Bad News One Shots

By Spagbol99

3.9K 114 40

Hiya, I had some 'One Shots' I had written for 'Bad News' yonks ago, that I thought I would share. Special s... More

Saving Sophia
Ray Encounter

Luca notices Linc

1K 31 8
By Spagbol99

The swing creaked reassuringly as he swung gently back and forth. He had gotten his breath back now and his heart rate was beginning to return to normal. Ray didn't normally try to find him when he got away: Lincoln would have to come home at some point and Ray knew it. If he wanted to continue what he had started then he would, even if he had to bide his time.

Lincoln shifted in his seat and pain flashed through his back. He hated that fucking belt, with its oversized cartoon buckle. Ray had been so pleased with it when he had got it for a quid at the boot sale. Pleased to discover what damage he could do with it. Lincoln had thought several times of 'misplacing' it, but that would only make Ray madder. Belts aren't like socks that get lost in the wash or keys that fall down the back of the sofa. Ray would know that he had taken it. And to paraphrase the Incredible Hulk: you wouldn't like Ray when he was angry.

Lincoln pushed his hand into his pocket and drew out half a cigarette. After a few tries, his lighter cooperated and the flame flashed bright, illuminating his bruised face in the dim light. He pulled hard on the cigarette, inhaling the smoke deep. He loved the menthol cigarettes and he liked even more the warm feeling that filled his now freezing body.

He hadn't had time to grab a coat and the mid November breeze was beginning to chill his bones. Like so many times before, he had scrambled for the door and fled with only what was left of, and on him. He had learned to always wear shoes in the house.

He would only run from Ray when his Mum was out. She was working a night shift as a nurse and wouldn't be back until 6am. She knew what Ray did; he did it to her, less often now though. Ray seemed to have shifted his attention in that area to Lincoln, after Lincoln had hit him once when he was trying to stop him beating his mum. He lectured Lincoln that he had to do this to help Lincoln be a man but Lincoln knew that wasn't true. Lincoln didn't know why he did it but it was undoubtedly for Ray's benefit, not his. That much he knew. Still, Lincoln wouldn't run when his mum was there; though she often urged him to. He didn't want Ray turning on her when he was angry with him.

He would make sure that he slipped in after he thought Ray was asleep. He'd been drinking heavily so Lincoln guessed he would be passed out by 1am. Lincoln would creep back in at least before his Mum got in. He didn't tell her about all the beatings; he didn't want her to worry. He'd hoped to keep this one to himself, but thrashing his back with the belt hadn't extinguished Ray's anger tonight and he could feel his eye was swollen where he had been punched. The same eye was still a bit black from a week ago; maybe by the time his Mum saw it after school tomorrow, the swelling would have gone down and it would just look like a continuation of the previous attack. Maybe, maybe not.

He sighed at these thoughts and as he pushed off his heels, the familiar creaking began again.

Sergeant Luca strained his eyes across the parking lot. He turned to his colleague.

"Greggs" he asked, "Is that one of those kids from the other day?"

Greggs squinted in the same direction. "Looks like it. I recognise him. I've picked him up a few times before."

Luca nodded and looked at his watch. "What is he 14/15? It is almost midnight. Shall we?"

Greggs nodded and they walked briskly towards the rusting playground.

Lincoln had his back to them and was too deep in his thoughts to hear their approach.

"Well, we meet again"

Lincoln looked up to see the two Policemen in front of him.

He sighed and took a final pull on his cigarette.

"Now you are the one with the funny name right?"

"Li, Lionel?"tried Greggs.

"No, it is Lincoln. Right? Like the president" Luca flashed a smile at him.

Lincoln nodded imperceptibly.

"What is your surname?"

Lincoln flicked the cigarette butt to the floor and stubbed it out with his toe. Greggs looked at him with distaste. Lincoln might as well tell him his surname. With a first name like Lincoln, he was pretty easy to track.

"Taylor, Lincoln Taylor"

"I'm Sergeant Luca and this is PC Greggs" said Luca, motioning to Greggs. "But then again, we have met before haven't we?"

"Dunno" replied Lincoln, "You pigs all look the same to me."

Greggs bristled but Luca ploughed on, ignoring the insult.

"What are you doing out so late and without a coat? It is almost midnight."

Luca came a bit closer to him, putting his arm out on the pole holding the swings up.

