Terrible Things

By PandaSpanker

1.9K 148 13

"Now son, I'm only telling you this because sometimes life can do terrible things." A box full of memories he... More

Chapter 1 - Then
Chapter 2 - Now
Chapter 3 - Then
Chapter 4 - Now
Chapter 5 - Then
Chapter 6 - Now
Chapter 7 - Then
Chapter 8 - Then
Chapter 9 - Now
Chapter 10 - Then
Chapter 11 - Then
Chapter 12 - Then
Chapter 13 - Now
Chapter 14 - Then
Chapter 16 - Then
Chapter 17 - Now
Chapter 18 - Then
Chapter 19 - Then
Chapter 20 - Then
Chapter 21 - Now
Chapter 22 - Then
Chapter 23 - Then
Chapter 24 - Then
Chapter 25 - Then
Chapter 26 - Then
Chapter 27 - Then
Special Chapter - TaeKook
Update: Sequel/Alternate

Chapter 15 - Then

49 6 2
By PandaSpanker


"Hello Maui!" Jimin yells, stepping off the plane. People pass him by, giving him sideways glances as he continues to stand there, blocking the way. Jimin pays them no mind, instead turning to me with a grin on his lips. "It's pretty, right Yoongi?"

Looking at him, you wouldn't even think that he just got off a twelve hour flight or that it's late at night. He looks energized, his face bright as he gazes up at the night sky. His clothes, jeans and a shirt instead of the suit we wore to our wedding, are only a little crumpled, his hair somehow still looking amazing even though it's messy from when he was sleeping.

I'm certain that I don't look as good as he does. I can already feel my hair sticking up from where I laid against Jimin's shoulder on the flight. My clothes feel gross, like I've been wearing them for days. I'm tired and my body is confused as to what time it is due to the jet lag, but I find Jimin's enthusiasm endearing anyway.

I chuckle at his excitement, hitching my camera bag higher on my shoulder. It's night time, we haven't even stepped out of the airport and, last time I checked, grumpy travellers were not the ideal definition of 'pretty'. "Not as pretty as you, Mr. Min," I say. Jimin blushes a bright red, quickly turning away from me and stalking down the hallway.

We got married yesterday, yet Jimin still blushes and gets flustered when I call him by his new last name or bring up the fact that we are now, in fact, husbands. He thinks I'm a bully for teasing him, but I think he's too cute when he gets flustered for me to not tease him. I can't resist.

I catch up to him, falling into step beside him and slipping my arm around his waist. "I'm sorry for teasing, Jiminie." I press my lips to his cheek. "You're just too adorable when you get embarrassed." He stays quiet, a pout on his mouth. I attack the die of his face, pressing kisses to every inch of available skin. "Forgive me," I whine, still pecking away.

"Alright, alright," he laughs, pushing me off. "You're such a kid."

"If I'm a kid, then what does that say about you?" I raise a brow. "You married me after all."

"Yeah, yeah."

"You even took me out of the country," I state. "Should I tell the police I've been kidnapped?"

"I'm sure they'll believe that I - a young Omega, kidnapped you - an Alpha," Jimin giggles. "Really they'd probably just laugh at you." He leans closer, whispering in my ear. "Guess you're stuck with me and whatever my plans are."

The smell of strawberries tickles my nose, my heart rate picking up, my palms getting clammy. I lower my voice, "Jimin are- are you-"

"In heat," Jimin says quietly, answering my question before I finish getting it out. "I shouldn't be. It shouldn't be for a few more days, but I feel weird. My skin feels tight, my clothes too constricting." I see a few Alpha's look our way, their eyes hooded as they look over Jimin. I step closer, letting my pheromones smother him in an attempt to cover his scent. "Yoongi," Jimin grits out. "I know you're trying to help but the- the scent of you is driving me crazy."

I try to ignore the way his words affect me, the way my shorts suddenly feel too tight. Taking a deep breath, I try to stay calm - which grows more difficult by the second when Jimin's intoxicating smell is all around me. I grit my teeth, fighting my instincts that tell me to take him, to claim him the way his scent is begging me to. I grab his hand, his skin burning up against me. "It's going to get a lot worse. Try to fight it as much as you can. I'm going to get us to the villa as fast as I can, okay?"

"Oh-," he pants, swallowing audibly. "Okay, Yoonie."

