
By biebersselfies

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****CURRENTLY UNDER EDITING**** Justin and Ariana always had a rough relationship. It wasn't until Justin rea... More

Ch. 1: At Lease Someone Cares
Ch. 2: Maid
Ch. 3: Luke's Obsession
Ch. 4: A Real Boyfriend
Ch. 5: Suspicions
Ch. 6: Party?
Ch. 7: Don't Talk About It
Ch. 8: 10 Years Of Lies
Ch. 9: Break Ups Hurt Me Too
Ch. 10: It Really Is You
Ch. 11: Why Did That Happen?
Ch. 12: Guy Talk
Ch. 13: But I Can't... Right?
Ch. 14: Gone
Ch. 15: Make Your Move
Ch. 16: Who's That?
Ch. 17: Go Away!
Ch. 18: Is He Finally Gone?
Ch. 19: "That Secret"
Ch. 20: Troublemaker
Ch. 21: No Word For What I'm Feeling
Ch. 22: I'm Just Fine
Ch. 23: Twins Can Relate
Ch. 24: Regrets
Ch. 25: Friends
Ch. 26: Always Because of Him
Ch. 27: It's Not That Hard
Ch. 28: I Don't Want You To Change For Me
Ch. 29: Revenge
Ch. 30: Going Crazy
Ch. 31: Watch Out
Ch. 32: So Irrelevant
Ch. 33: She Wasn't Kidding
Ch. 34: Is He Okay?
Ch. 35: Chaz Being Chaz...
Ch. 36: He Hates Me
Ch. 38: Finally
Ch. 39: At It Again
Ch. 40: Plans
Ch. 41: Progress
Ch. 42: Unexpected Twist
Ch. 43: Not Right
Ch. 44: Tiring Day
Ch. 45: Guilt
Ch. 46: Messing Around
Ch. 47: Learn To Be Strong
Ch. 48: Trouble
Ch. 49: Change
Ch. 50: She Doesn't Know Her Limits
Ch. 51: Almost To That Point
Ch. 52: I Believe You
Ch. 53: You're Not the Only One
Ch. 54: Not Even Close
Ch. 55: So Thats What Happened

Ch. 37: I'm Not Giving Up

3.1K 146 137
By biebersselfies

Ariana's POV

Today... another day of school. Why can't it be Saturday already? I want to just stay in bed forever.


"NOT HUNGRY!" I shouted back.

I got ready for school and ran downstairs.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" mom asked.


"Alright. Have fun at school"

"Doubt it" I mumbled.

"What's wrong?"


"Be safe"

"Okay. Bye"


I walked to school by myself... Like everyday before I knew anyone. I don't want to take the bus because Chaz goes on it every morning. If it was raining right now, I'd still walk alone.

The only thing that's still here, is my family. I swear, if they left, I would feel less miserable. Just because I know how to handle myself alone.

Maybe if only Lucy stayed, then I'll be all good. But mom and dad, I don't even know anymore.

"Okay! bye mom!" I heard Karson shout. she ran to the sidewalk and stopped in front of me.. I guess I'm blocking her way.

"Sorry" I said stepping back.

She rolled her eyes and walked ahead of me.

Okay then...

She was walking a bit slow because her eyes are at her phone screen.

I walked on the grass beside the sidewalk and passed her.

I kinda bumped her arm a bit and her phone fell.

"Oh my god watch where you're going!" she spat.

"Sorry. I'll pay for it."

"No need. You don't even have the money to pay for it" she spat.

"Why are you still mad at me?"



"Because... if I'm gonna be your best friend, I expect you to be there for me. But then when Justin's there, you say you don't want to go. I know that was Justin's issue and not mine, but it just proves to me that whenever Justin's around, you can't say yes and that gets between us. You and Justin are complicated as fuck. I'm not gonna forgive you until you and Justin sort your bullshit up."

"I don't even know if he wants to talk to me anymore."

"You wouldn't know if you don't talk to him! go run to school and talk. Use your mouth because you have one"


"You're scared aren't you?"


"Don't be. It's gonna be easier than you think!"


"Go" she rushed me.

I ran ahead and was at the school minutes later.

I walked through the school doors and started looking for Justin... shit... he's right there.


I walked towards him awkwardly.

"Um... hey" I said shyly.

"Hey" he said.

He's talking to me...

"Um... so... Are you alright?"



"You really wanna know?"


He lifted up his shirt and there was this big white thing wrapped around his stomach. Did my dad really kick him that hard?

"My dad did that to you?" I said in shock.


