Kingdom Hearts: Mirrored Hear...

By Midnight_Lily

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Ayame, on a night her home, radiant garden was being swarmed by heartless not only was she saved by the one... More

An Innocent Heart
Light Within an Emerged Darkness
A New Found Heart
Oblivion of the Heart
Different Hearts
The Strength With Darkness
One and The Same
A Raptured Wing
A Clear Mind
A Crimson Sunset
A Deal With A Witch
The Tragedy of the Never Would Be King
The Tragedy of the Never Would Be King ~ Part 2 ~
The Tragedy of the Never Would Be King ~ Part 3 ~
The Tragedy of the Never Would Be King ~ Part 4 ~ -Finale-
A Gift from the Gods and The Depths of the Underworld (Interlude)
A Gift from the Gods and The Depths of The Underworld
A Gift from the Gods and The Depths of The Underworld ~ Part 2 ~
A Gift from the Gods and The Depth of The Underworld ~ Part 3 ~
A Gift from the Gods and The Depths of The Underworld ~ Part 4 ~
A Gift from the Gods and The Depths of The Underworld ~Part 5~ -Finale-
The Heart of The Jungle ~Part 1~
The Heart of The Jungle ~Part 2~
The Heart of The Jungle ~Part 3~
The Heart of The Jungle ~Part 4~ -finale-
The Black Heart of a Queen, Tied to The Black Roses ~Part 1~
The Black Heart of a Queen, Tied to The Black Roses ~Part 2~
The Black Heart of a Queen, Tied to The Black Roses ~Part 3~
The Black Heart of a Queen, Tied to The Black Roses ~Part 4~ -Finale-
Mere Child's Play (Interlude)
Mere Child's Play ~Part 1~
Mere Child's Play ~Part 2~
Mere Child's Play ~Part 3 ~ -Finale-
The Purest Beauty of a Forgotten Beast -Part 1-
The Purest Beauty of a Forgotten Beast -Part 2-
The Purest Beauty of a Forgotten Beast ~Part 3 ~-Finale-
The Truth that ~Lies~ in Oblivion
The Diamond in the Rough
All the Colors of the Heart
Five Keys with One Heart
The Path I Am Proclaimed ~Epilogue~

A Complex Mind With A Dark Heart

596 10 2
By Midnight_Lily

A/N: Video to the side of simple and clean in reverse to represent the chapter, I added sanctuary backwards to the chapter "Light Within an Emerged Darkness" So if I have a video, it represents the chapter in some way


As told, Larxene was going to be my alley on this assignment. I was told it was a simple one, collect as many as possible within the given time limit, we had an hour, and our time didn't start until we got to Twilight Town. Everyone still seems surprised that Larxene was actually looking forward to do something, let alone be around me.

I was in the grand hall talking it over with Larxene, and we both agreed to try and get it over with as soon as possible, we both found these kinds of assignments to be tedious and a waste of time. She felt my talents and abilities were being wasted for what they could really do, she knew I could do so much more than what I had just discovered. She told me that all I really had to do was imagine or think about what I wanted the darkness to do and it would do it, or somehow accommodate.

I just happened to look over and I saw Axel talking secretly with Rix. I squinted my eyes focusing on them, it looked like he had leaned down and gave her something. I looked she let her arm fall from his soft grasp, there was a bracelet there. It was thick, and black, with red all throughout, and it said 'Rix' in big fancy purple writing. I found this sort of odd...but maybe it was her..she dropped it and he was returning it to her....but then again I swear I didn't remember there being a bracelet on her arm as many times as I've seen her around.

"Ready to take off?" Larxene asked me, breaking my concentration.

As we walked, we walked passed Renxsuke, who was off being an outcast as usual. "Don't hurt yourself, wouldn't want to scratch that pretty face.."

I glared at him as we stopped for Larxene to open a portal. "Just you wait...." I muttered.

"Let's get going and get this done so we'll have more time to talk," Larxene said. I nodded and followed her as she walked through. When the opening behind us disappeared, I could see she had a question on her face. "So, what's his problem?"

I knew she was referring to Renxsuke, "Join the club, that's the question everyone's asking, I have no idea."

