Konosuba: dragon's blessing i...

By draconicPhoenix456

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Tsukiyo Drakon is your typical genius high school student that is always bored with this world. Until the day... More

Chapter 2: The Town of Beginings.
Chapter 3: The start of something amazing.
Chapter 4: Meeting of new friends and old rival.
Chapter 5: The battle between the dragon and the knight.
Chapter 6: the sun, the star, and the moon

Chapter 1: The day I died and reborn in a new world.

9K 132 96
By draconicPhoenix456

Tsukiyo POV

Tsukiyo (thought): My name is Tsukiyo Drakon, I have midnight black hair, and the most distinct feature that many people have identified me which, is my crimson red eyes, recently became 16 a week ago. I'm an orphan since my dad died in a car crash when I was eight, and my mom died of childbirth. I have no relatives, and I live in the local orphanage. Many call me a genius. I'm a 12th-grade Japanese honors student. I have the top grade in the entire school district and rank 1st nationally. I'm getting ready to move overseas to study at Harvard. I like music, video games, anime, and I have no real friends.

And I'm monologuing in 3rd person to myself again. Whatever ever I am going to continue seeing as my class is 1.It was very boring 2.there really is easy, and 3.No one can tell me otherwise. It is lunch right now, and it a Friday in my high school, and everything is the same as always for the last few years, go to class, maybe ace a test, and ignore all the annoying people. And once again, I find myself in the same endlessly repeating tedious days, *sigh* I wish something interesting will happen.

As if the gods hear my thought and decide to punish me for some unforeseen reason. A random student stands up and pulls out a firearm, and starts shooting everyone.

I was about to duck under one of the tables when I see one girl frozen in fear and was about to get shot, and at that moment, I did the dumbest thing possible.

I ran to the girl and, push her out of the way but unfortunately for me.


And this is the day I died in one world and reborn in another.

Line Break

Tsukiyo (though): uh, my head, what happened.

I wake up sitting on a wooden chair, and suddenly I remember everything and franticly look around. Only to find sitting next to me is a guy in a green tracksuit and a blue-haired girl in front of us.

Tsukiyo: excuse me for asking, but what happened.

Blue hair girl: oh, your awake, yeah, so like I was telling this NEET before, you show, up you are dead.

Green tracksuit guy: DON'T CALL ME A NEET

(AN: without the sword or the belt)

When she says those world my, mind starts to break down everything and ignoring the guy in the green tracksuit, and the only thing I was able to think is.

Tsukiyo: WHAT.

Aqua: as I say, you die, so yeah.

Then I remember something about how I died.

Tsukiyo: wait, is the girl alright and by the way, what your name.

Aqua: I am the great water goddess Aqua-Sama now bowed before me! And yes, the girl you save is ok the perpetrator who got arrested after you died.

Tsukiyo: first of all, no *at that the so-called goddess Deflate like a ballon and slump down*, and second thank goodness at least he safe, by the way, how did he die? *pointing to the guy in the green tracksuit*.

Aqua: His name is Kazuma, and I'll tell you how he died was pretty hilarious.

Kazuma: Don't you dare!

Aqua: He attempted to 'save' a girl and pushed her out of the way from what he thought was a truck. It was a slow-moving tractor he thought he got, hit peed himself and died from shock, everyone was laughing at how he died even, his family.

I tried to cover my laugh, but it was not as I start laughing along with Aqua, which is currently dying of laughter.

Kazuma: Well, how did you die?!

Aqua: He died from taking a bullet for a girl in a school shooting. He died a true hero's death.

Kazuma: Oh.

Aqua: Anyway, Tsukiyo like, Kazuma I give you the choice three choices. One is to go to heaven, but I will warn you there is nothing in heaven. No television, no manga, and no games, there are only other people who died before you. And since you're dead, you can't do anything kinky, you can't since you don't even have a body. The only thing you can do is bask in the sun with your predecessors and chat. Forever. The second option would be reincarnating and beginning a new life without your memories of your old life. And the third and final option is to go to another world to defeat the Demon King.

It took me literally less than a second for my brain to process all the pros and cons and even less time for me to make my decision.

Tsukiyo: I will choose option 3.

Kazuma then looks at me as if grown a second head.

Tsukiyo: what.

Kazuma: it took you less than two seconds to make up your mind.

Tsukiyo: well, my life in Japan was Extremely, dull I mean nothing, interesting happens for the last 8 years, so yeah.

