Volleyball is gay [Hakyuu One...

נכתב על ידי Phantomxlegend

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A little book of oneshots with ships including Kagehina, daisuga, asanoya, kuroken, iwaoi, tsukkiyama, BokuAk... עוד

*Stupid crap*
Multiple ships
A.U. Ideas


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נכתב על ידי Phantomxlegend

(A.N. so yeah I don't really have a plan for this chapter but Suga has separation anxiety and that's about it for the planning soooo without further ado enjoy)

Daichi [POV]

"Daichiiiiiii~" Suga whined leaning on my back while I was trying to change

"Suga please I'm trying to get changed" I begged

"But I need attention otherwise I'll die" he insisted

"I'll give you attention but please let me change" I promised

"Finneee" he got off of me sitting down on the bench behind me

"Thank you I'll walk you home tonight" I told him

"You've got a nice butt" He commented

"Thank you but you want me to walk you home right? Are your parents home?" I asked

"Yes that would be nice but if it's troublesome for you it's fine you don't have to" He responded

"Are your parents going to be home tonight?" I asked pulling my shirt over my head

"No they're both working late tonight but can you-" He trailed off I turned around to find him fidgeting with the hem of his shirt

"What do you need?" I asked raising one eyebrow throwing my gym clothes in the locker shutting it.

"No no it's fine never mind it's okay" He smiled reassuringly holding his hands palm out towards me

"No what do you need?" I asked again taking his hands in mine

"It's fine I don't want to bother you anymore than I already have" he grabbed my arm starting to walk towards the door

"Suga is so lovey dovey and is all over you all the time Daichi how can you deal with that?" Noya asked as we left

"It doesn't bother me at least that way I know he cares" I shrugged as Suga snuggled to my side as we walked

"Mhm because I love you" He mumbled

"I know that and I love you too very much" I responded kissing him on the top of the head his hair tickling my nose

"that's so cute it's disgusting" Hinata exclaimed "I wish I could be in a relationship like that" Kageyama came up from behind him and smacked him upside the head

"Don't dream like that idiot" He scolded Suga looked back at them furrowing his eyebrows concerned

"Well we're gonna get going see all you guy tomorrow" I waved to them as we walked out of the gym

"So your parent's aren't home tonight...," I started a thought tugging in the back of my mind figuring I already knew what Suga wanted "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" I raised one eyebrow

"No no it's fine you don't have to" he insisted smiling nervously "I'll be fine on my own I don't want to burden you again"

"What do you mean again?" I asked

"Nothing never mind just thanks for walking me home everyday" He smiled looking down at the ground as we walked

"Of course don't be afraid to ask if you want something because I love you" I planted a small kiss on the top of his head

"I love you too" he mumbled still looking down at his feet. We got to Suga's house and he went up to the front door waving to me

"Bye Bye Daichi love you, see you tomorrow" He smiled

"Love you too I'll call you tonight before I go to bed kay?"

"M'Kay" he nodded going inside the house I waited there for a few extra seconds before I walked away to my house. I sucked in a deep breath as I unlocked the door. Suga could be a bit much at times but I knew he meant well and I knew he loved me and he loved to show that. We've been dating for a few months now and I had started to suspect that he has some sort of separation anxiety or something like that. He always sat as close as possible to me and was always all over me. He had me walk him home every day especially when his parent's weren't home which usually they weren't. He always seemed a bit nervous whenever I had to go somewhere. I heard from Tanaka and Noya that he's always worrying about me when I'm gone. When I come back he frequently tells me that he's got a headache or some sort of pain. He likes to cuddle which isn't really anything concerning but he likes to A lot. When I got upstairs to my room after greeting my mom I went to the computer and opened my search browser.

