Unexpected Late Night

By rachel_dulay

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{completed} cover by @ mahgadahling Chloe Fisher, The radiant, talented up and coming ballerina preparing fo... More



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By rachel_dulay

{enjoy this blank page for a bit lol}

chloelane Today was my last day of work for the year and I'm in the Christmas spirit now, had to start the boys on the spirit really early clearly😂
tagged joellane

joellane I was sent this by Chloe during my pre-game nap and I couldn't be missing my family at the moment right now, look at these boys, daddy will be home soon.
tagged chloelane

We were playing in Chicago tonight and it was our last game before the holidays, it kinda sucked that we didn't have the last game before the holidays at home but it's whatever. It was chilly and snowing in Chicago tonight so heading into the arena was a blessing because the warmth immediately hit us, chloe had told me earlier today that the snow storm had passed so hopefully Chicago's storm would pass so we could get home in time because I really wanted to just relax on the couch with my wife and my boys.

"It is snowy outside"I mutter to Liam as we enter the dressing room for guests.

"At least it's not snowing anymore back home"someone calls. I nod. Liam and I talked as we got dressed and then headed out for warmups.
By the end of the first period we were trailing behind 2-0. It was a rough game and we were not our best tonight, our defence line was lacking and it seemed as thought the rest of our lines were lacking and I'm not even gonna get started on our power play's. Overall something needed to be changed for the next two periods.

Over the couple of months my attacks had slowly gone down to the same as when I started in the NHL which was a major plus for me because I was practically over having at least having two or more attacks in one day. It was not fun for me, for chloe, for anyone. And what's worse was that I wouldn't sleep most nights because I didn't want to wake the boys because of my attacks, and loss of sleep ended in more attacks. Overall my situation was shit, but lately it's been really good.

The second period had came and completely gone in like a blink, we were on edge still trailing with Chicago in a two point lead, this wasn't how we wanted to end the last game before holidays with. We at least needed to tie it and with the third coming up, we've got lots of time.

It was Kadri who scored the goal with ten seconds into the 3rd period, giving our team a small light of hope in the dark tunnel. We now we're back in the game and had loads of time left. Liam and I's line was next after Mitch's. We had switched up lines this year, wanting to test waters. So far they were not too bad.

Chicago had a like two new rookies if I can remember, they were good and fast so it was cool to skate with them tonight. Reminded Liam and I a lot like when we were in our first year of the NHL.

I was stuck between two guys competing for the puck behind our net, I had kicked it out from our feet and it thankfully got into the hands of Liam. I shove Dylan Strome a bit playfully, not a hey let's fight kind of shove just ah idiot kind of hug. I could see him give me a small smile as we skated our from our zone and towards the Blackhawks zone. As I looked forward Liam was being trailed behind one of the new rookies I think, their sticks fighting over the puck. They were also skating down the ice.

I think I blinked and the next thing I know they both banged into the wall and I heard a loud groan. The new rookie immediately called a ref and the whistle blew "fuck"I mutter as I skate towards Liam who's face was in agony. Dylan helps the new rookie up and our trainer comes running out. Everyone on the ice skated around, Me, two refs and one of our trainers surrounded Liam. From where I was standing it wasn't looking good, Will skates over to us.

"What do they think it is?" He asks as we got another trainer out here.

"I heard collarbone" I mumble. Will whistles. I nod. And then they called for the medical team. Liam groans loudly and I bite on my mouth guard as I kneel down on my right leg, Liam's right hand shakes off his glove lightly and I pull it off, he then grabs onto the side of my jersey.

"It's okay buddy" I say. I watch as they get the stretcher out. Liam shuts his eyes, face in agony again and I couldn't help but feel for my best friend. He never had an injury like this where he'd have to be taken off the ice in a stretcher, he was always so hard headed to never be taken down like that but I didn't see the play so I don't even know what happened.

I had stayed beside Liam as they slowly lifted him into the stretcher, Liam groaning loudly in sure in the now silent arena that everyone could hear the agonizing pain he was in. If it is his collarbone, he could be out for some time and that sucked.

I shoved Liam's gloves underneath my arm as they started to wheel him down the ice. I give him a nod, it only looked to be his left side in pain. The new Chicago rookie skates over to us before I leave Liam's side, he bends down, placing his elbows on his knees and the two exchange a quick word and then he skates away. The crowd erupts into loud cheers for Liam as he was carried off the ice, I was back over a the bench, handing Liam's things to the trainers.