"Nothing" replied Lincoln.

"What happened to your eye?" asked Luca, taking in his black eye and swelling around it. "Were you in a fight tonight?"

Lincoln snorted to himself. "Yeah, something like that."

"Now, we saw you with your buddies the other night, as we went into the cafe. When we came back out, our tires had been slashed."

Lincoln smirked. He hadn't done it, but his mate Jason had.

"You think it is funny?" snapped Greggs, losing his patience. "We'll take you back to your parents now, and have this conversation there with them."

Lincoln couldn't have the Police bringing him home. Ray would go nuts.

"Leave my parents out of it" said Lincoln, eyeing Greggs darkly.

"Afraid not" said Luca, "We can't let you stay out here this late on your own."

Lincoln was out of the swing in one movement and started to walk briskly away from the Police Officers.

They caught up with him swiftly and Greggs grabbed him back by the arm. Lincoln struggled out of his grip.

"Don't touch me" he snapped.

Luca stood in front of him. "Hey, we aren't finished with you yet!"

"I'm finished with you"growled Lincoln, trying to step past Luca.

"Right that is it" snapped Greggs, "Arms above your head. We are going to search you."

"Why are you searching me? Are you arresting me?" said Lincoln, locking his fingers behind his head.

"Since you were last seen near an incident where a knife was involved, we are going to search you for weapons" snapped Greggs.

"I don't have any" sighed Lincoln, as Luca ran his hands along the front on Lincoln's body.

"Good, then you don't mind if we check"said Luca, going behind him and continuing the pat down.

Lincoln yelped as Luca's rough patting met with the stinging belt marks that Ray had given him earlier.

Luca stopped at once.

"What is wrong with your back?"

Tears formed from the pain, Lincoln wiped them away quickly and made something up. He looked at the floor as he spoke. "I just fell off my bike and landed on my back. It is still sore."

Luca noted his reaction and on instinct pulled up Lincoln's t-shirt. He saw fat, red, raw strap marks before Lincoln had the chance to pull away.

"Hey, you can't take my clothes off like that, you pervert!" snapped Lincoln. His heart thumped as he realised what Luca had seen.

"Hey watch your mouth"said Greggs, grabbing him back by the armpit.

"It is ok Greggs" Luca put his arm out to indicate to the other officer to calm. Luca looked at Lincoln with genuine worry. "Come on, let's go back to the car."

Lincoln walked between the two Police Officers back towards the squad car but they didn't hold on to him or handcuff him.

Luca opened the door to the back of the car.

Lincoln looked at him. "What are you arresting me for?" he asked.

"Just sit down for a few minutes will you."

Lincoln looked at him suspiciously but did as he was told.

Luca closed the door behind him and walked around to the other side.

"What are we doing here Rick?" asked Greggs, quietly so Lincoln wouldn't hear.

"We'll ask him about the other day; but I also think there is some abuse going on. Belt marks on his back. Let's look him up."

Greggs nodded and they both got into the car.

Luca pulled out the small computer in the squad car and typed in some of Lincoln's details. A list of arrests came up dating over the last 2 years. Petty crimes mainly, but there was one of joyriding as well.

Greggs took a look and whistled.

"What is your address Lincoln?"

Lincoln leant forward and pointed towards the high rise in front of them. "I just live there: you don't need to drive me home."

"What number?"

"What does it matter?"


"116B" sighed Lincoln, sitting back. They would definitely take him home now.

Luca typed into the computer as Greggs spoke.

"So about last night? Was it you?"

"No, I can honestly tell you that I didn't slash your tyres."

"But you know who did?"

Lincoln stayed quiet.

"Who was it?"

Lincoln shrugged.

Greggs opened his mouth to issue a threat but was nudged by Luca. He looked over at the screen where Luca was pointing.

"DV" muttered Luca.

There were a number of DV -Domestic Violence- reports, where police had been contacted by neighbours with concerns about 116B. This confirmed to Luca what he had first suspected when he had seen the strap marks on Lincoln's back. If violence was doled out between the parents, it was often doled out to the kids as well.

Luca turned in his seat to face Lincoln.

"We'll have to take you back home now" he said. He hated this part of his job. Although he just knew Lincoln was being abused, he hadn't been told anything by him. He would tell the Child Protection Officer what he had seen and they would follow it up with a call or a visit. But for tonight, he would have to go home, and with a police escort.

