songs about us I seaycee ones...

By seayceeok

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this book it's a series of seaycee's oneshots inspired by songs. - hope you like it. 💛🌼 More

if you ever want to be in love
just you and i - part 1
just you and i - part 2
now she's getting married
slide - part 1
slide - part 2
slide - part 3
too much to ask
missing you
all i think about is you
you were good to me
sleep on the floor
you can call me
you can call me - part 2
talk (4th of july)
the first one
please keep loving me

in my dreams

2.9K 157 80
By seayceeok

song: in my dreams by ruth b (suggested by abc10112 )

the lights are bright tonight, the music loud
a perfect mess, that's what surrounds me

There she was again, another night in which she ended up giving in to the wishes of her friends. Second Friday in a row that she ends up in a club when all she wanted to do was to stay at home wearing her favorite sweatshirt with some cozy socks and drinking hot tea, but instead she was freezing in the New York cold, in high heels and trying to look cute in a dress while pretending to drink some alcoholic beverage when it was actually pink lemonade.

"You really gonna stand the whole night here? Sitting by the bar?" Bailey came to her and to order another drink, after dancing herself off on the dance floor.

"You know I don't know how to dance with hells." She answered, speaking loudly over the music.

"You know how to dance with everything." The girl said while the bartender gave her another one of her drinks. She turned to face the dance floor too as Kaycee was doing. "Okay, you don't wanna dance, that's fine but you could try having fun in other ways."

"I'm having fun, they have pink lemonade." She said raising her glass with a smile on her face.

"Pink lemonade? Gosh, you're twenty-two and sometimes I don't know if you are twelve or eighty." The girl said. "maybe you could try having fun as someone your age."

"What's your suggestion, besides dancing?" Kaycee asked.

"Well, look at Tahani for example, she's not dancing but she's there talking with a cute guy, maybe scoring a one night stand or finding the love of her life." She said, pointing at their friends. "Who knows."

"I don't want a one night stand and I don't think I'm ready for the love of my life." She said.

"I love you but you are impossible." Said Bailey before kissing Kaycee in the cheek and running back to the dance floor, spelling most of her drink throughout the way.

Kaycee laughed at her friend and the mess she was already, being honest, everyone seemed like a mess and no one really cared. At least eighty percent of the party was a drunk dancing mess and ten percent was just a drunk mess-making out with the other ten percent left.

The loudness, the craziness, and the shinings lights bugged her a little bit at the end it was kind of fun to just sit and watch the party goes, and babysit her friends.

then I see you over there, I can't seem to break the stare maybe it's 'cause your shirt is my favorite color

She was about to turn around in her stool to ask for another pink lemonade when she noticed a pair of intense eyes gazing at her. At the other side of the counter, and with a whole bar of people between them,  there was a man that couldn't take his eyes off of her.

She tried to ignore it at first because: 1) she feared he was confusing her with someone else and 2) she wasn't looking to mingle with anyone. But then he smiled once her eyes met his for a split of a second, and the first one was out of the game.

But still, she wasn't looking to meet anyone. She wasn't ready for it, so she tried to keep her eyes away from the man.

However, her eyes betrayed her as they kept going back to him. He had dark and messy hair, his eyes held a smile behind the rounded glasses, he was well dressed but still appeared comfortable.

He was very attractive to her and she couldn't deny it, but she found many guys at the party attractive too and yet none of them held her attention quite like him.

There was something different about him that caught her, maybe it was his striped blue and white shirt — her favorite colors — or how his smile gave her butterflies in the stomach, she wasn't sure but there was something different there.

They spent almost the whole night like that, exchanging nothing more than glances and a few smiles until Kaycee's friends were back with her.

"Ready to go, sis?" Tahani asked her, holding Bailey.

"Already?" Her friend looked at her confused. "I mean, it's only four am and you guys normally stay until almost six."

"Yeah but I think this one it's about to be out for the night." She pointed to the other who was almost out, resting her head on Tahani's shoulder.

Kaycee laughed. "Gosh, I didn't even notice that she drank so much. I'm just gonna pay and I'll be right back."

While she went to the cashier to pay, she looked across the bar hoping to get one final glance of him but he wasn't there anymore so she sighed and paid for what they consumed, going back to her friends.

then you walk on over with a smolder

As they were walking out of the party, Kaycee heard someone asking to wait. She didn't know anyone at the party besides her friends but somehow she felt as if the voice was calling her, so when she turned around, there was the guy in the blue and white striped shirt walking towards her with a smirk on his lips that had the potential to start a fire without a flame.

and you hand me your number, I say, "what is this?" you say, "love..."

"Here." Without any other word, he extended a napkin with a number on it.

She chuckled holding the peace of paper, and he held the other end. "What's this?"

Both of them sharing smiles. "This..." without letting go of the paper he took a step closer to her, and with his other hand, he motioned to space between them. "This is proof that love at first sight exists."

She laughed while blushing. "Are you crazy? I don't even know you."

"Exactly." He said with a soft smile on his lips before letting go of the paper. "Call me if you decided that you want to." And then he was walking away from her.

She stayed in a state of trance for a few seconds just looking at him and the paper on her hand until her friend cleared her throat behind her.

"So... what was that about?" Tahani asked as Kaycee shoved the paper in the pocket of her big coat.