I move us through the airport quickly, Jimin doing well to keep up with me despite how hard I know it has to be for him. Heat's were always difficult for us, as we spent them apart so as to avoid any "accidents". I had always camped out at Namjoon and Jin's, leaving the apartment before Jimin's smell could pick up. We were supposed to be prepared for this one, to be settled in for our honeymoon before the symptoms even started showing but now everything was quickly spiraling out of control. I thought I knew what I was getting into.

But then again, I had never smelled Jimin when he was in heat.

I breathe as little as possible, needing to keep my mind clear. It's a good thing we spent all the other heats apart, I'd have never been able to control myself in the privacy of our home. Even now, completely out in the open, my instincts are warring with each other; my Alpha genes pushing me to claim what's mine, my protective instincts knowing it's not safe for Jimin here, that I need to get him away from the other Alpha's.

"How you doing, Chim?"

"It's so hot," he whines, the smell getting stronger.

We turn a corner and I give his hand a soft squeeze as the door appears. "I know, love. Just give me a few more minutes, okay?"


Pushing through the door, I pull a key out of my pocket, clicking a button. Our rental car beeps off to the left, the grey exterior glinting under the streetlights. I steer Jimin, who is now beginning to lag behind, towards it. Opening his door and taking his bags form him, I push him in softly. I buckle him in, small groans escaping him when my hand brushes his chest. I try to ignore what that sound does to me. Closing his door, I throw our bags in the back, running around to my side and sliding in.

"Just a little longer, Chim," I promise, putting the car into gear. I glance around, pulling out quickly when I see the coast is clear. "Where we're staying isn't very far from the airport." Jimin doesn't reply. Worried, I glance over - just to see him struggling to undo his buttons - his collarbone peeking out. "What are you doing?"

"Hot, so hot," he pants.

A wave of strawberries floods the car, my mouth watering. I tighten my grip on the steering wheel, my knuckles going white. "Jimin," I groan. "I need you to try and calm down for me." He gives me a noncommittal hum, and I know he's too far gone to give me what I ask. I drive faster, my body buzzing with pent up energy.

"Yoongi," Jimin moans and it takes everything I have not to pull the car over right there. "Yoongi." I look over - the car swerving a bit before I get it back on track. Jimin has his eyes closed, his head thrown back as his hands glide up his stomach, my eyes drawn to the patch of skin he's letting show. I gulp, biting my lip.

With more willpower than I thought I had, I tear my eyes away and back onto the road. We pas through a gate, the trees around us thinning as we continue along the driveway. Trees turn to sand, a villa rising from it's solitary spot on the beach, I could almost cry from seeing it. A light on the first floor is on, the other two remaining dark, which means the groundskeeper should have left it unlocked for us.

Pulling up in front, I barely have the car off before I'm jumping out and rounding to Jimin's side. His door flies open before I can get to it, his arms wrapping around my neck in the next second.

He pushes me against the back door, his mouth crashing into mine - a groan rumbling through him. I break - my self control hitting it's limit.

Flipping our positions, I push him back against the metal, nipping his bottom lip. He gasps and I take advantage of the opening, my tongue sweeping in to taste him. Sweetness coats my tongue, the smell of strawberries getting stronger as Jimin moans, his hands digging into my hair.

Trailing my hands down his sides, shivers wracking his body when I slip under his shirt. I keep my hands on his hips, my thumbs drawing circles on the skin there as I pull away from his lips, Jimin whining from the loss - the sound dying off as I bury my face in his neck. I ghost my lips down his collarbone, my thumbs still drawing on his skin. He bucks against me, his hands fisting in the hair at the base of my skull.

"More," he moans. "Yoongi-" the sound of my name on his lips drives me wild, my cock pulsing. "Touch me," he whines. I smile against his skin. Reaching up, I grab the front of his shirt - and pull roughly, the buttons popping off, his shirt falling open for me. Jimin gasps as I slide my hands up his sides oh so slowly, his body shaking against me. I stop above his nipples, just hovering there - denying him the pleasure I know he wants. "Yoongi," he groans. "I-"

His complaint turns into a moan as I bite his shoulder, my fingers coming down to flick his nipples at the same time, the peaks pebbling under my fingertips. I swirl around them, his hips bucking against me, searching for any friction at all. I grind my hips forward, a groan slipping through my lips as our cocks grind against each other.

"I- I need you," he pants, his hands grabbing my shoulders. I grunt my approval. Sliding my hands down his body, he groans when I grab his ass, lifting him against me easily. He wraps his legs around my hinds, grinding against me. Pulling back from him, I meet his lust-hazed eyes. Leaning in, I nip at his bottom lip, running my tongue along the soft flesh of it. Jimin explodes, hsi hands tugging on my hair, his lips devouring mine. My body moves on auto-pilot, my arms keeping Jimin pressed against me while my legs take us to the house - the front door thankfully opening easily.

