Don't Falter || Jikook

By itsmehyunnieee

2.5K 134 171

Jimin grew up to rules as a vampire. His clan raised him up to a strict system where was thought right from w... More

2 • Mortal
3 • Forgotten
4 • Safe Haven
5 • Misunderstood
6 • Wonder
7 • Questions
8• Answers
9 • Closer
10 • Pause, Play

1 • Unexplainable

385 15 32
By itsmehyunnieee

11 years ago

"Park Jimin, What did the order tell you?!"


A harsh smack was delivered to the back of the todlers knees. His cold body registering the sharp sting of silver as it hits his bare skin leaving the vampire to whimper in pain.

"You had strict orders. And what did you do?"

"I-I was j-just...."


"I d-disobeyed th-the o-order."  the blond heaved, eyes glazing over with unshed tears.  He lets out another sound of pain when the chain hits his back this time.

"What do we do to people who don't follow the order, Prince?"

"T-They get punished." he grits out, pressing his lips together tightly.

Throughout the night the whimpers of pain and sobs of the 7 year old pure blood vampire was blurred out by the ringing fireworks from outside the Clan's house.


Present Time
12:45 pm KST

Jimin's POV

My name is Park Jimin.

I'm a pure blood vampire of belonging to the Park clan, this is my 16th year of living as a heir to the throne. In no way does it interest me, but for the sake of introductions I'd mention it for you.

It would be better for some of you to yield some enlightenment to most of the important yet somehow trivial details of my life before actually getting into my story.

Apologies to burst your bubble but the pure-bloods in this story maybe slightly different from what you've either heard, read or watched in the supernatural genre.

Since you might have a different way of envisioning us, It's better to clear things up so you wont question any further.

Vampires are categorized in three.

Well, at least for us it is. In revelation, our clan has 4 levels of vampire, however the level 4 vampires don't prove much worth in this matter. They are simply humans who have been turned by the least ranking vampire in the system.

Lets talk about them first.

The lowest rank out of the three is the Level C vampires.

We call them the Corriente's, Spanish for 'unexceptional'. I am unaware of it's history but I do know that how they are called, they are also simply described. Level C vampires are not special whatsoever, ordinary if you may. Of course they drink blood, they have pale skin obvious from their lack of life, and they are also harmed with pure silver.

However they don't burn in the sunlight nor do they sleep in coffins, nor do they not have reflections, what dumb bullshit do mortals say these days? Imbeciles.

Moving on we have the rank of the Level B vampires. Aristocrats.

These people- wait no. I should not refer to dead corpses as humans, perhaps maybe we can start calling them the undead? Wait isn't that what they call modern zombies?

Fuck, never mind.

Aristocrats are only slightly different to the Corriente's. Same context only they have abilities. Like you know, those superhero shit things. It varies of course, since there are a lot of abilities out there present that I will choose not mention simply because it's a waste of my time.

Finally, the first level is where I belong to. As I have mentioned earlier, if you were paying attention is that I am a pure-blood.

Genius, mortal. You were listening.

We are ranked number one because obviously we are above all the other vampires. In this case, we are therefore considered as royalty. Killing us will only serve as a suicide mission to you.

Pure-bloods come from a huge heritage that worked hard to keep their blood untainted from other vampires and humans, the main reason why they are special.


I'm one of those few that were lucky enough to be born as a pure-blood and sadly like my father is, I am in line to rule this clan sooner or later.

I'd say more later than sooner because being immortal and such. I can't really get a hold of my crown and throne if my grandfather is still in rule. Unless of course, I want to kill him. (Which i don't)

We also have exceptionally strong abilities, so you can only either kill us when we are most vulnerable or you will never kill us at all.

Since I am considered as royalty, I was trained for I quote 'self defense' so whenever someone would even dare to end me I would know how to fight back.

When I was about...6 years old? 7? I don't remember most of my past, mortal. To me it's just a blur of horrible physical torture memories.

You see, I'm not exactly as 'proper' nor as 'obedient' as any other pure-blood's were when they were born. When I was a child, I would always struggle to follow each and every rule the order had provided.

Coming to my final point, This is important so I hope you listen well.

My grandfather is part of the Head Council of our clan. It's led by another elder pure bred that I don't give a single shit about. Might I also take this moment to say that they have made such shitty rules, that I gradually started to follow less and less as I grew up and started thinking like mature grown adult.

Regardless, My complaints were easily ignored. I have been called out as the 'untamed' son of the pure-bloods and many other vile things that evolved every century.

Royalty or not, the order is the sole reason of my rebellion. The council had decided to create a bunch of rules that had later been anointed as the said 'Order' of our clan.

The order only had three simple rules:
1. Never question the higher council.
2. Never complain.
3. Never disobey.

