Don't Falter || Jikook

By itsmehyunnieee

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Jimin grew up to rules as a vampire. His clan raised him up to a strict system where was thought right from w... More

1 • Unexplainable
2 • Mortal
3 • Forgotten
4 • Safe Haven
5 • Misunderstood
6 • Wonder
7 • Questions
9 • Closer
10 • Pause, Play

8• Answers

182 11 8
By itsmehyunnieee

Jungkook arrives first, fidgety and paler than he already was.

His lips were chapped and he winces at every small sound that breaks through the coffee shop, he still has to get used to the sensory override which came from his hearing, smelling and all his other enhancements.

He's also pretty sure he'd already broke into a cold sweat but he didn't want to take his hood off of his head since his hair was matted down on his forehead and he looked like an over all mess.

"Jungkook?" A male voice asked curiously, Jungkook jumps halfway off of his chair and looks up.

A man, Not to older than him with brown hair staring at him in wonder.

"H-Hi!" Jungkook stuttered, blinking fast to get rid of the blur in his eyes.

"Jiyong, Is it really him--" the owner of the same voice in Jungkook's head replied, pushing the man away and staring at Jungkook for a split second before breaking down into tears.

She gathers Jungkook into her arms and starts pressing kisses on the other boy's forehead. "It is you. My handsome son. I'm so happy to see you again."

Jungkook closes his eyes at the nostalgia, a memory flashing in his head when he was still young with the same arms cradling his body.

His mom and he was sure it was her was still crying into his hair, and it only seemed to get louder when Jungkook slowly wraps his arms around her torso too.

"Sorry, Gguk. She really missed you." His father replied, finding a seat infront of Jungkook.

His mom had finally settled down with soft sniffles replacing her sobs and Jungkook finally gets to have a good look at her.

Her features clearly had similarities to his own and so did his father. His mom had that natural raven hair and lips similar to his, and his dad had similar eyes to him.

Jungkook doesn't feel the tear that falls on his cheek until his mother wipes it away with a gaze of pure hurt.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart. I'm so sorry that you had to grow up without us."

"I thought you abandoned me." Jungkook whispered voice cracking at the end.

His father shakes his head firmly, gazing fondly at Jungkook. "We could never. You were the best gift me and your mother could have ever gotten."

"We'll explain everything but first, choose something to eat and drink. Does my baby drink coffee?" Jungkook chuckles when his mother pushes his cheeks together so his lips could form into a pout.

"Mom, I'm 18." the raven haired mumbled.

"You're still my baby."

"Yeah well, I have my own baby now." Jungkook joked, his father's eyes widening at the new found information.

"You found your beloved?!"

Jungkook smiles, bunny teeth poking out along with his newly grown fangs. "He found me. He actually saved me from being homeless."

His mom squeals and his father grins.

"More on that later, I'll go order."


Jungkook's mouth was full of cinnamon danish and his mom kept feeding him more.

He couldn't ever say no because he felt so giddy being spoiled. His parents meant alot to him and for him to grow up without them hurt alot, but seeing them now and feeling how much they did love and miss him made everything worth it.

"So to start everything off... You're a pureblood vampire."

Jungkook was aware he wasn't human but hearing that he was actually a vampire after thinking he was a mortal for more than 18 years of his living was quite shocking. He takes a moment to absorb it before asking a question.

"How is that possible?" he says through a mouthful, his mother coos at him and it makes him and his father laugh.

She was cute.

"When Hyeojeong had you, We we're in a state of war with the Opulént clan."

Jungkook coughs.

"I-I think It's important for me to tell you this but my soulmate is from that clan."

"Oh bun, That's alright.” His father reassured, amiling softly at him.

"We don't necessarily have any bad blood with that Clan. See, I was close friend's with their head; Park Jinwoo and our clan's were actually pretty close at the beginning of everything. We even almost thought of merging."

"What happened?" Jungkook whispered curiously, his mother was busy picking at the loose strings of his hoodie so he assumed his father was the one who would explain everything to him.

"Well... Jinwoo's brother, Jinsun; was really jealous of our stable clan and of my rule. He wanted it for himself so he framed me from something he did, which was the murder of Jinwoo's fated mate. Truthfully, it was a shitty idea-" His father picks his drink up to take a sip from it.

"–because even if they manage to kill me, or if they somehow get a grasp onto my rule in our clan he still would be second in line from the throne because he was the younger than Jinwoo." Jiyong puts down his drink and runs a hand through his brown hair.