I leaned on the wall of the bench as Mike talked to the rest of us. My line was still on so after our time out we headed out for another face off.
Instead of heading home right the game like we had all planned, after the game I had called chloe and told her I'd be staying with Liam for a bit until he could travel back home. He'd most likely be able to come home tomorrow mid day so I wouldn't be staying in Chicago too long. Travis would be staying with me. We were in the waiting room.

"What did chloe say when she heard your staying another night?" Dermott asks me.

"She said that's it fine and she wishes Liam the best"

"It's not like we'll be here much longer, we could possibly leave first thing in morning"Travis says, suddenly a nurse comes out and walks towards us. I sit up straighter in the chair.

"Liam Ken?" She asks and we nod "please follow me then"we both stand up and we're guided through the hospital and to where Liam was kept. When we entered the room he was in, he was sitting up on the bed in a sling.

"So what's the damage?" I ask jokingly as Travis sits in the chair beside Liam.

"Broken collarbone"He sighs.

"How long is out for playing hockey?" I ask the nurse.

"To heal a collarbone for adults usually takes six to eight weeks, if he takes care of his arm he should be good in eight weeks" she tells us, I cross my arms.

"So he has to be in that sling for eight weeks?"

"I'd say at least a month but if he's still feeling pain then yes"

"That's gonna be trouble for Liam, he's the most stubborn person ever"Travis chuckles.

"Well if he wants to play hockey soon he's gonna have to be less stubborn"The nurse jokes "I'll grab those release papers Mr Ken" Liam nods and I turn to him.

"Don't be an idiot" I tell him and he rolls his eyes again. Travis chuckles with a head shake.
"Have you got the chilli packed?" Chloe asks.

"Just finishing"I turn to her as she sets Simon in the car seat.

The apartment door opens "Hey, we've come to help!" Travis yells. Since we had been back home and the holidays had officially started. Travis, his girlfriend and my family were heading to go see Liam since he can't really go anywhere for a while.

"Need any help?" Travis asks. As Katerina grabs the baby bag from the living room.

"I'm good, but do you mind taking this down to the car while I grab the other car seat"

"Yea of course man"

"It smells really good, who made the chilli?" Katerina asks.

"Chloe"I chuckle as I close the apartment door and lock it "She always does the cooking"

"Can't wait to taste some, I've missed Chloe's cooking"Travis jokes as he presses the elevator door.

"Travis cannot stop talking about her cooking, I've gone over being jealous"Katerina says we chuckle.

Soon after we were arriving at Liam's, Malory had been staying with Liam since we had gotten home, she was a lot of help on helping my stubborn best friend not be so stubborn with his injury, I knew he was frustrated and he will be frustrated for a long time.

I shove the extra apartment door to Liam's and swing it open allowing the girls to walk in first since they were the ones carrying the boys "hey!" I hear Malory say as Travis and I trail in. Liam was standing up from the couch.

"We've brought chilli"I smile as I put the pot down on the stove, thankfully it was still hot when we got to their apartment.

"Smells good, something I can actually enjoy"Liam opens the lid.

"Joel said I should keep some for us at home but I thought you'd deserve the whole pot"Chloe chuckles. And I roll my eyes.

"Joel, I love your wife"Liam says, kissing Chloe's cheek. Travis had pulled out Bennett and Malory grabbed Simon as Chloe started to set out bowls for some chilli.

"How are the nights going?" I ask Liam.

"I now know how you and chloe felt after the boys were born"

"I think your injury and the boys being born are two different things Liam"I chuckle as

"Give me a kid I wanna hold one"

"I don't think that's a good idea"Malory says.

"I can't hold my boys?" Liam asks.

"He's a hockey player, he can multitask give me my boy Bennett" Liam tells Travis, whom hands Bennett over.

"So what are your guys plan for Christmas?" Katerina asks.

"We're going to the Fisher's this time" I announce.

"Ouuu sounds fun"Malory says.

"It'll be my dad's first time seeing the boys"Chloe says slowly. Her dad had gone back to Vancouver since he retired so he hasn't seen the boys expect for pictures we'd send over from time to time. Him and Chloe had a rocky relationship but nonetheless they still had a great one, for Eleanor and Calvin well they've come to the agreement of being civil enough to be in the same room for their children.

When Chloe told me the news about Calvin coming back to Toronto for Christmas with some news, I couldn't help but wonder what it was.

