Confused Heart (PJM.FF) [Comp...

By vixen_ink

4.1K 403 101

3rd Place Winner - Map of the Soul Awards (PJM Category) 2019 2nd Place Winner - Bangtan Fire Awards (PJM Cat... More

Author's Note
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X
Part XI
Part XIV
Part XV
Part XVI
Bonus Part

Part XII

159 19 4
By vixen_ink


“What do you mean she quit?”, I snapped at one of my staff.

“She didn’t like the clothes that she has to put on, so she just left and her manager called to confirm that she quit”, Annie explained almost teary eyed.

I hate situations like this. Everytime a known model would be on my shoot and they don’t like something, they would get an attitude.

“How about the male model?”.

“He’s still on board, sir”.

“So, that leaves me one female model to find?”.

“Yes. May I suggest someone, sir?”.

“Who’s on your mind?”.

“How about your friend, Na Eun?”.

Come to think about it, Na Eun do have a model’s figure. She has the body and the beauty. I almost jumped with glee, instead I kissed Annie on the cheek that made her blushed.

“You’re a genius, Annie. Thanks”, I dialled my bestfriend’s number.

“Hey, baby girl. Want to be a model for my shoot?”.


“Tae, I think I made a mistake when I said yes to you”, Na Eun kept tugging her dress down.

That’s what I love about my bestfriend. She doesn’t know how pretty and innocent she is because she's always covered by her large shirts and pants, not to mention her greasy overalls.

Looking at her, wearing signature clothes really enhanced her figure and beauty.

“You’ll be great”, I giggled and turned my attention to the camera that I was holding.

“Sir, the flowers just arrived and Mr. Park is here”, one of my assistants said,I turned and saw Jimin walking behind her, but his eyes were directed at the girl who was awkwardly adjusting her dress.

“Jimin!”, my voice attracted his attention and gave me a hug when he stopped in front of me.

“Chim!”, Na Eun’s face lits up and rushed towards Jimin, kissing his cheek and giving him a tight hug.

“Now, I’m envious”, a voice from behind, interrupted us.

“Sir, the male model is finished and is ready for the shoot”, Annie is approaching us with a tall guy beside her.

“Namjoon!”, all three of us exclaimed. I didn’t know that he is a model.

“Sorry, if I didn’t tell any of you about my job”. He shyly said and rubbed the back of his head.

“We’re kind of surprise but being a model suits you”, Na Eun commented and Namjoon was pleased but not Jimin.

“So Mr. Kim and Na Eun, let’s start the shoot”, I said and moved to where my tripod is, while Jimin took the seat on the corner of the room.

The models went to the assigned places, in front of the camera where there's a beautiful set up, which was arranged by my staff.

“Namjoon, could you please put your arm around Na Eun’s waist?”, I want to capture their beauty as best as I could. Then, I heard a fake cough. When I turned around, Jimin was sitting with uneasiness and was making a frown directed at me. I mouthed the word ‘WHAT’, playing innocent, knowing that this shoot is making him uncomfortable.

Namjoon did what he was told and Na Eun stepped closer to him. I didn’t look behind but I somehow know that Jimin is in no way having fun while watching them.

“Baby girl, you’re doing great”, I praised Na Eun because she easily adopted to being a model.



“Namjoon, could you please put your arm around Na Eun’s waist?”, Taehyung said.

Oh hell, no! I want to strangle Namjoon right now. The way he snaked his arm around her and the way she stepped closer to him wants me to leave this place.

I have to admit, Na Eun doesn’t looked like this is her first time in a modelling gig. She’s like a pro.

What I really don’t like is the tall man whose arms are around her. Who gives a damn if he’s a model?

“Na Eun, will you put your face closer to Namjoon? Just imagine you’re a couple”, Taehyung instructed.

What the heck, Tae! You’re doing this on purpose. You’re making me miserable.

I noticed how Namjoon blushed and Na Eun wasn’t bothered by it and just did what Tae had instructed.

I coughed once again to get the attention of their photographer and I succeeded. Taehyung grinned and winked at me.

Oh you’re so done, bitch! I glared at him, shooting invisible arrows towards him.

After taking pictures with that pose, Taehyung looked at his camera to check at his shots and then the next words that he spoke really boiled my blood, ”Now, baby girl could you give Namjoon a peck on the cheek and Namjoon please give me a genuine smile while she do that”.

“STOP!”, I yelled unconsciously. What the hell, Jimin?

All the people inside the studio looked at me as if I am a crazy fool for interrupting a shoot.

“Chim?”, Na Eun was surprised.

“Want to say something, Jiminie?”, Taehyung asked. Oh, the devil was taunting me.

“I...I think she shouldn’t kiss him”.

“And why is that?”, there was a glint of amusement on Taehyung’s face.

The way Namjoon stared at me, I knew that he was also annoyed by my disturbance.

“Because she didn’t brush her teeth”, I spilled but when the words left my mouth it was too late when I realized that mistake.

Oh, you didn’t Jimin!!!! I facepalmed.

Looking at Na Eun’s red face made me pray to all the gods out there. I will probably meet the Grim Reaper soon.



Really, Jiminie? 😰😰😰

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