Stepping over threshold and fumbling for the light switch, I set Jimin down, every inch of his glorious body sliding against mine the whole way. He makes to move towards me again, but I hold him by his shoulders, keeping us an arms distance away. Bending my head forward, I whisper, "I'm just getting us to a bedroom, Chim. I am not going to have our first time be on the floor. I'm sure at this point you wouldn't care." He whines, trying to push against my arms, only proving my point. "But after, when your mind has cleared a little bit, you'll thank me."

I step around him, dodging his arms when he tries to grab me. I smile deviously, dancing around his attempts to reach me. I run to another room, which appears to be the living room, turning around to find Jimin glaring at me. I pull my shirt off slowly, noticing how Jimin's glare falls away, his eyes watching the hem move up inch by inch. I throw it on the couch, my lips tugging up in a flirty-smile as I beckon his forward. "Catch me, little Omega. As soon as you do-" I unbutton the top of my shorts. "-then you can have me."

He shoots toward me and I take off, our footsteps stomping through the house as I lead him through room after room, taunting him every now and then with promises of what I'll do to him when he catches me.

I turn a corner, a smirk pulling at my lips when I recognize the doors to the bedroom. I throw the doors open, the lights flickering on from the movement, and stop - waiting patiently. My stomach tightens, arousal flooding me as Jimin pounces on me, his arms wrapping around my waist. "Caught you," He calls out, goosebumps breaking out across my skin as his breath ghosts across my bare skin. He presses against my back, the hardness there showing me that the chase did nothing but work him up more.

I turn in his arms, pulling him against me. I kiss him hungrily, the little moans he releases only egging me on as I pull him against me. I back us up slowly, steering us toward the four-poster bed in the middle of the room. My hands go to his shorts, undoing the button and slipping under the waistband of his boxers - his breath catching in his throat when I graze the tip of his cock, the length twitching.

The bed hits the back of my knees and I fip us quickly, pushing Jimin down onto the bed. He stares up at me, his cheeks flushed, his chest heaving as he pants. I lean down, tracing my fingers across his nipples. "Caught you," I whisper quietly.

I press a kiss to the corner of his lips, Jimin whining when I refuse to deepen it. I kiss a trail down his neck, my hands sliding his shirt off his shoulders to allow me access to the skin there. Jimin must take it the rest of the way off because I hear it hit the floor. I move farther down, nipping the spot above his heart before moving on.

Jimin gasps when I wrap my mouth around his left nipple, my fingers working the right one. He squirms below me, thrusting his hips against me desperately. Moving my knee forward, I press it to his length, a moan ripping from his lips as he finally finds the friction he was looking for. I pull my lips back, blowing on the pebbled peak before pressing another quick kiss to it.

Dropping to my knees beside the bed, I worship his stomach, kissing the areas I know he's insecure about. When I reach his shorts, I hook my fingers into the belt loops, pulling them down slowly - my lips following along. I free his cock, the length standing tall as I press a kiss to the base. Pulling back, I slide the clothes the rest of the way off, throwing them on the floor before returning my attention back to the needy Omega in front of me.

Parting his legs, I move between them, trailing my tongue up the inside of his thigh, nipping at the sensitive skin where his leg meets his pelvis. I glance up at him, heat pooling in my stomach as I meet his eyes as he plays with his nipples, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth as he watches me.

Keeping my eyes on his, I lean forward, taking the head of his cock in my mouth. His mouth drops open, his breath rushing out. Fingers tangle in my hair, a moan ripping from his chest. I swirl my tongue around the tip, savoring the way he shivers below me. I take him in farther, almost the whole way to the hilt, before sliding back up, letting my teeth gently graze the bottom of his member. He groans, pushing my head down. I let him, following along as he controls the tempo.

His pheromones flare, the scent of strawberries flooding my senses - signalling that Jimin is near his climax. My body reacts in kind, my cock throbbing from where it's still confined in my shorts. I reach down, rubbing the palm of my hand along it, pleasure streaking through me. Unzipping my shorts, I pull them down just enough to get myself out. I wrap my hand around the base of my cock, stroking in time to when Jimin thrusts into my mouth. I moan around him and he shatters, his hips faltering as he cums in my mouth, his mouth parting as he moans my name.

