The Language I Spoke Yesterday

By Kazerien

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The very last of my family was killed by Akainu eighteen years ago. Somehow, I survived. I kept my secret all... More

Don't bruise my tomato
Two for one
Sorry: for everything
Rude: An Apple A Day
Captain to Captain
The Amber Soldier
Not a Lamp
In the Way
Picture Perfect SMILE
Tell me
Not Again


41 0 0
By Kazerien

I leaned Captain up against the back of the building and quickly checked around the corner. I had to pull my head back and hold my breath as the platoon of Marines rushed by. Captain kept his mouth shut, jaw tight. His eyes were tight and angry. Bepo giggled and patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Captain! I think it's cute! The crew will be fine without you. I can be the captain!"

"Bepo!" I hissed. "Knock it off."

"Sorry..." He hung his head, clouds of depression raining down on him.

I crouched next to Captain Trafalgar and shook my head. I pulled a couple warped bobby pins from my hair and bent them even further. "What the hell was that guy thinking?" I grumbled to myself as I attempted to pick the lock.

Captain snorted. "That this was the only way he'd be able to escape after threatening my tomato."

I smiled slightly. "You sound so protective. Almost as if she's your little sister or something." I felt the silence for what it was: him controlling the blood flow to his cheeks. "Don't worry, I won't tell."

The lock clicked open and Captain rubbed his wrist. "Split up. I want Andromeda-ya found as soon as possible." He glanced down the street before turning back to us. "The marines are on high alert. Worse now that they know we're here."

Bepo and I nodded. I knew it was my fault for firing a gun in the diner, but I didn't feel guilty. Just disappointed that I missed. "Sorry."

"Hm." He nodded absently. "Kill anyone who gets in your way. We can escape a few marines. We can take out the Black Antlers if we have to. We do not want to fight Celestial Dragons. Make sure we don't have to."

I gulped. "Right." If Andromeda fell into the hands of the Dragon on the island... I couldn't bare to think about the consequences. The world Government would never stop hunting us. There would be no rest after killing a Celestial Dragon. I shook the snow from my hair and stood straight. We wouldn't leave all at once. I would go first.

When I was sure that there were no marines present, I stepped onto the street. I blended in just fine with the people who lived here. All I had to do was keep a look of wonder on my face as the snow came down. It was harder than I thought.

I kept thinking that my hands were so much colder than they needed to be. Empty. I could almost hear Andromeda grumbling about how much she hated the cold. I meandered the streets, half looking for Andromeda and half looking for any member of the crew I could alert to the situation. I found Iruka and Jean-Bart at a pastry shop. It was kind of cute seeing Jean hunched into a tiny white chair, sipping out of a tiny pink teacup. A large book rested on the table next to his petite strawberry cake. Iruka spoke animatedly through large bites of his chocolate monstrosity. He threw his arms out and laughed. His jolly expression faded when he saw me through the window.

The inside of the shop was cozy and warm, with a little girl feeling to it. Soft pastel pinks and whites with accents of gold illuminated the entirety of the store with a feeling of safety and young femininity. The smell of baked goods swirled around, melding harmoniously with the sound of quiet chatter from the mostly feminine population of the shop. Eyes kept darting over at the two obvious pirates, accompanied by blushing and giggles.

I started a few rumors by pulling up a third chair at the small table.

Iruka met my gaze steadily. "Is Captain worried about the Dragon?"

Jean hardly glanced up from his book, but it was enough to let me know he was listening intently. I inclined my head. "A bit. Mostly he's pissed that some snot haired brat came in to threaten her."

"Oh really?" Iruka smirked. "So he's dead, then?"

I scowled at his easy amusement. "No. He was faster than we thought and he got away. Andromeda is missing, too."

"She get lost again?" Jean raised an eyebrow. "She's got great timing."

Iruka nodded his agreement. "I guess Jean and I will start combing this area. Penguin and Shachi shouldn't be too far away. We'll get them involved, too." He put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, Ikkaku. We'll find her."


Weis and Fuyu's backs fade into the onslaught of snow as I adjusted Kikoku over my shoulder. A solid four inches of snow had already settled onto the ground. The civilians chattered about how unusual it was. How wonderful.

I had to admit that I missed the cold sometimes. Now, however, was not the time for nostalgia. I stalked down the street. I paid less attention to the people around me and more to their Haki. Looks could be deceiving, but Haki rarely lied. Besides, Andromeda was skilled at using hers to get the attention of the crew. After several minutes headed North, Penguin and Shachi sprinted up to me.

"Cap-captain!" Penguin panted, doubled over. "Is Andromeda really missing?"

"Ah." I watched Shachi scanning the town. His hands were firmly in his pockets. "Keep your eyes out for a green haired man, as well. He seems to know something about her."

They nodded in unison. "Right!"

"Have you heard which Celestial Dragon is on the island?" I asked on impulse. I doubted if they had that information, but these two tended to hear strange rumors sometimes. They were the reason we stayed so long on Seneca Island... The rumors about a rogue Black Antler agent who could potentially read the Poneglyphs.