'Separation anxiety symptoms'

Quite a few things came up but I clicked on the link of an actual medical source

'There are many different symptoms of separation anxiety but the most common can include:
~Recurrent and excessive distress about anticipating or being away from home or loved ones
~Constant, excessive worry about losing a parent or other loved one to an illness or a disaster
~Constant worry that something bad will happen, such as being lost or kidnapped, causing separation from parents or other loved ones
~Refusing to be away from home because of fear of separation
~Not wanting to be home alone and without a parent or other loved one in the house
~Reluctance or refusing to sleep away from home without a parent or other loved one nearby
~Repeated nightmares about separation
~Frequent complaints of headaches, stomachaches or other symptoms when separation from a parent or other loved one is anticipated'

I thought for a moment I wouldn't really know if Suga had any of these symptoms but I had seen signs of a few of them. I pulled out my phone pulling up Asahi's contact

Me: Hey Asahi you've got anxiety right?

It took a few minutes before I finally got a response from him which was normal

Asahi: Um that's odd coming from you but yes actually I don't really like talking about it but why
Me: I was wondering if you knew anything about separation anxiety?
Asahi: I don't know much about it, I had a dog with separation anxiety but that's about it...., why?
Me: Well I kind of think that Suga has a bit of separation anxiety but I was wondering if you knew anything about it because you've got anxiety
Asahi: Maybe he's got a little bit of it if you think about it he's got a few symptoms I've noticed like he's always worrying about you when you're not here, maybe you should ask him or something
Me: I can't just ask him something like that
Asahi: Well he is your boyfriend but I don't think you should go around asking people if they have anxiety
Me: Yeah you're right but I'll confront him about it later but I won't outright ask him that would be a little weird
Asahi: That's probably safe
Me: Well I should go I'm gonna go to bed and I've gotta make sure to call Suga so goodnight see you tomorrow
Asahi: That's nice you call him before bed?
Me: Yeah he get's worried if I don't
Asahi: Well goodnight then don't make him worry
Me: Night Asahi

I sighed shutting down my computer rolling over with the chair sitting down on my bed. I dialed Suga's number and put the phone on speaker setting it down on the nightstand. It rung twice before Suga picked up.

"Hi Suga" I greeted crossing my legs in front of me

"Daichi you called" He exclaimed

"Of course I did I promised you that I would call before I went to bed right?" I asked

"So you're going to bed?" he asked

"Yeah are you not" I raised one eyebrow

"I'm not really that tired" He insisted

"You've got to go to bed we've got school tomorrow" I scolded

"Yeah but I-" he trailed off

"What is it?"

"Nothing nothing you don't need to keep asking that I'll tell you if I need something I promise" I insisted

"I know you want something so just tell me, Suga I know you" I instructed

"Just I....., no no never mind it's fine" he insisted

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yes Yes"

"Well goodnight then Love you" I smiled to myself

"Love you too sleep well" he responded there was a click on the other line of him hanging up. I stood up from my bed knowing what Suga was going to ask. I grabbed my coat slipping it on and going downstairs

"Mom I'm gonna go out" I called

"Right now but late" my mom asked

"Yeah I'm gonna go see Suga I'm probably gonna stay the night so I'll see you tomorrow" I called

"Well see you later love you" She responded

"Love you bye" I exclaimed as I shut the door behind me. I stuffed my hands in my pockets as I walked down the street the streetlights washing the sidewalk over with a yellow light. I walked to Suga's house going up to the front stoop knocking on the door. After a few moments Suga nervously answered the door, I knew he hated answering the door at night

"Daichi, what are you doing here it's late?" Suga asked nervously

"I wanted to come see you" I insisted "You don't like being alone right?"

"Um......., how'd..., how'd you guess that?" He asked fidgeting with the hem of his shirt

"Well I know you, you're my boyfriend so I've got to understand my boyfriend without him saying anything right?" I asked holding my arms out "So can I come in or no"

"Yeah Yeah come in, thank you" he stepped to the side letting me come in, I gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you, you know that right?" I asked grabbing his hand

"I love you too" He smiled leading me up to his room

"Why didn't you ever tell me that you hate being alone I can't keep using all my brain power to figure out what you're thinking" I scolded wrapping my arm around his shoulder

"Sorry but I didn't want to bother you with my stupid concerns" he shook his head

"They're not stupid if you're worried tell me" I insisted

"I will" he promised

"And I've been thinking Suga do you have some sort of separation anxiety?" I asked out of the blue before I could think it over or stop myself. He sat down on his bed and took a long time to answer

"Um.., I'm not sure maybe a bit" I sat down next to him opening my arms he scooted closer to me letting me wrap my arms around him protectively

"Maybe you should get tested for it" I suggested

"That would just be a waste of time and money because it's probably nothing" I laid down pulling him with me.

