Confined Skies

By Teeny-weeny-coconut

12 1 0

Ahren has known very little happiness since he moved in with his aunt. After being given the opportunity to e... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

4 0 0
By Teeny-weeny-coconut

Some sunlight shone through the window and onto Ahren's face, causing his eyes to open. The room was quiet, the only sound being the muffled chatter of bird's on a tree just outside the house. Sitting up slowly, he looked around him, appreciating the brightness of the room in the natural light, a definite improvement from where he used to sleep. He had previously been sleeping in a small room with broken blinds which he wasn't allowed to touch, so he was always sat in the dark in the morning. It was usually a lot louder when he woke, too. If he didn't wake up before his Aunt's alarm went off at six, he'd be shaken and shouted at for being lazy. Even if he did wake up beforehand, he'd still be a burden one way or another and be shouted at for it. It was rare he slept more than an hour or so at night before anyway because of his Aunt's noisy boyfriends and how loud she had her television, so his night at Caderyne's house was a treat.

Ahren swung his legs around until they were on the floor, and stood up to look for Caderyne. He quietly sauntered downstairs, where the man was sat at the table writing. 

"Ah, good morning, Ahren," He said after catching a glimpse of the boy from the corner of his eye. "I've ordered you some new clothes and they should arrive later. I would've given you some of mine to wear but...I don't think they'd be very useful...since you're quite small."  He stood up, walking towards a bookshelf and removing a plastic bag that had been placed on it before turning and handing it to Ahren. It had a toothbrush, toothpaste, some two-in-one shampoo and conditioner, a comb, sanitary products,  soap and underwear. 

"I never know whether the possessed people I encounter are going to be biologically male or female. That's why there's a mix," He said as Ahren took the bag. "Go get a shower and such, and then come back down here, okay? Give me a shout if you need anything." 

"Why are you helping me?" Ahren asked just as Caderyne was about to turn away. " do you know so much about what could've happened to me? Why are you so prepared?" His questions didn't seem to phase Caderyne, and his expression didn't shift at all. 

"You know how I said there might be a way to change your appearance back?" Ahren nodded. "The people who released the demons into the world have the medicine to get rid of the par the demon that possessed you left behind, but don't want to use it. Your appearance isn't the only thing to have changed, either. Your sight, hearing, agility and speed have all improved, and I need you to help me get the medicine and find a way to stop demons being released."

"How do you even know about this?" Ahren asked desperately. 

"My brother got possessed when our parents passed away, and even though he managed to bring himself back, these people- their company- killed him anyway. They were going to kill me too since I was a witness, but I said I wanted to join them. I was sixteen at the time, so I was able to start training with them after I had recovered from the cuts my brother had given me.

"It's not a program you can just join, you're either selected from other programs that are known to the public, or you've witnessed a possession and lived. If you've seen someone get possessed, it's either join their program or die, basically." Caderyne let out a small laugh, before shaking his head in disgust. 

"Leaving the program wasn't an easy process- I had to sign lots of documents, wear a tracker and a microphone for a year, but I was finally out when I turned twenty-two. I moved to this house, which is- I think- two cities away from where I was based. I learnt a lot about their company, I saw some horrible things, I did some horrible things...but since then, I've been working out a way to stop possessions from happening, and trying to save as many people as possible.

"I intercepted the company's radio, so if any possessions happen in driving distance I can go and help the person out, and maybe they'll be able to help me."

"How many other people have you managed to save?" Ahren asked.

"Just you," Caderyne said quietly, letting out a deep sigh shortly after. "I've always been too late for the others." A silence fell between the two, but was soon broken by a knock at the door. 

"That'll be your clothes. Go and get washed up." He offered a small smile before Ahren turned to scamper back up the stairs. He couldn't help the sickening feeling that was growing in his stomach as he entered the bathroom, the thought that if he had resisted getting in the car the night before he might've died making it worse.


Caderyne walked towards the door, his facial expression dropping as it swung open and revealed a familiar face that stood there with a package.

"Delivery for Cadey-wadey!" The blonde beamed, hugging parcel close to his face. 