"I'm so sorry" I said tearing up.

I'm tearing up for many reasons... one, I'm sensitive, two, I can't believe my dad hurt him that bad, and three, Justin is in so much pain.

"Ariana?" he spoke.

"Yeah?" I answered quietly.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," I said wiping my tear. "I'm fine."


"I just um... have one question..."


"Do you um.... hate me?"



"What do you mean?"

"I didn't come visit you, don't you think I'm a horrible person and that I don't care?"

"I know you care"


"I've known you for so long. You're a shy girl, even if you have a funny way of showing you care, I know you care"


He grabbed my hands and I was still looking at the floor trying to avoid eye contact.

"Ariana, I miss you" he spoke softly in my ear.


Butterflies swarmed in my stomach.

I miss you too...

"Um... I'm late for class. Feel better" I said, letting go of his hands and walking to my first class.

Justin's POV

I don't understand what more I can do to get her back.

When I said I missed her, she paused and didn't say a word. It's like she wanted to say sometime back to me but she didn't. Instead she just said she needed to go to class.

Romance always softens a girl right? that's why I whispered in her ear. I saw her smile, it's just, she can resist. Something not many girls can do. If I did that to Jasmine because she was mad at me, she would forgive me just like that.

But then Chaz tells me that she only forgives me because she wants more stuff... but I know Ariana isn't that type of girl. She won't want a guy to shower her with things. But here's the thing, if you want to be showered with things, you won't be showered unless you ask me to. But if you don't ask, I'll shower you with things all the time.

If you ask, it's because you really want it and I'm fine with that. But it's when you ask 24/7, that's when I know something's up.

Ariana's never asked for something... ever. If I ask her if she wants something, she says no. She says she doesn't need it and that she doesn't want it.

I don't understand why? One time, she said that money can't buy love, but it bought Jasmine... I guess that since I've been with Jasmine more than a year, I think of girls like Jasmine. I don't think of them any other way.

Jasmine loved it when I bought her things, so I thought Ariana would love it when I buy her things. I think I bought her something once... I just don't remember what it was because she never asks for anything. She's never there to remind me to get her something just because I like her.

If I bought Ariana a cheap bracelet, she would say no. She'll say something like 'don't waste your money on little gifts out of no where' or anything to just say no to it.

I don't know, I guess I've never really met a girl like Ariana. Most of them want things but she just wants to give and not receive.

Jasmine's POV

"Only for $200" Emily said.

"200 BUCKS!? FOR THAT!?"

"it's not a small thing. I'm not gonna just 'be all over' Justin for free."

"when do you need it?" I sighed.


"You expect me, a 16 year old child to get $200 in one day?"

"You're rich aren't you? I see you have Louis Vuitton bags and these fancy clothes and all that stuff"

"Um... yeah, Justin bought them all for me."



"Greedy bitch"


"Just get me the money by tomorrow, or I'm not doing it."


How the fuck am I going to get $200 by tomorrow? yes, I'm paying a girl to be all over Justin so Ariana would literally hate him. I'm doing it because I see that Ariana is starting to like him again...

Um... no.

Obviously, I only like Justin for his money... I didn't think it was obvious until like... last week maybe?

I need him I give me the money... but I can't just ask him for the money on the spot... He's gonna ask what it's for.

Right! I remember seeing $200 shoes at this place in the mall! shit, what's it called?

I remember the store and where it is.. just forgot the name!

I'm gonna make me pay for those shoes.

"JUSTIN!" I called.

He turned around.

"What?" he spat.

"Um... can you give me 200 bucks so I can get these really cute shoes?" I said, twirling my hair with my finger.


"Because! I don't have the money... and I really like those shoes..."



"I'm not even your boyfriend anymore. And why would I when you embarrassed Ariana in front of the school?"

"Oh? so you care about her all of a sudden?"

"Shut up. I'm not getting it."











"I'll annoy you all day!"

"Go ahead."




he shook his head.


"okay okay geez. Chill out"

"Thank you" I smiled.

"Just shut up. You're hurting my ears."

"I planned it."

He handed me the money.

"THANKS!" I said running off.

Should I give it to her today or tomorrow? Maybe today is better, she can do it faster.

"Yo Em!" I called.


"I got the money" I said, handing her the money"

"This is half if what we agreed on"

"No it's not"

"Yes, this is only a hundred."

Shit... Justin ripped me off.


"Do it yourself."

MYSELF!? ugh, fine. I'll do it at lunch.


⋆Karson's POV⋆

"Hey!" Jasmine said, sitting at the table Justin was at and making him move over.