"Well If you're concerned about it you should" I insisted

"I'm not worried about that I'm worried about you" he mumbled into my shoulder

"Ugh you're so cute I love you so much" I laughed

"I love you too" he responded

"Can you sleep now?" I asked

"Yes thank you good night" he smiled into my shoulder

"Night" I reached down pulling his blankets over the both of us.  It took a while but I did finally fall asleep with him clinging to me like a koala bear.  The next morning I woke up really early.  Suga had his back to me curled up in a ball.  I yawned standing up and stretching my arms above my head.  Looking around I realized I wasn't in my own room, or even my own house.  I walked down the hall to the front door and got all the way back to my house when I realized I should have woke up Suga.  Since I was already at my house I quickly ran upstairs to change into my school uniform

"Morning Mom off to school" I called grabbing my bag

"Have a good day hon" my mom called back as I left half running half walking back to Suga's house.  I had completely forgotten my suspicions about his anxiety.  My phone buzzed and pulling it out o realized I had a ton of texts from Suga

Sugar: Daichi where are you????
Sugar: Where did you go are you okay?
Sugar: Daichi answer your phone are you okay?
Sugar: please say something
Sugar: please...

I was hit with a huge pang of guilt for leaving Suga

Me: Suga calm down I'm okay take deep breaths it's okay I'm coming back over I just had to change into my school uniform I'm so sorry I forgot to wake you up.

I shoved my phone in my pocket not wanting to see his response.  I got to his front porch knocking on the door. I waited there for a long time but with no answer. I knocked again but still there was no answer.  I tried the door and to my surprise it was unlocked.

"Suga?  Are you here?" I asked softly walking inside taking my shoes off at the door.  I walked down the hallway to Suga's room.  He was pacing around his entire body trembling. 

"Suga I'm so sorry I forgot to wake you" I apologized coming over wrapping my arms around him stopping his pacing. I saw tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Daichi.....," he started his voice shaking he started sobbing "Daichi......, I thought......, I thought something........, happened to you....., you....., could have gotten.......,hurt" he exclaimed between sobs

"Shh it's okay Suga I'm fine everything's okay" I told him running my hands through his hair. His knees buckled from under him but I caught him wrapping my arms tighter around him.  I slowly sat down on my knees on the floor

"I don't......., know what I......, would have done......, if something....., happened to....., you" he sobbed

"You don't have to cry I'm so sorry for leaving you please it's okay I'm here" I rubbed circles into his back soothingly. His breathing was choked and ragged and he was trembling a lot.

"Please......, don't leave...., me" he begged

"Shhh it's okay I won't ever leave you I love you so much" I promised him closing my eyes.  He wrapped his arms tightly around me.  I pulled him closer to me continuing to rub his back until his trembling stopped and his breathing slowed down.  He looked up at me his face tear stained and blotchy

"I'm so sorry Suga I won't do that again you don't have to worry about me" I told him brushing his bangs which were matted to his face with tears away. He rubbed his eyes

"I love you so much Daichi" he mumbled

"I love you too" I responded and was surprised when Suga stood up wobbling some

"Suga where are you going?" I asked

"I think I'm gonna throw up" he exclaimed going down the hallway to the bathroom. I was frozen with surprise at first but quickly regained myself and stood up as well.  I went into the kitchen and got him a glass of water before going into the bathroom. When I went in the bathroom he had already thrown up twice.  I knelt down next to him at the toilet

"Are you okay?" I asked slowly he nodded throwing up again.

