The Downfall of Henry Hart

By caactii

13.3K 277 37

What happens when the town finds out Henry's secret of being Kid Danger? More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6

Part 4

2K 41 4
By caactii

[Henry's POV]

Today went like yesterday. 20 minutes into LAST period tough, my watch triple beeps. "Sorry had a burrito." I said and walked out of the classroom. Heading to Junk n' Stuff, I opened the hologram projector and said I was on my way to the Man Cave.

Once I got to the Man Cave, Schwoz told me what happened. We need to stop a criminal from robbing a bank. He goes by the name of Bone Breaker. Perfect, Can't wait to get my bones broken. Captain Man and I blew bubbles and started toward Swellview Bank. Once we got there, I ran up and tackled Bone Breaker. I began punching him with my super fast reflexes and knocked him down, causing him to get angry. I picked up a coat rack and started hitting him with that while Captain Man pulled him away from me. They began fighting and I tried to turn him around to shove him out of the bank, but instead, he punched my arm. I instantly felt pain traveling through it, swallowing me. I looked up to see him coming at me, so I used my fast reflexes and kicked him out of the store, and lasered him multiple times until he passed out.

"Captain Man?" I said.

"Yeah kid?"
"I think my arm is broken."

"Let's get you back to the Man Cave."

[Charlotte's POV]

Henry did really well in the fight, but when we were watching it on the news, it looked like he was hurt. He was holding his arm as him and Ray walked out of the bank and it looked like he was in a lot of pain. A reporter then came onto the screen and said, "It seems as if Kid Danger has broken his arm." I hope he's okay. Melvin started to go on a rant about how Henry was Kid Danger, but nobody seemed to believe him, so I wasn't worried.

[Henry's POV]

Once we got to the Man Cave, Schwoz told me my arm was, in fact, broken. He put on a cast and gave me a large sweatshirt to hide it.

"Thanks Schwoz. See you later." I said as I ran back to school. Once I got back, everyone started whispering. "Yeah, that's right. I ate a burrito and took a long bathroom break."

My teacher gasped. "I just put two and two together! Well, more like five and five. Maybe Melvin was right."

"Oh no." I heard Charlotte say.

"Ohhh no..." I said.

"Oh nooo." Jasper said. I instantly knew what he was going to say.

"Okay, I definitely put five and five together." Our teacher said.

"No... don't do that." I said. "Don't put five and five together."

"Henry left whenever Kid Danger was needed somewhere, and came back after the situation was over. Henry is as tall as him, the same age, and has the same hair color." I started to walk slowly toward the door. "I just need to see one thing..." She said. She then picked up the baseball she had at her desk (for measuring circumference), and quickly chucked it at me. My super fast reflexes kicked in and I moved out of the way... let's just say faster than a normal human.

"Oh my god!" Maya, a girl in the class screamed. "Henry Hart is Kid Danger!"

"Pfft, me? Kid Danger? HAHAHA, I, pfft, I WISH." I said.

"Prove it!" Melvin screamed, a smirk sweeping his face.

"I will Melvin! As soon as I... think of something." I said. Melvin grabbed my bag and started to look through it. I assumed he was looking for my laser remote and gum. I ran over and grabbed my bag from him. "You can't go in there!" I said.

"Why? Are you hiding something? Something that you don't want anyone to see?" He asked. "No..." I said.

He said, "Then give me the bag." I looked a Charlotte. She shook her head no, but I didn't listen.

"Not cool, Melvin Garinger."

I was just silently praying he didn't find my stuff. In a heartbeat, he pulled out my glowing tube of gum.

"Can you explain this?" Everyone gasped. "Yes, actually, I can." I said, grabbing it from him. "This, is my... These, are..."

"Eat one." He said.

"Okay..." As long as I didn't blow a bubble, I was okay. I put it in my mouth.

"Chew it." I chewed it.

"Blow," No. "a," No. "bubble." No! I looked at Charlotte, and she tossed me a piece of normal gum.

"Woah everyone look, is that the Playground Pooper?" I screamed, and everyone turned. I swapped my gum. Then everyone turned back. "Okay Kid Danger, blow the bubble." I blew the bubble. "That gum is green. You put a red piece in your mouth." He said. "Climate change?" I responded. "That makes no sense!" He yelled back. "That's not the gum in the tube!" Melvin pulled out my laser remote. "What's this?"

"That... is... my..." I stuttered. "Battery! Extra battery for my phone."

"Oh really? Why are you acting so weird?"

"Me? Heh. Acting, pfffttt, WEIRD? I, heh. This is a new sweater and it belongs to me." I said.

"What does this button do?" He said, pointing to the laser button.

"Don't touch that."

"This button?"

"Yes what other button?"

"All the other buttons on here."

"Don't touch those either."

"And why not?"
"Because you'll break the battery and I won't be able to put it in my phone."

"You talk about a new sweater? Well it's turned up to 90 degrees in here, aren't you hot? Wanna take it off?"

"Not cool, Melvin Garinger."

Maya walked over to me. "What are you hiding?" She asked as she lifted my sweater.

"Nothing, can you stop? Hey help!"

Charlotte came running over. "How about you leave him alone now." she said. At that moment, thugs broke into the school, more specifically, OUR CLASSROOM. I called captain man and told him to come and save the room.

Once he got here, he said, "You know, it would sure be nice if Kid Danger was here right now."

"Dude, I can't everyone will know it's me then."

"Right," he said. After he finished and left, Melvin said, "about those thugs."

"Hm?" I asked.

"I invited them here, to see if Kid Danger would show up, yet there was no sign of him."

"Oh, how sad."

"And I think, maybe, that's because all of the sign of him is right here." He said, pointing to me. 

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