"Will your parents be at home?"

Lincoln shook his head. "My mum is at work – she is a nurse"

"Anyone else at home?"

"My stepdad" said Lincoln, quietly studying his fingers.

"Right, come on then" said Luca. "I'll take him" he said to Greggs. Greggs nodded at him in acknowledgement.

Luca wanted to talk to Lincoln one on one, in the hopes he would report what had happened. Then Luca could arrest whoever had done it, by the looks of it this stepdad, and then get the kid out of harm's way. That was the theory. It didn't always work out that way in practice.

They fell into step together as they walked towards the looming tower block. Lincoln began to feel nervous as he imagined the reception he was going to get from Ray for being brought home by a copper. Not. Good.

Luca could feel the fear building in Lincoln as they opened the doors to the building.

"Third floor, right?"

Lincoln nodded.

"That is good. My knees can't take much more than five flights these days."

He smiled at Lincoln who looked glumly back at him.

"Worried about turning up with me?" asked Luca. "Your Stepdad will be mad?"

Lincoln nodded.

"Scared of what he will do?"

Lincoln looked away from Luca and shrugged.

"I would be if someone had done that to my back and face" proposed Luca.

"Like I said, I fell off my bike."

"Come on Lincoln, someone beat the hell out of you."

Lincoln looked agitated. "Believe what you want."

There was a pause for a moment.

"Have you fallen off your bike before?" asked Luca, tentatively.

They had reached the third floor and Lincoln was beginning to feel more agitated. Anxiety caused him to say more than he had wanted.

"Many times. So perhaps you could just clear off so I don't have any more accidents."

Lincoln's eyes darted down the hallway.

"Lincoln, I will have to report this, what I have seen."

"Report what? That I fell off my bike? Because that is all I will say."


"I have my reasons."

"You don't have to put up with this."

"You don't know anything about my life."

Luca sighed.

"I'm sorry but either way, I have to take you all the way home and speak to someone who is responsible for you."

"Right" said Lincoln.

"Unless you tell me that someone will hurt you. Then I will take you away from here, right now." Luca emphasised the last two words.

Lincoln wanted to but he couldn't leave his mum. Also, he was bound to have to come back again and then Ray would be really mad.

Lincoln pulled out his key and turned it into the lock.

"Is that you?" Ray's gruff voice rang out through the hall from the lounge. "Get your arse in here right now!"

Luca watched Lincoln as he saw the muscles in his body tense.

"Ray, there is someone with me" he called out.

"What? Speak up you little shi..." Ray stopped dead in the hall when he saw the Police Officer standing there.

"Officer" he said, glaring at Lincoln. "What has he gone and done now?"

"May I come in?" asked Luca.

"If you must" said Ray, walking back into the living room. Luca noticed his sway and it was obvious that he was hammered.

They followed him in. Luca took in the state of the room. There were beer cans on the floor and cigarette smoke seemed to cling to the air. Ray dropped heavily into an armchair opposite a blaring TV. He pressed the volume button down and sat back, his slight beer belly sagging over his trousers. Luca's eyes were drawn to a belt with a massive buckle that lay discarded half on, half off the sofa. Luca's insides clenched as he saw it and imagined what had happened to Lincoln.

"So what has he done?"barked Ray. He pointed a meaty finger at Lincoln. "If you've been stealing again..."

"He hasn't done anything wrong Mr Briggs. We just found him outside late at night and we couldn't leave him without adult supervision."

Luca found it hard to keep calm as he spoke. He wanted to pull the greasy man out of his seat and flatten him.

"Oh" said Ray. "Thanks for bringing him back."

"He seems to have been hurt tonight."

Lincoln looked at Luca in shock. What was he doing? Ray would kill him if he thought he had told the cops.

Ray looked unmoved.

Luca continued. "He said he had been in a fight."

"He is always running off and getting into scraps around here" grunted Ray.

"Well, given the late hour he was out and his fighting, Social Services will no doubt be popping around in the next day or two. Perhaps to see if you need any help."

"I don't need any help with him" said Ray, "I'll straighten him out."

Lincoln felt fear rise higher within him.

Luca wanted to stop Lincoln getting hurt anymore, not encourage it. He hoped the Social coming round would stop Ray's violence, at least for a week or two.