"This...., happens....., sometimes" he explained as I handed him the glass of water

"What do you mean this happens sometimes?" I asked nervously

"It's just...., anxiety" he smiled weakly drinking the water

"Maybe you shouldn't go to school stay home and rest" I insisted

"No, no I'm fine just this happens...., sometimes I get so anxious that....., I just throw up" he smiled weakly "it's nothing really I'm, I'm fine"

"Are you sure I don't think that's normal Suga maybe you should rest" I insisted

"No I'm fine really" he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand flushing the toilet. 

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yeah yeah just let me get my uniform on and we can go" he smiled again walking back down the hall to his room.  I frowned going into the kitchen putting the glass into the sink as he came out with his bag. His eyes were still a bit red and puffy but not like before

"Sorry let's go" He insisted

"Yeah..," I mumbled grabbing my bag and putting my shoes on at the front door.  When we got to school we went to our separate classes (A.N. I think that Suga and Daichi are in the same class but for the sake of this they aren't and Suga is in the same class as Noya)

*time skip: after school*

At practice almost everyone was here already except for Suga

"Does anyone know where Suga is?" I asked everyone

"I think he was sent home" Noya explained

"What happened do you know?" I asked him

"In class he was shaking and trembling and wasn't really paying attention the teacher asked if something was wrong but he just said he was cold she didn't believe him and sent him down to the nurses office" Noya explained with a shrug "then later she had me take his stuff down to the nurses office as well so I'm pretty sure he was sent home"

"Did you see him when you brought his stuff?" I raised one eyebrow

"I did but he was laying down his back to me so it's not like he said anything to me" he shrugged

"I see so let's start practice for now without him" I clapped my hands together though in the back of my mind I was really worried about him.  About halfway through practice I was almost hit in the face with a ball for the third time because I wasn't paying attention

"Daichi you're clearly worried about Suga you're not focusing at all why don't you just go see him" Tanaka insisted

"I can't do that practice isn't over yet" I responded picking up the ball that almost hit me in the face

"Yeah well you keep getting distracted so it would be safer for you to just go see Suga" Noya chimed in

"Are you sure?" I asked raising one eyebrow

"Just we we'll be fine without you" Asahi urged "you asking me questions worrying about his anxiety last night so you should just go"

"Fine fine but that doesn't mean you guys can slack off while I'm gone" I scolded grabbing my things

"Don't worry about it go see your boyfriend" Tanaka urged

"Yeah yeah I'll see you guys later" I waved as I left slinging my bag over my shoulder. They were right I was really worried about Suga if he was sent home because of his anxiety and I couldn't be there I felt really bad.  I knocked on Suga's door and waited for an answer to my surprise his mom opened the door

"Hi is Suga home I wanted to see him?" I asked nervously I knew his mom was a bit suspicious of me after the both of us came out to our parents about being gay.

"Yes he's in his room but I don't think he's feeling very well" she explained

"That's why I came over because I heard from his classmates and our team that he was sent home because he was sick so I wanted to make sure he was okay" I smiled innocently

"You're his boyfriend right?" She asked slowly raising one eyebrow

"Yes" I responded

"Then it's only natural for you to be worried about him to even skip practice" she smiled Suga got his smile from her he had the exact same smile as his mother and it was adorable.

"Well the team wouldn't let me play I guess I was too distracted because of it, practice got a bit dangerous when I was almost hit in the face three times" I scratched at the back of my neck awkwardly

"I see well come in come in make yourself at home I'm sure Suga will be happy to see you he talks about you a lot at dinner" she smiled stepping to the side letting me in. I walked into the house bowing to her slightly before going down the hallway to Suga's room.  I knocked on the door before opening it slowly.  Suga was sitting on his bed his knees pulled up to his chest his chin resting on his knees.  He had a towel on his head and he was shirtless.  He was playing on his phone. 

"Suga how are you feeling?" I asked he looked up his hair was damp water droplets hanging from the tips of his hair

"Daichi what are you doing here?" He looked at the time "shouldn't you be at practice right now?"

