The Wild Gamma

By bubblygal

111K 4.3K 122

Side story of 'The Icy Beta' and 'The Fiery Alpha'. This story will be based on Chase & Ava. More

Characters & Timeline
The Masquerade Ball
The Moment with Him
Staying or Leaving?
Leaving with Him
In the Car
Meeting the Alpha
The Hidden Truth
I'll miss you
When you're gone
Missing him
Forever Love

Going to her

5K 229 6
By bubblygal

Chapter Seventeen – Going to her

*Chase's POV*

"I'm sorry." I kneeled down on the ground in front of Alpha Brett and my parents. I lifted up my head to look at them. "Please forgive me."

"No! You are not going anywhere. You are not leaving us!!" My mum shouted at me.

"I have to." I said determinedly.

I grabbed my backpack that was lying on the ground and stood up. I looked at my parents and then Alpha Brett, Ron, Lewis and the rest of the pack members.

"I'm sorry." I bent 90degrees and apologized. I took a one last glance of everyone and lastly, my attention landed on Luna Jessica.


I lay on my bed and felt the hangover which was giving me a major headache. Bottles and bottles of beer streamed down my throat as I hoped it will ease the pain that was erupting from my chest. Once I stopped drinking, I could feel the pain creeping back into my heart, killing me over and over again. I sat up from my bed slowly to see lots of empty bottles lying on the floor but that didn't bother me. I picked up my heavy legs and dragged it across the room. I grabbed a new bottle of beer and opened it. I continued drinking.

She left.

The necklace I gave her was still lying on the desk and shining brightly at me. I wanted to throw it out of the window so I won't get to see it anymore but I can't seem to do it in the end. My body slumped down to the ground and I leaned lazily against the drawers. I stared blankly into the surrounding as I brought the beer to the mouth.

I need her.

I needed to see her. I wanted to see her so badly. Being apart from her asw a torture for me. Just what can I do?

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud slammed made by my room door. "One week of stupidity is enough. Get up."

The next thing I knew I was being grabbed by the collar and thrown to the bed. I dropped the bottle of beer in the process.

"Lewis, you got to calm down." That was probably Ron's voice. There weren't any replies from Lewis. Instead, he came forward and grabbed me by my collar again.

"How long do you intend to live like this?!" Lewis shouted angrily at me. "Do you think that by drowning yourself in the pool of alcohol will bring her back to your side?!"

"Are you still fit to be our Gamma?! Can you still protect our pack like this?! Look at yourself!!" Lewis continued shouting while I decided to ignore him and crawl over to pick up the beer bottle. Just when my hands were touching the bottle, Lewis grabbed it away from me and smashed it against the wall.

"Get a hold of yourself!"

"Leave me alone!!!" I shouted at him and I got myself punched in the face in return. Lewis wanted to send another punch to my face before Ron managed to grab hold of him.

"Let go of me! I need to knock some sense into him!! He is acting like a kid!!" Lewis shouted at Ron while I struggled to get out from his grip.

"Do you know the feeling of having your mate leaving you? You don't know because you have not found your mate. Then let me tell you. It's like your whole heart being ripped off from your chest. There is a hole there and no matter what you do; it will never be mended up. The emptiness, the loneliness, devastated, pain, sorrow." I felt myself feeling the pain again as the words came out from my mouth.

"Then go to her!!! You stupid fool!!!"

"What should I do after I go to her?! Stay for a few days and leave again?!" I stood up and shouted back at him.

"No, Chase. You will stay with her after going to her." The 3 of us snapped our heads to the door to see Luna Jessica standing there. She smiled lightly at us as she approached us.


She headed towards me and stood right in front of me. "Go to her, Chase. You need her as much as she needs you. As a werewolf, protecting our mate has always been our top priority. You may think that you have more responsibility in protecting the pack since you are the Gamma but that's incorrect. Every pack members has equal responsibility in protecting the pack. You protect the pack and they protect you too. But as for mates, you are the only one responsible for her. You are the only one that can give her happiness, others couldn't." Luna Jessica said gently.

"And I thought you would be smarter than this." Luna Jessica then pointed her fingers around my messy room.

"Thereby, I announce that you are no longer fit to be the Gamma of The Dark Light Pack. You are being stripped away from your position." I looked at Luna Jessica in shocked. She turned sideways and looked at Ron.