"Why the fuck are you here?" I asked.

I looked at Ariana and she was picking on her food, she wasn't even looking at Jasmine. I thought she would notice her and shoo her away, but she didn't.

"I'm here.. because."

"Go away." I spat.

"You can't sit with us" Chaz said sarcastically.

Mean Girls? really?

"It's just... I never noticed how adorable Justin was" Jasmine said, biting her lip and going closer to him.

Disgusting to my eyes.

Ariana sunk in her seat and didn't look up a bit.

It was like she was shy? Ariana usually says something.

"You are disgusting" I spat at Jasmine.

"What? he's hot" she gushed, putting her finger at his chin. Justin looked annoyed and pushed her hand away.

"I said, you can't sit with us" Chaz sassed (trying to imitate Regina George).

"I can sit wherever I want." Jasmine spat.

"It's Wednesday, where's your pink?" Chaz asked.

"Where's your pink?"

"I'm the queen, don't question me."

"Shut up" Jasmine said. She the got up and sat on Justin's lap... um... not weird at all?

She took Justin's hands and wrapped it around her stomach, making it look like he was holding her.

"How do you like this Ariana?" she smirked.

Ariana slammed her tray on the table and got up.

Why does Jasmine always have to get in peoples fucking way?

Ariana got up and walked away.

Way to go Justin. Not saying anything to Jasmine and letting her do that, nice going.

I would be mad too... I mean, who wouldn't? he just let his ex sit on his lap with her meaty thighs.

Ariana's POV

"Ariana wait!" I heard Karson call.

I turned around and waited her to say something.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."



I looked behind her and saw Justin coming, I turned around, wanting to walk away.

"Ariana, wait" Justin said.

I turned around. "what?" I spat in annoyance.

"I'll um.. leave you two alone..." Karson said, slowly stepping back.

"Um... you wanted to say something this morning... what was it?"

"It doesn't matter anymore"

"Can you still just tell me?"



"Because it's my buisness."

"I'm sorry"


"I am."

"What else? you guys make out and then you're 'sorry'?"

"Wait... why do you care so much?"



"Stop it. I really don't want to hear it."

"Babe I-"

"-don't call me that" I spat.

"Wow, you don't feel even a bit sorry for how I got a cast on my stomach, and it's all your fault."

"Stop it"

"Stop what? I can't like you? I can't try my best to get you? what more can I do? It's almost impossible for any guy to get you, and I'm about to give up!"





I started crying. I don't cry all the time, but it really depends on the person.

I wiped my tear from my cheek and Justin stopped yelling at me.

"I hate it so much when we fight. I'm so sorry" he whispered in my ear.

I hate it when he whispers in my ear because he always makes me weak inside.

Chaz's POV

"Why are they so loud and why is Ariana crying and why is Justin wiping the tear off her cheek?" I asked.

"Stop asking questions. And don't say something stupid all of a sudden"

"Stupid? like what? 'fuck her right in the pussy'? I don't think Justin would do that"

Ryan burst out laughing and I tried shutting him up.

"DONT SAY STUFF LIKE THAT!" Ryan whisper-yelled.


"Holy... shit." Ryan said.


He turned me around and Justin just kissed Ariana.

"HOLY S-" I yelled, before Ryan cut me off my putting his hand over my mouth.

Ariana's POV

I really don't want to fall into his trap. But somehow, he always makes me want to fall back into it. I don't know what it is, but it just happens.

He just kissed me and usually, I blush and he hugs me, but this time, I don't know how to react. I don't know how I'm suppose to feel. Am I suppose to be happy or upset? it's all confusing to me.

To be honest, it's not impossible for a guy to get me... it's just that, I haven't found the right guy. They need to be sweet and caring without buying me things. I'm not saying not to buy me anything but it just won't impress me.

I don't expect much, that's what I think. I just need to know that the guy I'm with won't just trick me into something. Yeah, I'll forget about what Justin did, but I hope he just realizes that money doesn't last forever, and that he needs to find a different way to charm.

"I'm so sorry for everything. Babe, please forgive me."

"B-but my dad. He can't find out."

"But he will eventually. I'll face my consequences. I love you too much to lose you"

"When you get his approval, tell me"

"I'm not giving up!" He said confidently.

It put a smile on my face. I just hope dad doesn't kill him.

And yes, suddenly I care about dad's opinion because if he tries, I know he's the one because everyone is afraid of talking to my parents or anything. And it's even harder for Justin because... you know. But I have faith in him.

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