Konosuba: dragon's blessing i...

By draconicPhoenix456

21.9K 368 185

Tsukiyo Drakon is your typical genius high school student that is always bored with this world. Until the day... More

Chapter 1: The day I died and reborn in a new world.
Chapter 3: The start of something amazing.
Chapter 4: Meeting of new friends and old rival.
Chapter 5: The battle between the dragon and the knight.
Chapter 6: the sun, the star, and the moon

Chapter 2: The Town of Beginings.

3.9K 69 23
By draconicPhoenix456

For future story reference, if you need

[Sword master/speed]: classes and stats

Chain lighting/draconic wisdom: spells/ability

Yamato: items

Now with that over with on with the show.

Tsukiyo POV

It has been a lite bit over an hour since I came to this new world, and already it way more fun and interesting than Earth. For instance, not even five minutes in, I already got an attack.


I have been on the road for about a minute which, I spend looking at the beautiful scenery that is the plain I was first transfer to when suddenly.

Aloud rumbling sound can be heard all over the plain. And in front of me is a giant frog easily, twice my height. And when it sees its target IE me, it extended its tongue to try to eat me. Me seeing how slow the attack simply jumps out of the way of the giant.

Tsukiyo (though): only a minute in, and I meet a toad similar to the summoned of a particular hyperactive blond ninja and trying to make me its lunch.*Smirk* this place is already more interesting than Earth welp this should be a good test of my fundamental combat skills.

With my target set, I rocket back to the giant amphibian with blinding speed, and I was quickly in front of the toad's head, punch it with so much strength that the toad got launch back a few feet while croaking in pain.

Tsukiyo (though): HOLY COW, I know that becoming a dragon hybrid will give me a boost in my stats, but this is just plain insane.

While I was shocked at how fast and powerful I am, a second giant toad appears and using my shock to its advantage. The amphibian got close and swatted me with one of its colossal limbs and, I went flying and hitting a nearby tree, the force behind that was so great that the tree snaps in half. While this would have killed any average human, but with my enhanced durability. I stood back up with the only evidence of the damage being a light bruise on my back and a dusty cloak.

Tsukiyo (though): this feeling, this adrenaline, this excitement, this is the excitement I been looking for all this time.

When I got back on my feet, I have a battle-hungry smirk on my face and rocketed back into the fray to do battle with the two giants, and this time with even greater speed than before. Using my momentum to my advantage, I land a bone scattering kick on the head of the first toad. The force behind the strike was even greater than before, and in an instance, the toad was dead. Not caring about the death of the first, the second toad lunge at me in an attempt to eat me. Not wanting to be lunch, I instantly made some distance between me and the amphibian. At that moment, the toad tries to chase me.

Tsukiyo: *smirk* well, this has been fun, but I have a schedule to keep so, do me a favor and died.

With the last word say, I pull Yamato from its sheath and in less than the time it takes to blink. I was on the other side of the toad. Then I re-sheath Yamato with a click and turn back to see the toad on the ground being vertically sliced in half.

Flash Back End

After the battle with those two toads, I cut off their tongue to sell because if this world goes by MMO logic. Then I can probably sell these for a profit, I don't know how much these tongues are worth, but hey, "beggars can't be choosers."

Tsukiyo: hello, good sir, I'm a traveler from a distant land to help slay the devil king and, this is my first time in this town, can you please help me.

Old man: ah, it good to see a bright young man like you wanting to become an adventurer, so how may I help you.

Tsukiyo: well, like you say I, want to become an adventurer but, I don't know where the guild is.

Old man: ah in, that case you, will want to go to the end of the block and turn right, and at the end of the road turn right and you will see the guild. And heads up, they have a registration fee of 1,000 Eris.

Tsukiyo (though): wait there currency is name after Eris-san, I mean, it makes some sense since she is a goddess, but that is still kinda weird.

Tsukiyo: oh about that, when I was coming here, I was able to obtain the tongue' of two giant toads.

With that say I, pull the two slimily tongue out of a small improvise pouch made out of them hide from the toads.

Old man: I must say I'm impressed giant toad tongue may not be rare per se, but even adventurer in the level 1-10 range have a pretty hard time dealing with them, and for someone that is not an adventurer yet, you must be talented to be able to kill two, and seeing that the tongue Quality is decent, I will pay you 6,000 Eris for both of the tongues.

Tsukiyo (thought): 6,000 Eris for both tongues which, means one tough is 3,000 Eris. So if I use 1,000 for the guild's registration fee, I will have 5,000 Eris leftover. I don't know how much anything is or how much an Eris is worth guess it's better than nothing.

Tsukiyo: I'll take it.

Tsukiyo(thought): well, I guess this is where it all starts.

With that, I open the door to the guild.

3rd person POV

The moment Tsukiyo enters the guild, he is immediately hit with the atmosphere of a "bar and grill" dark oak furniture and a bar counter. The number of tables and benches in the guild tells him that the place gets packed at some point, probably at night. At the moment, only a few tables were full, and the waitress was doing more cleaning than serving. One waitress sees our favorite hybrid and proceeds to make her way to Tsukiyo.

Waitress: excuses me, sir, are you interested in some food and drink.

Tsukiyo: no thanks, I'm here to sign up to become an adventurer.