Shachi shook his head. "No. Just the name of the ship: The S.S. Tanuki."

The name formed ice in my veins. "Excuse me?"

"Yeah, it's sort of a weird name-"

"Shachi-ya. Penguin-ya." My voice sounded hard and strained, even to me. "Finding Andromeda is imperative." Penguin and Shachi both gave me confused looks. "Saint Serina is on that ship. The Dragon who paid Katie to kidnap my tomato." Their vaguely concerned expressions molded into hatred and determination. "Do not, under any circumstances, allow Saint Serina-ya to take my sister onto that ship." I hardly registered my own words. I kept seeing two very different images playing out repeatedly.

Being unable to save Lami from the burning closet.

Straw-Hat decking Saint Charlos in the face.

I looked two of my longest friends in the face and put the entire crew in danger. "And I mean any circumstances. If anyone tries to stop you from bringing Andromeda-ya home. Kill them."

"Yes, Captain!" They didn't hesitate to answer. Their salutes were unwavering.

I walked passed them. Their boots crunched through the thick, fresh powder. No doubt they were seeking cremates to spread the word. No one would argue or complain. If it came down to saving Andromeda or keeping us at the status quo... I smirked. I had never liked the status quo, anyway.

I continued on, using the lights of the lamps to guide me. The grey clouds dimmed the sun to near darkness. Moving North along F street saw the numbers rising. I assumed Andromeda would end up as far as possible from the Polar Tang, and set my course accordingly. I was nearing 14th and P when I felt a pulse of energy. Familiar. Terrified.

"Andromeda-ya?" I shouted into the snow. The few people left on the streets kept their heads down. "Andromeda!" I sprinted towards the source of the crawling, panicked Haki.

From somewhere out of sight, I heard the screaming.


"Andromeda!" The snow was blinding. I wasn't sure if I was moving through reality or a nightmare. A sudden gust of wind whipped around me, pushing me back. It blew my voice away. It carried hers so clearly through the powdery white streets.


Her haki seemed to shudder. Then it was gone. All that was left were the muted echoes of her desperately calling my name.

The wind and snow swallowed my own cries. I tried moving diagonal with the wind, but by the time I made it to where I thought the source of her Haki was, there weren't even tracks to follow. All I could do was stare at the empty alley. A single lamp in the south east corner was the only illumination. My shadow was cast at an odd angle into the near darkness.

A small puff of steam grabbed my attention. The green haired man, Saiphose Xander, lay on his stomach in the snow. It had started piling up on top of him. There were splatters of blood from what seemed to be a head wound. He was, impossibly, still breathing.

I knelt down beside him and brushed the snow from his face and head. The blow had most likely severed his spinal cord: he was a dead man who didn't know it yet.

He drew a ragged breath and unfocussed eyes settled on me. "He... Surprised me." His voice was hoarse and shallow. "Hit me... From behind."

"I see that." I muttered dryly. If I took the time, I could probably save his life. Another presence registered at the edge of the alley. I stood and tapped Kikoku on my shoulder. "I know you're there."

A woman a bit shorter than Andromeda stepped into the dim light. Her long hair had been swept back with a purple ribbon, and she wore decent clothes. The thing that stood out the most, however, was the gleaming metal collar around her neck. She gave a short bow, eyes never leaving mine. "I didn't mean to intrude, sir. I was only seeking my brother."

Xander seemed to chuckle at my feet. "Riza..." He forced himself up just enough to turn his head to face her. "I knew your leash was longer... But... Isn't this a bit far, even for you?"

Her gaze didn't waver. "He's run away from home, you see, and it is my solemn duty to return him in any condition."

"Ah." I nodded in understanding. "I see. The three of you were slaves. You still are." It might be worth the risk. I didn't trust her. I would kill her as soon as I could. But for now... "I'm sure you'd rather be free. I took Jean-Bart into my crew, along with another previous slave. I could free you, as well."

A small smile touched the corners of her lips. "No, sir, it is I who see. Steele Andi was put up for silent auction recently, you know. Only the woman who runs the auction suddenly vanished, along with the prize which she dangled. Her occupation had been listed as pirate, you know, but her crew was not listed. Now I know why."

My eyes narrowed. Steele? As in Steele Serina? It didn't surprise me terribly to know that Andromeda had changed her name after her encounter with the abusive dragon. "Andromeda-ya is a part of my crew, that is true. You could be, as well."

"Me?" She laughed. "Even if I agreed to the offer, I think you would only betray me."

I smirked. "So you're not stupid."

Xander's voice was quieter than before. "Slave Hunter, Veronica Riza. You lost the race. The Fishman will take all your glory. My life... And Andromeda's. And you will be... A failure." His haki faded out. His last words rang with satisfaction. His face was relaxed.

I hummed my disappointment. I wasn't invested in keeping Xander alive, but I did have questions for him. "Well, Riza-ya. It seems we've entered a strange situation."