"Naturally after the death of Yejin, my bestfriend was furious. For sure he was! He loved his soulmate to death. I would be distraught if that happened to me."

Jungkook watches his father send a look to his fated. Smiling softly at her before returning his gaze to his son.

"So he did frame me and Jinwoo was livid. He didn't even give me a chance to explain about the allegations. He attacked our clan without warning but sadly for Jinsun, his brother had no intentions of taking the clan. He wanted them all dead including myself. It's like, after his beloved's death he just snapped. It messed with his brain so much And from what I've heard, Minji had just given birth to their son during that time. Park Jimin, If I'm not mistaken."

"Holy shit, No." Jungkook says in shock, eyes wide at the mention of his name.

"Is he your beloved sweets?" his mother gently asks, Jungkook nods in panic. Guilt flashing through his eyes.

"No, Bun. There's no need to feel guilty or feel as if you need to cut ties with Jimin, It's alright." She reassured.

“Let your father continue." The pureblood coaxed, Jungkook nods and lets out a shaky breath as his father continues.

"They did successfully wipe out our whole clan. A few were left including me, your mom and a few relatives but that didn't stop Jinwoo, he wanted me dead along with your mother and the unborn child in Misook's womb."

Jungkook's eyes widen in recognition.

"Me?" he croaked out.

"Yes, Bun. You." his mom confirmed.

"They kept on searching, we kept on running. Until you had to be born and we couldn't risk your life with this cat and mouse chase shit."

Jungkook could hear the anger in his mother's tone.

"Your father was being prosecuted for something he had not done." She spat. “Worse is that disgusting motherfucker is still fucking alive. He frames your father and he leads the fucking clan as he kills their kind? How fucking ludicrous is that?!--"

"Mom." Jungkook calls out softly, taking her hand in his and whispering a small 'its okay'. The woman relaxes in his hold and sighs.

"So when you were born we had to get you somewhere safe. Your niece had connections to the human world, she was friend's with your grandparents when they were young. They weren't our blood but they took care of you, me and Hyeojeong are forever grateful for that."

His father ruffles Jungkook's hair and smiles.

"Thankfully, That's out of the way now. The Opulent clan never came to find us anymore and I'm assuming that's because they're busy with issues of their own. I mean, with people that have messed up heads running it, It's obviously going to be a burden."

"It is. Jimin isn't allowed to pass their border, He's restricted and they have rules he doesn't abide that gets him punished. He's putting his life in danger everytime he goes to see me." Jungkook followed up in defense of his mate.

"That's very brave of him sweetheart."

Jungkook's lips twitch at his father's comment.

"He is. He's so incredibly brave and I'm so thankful he's my soulmate."

His parents can't help but smile at the adoration Jungkook has towards Jimin.

"Oh... Last questuon. How long have I been.. y'know, kind of a human?"

"Well, technically speaking you never were. It was the cherry drinks keeping you alive."

"What?" Jungkook exclaimed in shock making Jiyong chuckle at his expression.

"Your cousin specializes in nature. He's a pureblood so he's able to use those powers of his to good use. He made you the drink, out of cherries and a few other things which I am yet to know about which kept you artificially alive. It did stuff such as making your heart beat and your body warm and it also slowed the process of your growth. Since in Vampire years, You would have been an adult vampire in months time."

His father explained.

"So technically, You aren't 18 years old. We just set the date for you to be human until your in legal age in mortal years, So you're maybe... 180 years old? I'm not exactly sure."

His mom continued, Jungkook picks his drink up and laughs. "Damn, I'm old."

"That's insulting, bun." His father joked, they all laugh and Jungkook's heart felt warm.

He wasn't so tired anymore.

"You're calm within humans because you grew up with them so your bloodlust is pretty much tamed. Want to go meet the remaining people from our clan? You are set to lead them sooner or later."

Jungkook finally smiles, already eeing the world in a different light after clearing everything up.

"Of course."


"Are you leaving babe?"

Taehyung asks gently, watching Jimin change into a pair of better clothes.

"Yep! I want to visit, Ggukie. I missed his birthday so I have to at least see him. Plus, I bought him a gift!"

Jimin says cheerfully, gesturing towards the small box on his nightstand. Taehyung waddles towards it to be able to pick it up with one hand on his baby bump.

