Wicked Love 2 (Kyle Kuzma)

By _KennyP_

77.7K 2K 346

Ariana is pregnant again. This time with hopes to actually keep this baby. With the Lakers season slowly comi... More



2.1K 59 15
By _KennyP_

Friday, July 5th, 2019

Ariana 💕

I woke up from my sleep, feeling a jolting pain in my lower abdomen. I didn't think much of it as I got out of the bed. I walked to the bathroom and washed my face.

After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I went back to the bed. I looked at the time on my phone, seeing that it was 6am. I groan.

"Really baby girl?" I question.

I feel another pain, groaning. I then feel a wet substance run down my leg. I look down at the floor, seeing a puddle around my feet. My eyes widen.

My water just broke.

I go back to the bathroom, grabbing what I need to clean up the water. After that I waddle my way to the dresser, grabbing a pair of sweats and my Nike hoodie. I slip on my vans and grab the diaper bag. Along with my phone and keys.

I text Ariel, who was in L.A. with my parents ahead of the baby's arrival.

She's making her move 😳.

She replied back in no time.

Ri 💋
What's the hospital address? We're on our way right now.

I text her the hospitals address as I make my way to the door. In no time I'm down the stairs getting myself settled in the drivers seat of my Range.

About 15 minutes into the drive, I feel another pain. I groan, grabbing my belly. I get to the hospital soon, grabbing the diaper bag from the passenger seat. I make my way through the front doors, walking to the front desk.

"How can I help you?" The lady at the front desk asks.

"Ariana Williamson." I say, squirming in slight pain.

She checks the records on the computer.

"You're scheduled for July 17th." She said.

"I know. But I'm in labor now." I say, emphasizing the now.

She nods, calling over a couple of the nurses. After that they were taking me to one of the rooms. They had me strip from my clothing, having me put on a hospital gown. They stuck me with an IV and then put my hospital bracelet on my wrist.

I laid down on the bed, where they checked to see how far I was in dilation.

"So far you are only 2 centimeters dilated." The nurse said.

I groan.

"You will feel some pain as time progresses. Those are contractions. Would you like the epidural?" She asked.

I nod.

"Alright. I'll be right back." She said.

She leaves the room. I look up at the ceiling.

This is it. I'm finally going to meet my baby girl. I can't wait.

The nurse came back. She had me sit up so that she could insert the epidural into my spine. I take a deep breath as she does. Once done I lay back down. After that, I attempt to catch up on sleep.


It was currently 12:30pm. My mom, dad and Ariel were here. All sitting in these brown comfy chairs waiting on the arrival of my baby girl.

"Dr. Smith said she should be here on the 17th. She's 12 days early." I say.

"Maybe she wanted to meet her mama sooner than we thought." Ariel said.

"I guess." I say, shrugging.

"You don't sound too excited." My mom said.

"She woke me up out my sleep." I say.

"You two did the same thing to your mama....at 4 in the morning." Dad added.

"Oh..." Me and Ariel say.

Mom laughs. I roll my eyes.

"Look at the bright side, you're 1 centimeter away from meeting your baby girl. Finally." Mom said.

"I just want her out already." I say, sighing.

I soon see Dr. Smith walk in. I grin.

"Hey Ari. I wasn't expecting to see you here so early." She said.

"Me either." I say.

She chuckled.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"At this moment...tired. I just want her out now." I say.

"I know. But we'll have her out in no time. She seems very eager from what I've heard." She said.

I nod vigorously. She grins. I sigh, laying back against the pillow.

About 5 minutes later, Kyle walks in. I look over at Ariel.

"I know what you're about to say, but listen. You two may not be on talking terms right now, but I think it only makes sense that he's here for the birth of his daughter." She explained.

I nod, not even wanting to say anything after that. I felt a slight push on my lower abdomen. I whimper at the pain.

"She's ready." Dr. Smith said.

She sat at the foot of the bed.

"Okay Ari, it's about time to start pushing. I want you to take breaks in between to catch your breath, no need to rush her out. Okay?" She said.

I nod, groaning. I could literally feel her moving. Ariel held my hand and caressed my hair, giving me comfort as I began pushing.

I stopped to catch my breath every 20 seconds. It was quite exhausting, amidst all the pain. I was sweating bullets as another 20 seconds went by.

"The head is almost out. Keep giving strong pushes Ari, you got it." Dr. Smith encouraged.

I scream out in agony as I give another push.

"Breathe Ari. No rush." Ariel said, comforting me.

She wiped the tears that cascaded down my cheeks.

"One more push and the head will be out. She's right here Ari." Dr. Smith said.

I take another deep breath before giving another push.

"There's the head. If you feel a stinging sensation, I want you to push with it." Dr. Smith said.

Ariel leans her forehead against mine, rubbing my fingers with her thumb.

"Your princess is on her way out. You're doing great." She said.

I nod, taking another deep breath. I then give another strong push, crying at the pain.

5 minutes of pushing and crying go by.

"She's out." Dr. Smith said.

I shut my eyes for a brief moment before hearing the cries of my baby girl. I sighed in relief as the assistant nurse placed her onto my chest. I cried tears of joy at the sight of my baby girl. Crying her lungs out as she got cleaned off.

She's here. Finally.


I laid there quietly as everyone talked amongst themselves. I had just given birth, socializing was at the bottom of my list at the moment.

"You did great sweetie." My mom said, coming to leave a kiss on my forehead.

I crack a small smile.

"Thanks mom." I say, hoarsely.

"No problem sweetheart." She said, running her hand over my hair.

Soon Dr. Smith walked back in the room with my baby girl in her arms. She came straight over to me, placing her into my arms. Her eyes wide open, looking at me. I smile, playing with her little fingers.

"Hi baby girl." I say.

I then kiss her forehead, adjusting her pink hat a little more.

"Your baby girl is 6 pounds, 5 ounces and 19 inches long." Dr. Smith said.

I nod.

"Is there a name in mind?" Dr. Smith asked.

I nod again, looking up at her.

"Violet. Violet Skye Kuzma." I say.

She smiles.

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl." She said.

I grin, looking down at my baby girl again. After that we went over the nursing criteria. Diaper changes, breast feeding, etc. When she gets her shots and all that good stuff.

After that I handed her over to Ariel, who was super excited to hold her niece. I laugh as she starts making up these weird nicknames for her.

I just sat there, watching the family coo over my baby girl. Then they handed her over to Kyle, who looked really scared to even touch her.

"It's okay Kyle, don't freak out. Here, I'll show you. Put this hand right here like this, and this hand goes under her." My mom explained, directing him through it.

He got the hang of it pretty quickly. My mom then moved her hands, letting him hold her on his own.

"She's so small." He said.

They all laugh at his comment. I give a small smile, yawning right after that.

I think I can catch a couple Z's.

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