Waitress: oh in, that case you, have to go to the reception desk to sign up.

Tsukiyo: thank you.

With that, he made his way to the reception desk. Walking up towards the reception desks and made his way to the back of the line after a few seconds of observing random stuff. Tsukiyo noticed that the line is moving at an extreme rate. After a few moments of waiting, it was already his turn as he finally got a good look at the receptionist.

And immediately understood why the line was long. But Tsukiyo still doesn't understand how the receptionist helped so many people so quickly.

Receptionist: Hello, my name is Luna how, may I help you today, sir?

Tsukiyo: Please don't call me "sir" it makes me sound old... The name's Tsukiyo Drakon, and I was wondering if you could answer some questions for me.

The newly named Luna giggled into her hand and nodded.

Luna: well, Tsukiyo-san I'll, try my best to answer all your questions.

After that Tsukiyo, asked Luna some basic questions about the town. Which he learns is named Axel and is nicknamed the "Town of beginnings." For the large number of new adventurers that come here.

Tsukiyo: ok, the final thing I want to become an adventurer so, how do I sign up?

Luna: Oh, that easy for you, just pay the registration fee of 1,000 Eris, and we can take care of the rest.

With a nod, Tsukiyo pull exactly 1,000 Eris out of the pouch with all the money and hands over the Eris to Luna after she quickly confirms the payment.

Luna: ok, everything seems in order. Now then, let me explain some things. Every adventurer has an occupation, or "class." You'll register what class you want to be in onto your registration card.

As she explains what an adventurer is, she placed a small brown-yellow index card size card on the counter.

Luna: This will keep track of the monsters you've killed, as well as your level, skills, and experience points.

Tsukiyo (though): ok, so from what she said, this world is running on a class base MMORPG system, and they use what I assume as a magical card as a way to identify adventurers and as a way to keep track of different things.

Tsukiyo: so can I assume that the card keeps track via magic.

Luna: why yes, this way, an adventurer's card can't be counterfeited by any means. And finally, we'll decide what your class will be. But first... Place your hand here.

With that Luna, placed a weird-looking contraption with a glass ball onto the desk, which I can only assume to be some kind of magical item. Acknowledging her word the, hybrid places his hand onto the orb. The magic item then began to glow as energy visibly spun around the gear-like parts. A stream of magic beamed down onto the adventurer's card that had been placed bellow the magic item, and Tsukiyo was surprised when letters began to appear.

Luna: Let's see what your stats are...! This is...!

Tsukiyo's POV

I was about to ask what was on the card when Luna stared at me with a look of wonder.

Luna: Your stats are amazing! Your [Strength], [Resistance], and [Defense]are all about average. Though your is [Luck] is abysmally low. But your [Speed], [Vitality], and [Intelligence] is absurd!

Tsukiyo (Thought): so I was right that my change to a hybrid did increase my stats.

Random guy 1: No way, did we just get another golden rookie?

Random guy 2: Not just one but two golden rookies on the same day!?

Random guy 3: We sure are lucky today! Bless Eris!

I looked around when a crowd began to gather around me. Back in Japan, I was never much of what people called a social butterfly so, I tend to quickly grow nervous from all the attention I got. With that thought shove to the back of my head, I quickly looked back at the excited receptionist who was still looking at my adventurer's card in awe.

Tsukiyo: so what class do you recommend for me.

Luna: With stats like this, you can pick any of the advanced classes right away! Although I don't recommend choosing the [thief] class which, depends mostly on the [Luck] stat.

Random guy 1: Be a [Sword master]!

Random guy 2: No way, this guy's aura is screaming [Arch wizard]!

Random guy 3: I don't know, the world could always use another [Arch Priest]!

Tsukiyo: do you guys have some kind of list with all the class on them.

Luna: Of course, here the list.

She then handed me a list of classes and, I start to quickly skim through the names and the description. Some class I find generic and boring like the [arch wizard], [arch priest], [crusade], and [sword master] class. The ones that did catch my eye like, the [guardian], [bow knight], and [black mage] class, don't fit my stats and or don't fit my style. And finally, when I got to the last part of the list, it caught my eye and, after taking a quick look at the stats. I made my decision on what class I'll choose.

Tsukiyo: I made my choice I will become a [Spellblade].

[Spellblade] a unique class that allows the use of both magic and a blade. In MMORPG games, players usually shy away from this kind of class. Seeing to how these classes are not the best with both magic or a sword and to a small number of competitively viable builds. But unlike most, I am in those small percentages since to have mastered this class in the past, I created a top tier character and has plenty of experience playing this class.

With that declaration, the entire guild started to cheer after I got my adventurer's card. I block out all the cheer and make my way to the request board with one thought in my head.

Tsukiyo (thought): what will be my first quest in this world.

AN: Before anyone says it, yes, I know there are six main stats instead of seven when they show adventurer's card, I just decided to change it. And since I am at it, I'll give a quick description of what each stat can do.

Strength: the measure of how much physical power one can exert.

Defense: the measure of how much physical punishment one can take.

Intelligence: the measure of how much magical power one can exert.

Resistant: the measure of how much magical punishment one can take.

Vitality: the measure of how much stamina and mana one can have.

Speed: the measure of agility or how fast one can move.

Luck: the measure of how many fortunate events can happen.

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