My stepbrothers gay blog

By shoeycpv

39.6K 955 2.4K

Shane is a boy on 17 years old. His mom found new love in a new town. It's two years after they started to da... More

Part 1 My new stepbrother
Part 2 Joeys dirty seacred *
Part 4 You dont need to, but i will **
Part 5 Truth or dare 1
Part 6 truth or dare 2
Part 7 Busted**
Part 8 lip ring
Part 9 tree house *
Part 10 a hard distion
Part 11 trying to help
Part 12 sorry Shane
Part 13 home along **
Part 14 Wedings •Ending•

Part 3 brothers

3.2K 73 141
By shoeycpv

Joey pov

I gave every information about they guys I have been sexually used by. I cant even call them ex boyfriends anymore... dads right, i have been used. Luckily it was only five guys that i have had Skype sex with, one of then I have been having sex with.

I feel sick... just thinking about that time, his whole body was hairy and i didn't have more then under my arms then, I shaved my self to be sexy for him... Im so happy he used a condom that time or els i would have a lot of STDs.

I sat in my bed typing for my blog

"Something is now changed, I deleted all my social media for you thats interested of me. I saw a thing today, the world is full with love, but also of people that want to use you. I have. Im still out for the love of my life and still feel comfortable about showing my body, my body is goodish and it need to be shared, but what i share here is all. The rest i only show to the person that mean something, the ones I can trust."

I posted and toped it off with me holding a sigh inform of my boxers saying "Don't show more then you feel comfortable about"

I closed my laptop and feel sad... I usually feel good after posting something that i need people to know. Its like my diary. I started it as a boyfriend blog with my boyfriend Corner, we were trying to make the world better for gay people and took a lot of cute pictures of us kissing, hugging, cuddling, swimming and other things that we shared from our dates. Corner was great! He was my first boyfriend I called a real one. We were pretty much doing the same things like all the other gay boyfriends blogs. So one day we started to post nudes, or half nudes so we were just lying in bed in boxers and took photos, but it didn't end there. I had my first time with Corner that day.

Sadly, he just happen to be at the same place and time with my mom and sister the day I lost them... I lost them all... I loosed three people in one day, that has to be a record...

Noting more about that now... I had to forget about it... but it never left me... Now it was just me, Theresa and that Shane guy. I bet Shane told dad! Why do he has to be so enjoying, not that he do much stuff, just that the fact that he's always in my way. I heard a knock on my door.

Joey: its open!

Theresa: Hi Joey, I made cupcakes, you like that?

Joey: um sure, sit down

She sat down in my chair and handle me a warm cupcake. Mmm, I haven't had home baked in a while now, Dad would always try to burn down the house then. I took a bit and it was really good.

Joey: This most be the best cupcake I had seance mom last made me some

Theresa: Joey, i know that you miss your mom, i bet she was an amazing women

Joey: see was...

Theresa: I know its hard, letting new people into your house but, I love your dad and I want the best for you too

Joey: I don't hate you, it just that i don't want to replace my mom, just because shes not here doesn't mean you can take her spot

Theresa: I know Joey, and i will never try to make you call me mom or respect me like her, but your a nice guy I have seen it, remember that time we meet for the first time at the kinase restaurant?

Joey: yeah and how I was hiccuped that whole evening because I was nerves to see you

Theresa: trust me Joey, i was just as nerves

We sheared some latch together.

Theresa: I love you Joey, in that way like a stepmother do, you can come to me with any problem you want

Joey: can i tell you then that I'm screed what dad will do to me?...

Theresa: I will not let him do more then I think is right, and nothing right now the grounding and some talking about it is good

Joey: Thanks

Theresa: come and give me a hug honey

I let up into a hug, she kissed my forehead and i let her do that, she only want me to know that I'm safe around her.

Theresa: Its one other thing i would like to ask you thou

Joey: what?

Theresa: can you make friends with Shane, he miss his friends at home

Joey: I can try

Theresa: Thank you

I eat the rest of my cup cake and took my swimming shorts telling Theresa that I was going work out by the pool. She noble and left the room.

Shane pov

Today is monday, I'm so happy its summer break because I don't want to start the new school. Im happy that I could go out the year before moving. Sure, I have no friends to hang out with. Joey is grounded so maybe i can try to get to know him. I don't really want to try but... I feel like i don't have nothing els to do.

Mom came in to my room with one of her amazing cup cakes.

Mom: I guise a sweet boy needs something sweet in his belly

Shane: thanks mom

I got the cup cake and eat it, still the best I ever know.

Shane: Mom, do you think i should make friends with Joey?

Mom: I do think thats a good idea, his outside by the pool, telling me he was going to work out a little

Shane: Okey, thank you

Mom: It will be good, and when he's grounding is over he can show you around town and you maybe can find some friends... or a nice girl!

Yeah, my moms don't know I'm gay... I have been in the closet for some years now...

Shane: yeah, sounds good

She kissed my head an went out. I got out to my balcony, enjoying the last of the tasty cup cake... and my stepbrother swimming in the pool... thinking about that, i stared to think about him naked in his bed, pulling that dildo inside of him.

Oh god Shane! His your fucking brother!....

a brother that i would fuck any day...


But his so hot!!!

His dad are fucking your mom!!

mmm how i want to replace that dildo...


I got down after claiming down. I found the back yard and Joey in the pool. I stood beside watching him swimming. Wow am I'm so weird, steering at my brothers abs. He stopped the etch of the pool and then got to me when he saw me.

Joey: Hi

Shane: Hi... sorry for, you know... looking

Joey: No, its okey...

We took an awkward silence...