"Well the team sent me away because I was too distracted and almost got hit in the face three times" I laughed sitting down next to him "you took a shower"

"Well a bath, mom's idea" he explained "she said it helps to relax"

"Did it help?" I asked

"Kinda not really though" he shrugged

"You should dry your hair properly though you'll really get sick" I grabbed the towel from his head and started to dry his hair. 

"I like to let it air dry" he insisted

"But if you don't dry it you'll catch a cold" I scolded

"Yeah yeah but it floofs up better when I air dry it" he pursed his lips blowing a stand of hair out of his face.

"Oh shush let me worry about you" I furrowed my eyebrows

"I always worry about you" he smiled

"Why were you sent home?" I finally asked

"I threw up again in the nurses office" he explained "so I was sent home to get some rest"

"I see were you actually sick though or was it more like this morning" I set the towel down on the bed

"I don't know I think it was like this morning" he shrugged

"Maybe you should get tested if it's starting to affect you in school" I suggested

"I'm not sure I'm pretty sure it's fine" He insisted

"If you insist" I shrugged

"I do insist" he pouted 

"Do you feel better now at least?" I asked

"With you here yes" he smiled leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Wait I've got an idea I'll be right back one second" I stood up

"Where are you going?" he asked

"I'm gonna get you something one second" 

"Okay?" He raised one eyebrow as I left.  I waved to his mom as I let myself out.  I walked to the store I had an idea I wasn't sure if it would work but it was worth a shot.  I walked through the clothe isles

Suga [POV]

After Daichi left I decided it would be a good idea to get dressed by now.  I stood up shaking my head flinging water droplets around the room.  I pulled a shirt out of my dresser and pulled it over my head

"Koshi where'd your boyfriend run off to?" My mom asked coming into my room

"Uh he said he was going to get something and he'd be back in a second" I explained with a shrug

"Oh I see well I'll be going now I've gotta go to work I'll see you tonight" she smiled waving to me

"Bye mom love you" I smiled back

"Love you too Koshi see you later" she shut my door behind her as she left.  I sighed flopping down on my bed pulling my phone back out going to the team group chat.

