Nick Fury's daughter (Steve R...

By LunaraWolfina

63.6K 1.3K 316

You are Nick Fury's daughter nobody knows about you yet until an accident happens forced you to live with the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chalter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

8.7K 171 17
By LunaraWolfina

(Y/n)'s prov
I woke up in a white room when I looked around I saw Maria she was asleep while holding my hand. I smiled she was always like a sister to me. Suddenly the door opened and my dad went in the room "How are you feeling ?" He was acting tough but I can see the bangs under his eyes and how tied he look "How long was I out ?" "Three days 22 hours and 30 minutes " said Maria laughed "I'm sorry I was on a mission I didn't know that you were in danger" I held her hand tightly "It's ok it's not your fault don't blame your self and dad it's also not your fault, you can fake it in front of anyone but not your daughter" he went to hug me "You guys have to relocate me" we parted "WHAT ? You could have died how many time do you want to relocate yourself ? They will always find you" I'm starting to feel angry "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO ?! I DON'T WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE IN HIDING !" "Well I have an idea" we all turned to the owner of the voice "Hello lil lady I'm Tony_" "I know who you are Tony Stark aka Iron Man aka billionaire, playboy blah blah blah" he looked impressed "What never seen a girl before" "I have but not this beautiful and I didn't know Fury had a daughter" my dad look at him with a glare "Well what can I say daddy like to hide his secrets" my dad got a phone call "Well I have to get back to work mister Stark will show you your new home" he turned to Stark "Don't do anything you'll regret" "Oh Fury we both know you won't hurt me" He raised an eyebrow "I won't but she will" then he left the nurse went in and check up on me then I packed my luggage "Well lil Fury let go to your new home" I glared at him "Don't call me that or I'll kill you" "Well I've never seen anyone shut Stark up without batting an eyelash I'm impressed" a red haired woman walked in and smiled at me "I'm Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow pleasure to meet you" I shook her hand "I'm (Y/n) Fury and the pleasure is all mine" they took me out to the parking lot and I see a man leaning on the car "What took you so long ?" "Oh please Clint the girl needs her time" "Is that her ?" I look at him "You mean if I'm the girl who was weak and can't protect herself and got rescued then yes yes I am, (Y/n) Fury" "Clint Barton aka Hawkeye" we went in the car and drove to the Stark Tower.
We went up to the Tower to the common floor "Ladies and gentleman let me present to you the one and only (Y/n) Fury" said Tony as we walk out of the elevator "Does he ever shut up he makes me want to kill him even more" a man walk in the room wearing green and gold armor "I like her Loki Laufeyson and I'm a frost giant and that idiot over there is my idiotic adoptive brother Thor Odinson"

Steve's prov
I hear people talking in the common room so I walked in and I saw the girl that I saved she was beautiful she had (h/c) hair and deep (e/c) eyes that I could get lost in. She greeted the team and when she turned around it I forgot how to breath she looked so strong but delicate. "Captain thank you for rescuing me yesterday" Bucky hit my shoulder "Oh uh yeah sure it was not a big deal" she smiled and continued to talk to everyone we talked to her and we also played games witch was fun but I couldn't get my attention off her. She seems to be on guard but not totally, when she smile it's like the whole world smile with her. She lights up the room and she got along with Bucky and he is enjoying himself letting people see the real him. Even Loki is having fun and not being evil or pranking anyone. Me and Bucky went to the bar to get a drink "So I'm guessing you like the new girl ?" I choked on my drink "What no I don't" he gave me the really look "Yeah Steve it's not obvious that you stare her the whole time we were playing" we laughed "I don't think a girl like her would like a guy like me" "Oh please Steve your Captain freaking America your perfect" I rolled my eyes and for a moment I saw her staring at me and she turned the other way, I feel my cheek getting hot "Wow I haven't seen you like this before even your ears are red you must really like her if makes you feel like that with one look. Imagine what it would be like when you start dating her" I feel myself getting more embarrassed and my body is getting hot so I went back to my room to cool off.

(Y/n)'s prov
I feel Steve's gazing at me and I felt my cheeks getting hot for the first time in my life that I feel like this. Steve and Bucky went to the bar and they talked I look in his direction and for a moment our eyes meet. "(Y/n) are you ok ?" Asked Natasha "Yeah yeah I'm good just tired I guess" I stood up and said my goodnights but I remember that I didn't know where my room was "Um guys no offense and all but no one ever showed me where my room was" they laughed "I'll show her to her room" said Bucky "Take her to the 18th floor that's her floor everything is arranged for her" said the drunken Tony I shake my head and went in the elevator with Bucky. "So you like Steve ?" I look at him suspiciously "Is lil Bucky trying to play matchmaker ?" He laughed "Maybe si do you ?" I think for a lil bit then answered "I don't know I have never fallen in love before cause I kinda have to always have a low profile and not get attached. I never get the chance to live a normal teenage life I trained and got stronger to protect myself. Never got the chance to live funny right ? A 24 year old that never had boyfriend but I don't mind I love my life and I wouldn't change a thing" he laughed "WOW you guys are more alike than I think" "And what is that supposed to mean ?" "You'll see in the mean time" the elevator dinged and the doors opened "Here is your floor sorry if it's lonely_" I cut him off "No it's perfect I'm not really a people person actually I can't remember the last time I had this much fun with other people thank you" he smiled "You know I think you and I are gonna be great friends" he took out his human hand "Friends ?" I look at it and I took the other one and shook it that took him by surprise "Friends and you don't need to be ashamed of your hand it looks really cool" he smiled "Thank you and have a goodnight (Y/n)" "You too" after he left I went to the bathroom and took a bath I stayed there and thought about what Bucky said are {We really alike ? Do I like him as a person or do I want to be in a relationship with him ? Steve seems nice and sweet} I feel my face getting hot. I got out of my bathtub and wore a bath robe to bed but I couldn't get Steve out of my head the way he looks at me, the way our eyes met, it feels almost unreal. I slowly drift off to sleep.

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