"I have no idea." She answered, going back to help her friend to carry Bailey. "let's go, this one needs her bed."

I start to drive away and smile like I'm insane, how can I feel this way? I don't even know your name, the napkin doesn't say

Tahani sat in the backseat with Bailey so they both could take a nap as Kaycee drove them to the apartment they shared.

As the night walked past them she couldn't help but remember him and his words, with a smile that never left her face. It was crazy and she didn't understand how could be possible for her to be feeling so affectioned by a man she met less than four hours ago. If you could call sharing glances with each other as 'meeting someone'. 

you don't even know his name, for fucking sake, Kaycee. She thought to herself as she parked her car in the garage of their apartment.

then I remember that I vowed not to let anyone enter my heart (...) I know love, at first, sight, can't exist

She helped her friends to sober up a bit and then took her own shower, dressed in her favorite sweatshirt, and went to the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea before bed, happy to be finally home.

As the water boiled she revived in her mind the moment he walked to her, giving her his number. She remembered his sweet smile carried with dimples, his long eyelashes showering his intense gaze, and how she shivered when their hands touched for a split of a second.

He was so confident when he looked at her saying that they were the proof that love, at first sight, exists that she almost wanted to believe in him.

The noise from the kettle came as a warning for her to get back to reality. She then recollected that she wasn't good a relationships, that up until that day it only had brought her tears and broken hearts. She remembered that she stopped believing in love a long time ago, principally at first sight.

She took a deep breath and decided to go to bed.

if I see you in my dreams tonight
and you take my hands and tell me
"I've been waiting for you"
then I'll tell you, "Me too"

...she was walking down a long street by the beach, she recognized that she was home, in Los Angeles, she just didn't remember how she got there. she stopped for a minute and took her time watching that peaceful view of the ocean, that she missed so much until she felt someone's hands being intertwined with hers.

she looked to the person holding her hand and it was him, clear as day.

he smiled down at her. "I've been looking for you everywhere..." he turned them to face each other.

one of his hands went to her face after tugging a strand of her hair behind her ear, he joined their foreheads as he brushed his nose against hers.

she had never believed that she could feel more at peace than when she was watching the sea, but there she was in his arms, feeling so light that she could fly.

he sighed. "I was waiting for you."

To her surprise, she smiled and spoke. "me too."

he was leaning in and he was going to kiss her when a car horn got in the way.

And then she was awake, waiting for his kiss as she was alone in her room.

Kaycee sat in her bed, passing her hands through her hair as she tried to make sense of what just had happened, she smiled at herself thinking that she had just dreamed with a guy she had no idea who it was. gosh, Kaycee, you look like a teenager.

She looked at her phone and it marked nine pm, on a Sunday. She went to her bathroom and took a long shower in which she tried very hard not to think about the dream, but failed miserably.

She proceeded to brush her teeth and untangle her curly hair, after the shower and then went to the kitchen so she could start breakfast.

For some reason, she was in a good mood for cooking so she made herself blueberry pancakes, making it extra for her friends, she knew they wouldn't be awake any time soon but she also knew that they would be hungover and would need some good comfort food.

She also made herself a cup of tea and then she sat on the couch, cuddling herself with some cozy blanket as she watched cartoons —bob sponge — and ate her breakfast.

Once she was done with it, she took her dishes to the kitchen but while going back to the living room she noticed her coat from the night before, hanging from the armchair.

Her eyes went straight to the pocket and she relucted a few times before finally reaching for it, grabbing the piece of paper.

She sat back on the couch and smiled to herself as she read the words in it. "Call if you believe in love at first sight."

Then she caught herself smiling, with eyes that wandered from the napkin to her phone that was sitting on the coffee table. In her mind, the memory from her dream kept being played on repeat as she remembered how good it felt to be in his arms. that was your dream, it was only your mind, your crazy.

Although, remembering the night before, it felt really good to be under his intense gaze, and if just his eyes made her feel like that, she could only imagine how good it would feel to actually be with him.

And then again, how could she be so crazy about this guy without knowing a single thing about him? Isn't that the definition of love at first sight, being completely affected by someone that you know nothing about?

And if by considering the idea of what she was feeling to actually be love at first sight did it meant that she believed in it and therefore should call him?

In an impulsive move she got her phone in hands and typed the number, she closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath before pressing to call. She bit her nails nervously as the phone kept calling, it ranged one, two, three times, and when she was about to turn off...

"Hello." His voice sounded through the speakers and she froze, without knowing what to say. "Hello? there's someone there?"

She took a deep breath. "Uhm, Hi, you probably don't remember me but...."

He interrupted her. "My love, at first sight, I was waiting for your call."

She chuckled at his words. "You can call me Kaycee."

"Sean." He said, she could almost listen to his smile.

cause I saw you in my dreams that night and I knew that you were right, so I called you in the morning (...) I'll say: I guess love at first sight exists

And that was the start of Sean and Kaycee, the living proofs that 'love at first sight' indeed exists.

thank you abc10112 for suggesting the song, I've never heard it before but I loved just as much as I loved writing this.

ps: if you guys have any song suggestions comment here!!!!

love yall 

(please don't forget to comment and vote if you liked 💛🌼)

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