As simple as it seems, It is much of a challenge. We were told not to go against the order even if we were correct and if we ever do, well. Punishment ensues.

Being in a lower level of the vampire ranks serves a good amount of pros and cons, likewise with us pure-bloods.

Our rules are more strict than those of the Corriente's and Aristocrats. It's serves quite the annoyance but then again, I get that they want to treasure the 'gems' of their clan.

Sometimes though, It really gets to me. Which is why I like to break their rules once in awhile, just when I feel my body is in its optimum state to allow healing from silver.

In order to do that, human; I must feed.


Third person's pov

"Jimin!" Taehyung hissed, tearing his way through the crowd.

The club was full and the music was so loud that it overstimulated the vampires senses. 

Considering his freedom, Kim Taehyung should be having the time of his fucking life. But was he? Absolutely not because his best friend was being an annoying fuck.

"Jimin!" Taehyung repeated in a feral growl through their clan bond.

He weighs his options to use his vampire speed in order to catch his best friend, but he'd reminded that he couldn't in this environment. It was a club from outside their territory after all.

Not just that, this place was filled with life. Humans.

Taehyung's eyes catches sight of a familiar mop of mint green hair and he freezes in the middle of his walking. What the fuck?

"Yoongi?!" Taehyung screeches in shock, what was his fucking mate here?

Yoongi immediately snaps his head towards Taehyung and his eyes widened.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Yoongi blinks slowly and purses his lips, Taehyung knew he heard him based on his reactions and was getting a lot of weird looks from around him but its not like he cares at all because the only thing in his mind right now was his mate standing across the room in a fucking club. A club.

Taehyung's eyes flash red dangerously.

I'm not cheating on you! Yoongi barks from their mate bond in defense.

"Then why the fuck are you here?"

I followed Jimin out, Love. I was worried.

"You know my brother goes out every week, baby."

I know that. Its just that... I'm concerned you know? He always gets in trouble. I just wanted to know where he went just so I know he's safe. I would never cheat on you, Love. You know that.

Taehyung sighs, by now he and Yoongi had fled towards the room Jimin had disappeared into.

"I'm sorry, love. I was just shocked to see you here."

"I understand." Yoongi mumbles, reaching over to cup Taehyung's cheek in affection.

The door opens hastily and the couple is greeted by the sight of a disheveled looking Jimin, eyes glowing bright red and fangs out. His hair was a mess and his shirt had three buttons open, light hickeys peeking out the fabric.

"What the hell are you both doing here?" Jimin hisses, wiping the blood from his chin. His eyes returning to its previous chocolate brown color, and his fangs retracting as well.

"We followed you!" Taehyung says excitedly.

Jimin clenches his jaw in frustration.

"That not something you're supposed to be proud about!” the silver-haired snapped out.

"The Upper-class pure bloods will find about this, don't you know that? What were you thinking?! No wait, Are you even fucking thinking at all?" Yoongi snarls lowly at the tone of Jimin's voice, pushing Taehyung at his back because his mate was being threatened.

One, because Jimin was strong and two, he was very well trained. The vampire knows that the pure bred can very well pounce on Taehyung as of the moment.

"You're okay with that, Park Jimin?! You're okay with getting hurt?!" Taehyung yells out in stress, adding to his fated's prior scolding.

Yoongi sighs, trying to calm his mate down and making eye contact with his blood brother.

"Jimin. Taehyung and me are just concerned about your well-being. The order---"

"The order is bullshit. You and I both know I don't care about it."

A beat of silence.

A sigh.

"I'm sorry." Taehyung says quietly.

Jimin bites his lip and runs a hand through his hair by habit, feeling guilty for snapping at his brother and his mate like that.

"Its okay Tae, I'm sorry I raised my voice.” the pure-blood apologized, “I understand that you're both concerned but I can handle myself.” the latter looks at his wrist watch and turns to the both of them again with a soft smile.

“Anyways. Enough of that, we need to go back. You both have to return with me okay? give me a second." Jimin mumbles, turning his back from the pure-blood and entering the room.

He left his wallet on the night stand so its probably a good idea to grab it before the human he drank from wakes up.

"You once listened to the order, I mean." Yoongi's voice supplies from the door. Jimin chuckles softly, picking his wallet and slipping it in his pocket.

"I did. When I was young and stupid."


"You sure you both don't want a drink before we go?" Jimin mumbles walking forward with no care in the world.

Taehyung was wincing every time a person bumps into him and Yoongi's eyes were wide. It was expected for them to act like that since it is was a new environment after all. Unlike Jimin who was here weekly the sensation over ride isn't so bad anymore, as his body had grown familiar with everything.

Those pulsing heartbeats, The loud music, and the chattering of utensils.

"No. Jimin lets just go home."

Jimin huffs at the condescending tone of his brother, pushing forward lazily.