"He hasn't seen the boys at all?" Liam asks. Chloe and I nod.

"We've sent pictures and such but he hasn't seen them in person"

"Well that's gonna be exciting won't it?" Travis smiles with a bowl of chilli.

"Travis hush, my dad has already met my first son"Chloe winks at him and he raises his water at her.

"Oh man, sometimes I regret introducing chloe to you boys"I smile up at chloe as she hands me a bowl.

She whacks my back as I cradle Simon "love you too"I laugh.
"Merry Christmas El"I smile at Eleanor as we hug quickly.

"Joel"she smiles and ushers me in, I was carrying the gifts for both sides of the family, Chloe carried in the boys and thankfully Alex pulled in after us and helped with something chloe had cooked.

Eleanor moves aside and hugs Alex, my sisters come towards the door and soon we were all in the foyer greeting each other. Once Chloe set the boys car seats down, they were taken in the arms Mom and Calvin. Chloe was introducing them as I guess the kids moved towards the kitchen. I had set down the gifts by the tree.

I hug every one of my sisters including Lucie "what time do you get here Sam?" I ask, placing the dish Chloe made in the fridge.

"A few hours ago"she tells me "just a bit after mom and dad"

Cassidy rode home from school with Lucie, spending Christmas Eve with the Fishers. Chloe and I spent it in Toronto with the boys, just the four of us celebrating their first Christmas as a family.

"How was your Christmas with the Fisher's, Cassidy?" I ask I sit beside her.

"Like a usually family Christmas" She smiles at me.

"Joel honey would you like something to drink?"Eleanor asks coming back into the kitchen with mom. The two from what I got from texts were cooking dinner tonight.

"I'm fine thank you" I smile.

"Our dad's have taken hostage of the boys and have started to talk about all things sports"Chloe sighs, walking into the kitchen. I smile.

"I never expected anything less, with dad having just one boy and me having two. He's bound to take them away from us whenever we visit"

"I felt like that was a diss to Cassidy and I" Sam says from across the table.

"It was" I nod to my sisters.

"Joel"Mom shrieks.

"They know I'm joking ma!" I laugh and Cassidy shoved me.

"Joke or not, your father loves your sisters alright" I shrug.

"So Sammy, tells us about how your job is? We've heard from Alex but"Chloe starts.

Sam goes on to tell us about her work and we all get into our individual lives, seeing this was one of the rarest times we all got together as a big family.

Seeing as there wasn't enough room for everyone to sleep in the Fisher house, Chloe and I got a hotel, my parents got one and so did Calvin. My siblings sleeping in Chloe's old room.

"I'd say that this was a very successful first Christmas with the boys"Chloe whispers. We were currently tucked in the hotel bed while the boys slept in cribs in front of the bed.

I hum and tighten my arm around her "their probably not gonna remember much but it's the thought that counts"I whisper.

"I can't believe that you invited everyone to the first game back"She shakes her head.

"More time to spend with each other"I shrug and she chuckles softly, I kiss the side of her head.

"Trust me, it'll be fine" I tell her.

📍Cambridge, Ontario
joellane even with two kids I'm still as goofy as ever with Chloe. Merry Christmas from my family to yours.
tagged chloelane cassidylane

cassidylane oh he actually gave me credit for taking his pictures.
williamnylander a soft boi.
luciefisher cute, wonder where the idea for the mistletoe came from........😉
auston_matthews Merry Christmas man!
travisdermott merry Christmas my lovely parents.
lucygardiner_ this is adorable
christina.marleau Merry Xmas, love you all!
alexanderfisher oml shut up luciefisher
samanthalane the matching pj's were a great idea.
stephlachancee with twin boys, this couple looks like the boys haven't fazed them what so ever.
unknown50 Chloe looks so good for a mother of twin boys.

chloelane I think it's finally time the boys go see their daddy in action, don't you?
tagged joellane

mapleleafs can't wait to see the boys!!!
carltonthebear I wanna hold them!!!
sydneyesiason the cutest boys ever!!!!
stephlachancee yesssss!!!!
kalanileblanc awwwww
marner_93 they do make leaf onesies.....
auston_matthews ^^^^ I've seen them in stores, I'll gladly pick you up some.
breyana_matthews this game is going to be one for the books, I can feel it.
joellane Bubs!😍

joellane Taking the boys to Scotiabank today for the first time and they've fallen asleep before we left the apartment. #nhldadlife
tagged chloelane

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