"Well, now a report has been made, they will come as a matter of course. So expect a visit, usually unannounced."

"Whatever" said Ray, his eyes flicking to the TV screen, "Is that it?"


"Lincoln, show the Sergeant out" said Ray as he reached for the remote.

As they walked into the hall, they heard the TV screen start to blare.

Lincoln opened the door for him.

"What were you thinking? You've just made it worse" hissed Lincoln.

"No, he'll leave you alone for a bit now he knows he is being watched" said Luca, reaching into his pocket and handing Lincoln a card. "If you want it to be permanent, give me a call."

Lincoln looked at the card in his hands. Sergeant Ricardo Luca.

"Goodnight then" said Sergeant Luca, fixing on his hat.

"Night" said Lincoln, closing the door softly.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm his frayed nerves. He fingered the card and the numbers on it. He wanted to be out of here, he didn't want this life but he couldn't leave his mum. Ray had threatened to kill her enough times and he was crazy enough to do it.


He jumped at the shout.

"Get me a beer."

Lincoln shuffled into the kitchen and pulled out Ray's favourite tipple. Stella. Nicknamed 'wife beater'– pretty apt for Ray.

He came back into the living room and handed the bottle to Ray.

Ray took the bottle with one hand and grabbed Lincoln's wrist with the other. His grip began crushing Lincoln's wrist. He yelped in pain and surprise. He tried to pull away but Ray's grip only tightened.

"What have you been telling that copper?"

Ray was out of his seat, more agile that he looked.

"I didn't tell him anything."

Ray landed a punch in his stomach.

"No and you'd better not mention anything if the Social come sniffing around."

Ray twisted his arm, pulling back his hand painfully.

"I won't" said Lincoln quickly, desperate for Ray to stop.

Ray raised his fist and Lincoln shielded his face instinctively. Ray thought better of it and instead landed another two punches in Lincoln's stomach before dropping him to the ground.

Ray picked him back up by the back of the neck and hauled him out of the living room, through the narrow hallway and into his bedroom. He threw Lincoln onto the floor and stood over him. Ray swayed slightly before kicking Lincoln in the stomach. Lincoln groaned, the sound swallowed by the rug.

Ray dug into his pocket and pulled out a key.

"Better make sure you don't run off again, telling tales."

He slammed the door behind him and Lincoln heard the lock click shut.

Lincoln slept fitfully. His back didn't want to be laid on or moved and his stomach ached from the punches. His alarm went off at 8am and he tried the door to his room. It was still locked. No school for him today. He sent a few texts to his mates and then decided to go back to bed; he hoped sleep would stave his hunger.

A few hours later and he heard the key in the lock. He stayed still, his back to the door, face buried in the bed. There was no telling if Ray's mood would have improved. He didn't always have to be drunk for it to happen. There was a soft knock on the door and he heard Ray gently call his name.

"Linc, are you awake buddy?"

So it was going to be one of those days. Lincoln relaxed a bit; when Ray spoke to him like that, he wasn't going to start laying into him.

"I made you a cuppa"

He heard Ray come into the room. There was a clunk as the mug was put down on the bedside table. Lincoln felt his weight on the edge of the bed next to him and the smell of a combination of stale sweat, beer and fags hit his nostrils.

Ray sat there for a minute.

"Come on bud, it will go cold"

Ray shook him by the shoulder and Lincoln drew in breath as he touched the sensitive marks on his back.

There was a pause and then Lincoln felt his t-shirt being slowly inched up.

"Oh God" Ray mumbled, "Oh God"

He felt Ray's hand in his hair.

"Oh Linc, I am so sorry" Emotion filled his words and he began to sob.

"Kiddo, I am sorry. It won't happen again, I promise,"He sobbed, "Will you look at me?"

Lincoln rolled over so Ray could see his face. He flicked his eyes to Ray's and saw the tears falling from his face.

Ray pulled Lincoln into a hug, his hands stroking his hair. Lincoln tried not to flinch; he didn't want Ray to get angry again. Just give him what he needs and he'll leave me alone, he thought.

"Forgive me?" asked Ray, releasing his head.

Lincoln nodded but didn't meet his eyes.

Ray shifted his weight and stuck his hand in his pocket. "Here" He produced a five pound note, "You can go down the shop later, get yourself some sweets or something."

