The Badass Of Beacon: Ruby Ro...

By ThatRWBYguy

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Also has RWBY Chibi! Y/n Brunswick is placed into a cruel world filled with Grimm. Mentored by his legendary... More

Part 1: Finding The Rose
Part 3: Slumber Party
Part 4: Initiation Pt 1
Part 5: Initiation Pt 2
Part 6: Y/n's Return
Part 7: Guilty
Part 8 : 2nd In Command
Part 9: The Teams Reaction
Part 10: Mike Okerts
Part 11: Jaune's Secret
Part 12: CRDL's Tutu
Part 13: Old Friend
Part 14: Resolution (Volume 1 Finale)
Part 15: Best Day Ever
Part 16: Board Games!
Part 17: Penny's Secret
Part 18: The Black Rat
Part 19: Getting Drugged
Part 20: The Confession
Part 21: The Dance
Part 22: Colonal and Zwei!
Part 23: Search And Destroy!
Chapter 24: Zwei's Big Brown Beast!
Part 25: Another Encounter.
Part 26: White Fang Smackdown
Part 27: Out The Cave We Go (Volume 2 Finale)
Part 28 Bonus Chapter: The Date
Part 29: The Vytal Festival
Part 30: Qrow VS Winter
Part 31: Qrow meets Y/n
Part 32: Uncles Talk
Part 33: Beef between the Uncles
Part 34: Cayde Vs Qrow/Y/n Vs Coco
Part 35: Finding guardians And Legs Broken
Part 36: Consequences
Part 37: The Beginning Of The End
Part 38: The Fall
Part 39: Torchwick's End/New Powers
Part 40: The Fall Of Beacon/Aftermath
Part 41 (Bonus): Dealing With Problems
Part 42 (Bonus): Hospitality
Part 43 (Bonus): Leaving
RWBY CHIBI S1 Ep 1: The Hand Of Death
RWBY CHIBI S1 Ep 2: The Shocking Revelation
RWBY CHIBI S1 Ep 3: Drinking Contest/Spin The Bottle
RWBY CHIBI S1 Ep 4: Trolling The Grimm
Part 44: The Journey To Mistral
Part 45: Heartbreak
Part 46: Diverging Paths And Relationship Problems
Part 47: Stung By A Scorpion
Part 48: Qrow Vs Tyrian
Part 49: A Much Needed Talk
Part 50: Travelling To Kuroyuri
Part 51: No Safe Haven
Part 52 (Bonus) : Settling Down
Part 53 (Bonus) : Back At Gordon's!
Part 54 (Bonus) : Attack On Shion
Part 55: Welcome To Haven

Part 2: Giving Ruby My Liquids

14.7K 200 679
By ThatRWBYguy

(A/N): Oh My Gosh! THANK YOU FOR 1 READ! Here is a meme!


y/n's pov

The bullhead lands on the side of the docks for the students to leave.

I saw a blonde guy that was holding his mouth and looking for a trashcan. I Being the good human being I am help him out. I rubbed his back, and he gave a thumbs up while vomiting.

Y/n: Hey you okay there buddy?

He then gives me a thumbs up and looks at me.

Y/n: Here take this.

I give him a water bottle and tissue and He give me a fistbump.

Blonde guy: Thanks Man! What's your name?

Y/n: Y/n. Whats yours?

Blonde guy: Jaune Arc-

Startled I quickly look over to the other direction to see a crater with smoke lifting from the floor with a mix of elements in between. I noticed Ruby was on the floor with Weiss Schnee.

Weiss: What are you bra-!

Y/n: Hey You!

The Schnee looks over to me with a mix of anger and confusion.

Weiss: Oh another person going to annoy me!

Y/n: Nope I think your annoying her. (Points towards Ruby) Look I don't appreciate you shouting my friends, so how about you back off.

Weiss: How dare you talk to me like that!

Y/n: Pssh I don't Care. Ruby are you okay?

She looked at me flustered with a red face from embarrassment. She nodded quickly.

Weiss: Well yeah but aren't you two abit young to attend Beacon?

Y/n: That is none of your business.

Weiss: I think it is. Were here to fight monsters. This place isn't all just fun and games.

Y/n: Oh believe me i know. I could probably beat you in a sparring match actually.

Weiss: You? Do you know who I am?

I a girl with black hair and Amber eyes walks up to us with a bottle of dust in her hands. She is holding a book titled "The man with two souls".

Emo girl: Its heiress actually.

We all look at her.

Emo girl: Weiss Schnee heiress to the Schnee company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world.

Weiss: finally, some recognition-

Emo girl: The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners.

Me and Ruby both giggle.

Weiss: What- How dare--! The nerve of--! UGH!

She then walks away furious.

Ruby: I promise i'll make this up to you! (sigh) I guess im not the only one having a first day. So whats-?

She then turns around to find nobody there.

She falls on the ground and lies down.

Ruby: Welcome to beacon...

Y/n: Hey you didn't forget about me did you.

I then put my hand down and she gladly takes it. She just looks at me with her fingers pointing together and touching each other in and out. Her voice cracks slightly from the embarrassment that happened earlier.

Ruby: I umm no.

i sighed and hand her my flask shaking it for her to take.

Ruby: Sorry, I don't drink.

I then laugh

Y/n: Oh no no no no no this is just hot chocolate. I love Chocolate! Who doesn't like chocolate am I right!