Pulling back, I swallow, watching as he comes down from his high. When his breathing evens out and he finally meets my eyes, I give him a little smile, "Head a little clearer?"

He nods, biting his lip. "Much. But Yoongi?"


He glances away, biting his bottom lip. "I'm not done yet. I still need you," he mumbles.

Standing, I let my shorts drop fully to the floor, stepping out of them as I lean over him. "I'm gonna need you to say that a little louder, Chim," I whisper.

He meets my eyes, embarrassment coloring his cheeks. "I need you, Yoongi."

I flip him over, pulling him up onto his hands and knees and pushing him further onto the bed. I kneel behind him, leaning over his back and pressing a kiss to his neck. "Why didn't you say so sooner," I tease. My fingers circle his entrance, his slick coating them already. "You ready? Deep breaths." He does as I say and I slip a finger inside and soon another follows. I move them in and out, Jimin making small noises as I get him prepared. When I'm sure he's properly prepped, I move behind him, lining myself up. I lean over, reaching for the condoms on the nightstand.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asks.

"Well you're in heat, so we need-"

"Are you sure? I know the risks and I'm fine if we don't," he says. My eyes fly to his, searching for any sign of hesitance. There are none, only lust and certainty.

"You sure?" He nods. I move back to my position behind him, grabbing onto his hips. "Okay." I inch forward, my tip pushing passed his entrance. "Deep breaths, Jiminie. If it hurts to bad, let me know." I push all the way in, my mind faltering from the pleasure shooting through me. My hips shake, wanting to move, but I keep them still, making sure Jimin has time to get adjusted to the size.

Seconds pass as I hear him taking deep breaths. When he moves against me, a small moan escapes his lips and it breaks me. I thrust forward, my hips smacking into him as I bury myself deep into him, a groan leaving me as his walls clench around me. I pull back, leaving only the tip in, then thrust back in, Jimin crying out especially loud. I repeat it again, a shiver moving through him as I hit his most sensitive spot.

I pound into him over and over, my stomach clenching when I see him fisting the sheets, my name leaving his lips in small pants. My pheromones flood the room as I near my end. Jimin's body quivers, his Omega pheromones responding to my Alpha ones. I reach around him, stroking his length in time to my thrusts. Our scents mix together; light and strong, strawberries and bonfires, sweet and musky.

My canines ache, the ball in my stomach coiling tighter and tighter. "Jimin," I grit out. "I'm close. Can I-"

"Yes, god, yes."

I pull out and flip him over below me, pulling his legs up to allow me better access. I lean down, capturing his lips as I thrust back in. Jimin grabs my shoulders, his nails sinking into my as he pulls me closer and closer. The ache in my mouths starts back up again and I lean back, my eyes drifting to Jimin's shoulder, just a few inches from the crook of his neck.

I lean down, licking the spot, a moan leaving me when I feel Jimin do the same. I thrust faster, my pleasure spiking as the ball comes undone. I sink my teeth into Jimin's shoulder, marking him as mine. He shakes under me, his release shooting between us as he bites me as well, my climax swallowing me as his teeth sink into me, mating us.

The haze clears and I pull back, lapping lightly at the mark I've made - the mark that claims Jimin as mine for the rest of our lives. I press a soft kiss to it before rolling off of him. I meet his gaze, his brown eyes mostly clear of the lust from his heat; at least for now. The need and urgency will return later but for now he's content to lay with me.

I reach out, stroking his cheek, a smile lighting up his face. His fingers trace my jaw, sliding down my neck to trace the mark there, a matching one to his own. I watch as the bite mark transforms, the mating taking root.

A crescent moon follows the lines of my teeth marks, the line a dark black. Magenta begins to color in the left side, the color darkening as it continues along his skin, until eventually it blends in with the black outline.

"Wow," I breathe, my thumb tracing the mark. It's not raised like I expected it to be. I thought it would be more like a tattoo in that way, but it's completely flat, like it's always been there.

"Hey Yoongi." I look to Jimin, finding him grinning at me. "We're mates."

I beam at him, pulling him to me. I press a kiss to his smiling lips, not caring that we're both a mess, that I've left our bags outside, or that this wasn't how we planned for this to happen.

All that matters is that it did happen.

I press another kiss to his forehead, whispering my amazement against the skin there-



A/N: My apologies for the long wait! I actually broke my wrist 5 weeks ago and just got the cast off last week. I'm in a brace but am trying to write with it on. Also- I'm not confident in my smut writing skills, so I hope that wasn't too terrible!

Love you guys!!! xxoooxx

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