A big spliff, thought Lincoln.

"Thanks Ray" he said, taking the money from him.

Ray looked pleased and stood up.

"Should I go to school now?" asked Lincoln. It was almost 12.

Ray looked at his face. "No, you can have today off, eh? Maybe we will play some Xbox later" He winked at Lincoln and Linc forced a smile back.

As Ray turned, his mother Sophia was in the hallway. She was a tiny woman, thin as a rail with a mop of curly brown hair.

"What is going on?" she asked, worry in her voice.

Ray came up to her and kissed her on the cheek. "Nothing Soph, Linc just wasn't feeling well so he is off school today. I'm going down to meet the lads. I'll be back a bit later."

She nodded and watched him until he was out of the door.

She went to her son, who was climbing out of bed.

"Are you ok?" she asked softly. She tried to hug him, but he brushed her off.

"I'm fine Mum."

She looked at his face and her own eyes filled with tears. She had obviously noticed that his eye was blacker than yesterday. She reached for his face but he dodged from her.

"Just leave me be Mum"

There was a pause.

"Again?" was all she asked.

He looked at her, taking in the fading bruises on her own neck and barely nodded.

"I'm sorry" she said plainly.

He relented and came and hugged her.

The knock on the door came later that afternoon.

Lincoln was playing Xbox and didn't pay much attention. He looked up to see Sergeant Luca coming into the lounge. He ignored him and continued playing his game.

"Alright Lincoln?" asked Luca.

Lincoln ignored him.

"Lincoln!"Sophia chastised. "Pause that game right now."

Lincoln sighed audibly but did as he was told.

"Please have a seat Officer" said Sophia, ushering him towards the couch. The room looked completely different to last night; the beer cans had gone and the belt was nowhere to be seen.

"Can I offer you a drink? Tea?" asked Sophia politely.

"A glass of water would be great" replied Luca.

"Lincoln, would you?"

Lincoln got up and could hear them speaking from the small adjacent kitchen.

"I don't know if Lincoln has told you Mrs Briggs, but we found him out on his own late last night. Down on the estate playground" began Luca.

"Oh, no, I didn't know. Was he doing something wrong?"

"No, he was doing nothing wrong. Not this time" said Luca with a wry smile.

Sophia looked weary. "Not that he hasn't been at fault, but he has come under some bad influences in the past."

"Yes, indeed" agreed Luca, thinking of Lincoln's rap sheet.

"Well, I went down to the school today to have a talk to Lincoln" said Luca as Lincoln came back in with the water. "They said that he hadn't turned up for school today and naturally I was wondering why."

As Lincoln put the glass of water in front of him, Luca saw the large bruise that was forming on Lincoln's forearm from Ray's wrath last night. He instinctively took Lincoln's arm to look at it closer but Lincoln pulled away and hid his arm behind his back.

He looked at Sophia who was looking at the floor nervously, tears forming in her eyes.

"Mrs Briggs, I saw marks on Lincoln last night and now a new one. Can you tell me how he got them?"

Sophia was incredibly still, as if she thought that if she didn't move, Luca would just go away.

Luca felt exasperated.

"Mrs Briggs" he spoke more loudly now, "I saw belt marks on his back."

Sophia looked at Lincoln who was looking at the floor. She remained quiet.

"He beat the hell out of your son, don't you have anything to say?!"

Luca noticed that she had begun to shake.

"My husband will be home any minute Sergeant" she replied, her eyes large.

Luca felt her fear.

"He hurts you as well, doesn't he?"

"We need you to leave Sergeant" her voice took on a new urgency.

"Social Services have been informed Mrs Briggs. They will be coming round. Please talk to them. For your own safety, for your son's safety" implored Luca.

Tears fell down her cheeks now.

"Leave her alone" snapped Lincoln.


"Leave her alone and get out" Lincoln's voice was taut and he glared at Luca with full teenage force.

Luca sighed and stood up.

He held out his card.

"If you want help getting away, you can call me anytime."

Lincoln snatched the card off of him and ripped it in two.

"Yeah, you really helped last night Officer. You made everything better" said Lincoln sarcastically before going to his mother and putting his arms around her.

Luca felt defeated but still stayed where he was.

"Please get out of here before he gets back." Lincoln's voice had changed to a plea and Luca saw the fear in his eyes.

He nodded and showed himself out.

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