"He seems pretty messed up, the only thing that Xemnas knows about him is that he has no family, he was on his own since he was five. Others took him in from time to time, until he got tired of them and left suddenly, or he did something to get put out."

"Interesting.." that would explain his outcasting, and such a bad mood with everything.. But he told me he was completely taken by when and how did that happen? And I still hadn't figured out why Ashtcher was so quiet now. And what was up with Axel, Rix, and that bracelet. Rhys seemed like the only sane one, even though she herself was a little crazy.

We walked out of the portal into Twilight Town, as soon as we did, ten heartless appeared. "I guess they're being cooperative today," Larxene said as she got in her fighting stance as I summoned Two Across

"Seems so," I smiled and then launched towards them swinging. Then a few nobodies showed up, and Larxene quickly took them out even though she knew the hearts wouldn't be collected. A different form of heartless, that was a little bigger than the common forms, jumped at me and I quickly lifted Two Across to block as the heartless battled with my blade. I pushed it back, sending it in the air and vanquished it. After that the heartless didn't appear anymore...for the time being. We walked to the sandlot and the same three people from before were there.

Larxene observed Seipher and smiled. "Why don't you test some of your dark abilities on him? He looks like he could use a lesson."

"That sounds like a good idea," I smiled. I walked over and stopped a few feet away from him and he turned his attention to me.

"You," Seipher said. "I don't know what happened last time," he said as he crossed his arms. "But I wasn't feeling well."

"Yeah, that's what your flunky said.."

"I'm not his flunky, I'm his friend ya know?" Raj said.

"Just because your his friend doesn't mean you can't be a flunky," I told him. I looked back towards Seipher and smiled. "How about a rematch?."

"We only have fifteen minutes to spare," Larxene informed.

"I only need seven."

"Yeah, a rematch Seiph, do it. Show her what you're made of." Raj cheered.

"Ingrate," Fuu said.

"Well I don't know what happened like I said, I was feeling under the weather." he paused. "But if you want a rematch, then sure. It won't be easy." He then picked up a weapon that seemed to merely look like a toy. What would be the blade was rounded off and blue, and the guard was gold. "If you beg for mercy before hand, maybe I'll go easy on you."

"Don't get cocky." I then flashed towards him with darkness trailing behind me and struck. But lucky for him he lifted his weapon at the last second, blocking my strike. I then started to teleport with the darkness all around him, next to him, behind him, above him, even in midair. I knocked him down to the ground, and fell on his back, groaning in pain.

He sat up and rubbed his head. "What the..?" I then took hold of his mind and showed him an illusion. I showed him an illusion of nothing but darkness surrounding him. I then made it seem as if heartless appeared and attacked him. "AGGHHH, Get away from me!" to his friends it looked like as if he was screaming at nothing and struggling with the air. His friends looked at the scene confused.

"Seipher, what's going on?" Raj asked.

"Get away!!"

"Delusional," Fuu said.

"Ayame, it's been ten minutes, let's go," Larxene informed. She knew I was starting to get carried away.

"Right," As we began to walk away, I let go of his mind, making the illusion disappear.

We walked into the Market Street: Tram Common and a few minutes after we did, about twenty heartless appeared. We quickly rushed at them, but they weren't resting. Once we vanquished one it seemed as if two more popped up, but that didn't bother us. That meant more hearts. When the heartless finally decided to rest, time was up.

"Well, we got forty-five hearts, good job," Larxene said as she gave me a thumbs up. When we made our back to the portal in the sandlot, we walked passed Seipher, who was finally up off of the ground. He was trying to explain to his friends what went on, and that he wasn't imagining it. But his friends didn't belielve him, they thought that the heat was just getting to him and he was losing it, because they saw nothing.

"Seiph, there was nothing there, it was just you struggling, you should just calm down ya'know?"

"I'm telling you! I know what I saw," Seipher pushed. "And I think that girl had something to do with it!"

I chuckled in amusement as we entered the portal and it closed behind us. "So," Larxene started to say. "Is there anyone you like?"


"Like ya know, someone you like like?"