"Not so strange." her response was languid. "It is about to be over, in either case. I am beginning to think that I will not be granted permission to leave, and as such, will be going my own way. Excuse me." She bowed again, still keeping her head up and eyes on me. She took a half step backwards.

I ran through all the reasons I might have stopped her.

Information. (But what could she know that I did not already know?)

Leverage. (A slave means nothing to a Celestial Dragon. Even one such as Riza can be replaced.)

Just because. (Never a good reason to do anything.)

I watched her retreat into darkness.

I left Xander on the ground.


My hands and feet were numb. My breath came in short, shallow pants and lingered in the air in front of my face. Doubled over, hands on my knees. Hot tears ran down my cheeks. The whole crew was looking, but no one had found her.

Captain's orders had come by word of mouth: The station of Andromeda's potential captor didn't matter. Kill them.

No one was surprised, but it was sobering.

We were going to to murder a Celestial Dragon.

I swallowed hard and stood up straight. I wiped my face. There was no use denying it or hoping for a different outcome. I walked stiffly North. After only a block, Fuyu fell into step to the West. Iruka to the East. We walked in parallel lines. Every Pirate of Heart was going to converge on Poor Man's Walk, and there wasn't a damn thing that could stop us.


Blood trickled down the back of my throat. I couldn't scream anymore. I was basically out of energy. The fishman had taken the time to bind my hands, and the ropes burned my wrists. He dragged me through the snow.

It was hard to think with all the cold.

I kept imagining a nasaly voice giggling about my clothes. I kept thinking that Law would show up at any second and save me.

I felt like such a lamp.

All I could do was watch huge white flakes fill in the gaps behind us. It was almost as if we left no trace behind. I closed my eyes and tried again to reach out with my haki. No one.

"Is she alive?" His words stopped my heart. He sounded rough, torn by emotion.

I had to clear my throat before I could answer. "What difference would that make to you?" She was, unfortunately, still alive. Still in the room with an uncomfortable amount of light. Kind of like we were experiencing right now.

He paused. "Tell me. Right now."

"Yes." I admitted grudgingly. "What difference does it make?"

I heard a smirk. "That's good for you. See, I like Katie a lot more'n I like money."

"Oh." I looked over my shoulder at him. His scary black teeth were exposed, but it looked like he was... Happy. "The three of you were...?"

"That's right. Now it's just me'n Katie." He looked up at the sky, letting snow settle on his skin. "You better consider yourself lucky. If she were dead, I'da just sold'ja to the Dragon."

I shivered, but not from the cold. I cleared my throat again and spat the blood off to the side. I wondered absently if I should have been doing that for a while. Bepo could have tracked me that way. "Okay, so now I'm a hostage? Me for Katie?"

"That's the plan, yeah." He scratched his cheek. "I never was the plan guy. Not usually motivated. Katie and Paulie... They wanted money and power. Me?" His expression was soft. Loving. It made me uncomfortable. "I just wanted to see them smile."

My lips twitched. Why couldn't he just be evil? I wanted him to just be evil. But now I was imagining him on the couch with Yellow Eyes and Katie. Having a drink. Playing cards. Laughing. "What brought you guys together?" Even though we were standing out in the cold, out in the open, I felt like we were in our own private world. Isolated.

"Katie bought me." He shrugged. "I was a dumb, punk kid. Got caught. I figured some Celestial Dragon would snatch me up'n eat me. Instead, I got taken in by the most loyal, hardworking, ambitious woman." It was hard for me to deal with the fond nostalgia on his face. "She took my collar off the second she brought me home'n told me I could leave if I wanted, but she wanted pictures first." He snorted. "Been in love with her ever since."

"And Paul?" I had to remind myself not to call him Yellow Eyes. I also had to remind myself not to feel guilty about killing him. He threatened my crew. He tortured my friends.

Fishman grinned. "About the same, except those two had power games. Could be great fun to watch. Was just as much fun to be in the middle."

I blushed. I definitely didn't want to imagine that.

My ears pricked. My head snapped in the direction of an almost imperceptible sound. Standing against a black background, wearing bright red, was Zane. His lazy smirk was firmly in place. He had a rope in one hand, and gave it a good tug. Katie stumbled into view beside him. Her arms were bound to her side in laysers of ropes, and she was gagged. Her hair was a mess; worse than it had been; and she sported a bloody lip. I hadn't done that, and I knew Law hadn't touched her.

"Yo. Long time no see."

His voice cause my face to tingle and my eyes to brim. I exhaled sharply, then whimpered. "Oh, please no."

Katie looked between Fishman and Zane with wide, teary eyes. Her whole body trembled. I wanted to keep hating her, but all she wanted right now was to go home. One of her partners was dead, and she had been held captive for weeks. I just wanted to keep hating her, but all I could see was her bright smile as she freed the fishman from his bonds.

"I think we both have something the other person is interested in." Zane addressed the fishman. "That is, you are Scott, aren't you?"

"Y-yes." Scott's voice caught. "That's me."

Zane's grin widened, but only on one side. "Then I think we have a trade."

The snow kept falling, like pieces of my life coming down around me.


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