Joey: Look Shane, i know you were one telling dad

Shane: I... I umm...

Joey: Don't worry, I see now that now that you, maybe saved my life

Shane: No problem, I just wanted you to be safe

Joey: want to re start?

Shane: what

Joey let out his hand to me and I took it.

Joey: Hi im Joey

Shane: Im Shane

Joey: Want to play some pool ball?

Shane: sure!

Joey: I set up the net and you can change to swim shorts

Shane: Alright

So i went up to my room, changed and went back out. Joey was all done and was playing with the ball, trowing it to me. I saw his whole body, wet and sexy... I know why I'm gay now because if i wasn't it before i totally were now.

Joey: lets play then!

So we jumped in the water and had a really good time. Joey won of corse but he learned me how to do stuff but yeah I need to train more. After that fun round we got into Joeys tree house. It was big and had a small living room and upstairs was a smaller bedroom with just a madras and pillows and stuff.

Shane: Wow, I never though anyone could have a tree house like this.

Joey: Dads rich and me and my sister wanted a place to play in, we had this big trees in the yard and yeah, this happen

Shane: Cool, you bring friends here

Joey: yeah, just a few for smaller party's and hang outs.

Shane: Thats cool... wait did you tell me you had a sister?

Joey: yeah I did...

Shane: What... what happen to her...

Joey turned around... I think he tried to hide his theirs from me, but his snobs told me that he was sad. I walked over to him to lay my arms around him, sure he was a hot, wet, naked over body but he was sad and I need to support him.

Shane: Shhh, its okey you don't have to tell me. You don't have to tell tell me now or ever. Just clam down

And he did, we sat down In some chairs and Joey slowly wiped his theirs away.

Joey: Thanks Shane, Im really emotional about stuff

Shane: I seen that, but its okey, you have the right to be upstate over things

Joey: yeah... it just the... the worst thing that could ever happen...

Shane: I understand, try to not think about it. Lets do something you feel good about, what do you like to do?

Joey: oh, get to know etch other game!

So we got in rounds, favorite book, music, collar and what we liked to do and other things that was good to know. I got to know that Joey loves training and hanging out with friends and loved to become and actor later and some other things. HIs running a blog to... he didn't tell me much about it but... I may have to look at it later.

mom: Joey, Shane dinner!!

Joey: Come on Shane!

We got out from the tree house and went inside and got to the kitchen.

Joe: Boys, go and get dressed before dinner

Shane: Oh haha, forget about it

We got up to our rooms and I got dresses and after that went down but Joey stopped me.

Joey: One thing now when we are brothers Shane

Shane: Yeah sure

Joey: your not a bad guy, your cool. And thank you

Shane: For what

Joey: helping me back there

Shane: Its was no problem Joey, really I understand some things are to dark to talk about, I know how it is...

Joey: Wanna talk about it?

Shane: Hehe, no... not now at least

Joey: okey, I'm here for you

Shane: Thanks Joey

I said and I just laid my arms around him, hugging him. He didn't hug back first but then he did. We realized and got down stairs to eat dinner.

Joe: I was thinking of something Joey

Joey: What dad?

Joe: You can leave the house, just tomorrow but on one condition

Joey: yeah sure

Joe: You show Shane around town, just so he don't have to feel his grounded and cant go out without getting lost hehe

Joey: yeah, what do you say bro?

Shane: sounds like a great idea bro

Joey and I laughed.

Mom: your finely coming along now?

Shane: Yeah, Joeys cool

Joey: your not that bad yourself

Joe: Then you don't mind playing games today then?

Joey: We skip that dad, I will show Shane how to play minecraft

Mom: okey then, just came down later for pie

So yes, Joey and I started to become friends and we were playing minecraft for a while. It was hard but Joey were god at it so he helped me a lot.

Joey: Shane, can I ask something personal?

Shane: anything

Joey: um... what happen to your dad?

Shane: Oh... I reader not talk about it...

Joey: oh, sorry... didn't mean too... i was just thinking seance you never talked about him and that

Shane: Its not... a problem... just that, its really dark for me...

Joey: same with my sister and mom and...

He stopped...

Shane: Who els?

Joey: Um... nothing

Shane: Okey, how about a deal, when we both feel ready to talk about our other parents, we sit together and listen to one and other

Joey: To support?

Shane: Yeah, i mean now when we are living together and all

Joey: yeah, that sounds good

After pie and hang out with Joey i started to think how much Joey changed in so short time, sure his great and all... and his hot...

I have to admit that my stepbrother is the hottest dude i meet, I didn't even know that type of guys existed. Joey is a dream price from my dreams, his tall, sexy hair, fit body, smells amazing, smiles like the sun is shining...

Im thinking about my stepbrother, how dame sexy he is... why couldn't it be me finding Joey then my mom had to find his dad... God Im horny...

I slipped my hand into my pajama pants and stroke myself.

Shane: mmm yeah.... fuck me Joey....


So a lot happen!

Well guys I'm sorry, this chapters takes forever to make but! I will do them this long but I won't post twice a week, I will post when ever I'm done with a part. Fucking school...

Also a lot of people (internet friends) are coming over to me this following weekends so I won't be writhing them. So this week my friend Michel is coming that I have been friend for like a half year with now so that's fun. And three weeks from now my "sister" that I have known for 3 years are finely meeting for the first time.

So that's great it just that I can't be able to write... But my editor to wait your pregnant are working her ass of and I did to chapter 29 so yeah!

Question of the day!

Give me ideas what can happen in this book, I have only been thinking about the bigger things but that will make it a pretty shirt book on like 5 parts....

May the odds be ever be in your favor my little stitch baby's goooodddd byee

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