"Oh come on," she pleaded. "I don't usually get any kind of girl talk with all the guys in the castle, and the girls that are there, i don't want to waste my time bothering with them." I didn't answer her. "Come on, I bet your into the mysterious type like Ashtcher. Or....more like Renxsuke.

"Ha! Not even in his dreams."

"Well I'm just saying...with the way you two bicker."

"It's not bickering, because he always starts it. If it wasn't for his remarks we probably wouldnt talk at all."

"If you say so, Ayame." she said as she shrugged her shoulders.

Later that night I was sitting outside my window again, gazing at the moon, deep in thought. My thinking was soon interrupted by feet landing next to me. I looked up to see it was Renxsuke....with his hood still over his head. "This is my spot ."

"It's the only place you can see the moon clearly...its a good way to get a clear mind."

"Hmph...whatever..." I said as I turned back towards the moon.

It fell silent again, then he decided to speak. "Why do you hate me?"

"I don't hate you. You aggravate me."

"Aggravation is just a couple steps lower from hate...if you think about it.."

"How could I hate someone that makes me want to strive to be better?"


I sighed. "With all your little comments and remarks, no matter how rude, mean, or annoying they makes want to strive to be prove you how could I hate someone who makes me want to be a better wielder...maybe a better person even.

"Hmph I never though of it that way....that wasn't my intention at all."

"Whether you meant it that way or not, it still pushes me," I looked up at him and shook my head, "Could you at least take off the hood when you talk to me? I have seen your face." He looked at me and the back at the moon. He took off his hood in one swift movement, seeing his face still surprised me, even if I have seen his face once. The moon seemed to bounce off his smooth skin, and his green eyes seemed to gleam. It was hypnotising in a way...He looked down at me and then I immediately turned away towards the open sky and smirked. "And I have a goal."

"What goal is that?"

"To defeat you..when I feel I'm strong enough.."

"Hmph..that's never gonna happen.."

I stood up to him and placed my hands on my hips, "And how would you know?"

A small smile appeared at the corner of his lips, "Then prove me wrong," he said as he cut his eyes at me. When he looked at me I immediately looked away and sat back down. Even though I have seen his eyes once...I felt like that every time I did look at him, it would feel like he was studying me. Seeing him smile, even a little, I would think to be something that would be rare to see with him. It was odd....I in a way felt glad that I was the first to see him smile...but aggravated that he wouldn't show his face to anyone. "I could help you....if you'd like?"

"...And possibly have a chance of you knowing my every move and what I may do...forget it..."

"I see....well the offers open." he stopped for a moment. "By the way ...are you alright?"


"I know Rapture is pretty sharp...and one winged angel can cause are you alright?" I was surprised that he asked...or cared..that he even took the time to bring it up to see if I was ok. I didn't think he cared at all....maybe he doesn't...he could just be asking for conversation....who knows with this guy.

"I'm fine...I'll have to get used to things like that at some point right? don't worry about it"

It was quiet for a moment as we both stared at the moon, until he decided to break the silence. "Why did you... accept the darkness?"

"....I won't tell you my story until you tell yours."

"Hmph...well that'll be a while then.."

"But your curiosity will get the best of you sooner or later."

"Hmph..." he put his hood back on his head in one swift movement. "I'll be leaving now.." he started to turn but then stopped. "Oh, By the way," he started to say. "Just because you say this is 'your spot' doesn't make it yours, I can go wherever I please, and so can everyone else. So you shouldn't try to put claims on something that's not legally yours."

I groaned and shook my head as he walked away. There was so much about him I wanted to know. I couldn't help but be curious. Why did he accept the darkness? Why is he here? Why did they want him? Why did he agree to come here? It was the same kind of draw I had to him as I did with the blindfolded boy. Why did her keep coming here? Why does he wear a blindfold? Why did he want me to leave? Everyone in this Place brings up questions. Why is Ashtcher more quiet than usual? Why did Axel give Rix a gift if it was already hers? My curiostly gets the best of my at times....I was determined to find out. These boys were the main source of my curiosity. I knew that I would find out eventually who exactly these boys were. I didn't know if it was good...or bad, but I need to find out. I continued to gaze at the moon with these questions in my mind, waiting for some to be answered and more to be created.

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