"What are you doing here, Riley?" He asked, folding his arms across his chest. Riley put the package behind his back to reveal his light blue shirt and black trousers, as well as an ID card on a lanyard, showing off his uniform and showing he wasn't here just to chat. 

"I thought I'd pop in and see my favourite drop-out! Your delivery guy was just about to drop this off, so I thought I'd save him a job while I was at it." He raised an eyebrow at the unimpressed man opposite him. "Oh, and I know you have a demon at your house."

"They're cousins, actually. Bit harsh to call them demons, don't you think?"

"Now, why don't I believe you?" Riley scratched his chin dramatically. "Oh! That's right, because every time a demon has gotten close to escaping, you've been close by. And last night, I saw you car driving away as we were approaching the scene. It was really late last night, care to explain what your were doing?"

Caderyne smirked back. "My cousins arrived late last night, their flight was delayed. I went out to buy some fast food for them."

"I've got my eye on you, Cade~" Riley hummed after a moment, winking at him before handing the parcel over. "You're wasting your life with this. You should get a better hobby." He rested his hands on his hips, tilting his head as he looked at Caderyne.

"Great, thank you Riley. Goodbye." 

Riley stepped forward, planting a goodbye kiss onto Caderyne's cheek as he rose onto his toes, before turning away with a wave and heading back to his car. The man rolled his eyes, closing the door behind him and locking it twice and placing the parcel on the table.


Ahren turned the shower off after rinsing the rest of his shampoo out, stepping out of the tub and standing in font of the fogged-up mirror. He reached up to open the window slightly to allow the steam to exit the room and started to brush his teeth. As the room cooled, more of his reflection became visible in the mirror, revealing his thin, damaged body to him. Despite that, this was still the cleanest he had seen himself in a while, and putting an ice-pack on his eye the night before had dramatically reduced the swelling. There was a light knock on the bathroom door before Caderyne popped his hand round, holding out the new clothes. 

"Put these on. Just leave your old clothes in there and I'll wash them later." Ahren took the clothes, slightly taken aback by how soft they were. There was a grey short sleeved t-shirt with three buttons down the centre of the collar, a pair of black gym shorts, a dark blue jacket, and a pair of socks. The boy slipped the items over his body, ignoring the slight sting as they rubbed against he still-healing cuts.

He ventured downstairs as Caderyne had instructed, finding  two sandwiches placed on the table. The older man walked passed, picking one of them up.

"I've just got to go do something, I wont be a moment," he said, not stopping. "That's for you." He pointed to the remaining sandwich before leaving the room. Ahren sat down, picking it up and taking a delicate bite. He would eat at his old home, but only when his Aunt went out. He'd quickly cook pasta and wash the dishes before she returned, or sneak a slice of meat or some vegetables out of the fridge if he hadn't much time. It wasn't long before he had eaten the whole sandwich.

Caderyne soon returned, his own plate also empty. He sat down opposite Ahren, piling the two plates on top of one another and clasping his hands together, opening his mouth slightly as if he was about to speak. 

"I still don't really understand how I'm going to be much help," Ahren said suddenly, avoiding eye contact. "I mean, have you seen me?"

"You'll get stronger, Ahren," Caderyne responded, smiling softly. "After your body has recovered, we can work towards building your skills up."

"Will I have to..." The boy shuffled in his chair as he spoke. "...kill people?"

"I don't know," The other responded, shrugging. "I'll plan as best I can to avoid confrontation, but I can't promise anything, and these people defending what were after can get quite violent. We'd have to defend ourselves, even if it means taking someone's life." Ahren looked disappointed, and he tried not to think about how he'd have to hurt people.

"Oh, by the way," Caderyne said, quickly changing the subject as he remembered what he was going to say before. "Don't answer the door or the phone at all, okay? And try and listen out for people lurking around the house. If you're unsure, hide, or at least put your hood up, and give me a shout and I'll go look. I don't think he will hang about, but I can't accurately predict what he'll do."


Caderyne thought for a moment. "Just someone who's looking for you. You don't really want to meet him." Ahren nodded as Caderyne picked the two plates back up and went to go leave the room.

"Thank you, Caderyne. For helping me." The two looked at one another, Ahren managing a small smile as he spoke. The older male smiled back before vanishing into another room.

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