"Ron, I am appointing you as the new Gamma of The Dark Light Pack." Ron widened his eyes in shocked. Luna Jessica then turned back to me.

"I have already informed Alpha Jayden that you will be joining his pack in about a week time." Luna Jessica said.

I stayed rooted to the ground and tried to process everything that I had just heard. Instead of feeling sad that my title was taken away from, I felt a sense of relief. I felt the weight on me was lifted off and a sense of happiness was building inside me because I knew I will be with her soon. I will get to see her again.

And this time, we will never be apart again.

[End of Flashback]

"Thank you, Luna Jessica." I said sincerely. She returned me a warm smile.

"Thanks for your punch." I said as I grinned widely at Lewis.

"Take care." Ron came up to me and gave me a brother hug. Lewis too.

"I will." I said.

Just as I was preparing to leave, a girl shouted my name loud and clear.

"Chase!! Chase!!" She pulled my hand and yanked me back a little.

"You can't just leave like this!! How could you just leave...?" I turned around and faced her. She took the opportunity to wrap her arms around my waist and pressed herself tightly against my chest.

"Don't go. Don't leave me." She lifted up her head and looked at me with her red puffy eyes.


"Don't go. I don't want you to go." She hugged me even tighter.

"I love you. Since young. I have love you since young. I know and understand you more than she does. I know what are your likes and dislikes. I am willing to do anything for you. We can be together. You don't even have to be separated from Uncle Zack and Aunt Lydia. You don't even have to be separated from us or me. We can go to school together. We can hang out together. Just like before. Nothing is going to change." Kerin said desperately.

I rose my hand up and patted her head gently. "I love you." I said softly. Her face lit up upon hearing my words.

I smiled gently at her. "But I'm in love with her." I continued. Her face creased into a frown.

"I love you, Kerin. I will always love you as my little sister." I explained.

"I don't want to be your sister!" She protested out loud. I pushed her arms lightly off me and took a step away from her.

"Ava is my mate. My one and only mate. My one and only love. I will always love her. I am willing to do anything for her." I said.

"Including leaving us?" Kerin whispered heartbrokenly. A drop of tears flowed down from her eyes. Slowly, I held the back of her neck and planted a kiss on top of her head.

"I'm sorry." I said softly. "Goodbye."

I stepped out of the pack house and headed towards The Red Blood Pack. I ran in my wolf form as fast as I could. The thought of being able to see her warmed my heart. But neither did I expect to see her lying lifelessly on the ground with her blood staining the grasses.

"AVA!!! AVA!!!" I shifted back and dashed towards her.

"Ava!!" I lifted her up slowly and placed her in my arms.

"Ava, open your eyes and look at me. I'm Chase. I'm here now." I called out to her.

"Please open your eyes for me. I'm here I'm here. Don't sleep. Don't sleep." I kept on talking and talking but she wasn't responding.

"Ava, please open your eyes. You don't have to be afraid. Nobody is going to hurt you anymore. I'm here with you." I hugged her in my arms and I felt tears dripping down from my eyes.

I can't lose her. I can't lose her. I'm just getting her back.

"Ava. Ava." I chanted.

"P-Pain." I looked down to see my little mate fidgeting uncomfortably in my arms.

"Ava? Ava! Ava! Oh god! Ava, stay with me. Stay with me."

"C-Chase." I could see tears forming in her eyes when she looked at me.

"Ava. Ava. I'm here. I'm right here with you." I wiped off her tears gently with my thumb.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?" She asked.

"No. You are not dreaming. I'm here. I have come for you." I said quickly.

"I miss you so much." And that was the last sentence I heard from her before she fainted in my arms.

"Ava? Ava! AVA!!! No no no no!!! Ava, love, open your eyes. You need to stay awake. Ava! Ava!" No matter how many times I called her name, she wouldn't respond.

"Chase, bring Ava back to the pack house. Quick. Amy will attend to her." Alpha Jayden came up to me and said. I quickly obliged. I carried Ava in my arms and dashed back to the pack house. Luna Cassidy directed me to Ava's room and I lay her gently down on the bed.

"She will be fine." Luna Cassidy patted me on the back as we were shooed out from her room. Luna Cassidy then passed me the thing that Ava had been protecting in her arms.

It was one of my shirts.

Oh Moon Goddess. Please let her be ok. Please let her be ok.


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Last edited 17 June 2018

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