Aqua: So true, anyway, since I'm so generous, I'll allow you to take one item or power to take with you on your long journey.

Tsukiyo: wait, anything.

Aqua: yes, anything.

I start to think about what I can get but then.

Kazuma: One item, huh? Well, then I choose YOU!

Aqua "Ok, get in the circle and wait for me to transport."

Two blue magic circles form under all of us, and a bright light fills the room.

???: Aqua, I will take care care of your duties while you are gone


Kazuma: *starts laughing even harder.* So how does it feel to be stuck with the guy you've been treating like a fool? Since you're a goddess, I'll make sure to use your powers to make my life as easy as possible.

Then a bright blue light floods the room when it died down leaving, only me *with a rather large sweatdrop* and the new person in the room. Then she turned her attention to me.

3rd person POV

???: So what would you like before I send you through?

Tsukiyo: Well, can I know your name first? I'm Tsukiyo Drakon.

Eris: Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Eris.

Tsukiyo: Wow, you're beautiful... Sorry, that just slipped out!

Eris: *blushing* Thank you for the compliment. Now back to what you want.

Tsukiyo: *blushing from embracement* Oh yeah. What I want is... um... oh, I know! Can I become a dragon hybrid?

When he says, those world Eris's eyes widen with surprise.

Tsukiyo: uh, is there something wrong with the request.

Eris then snaps out of her surprise state.

Eris: o-of course it, just that no one has ever ask that before.

Tsukiyo: I guess I can get kinda unpredictable at times.

Eris: I guess you are *giggle* Oh before I grant you your wish, I will warn you that it might feel uncomfortable.

And before he can ask what that means. A red magic circle forms under Tsukiyo then a red light floods the room. When the light died down Tsukiyo, stand in the middle, but besides his black hair and red eyes, he looks nothing like before. His teeth became longer and sharper, turning more canine-like, his eyes gain slits to them like a cat. On top of his head two long black horn that fades into silver at the tip. Where his tailbone is an actual black tail that fades into a silver color at the end of it, it slipped into two silver prongs. And, on his back is a pair of a humongous black bat-like wing with a silver membrane. That is not the only thing that changes his body frame changes to a not bulky or considered a body-builder. But with enough muscles obtained from swinging heavy weapons for hours on end and there can be no fat seen on him.

When Eris got a look at Tsukiyo new look, she instantly got an atomic blush.

Tsukiyo (though): she cut- what am I talking about, she might have a fever.

Tsukiyo: uh Eris-San your, face is red do, you have a fever.

Eris: *blushing* y-ya I-I'm f-fine it just that you don't ha-have a sh-shirt on.

Tsukiyo then notice that he doesn't have his shirt on and his new body.

Tsukiyo:*embarrass blush* eh Eris, will it be possible for me to get some new clothes.

Eris: y-y-yes um, what Custom do you want.

Tsukiyo: can I get Vergil coat in devil May cry but with a black and silver color scene.

Eris: granted.

(AN: the blue coat is black the runic design and the lines on are silver)

Tsukiyo: ok, I'm ready to go.

Eris: in that case, have a grand journey, Tsukiyo.

Tsukiyo: bye Eris-san, and I hope I get to see you again.

Eris: Goodbye, and don't worry, we will.

Tsukiyo POV

Then a blue magic circle formed around me, and then it went dark. I opened my eyes and looked around, and I can see there a town a couple of miles away from, a testament to my new draconic sense. And then I notice a box next to you with a note on it that said: "To Tsukiyo." I decided to open it, and inside was a katana. There was also an envelope inside the box with my name on it. So I opened the envelope to find a letter, so I decided to read it.

To Tsukiyo

Here is one more gift from me. I hope you enjoy it.

Love, Eris

P.S: you can hide your dragon feature by concentrating on retracting them.

With that tip in mind, I start to focus on retracting my draconic features, walk to a nearby pond, and examine what my new look like how, before putting on the new cloak.

I quickly examine the sword that Eris has given me, and I realized it Yamato from DMC.

Seeing this blade bring back so many good memories of me play devil May cry 3, which was my favorite game and the first game I ever play. And Vergil was my favorite character, and Yamato is also my favorite weapon out of all the many weapons in DMC Francine. Thinking about it, I'll look for Kazuma and Aqua later, but for now, I'm going to get settle down in the nearby town first. With Yamato on my hip, I turn to the direction nearest town and start my walk to the closes settlement.

Watch out, world, because Tsukiyo Drakon is going to take you by storm.

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