She looked the flask and at my eyes in intervals. Insinuating that she wanted to taste my liquid's. I sighed and opened the flask and gave it to her.

She then snatches it and takes a gulp. Her face just looked surprised. She was distraught with how good it tasted. She handed the flask back to me with her hand on her head while she was rubbing it nervously while laughing slightly.

Ruby: That... Was AMAZING! That is seriously the best hot chocolate I've ever drank! What's the recipe?

Y/n: A magician never tells his secrets. I'll give you some more of my liquids later.

Ruby: Sure!

That blonde guy then walks in.

Blonde guy: Hey i, Jaune.

Ruby: Ruby.

Y/n: Y/n... But you already know that. (laughs)

Timeskip brought to you by Ruby licking y/n's flask

Jaune: All I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common than people let on!

Ruby: Look sorry vomit boy was the first thing that came to mind.

Jaune: Oh yeah! Well, what if I called you creator face!

I then laugh

Ruby: Hey that's not funny! (I continue laughing even harder...until) Well what if i called you...umm... MILK MAN!

I then stop laughing


Ruby: So, I've got this thing.

she then pulls out her scythe and digs it into the floor

Jaune: WHOA! Is that a scythe?

Ruby: It's also a customizable, high impact velocity sniper rifle.

Jaune: A wha-?

she then cocks here weapon up

Y/n: It's also a gun

Ruby: So, what have you got?

Jaune: Oh, I got this sword.

He then unsheathes his sword.

Ruby: Ooooh

Jaune: I've got a shield too.

Ruby: So what do they do?

Then his shield flies all over the place.

Jaune: The shield gets when im tired of carrying it, I can just...put it away.

Ruby: But wouldn't it weigh the same?

Ruby: So, what about you Y/n?

I then unsheathe my scythe

Turns into that but change the color if you want

Ruby: WOOOAAHHH! Every time it looks so cool! It looks like it turns into a sword right?

Y/n: Yeah!

Jaune: And what's in your holster?

Y/n: Oh! (I reach into my holster and pull-out Ace of spades) This is my hand cannon. Comes in useful for when killing Grimm.

Ruby: So cool!

Y/n: My uncle gave this to me.

Jaune: Must love you a lot, right?

Y/n: Yea.

Ruby: Hmm...Hey. where are we going?

I looked down and my expression drops and so does my gaze to the floor. "I do miss my uncle."

Jaune: Oh, I don't know I was following you.

Ruby: Oh.. Y/n Do you know where the auditorium is?

Y/n: Come on guys. This way!

We are then finally making it into the auditorium when I hear.

Ruby's Pov

I heard my sister call out to me

Yang: Ruby! I saved you a spot!

Ruby: Oh! Hey, I gotta go! I'll see you after the ceremony!

Y/n: Bye!

Jaune: Hey wait!

I then ran to my sis

With my arms folded.

Yang: How's your day going little sister

I then turn to her

Ruby: You mean since you ditched me and I exploded!?

Yang: You had a meltdown already?

Ruby: No, I mean I literally exploded a hole in front of the school.

Y/n's POV

out of the corner of my eye I saw that Black haired girl that was reading the book. "She was with nobody? I guess I'll go up to her." I started to approach her with a smile on my face. her face was glued in her book.

Y/n: Umm, hi! My names Y/n!

Blake: Blake. (she looks at me and looks back at her book) You're the guy that had that argument with the Heiress, right?

Y/n: Yeah.

Blake: Not many people would have the guts to do something like that.

Y/n: Well, my uncle did bring me up to be a badass, soo yeah...

Blake: So why did you do it?

Y/n: Hmm?

Blake: I mean why did you do that?

Y/n: Well because she was shouting at my friend. Wouldn't you do the same?

Blake: ...I guess.

Y/n: ........Well Blake it's been a pleasure meeting you, I'm going to talk with Ruby. Maybe we can be friends?

Blake: I'll think about it.

Y/n: Okay byeee!

"What an awful conversation. That girl a lost cause. Why am I getting so unlucky today." I decided to walk towards Ruby with Yang beside her. "Wait... Is that Weiss again? Oh, For the love of-"

Weiss: And YOU!! (Points at me)


Y/n: (points at me confused)

Weiss: You were rude to me!

Y/n: (sighs and facepalms) Look. Weiss... I think we started on the wrong foot. How about we make things right. (Puts out hands)

She looks at my hand and thinks.

Weiss: You really want to make this up to me?

Weiss: Then don't ever talk to me again.

Yang then butts in.

Yang: Look, uhm how about you guys try talk it out? Including you, Ruby.

Y/n: I'm trying. -

Weiss: (Sarcastic) Yeah, we can try on clothes and talk about cute boys (points at Jaune) like tall, blonde and... Scraggly over there.

Y/n: Wait Whaa? -

Ruby being the naive person she is falls for her sarcasm.

Ruby: WOW! Really!

Weiss: No.

She the storms off

Y/n: (sighs) Today is turning out how i never expected it too. My weekend is ruined.

Yang: Aww, don't worry Y/n You'll always have Me and Ruby? Right sis?

Ruby: Yeah! Yeah.

We all hear a microphone doing.. I'm not sure glitching?

Ozpin: "I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge - to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

And with that he leaves the stage.

Glynda: You will gather at the ballroom. Tomorrow your initiation starts. You are dismissed.

Nice line to end of the story huh.

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