candles and had placed them around the room, providing some light. 

"That was so scary," Nana breathed out. The boys' lips quirked up slightly, but in the minimal light, their smiles were lost to the darkness. 

"Sike. Was that what you were waiting for me to say?" She got up and flipped the light switch, flooding the dorm with light. It was blinding, but she smiled at the confusion that was clear in their eyes.

"How–?" Jungkook began.

"How did I figure out this was all to scare me? Good question. First, you guys are terrible at being quiet. I think that even under threat of death, you all would struggle to be silent. Second, while you might have been clever hiring all of these helpers and actors, I know a scam when I see one, and this was a big one. Ambitious of you to mess with the entire building, but I applaud you for it."

"This was put together so well, though," Jungkook whined.

"It was, I admit. The realistic art that you put outside the windows was an amazing touch. And all those freaky people at the end? Wow. If I didn't know what you were up to, I might have been a little concerned we were really going to die." Jungkook grinned, but was still disappointed.

"All in all, this was a lot of fun, boys. Let's do it again, sometime." She yawned and made her way to her room. "You should host a haunted house, Kook."

Seconds later, as the door closed behind her, they heard a loud "really, guys? Fake blood all over my walls? Do you know how long this is going to take to clean up?"

The seven she left behind groaned and closed their eyes in annoyance. 

"Back to the drawing board, I guess." 


y'all i straight up have no idea what this is but it's fine. i may or may not post a third part that includes their perspectives of this whole ordeal :/

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