"It's pretty." Taehyung says admiring the gold band that laid on the ring cushion.

"We have matching ones." Jimin admitted enthusiastically, wiggling his finger that had a similar ring on it.

"That's sweet, cutie. By the way, the guards will be off duty when the clock strikes nine. There's still a few near the edge of the border so stay low. I'll buy you time, Your father hasn't returned yet anyway."

"Thank you, bubba!"

Taehyung smiles at his bestfriend and kisses his forehead. "Of course, Minie. Take care and use protection! You haven't been bonded yet to have kids."

"Tae!" Jimin giggles out, reaching over to kiss Taehyung's belly to bid his farewell to his unborn baby.

"Don't hurt your Mommy too much, bean." Jimin whispers before standing up straight.

"I'll be off!"

"Oh, wait!” Taehyung says, pulling out something from his pocket with a smirk. It was a tube of red lipstick.


Jungkook enters his dorm with a quiet sigh.

The day was tiring but fulfilling. He met his cousin–Namjoon and a few more of his relatives. It was a big family but Jungkook knew clan's are alot more bigger.

Nevertheless he was happy to see them and gladly they were all ecstatic to see him too. He seemed like the star of the show the moment he step foot inside their house.

Jungkook pushes his hood out of his face and focuses on sucking the blood from the straw haphazardly placed on the sippy cup. It was disguised to look like grape juice and the raven haired hoped it was convincing enough even though it tainted the inside of his lips red. He stops when he hears rustling inside his room and Hseok emerges from the kitchen with a smile.

"Ggukie! You're back, how was your parents?"

"Who's here?" Jungkook asked instead, frowning when he hears his bed creak as if someone sat on it.

"Oh! It's--"

"I'll go check. The meet up was fine, hyungie! I got my answers, I'll explain later." Jungkook supplied helpfully, tossing his keys on the table and continues finishing the blood in the bottle before moving towards his bedroom.

He opens the door and is greeted by his beloved sitting cross legged on his bed picking with the pillow.

"Jimin!" Jungkook gasped out, placing his drink on his shoe rack before running towards his fated and engulfing him in a tight hug.

"I missed you!" He exclaimed, Jimin giggles standing up from his seat and reaching up to wrap his arms around Jungkook's neck.

"You smell nice." Jimin mumbled, pressing his cheek on the crown of Jungkook head.

"Like how?" Jungkook whisperes back, nosing at Jimin's neck.

"Like lavender." Jimin whispered, cupping the back of Jungkook's head earning an instinctive hum of appreciation.

"You want to mark me?"

It comes off as a wary question.

Jungkook grumbles under his breath, slamming Jimin against the nearest wall their noses touching as he gazes at Jimin fiercely.

"I don't know if I'm allowed to but I want to. So bad.” He rasped out.

"Why shouldn't you be? I'm your beloved."

"Mm. My other half. Your lips look pretty." Jungkook confirmed, nodding his head.

Jimin leans upward to peck Jungkook's lips.

"So then mark me, handsome." Jungkook chuckles, lowering his head and locating a place on Jimin's neck to feel for where he'll bite with a wet kiss.

"Y'want it?"


Jungkook licks the skin of Jimin's neck, eyes flashing amber briefly before leaning forward and peircing his fangs through the skin.

Jimin's eyes roll back at the sensation, grip tightening around Jungkook's shoulders as he shivers pleasantly.

"Done." Jungkook whispered, licking away the blood and watching in awe as the bite mark slowly fades into an imprinted cursive of his name.

"S'pretty." Jungkook mumbles, not expecting the bite Jimin suddenly leaves on him.

"Warn me." He gasped out, legs going weak and body going lax which causes him to cage Jimin's frame completely against the wall.

The silver-haired giggles in his neck afterwards. "Sorry."

"Is it normal to be horny after that." Jungkook deadpaned which his fated laughs at.

"Of course it is! Our souls just bonded."

"We might break the bed if we have sex, Won't we?"

"Most likely. It isn't necessarily built for vampires."

Jungkook groaned. "Alright. On the floor then?"

"No, My back will hurt." Jimin complained.

"Then how can we do it? How do you want it?"

"Against the wall maybe."

"I can do it with no support."

"Fuck, that's hot."



Hoseok barges in the room and shakes his head firmly. "Nope! No! I refuse to that! No one is having sex while I'm here please spare me.”

It's easy for the lot of them to fall into melodious laughter after that.

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