Me: Sorry for not coming to practice today my mom wouldn't let me
Noya: Don't worry about it Suga if you weren't feeling well you weren't feeling well just hope you get better
Tanaka: ^ really don't worry about it
Me:  No I felt fine but my mom just wouldn't let me go
Tanaka: If you felt fine why'd you have to go home???
Me: No reason really the nurse just felt it necessary I guess
Noya: Suspicious...
Me: It's not
Asahi: Were you freaking out in class again being alone?
Me: Asahi where did you get that 'again' I've never done that
Asahi: Well last night Daichi was talking how he thought you had anxiety
Me: Oh he was wasn't he?
Noya: Don't hurt him Suga we all think that
Me: Kidding kidding he asked me about it last night
Tanaka: So he was at your house?
Asahi: What'd you say?
Me: Yes he was at my house and I said that I don't know
Yamaguchi: You don't know?
Me: Well I don't really know what to classify it as
Dadchi: Suga I leave you alone for one second and you go and have a whole huge conversation in the group chat you should relax some take a nap or something
Me: My mom just left for work and I can't relax that's not what I do I can't sit still
Dadchi: Suga just relax I'll be back soon
Tanaka: Ooo what are you doing Daichi why'd you leave your boyfriend alone
Me: I've got a name
Dadchi: I'm at the store buying something so Suga you better be chill when I get back
Me: I am chill I'm always chill
Dadchi: What about this morning you weren't chill then
Tanaka: ooooo what happened this morning
Tsukishima: Please do not elaborate
Dadchi: It wasn't anything I just scared Suga
Noya: You 'scared' Suga
Dadchi: okay okay
Me: I think my mom locked the door do you want me to unlock it for you
Tanaka: Changing the subject hmmm?
Dadchi: Yes please unlock the door for me
Me: Kay
Noya: Changing the subject hmmmm?
Kageyama: I hope you feel better Suga
Tsukishima: Little late to the conversation King
Kageyama: I didn't have my phone
Me: Thank you Kageyama I'm feeling better now though
Tsukishima: You 'didn't' have your phone that sounds awfully suspicious
Hinata: We were playing arcade games
Noya: Aw how sweet was it a date?
Kageyama: What of course it wasn't we were just playing games
Hinata: Yeah that's all
Dadchi: Don't do anything crazy you two you guys are still underage 
Hinata: DAICHI there's nothing going on really we were just having fun like friends
Tanaka: We'll accept you no matter what no one here cares if you're gay because Daichi and Suga are gay and we still love them all the same
Tsukishima: That's gross king
Yamaguchi: Tsuki!!!
Kageyama: There's nothing going on I swear
Me: Don't worry they're just kidding they teased me before I came out
Asahi: I apologize on their behalf again because I know they wont do it
Tanaka: ^ nope not gonna apologize because I called it
Me: I took that to heart guys I don't like being called gay I was terrified that you guys found out
Dadchi: No one would have seen you any different
Me: You see me differently <3
Dadchi: Of course I do I love you
Noya: Get a room you two
Tanaka: guys guys don't tell them to get a room till you hear what they're names are in their contacts Lol
Asahi: What are they?
Me: it's your guy's names that's it
Tanaka: Mhm but what's Daichi's name in your contacts
Me: .... Dadchi......
Noya: Seriously Suga LOL
Dadchi: Is it really that in your contacts?
Me: Yeah, because your my daddy
Tanaka: WHOA get a room you two
Dadchi: Whoa is right Suga watch your mouth there are minors in this group chat
Tsukishima: Lord hope we never figure out what they text each other privately 
Suga: It's nothing bad
Tanaka: Daichi don't think you're off the hook yet what's Suga's name in your phone?
Dadchi: It's not anything interesting
Noya: Tell us tell us
Dadchi: Its sugar
Hinata: Aw how sweet
Kageyama: Did you just-
Me: Am I really called Sugar in your phone
Noya: Wait did you guys really not know what each other had for your contacts?
Me: Nope this is news to me
Dadchi: Suga I'm coming back is the door unlocked?
Me: Oh right sorry I'll go unlock the door
Asahi: of course it's gay they are gay

I shut my phone off standing up stretching my arms above my head.  I tossed my phone on the bed and went down the hallway to the front door unlocking it and going back to my room.  I walked back to my room flopping on the bed.  I buried my face into my pillow.  I hated being alone but I felt better knowing that Daichi was coming back.  

"I wonder what Daichi needed to get?" I asked out loud my voice muffled by my pillow.  I rolled over to my side curling up bringing my knees up to my chest pulling the blanket over me as well.  

"wait what happened to my phone?" I asked sitting up, I flung the blanket off hearing a loud thunk "there it is" I crawled over to the other side of the bed grabbing my phone from off the floor.  I didn't even hear Daichi come in until he burst into my room scaring me out of my skin.  I lost my balance falling off the bed

"Sorry Suga didn't mean to scare you" He apologized scratching at the back of his neck

Daichi [POV]

I didn't mean to scare Suga but the door got stuck.

"Daichiiii" He whined

"Sorry sorry" I tightened the grip around the plastic shopping bag

"I was trying to relax like you said" he explained

"The door got stuck" I shrugged

"The hinges are old" he looked up at the ceiling "This is an old house"

"Really, are there any ghosts?" I joked

"Maybe in the attic" he shrugged

"Do you hear things?" I raised one eyebrow

"Yeah sometimes I hear things I can't explain like ghosts but I find it more soothing than being alone" He explained

"Yeah yeah you hate being alone" I laughed sitting down next to him

"What did you need to get anyways?" he raised one eyebrow

"I got You something" I corrected opening the shopping bag

"what why?" He asked

"here" I pulled out the pair of gloves that I got for him 

"Gloves?" They were thin black and tight finger-less gloves

"For you" I tore open the packaging with my teeth, I grabbed his right hand pulling the first glove over his hand.

"why'd you get me gloves?" he asked "They're kinda tight"

"It's so I can always be holding your hand even when I'm not here so you know I'm okay and so you wont have to worry about me because I'll always love you" I pulled the other glove over his other hand and intertwined our fingers together "So then you don't have to worry about me" Suga opened his mouth to say something but closed it again

"Daichi...," He started tears forming in the corners of his eyes

"Do you not like them?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows concerned

"No No No that's not it that's not it at all it's perfect I love them thank you so much" He exclaimed squeezing my hands "Thank you so much Daichi I love you so much"

"I love you too that's why I got them for you" I explained "So I can always protect you" I pulled his hands up kissing the back of each glove.

"It's perfect, you're perfect" he pressed his lips to mine wrapping his arms around my neck burying his hands in my hair.  I kissed him back running my fingers through his hair.  I loved him so much.

*time skip: Next day at practice*

I walked into the gym a little late today, I was helping a teacher hang up some posters.  Suga was sitting on the bench like he usually did when I came down to the locker room

"You're late" he pointed out folding his hands in his lap wearing the gloves I got him yesterday 

"Yeah I was helping a teacher hang some posers up" I explained opening my locker

"I see" he nodded

"How do you always change so quickly to sit there on that bench in front of my locker like you've been waiting there for an hour?" I asked pulling my shirt off

"Well today I had extra time because you're late but I'm just that good at changing" I pulled my jersey on tossing my other shirt into the locker

"You're just trying to rub that in that you're faster than me?" I raised one eyebrow taking my shorts off

"You've got a nice butt" he smirked leaning against the wall "and yes"

"You say that every day Suga" I commented pulling my shorts up

"yeah but it's true" he insisted standing up grabbing my hand as we walked back up to the gym

"Daichi, Suga you're late" Tanaka scolded

"I wasn't late Daichi was" Suga corrected "I was waiting for him in the locker room"

"Which made you late" Asahi added

"A teacher had me help her hang up some posters" I explained again "But lets not dally then lets start" I clapped my hands together Suga stood next to me smiling like an idiot his hands on his hips

"What's got you so happy today?" I asked raising one eyebrow

"Nothing Nothing I'm just happy today" he explained running off to go practice though after practice Tanaka and Noya came up to me as I was rolling the ball cart into the back room

"What's up guys?" I asked closing the closet door after putting the balls away

"Why's Suga wearing those finger-less gloves is he trying to start a trend or something?" Tanaka asked

"Yeah is he trying to look good maybe to impress you?" Noya chimed in

"Why'd you automatically assume that I would know" I joked

"Because you're his boyfriend" Tanaka raised one eyebrow

"You're right but yes I know I was the one to give him the gloves, it's a coping mechanism" I explained

"A coping mechanism?" They both asked

"He's got a little bit of separation anxiety so it's to help with that" I told them

"Is it like some special gloves?" Noya asked

"Nope just regular store bought gloves just one size smaller than his hands" I smiled proudly with a shrug

"They're smaller so that they're tight on his hands right?" Asahi asked coming over holding the volleyball net

"Exactly, to help him calm down if he's lonely or if he's anxious" I nodded

"How does that work?" Tanaka asked

"It's all in the mind" I explained

"Do you think it works?" Noya asked, I looked over at Suga who was talking with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi excitedly.  He was probably telling a story of some sort because of all the large hand gestures he did.  Tsukishima didn't seem to care that much but Yamaguchi listened intently

"Hey Suga" I called he stopped talking and turned around I smiled giving him a thumbs up.  He smiled back brightly giving me a thumbs up back before turning back around and continued with what he was talking about.  I turned back to Tanaka and Noya

"Yes" I responded with a nod

(A.N. soooooo this is a really long chapter over 5700 words this is probably the longest chapter I've ever written but I didn't want to split this chapter up to avoid any confusion on the chapters so it ended up really long soo I just wanna say sorry and I guess this turned out so long because I love Suga he's probably by far my favorite character followed by Asahi)

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