"Alright fine, I'm sorry."

The minute they got out of the club the couple released a relieved sigh with Jimin following shortly behind them.

As they were walking a man bumps into Jimin and quite literally falls butt first on the floor, Jimin's eyes widen.

"Shit. I'm so fucking sorry." Jimin says hurriedly, picking up the scattered papers that fell from the latters hands.

The stranger shakes his head, bangs covering his face and squeaking a small 'its okay' under his breath. Jimin's eyes scan the strangers form.

Something about him felt so... familiar.

Did Jimin know him?

"You work here?" the silver-haired asks, hoping it didn't sound creepy and nodding his head towards the direction of the club.

He reaches for the last peice of paper and passes it to the raven haired, the said lad looks up and smiles shyly and takes the papers in Jimin's pale hand.

And fuck, If it wasn't love at first sight then Jimin doesn't know what it was.

"No, I... sing at the bar a few blocks from here."

"Huh. That's cool, Sorry I bumped into you. Are you... going to sing tonight?"

The stranger nods his head.

"Y-Yeah I'm... I'm on in about an hour?" Jimin's smile falters when he feels a certain electrical jolt from where the stranger had touched him.

He retracts his hand immediately and looks at the stranger with wide eyes. Jimin clears his throat in panic.

"I uh.. sorta need to go now. Sorry for bumping into you....?" the stranger says with an awkward smile.

Jimin nods his head slowly, seemingly in a daze as he stares at his hand.

"Bye!" the latter chirps out, walking away from Jimin.

Jimin clutches his heart in surprise, eyes widening more than it already was.

"Why the fuck..." His heart was beating.

His dead fucking heart was beating, what the hell?

It stopped as soon as it came though, because Jimin hears Yoongi's frustrated cry of his name in the distance. Jimin curls the hand that the boy had touched into a tight fist.

"I didnt get his name." Jimin whispers to the moon.

He wasn't so sure that the moon was listening, though.


"Park Jimin. Min Yoongi. Min Taehyung. You have 10 seconds to give a valid reason as to why you have went out of our teritory boundaries and disobeyed the order." the high-speaker had said.

Jimin steps forward with his head held high and his face blank.

"I take responsibility for everything. The two of them had nothing to do with this, I dragged them outside."

"What? Jimin--" Taehyung protests.

"And you're ready to accept the given punishment for both of them?"

Jimin nods curtly. "I am."

"Alright, Take them away." Jimin blocks out the screams of his name from Taehyung and Yoongi and tries to dull his sharp senses.

"He's all yours. Give him thrice of the normal." The man said before standing from the chair he had been sitting on and leaving.

Jimin doesn't even wince when he hears the loud clattering of silver chains.

"Aren't you tired of this Jimin?" Taemin whispers, his gloved hand protecting him from pure silver.

Jimin smiles tightly, shaking his head.

"It's my only escape hyung, I can't do anything but this. Do what you have to do."

Taemin sighs.

"I'm sorry."

The first blow is always the strongest and the one that stings the most.

Jimin doesn't even scream but sure enough, hot tears stream down his face in silent pain.


Taehyung is wailing when he enters the room Jimin was in.

The pure-blood lies limp in the middle of the room, fresh blood slightly scattered around him. His face had a long scrape along his left cheek, both his lips and eyebrows split and bleeding all the same.

Tears, sweat and bruises decorating his pale cheeks. The damage on his body wasn't clear because of his clothes but his arms were surely full of blood, burns and bruises.

"Yoongi--Yoongi!" Taehyung sobs out, shaking his mate out of his trance.

"Get Jin-hyung. Please. P-Please get Jin-hyung." Taehyung whispers, running towards his best friend and kneeling before him.

Jimin looks up at him and his lips twitch, It made the other vampire annoyed.

"Why are you smiling?! You shouldnt be smiling you fucking idiot!" Taehyung snarls out, carefully picking Jimin's head up and placing it on his lap.

Jimin winces slightly, even moving hurt. Taehyung lets out a strangled sob as the blond pops one eye open.

"Taehyung. Stop. Your tears are soaking me. You look ugly. Stop."

"I hate you!" Taehyung screams, although he's pushing Jimin's hair off of his forehead and wiping his best friends sweat away.

"You could've just let us accept our beatings! Why'd you have to play hero?!"

Jimin chuckles despite himself.

"I cant do that. You know I cant."

Jin bursts through the room and sprints towards Jimin.

"Fuck." Jin curses, eyes widening at Jimin's figure.

Taehyung looks up at him with pleading eyes.

"Hyung! Hyung, Jin-hyung please heal him! Please!"

"I will, Tae. I will." Jin mumbles, kneeling down and taking Jimin's hand in his.

"Might take awhile."

"Its a lot worse than usual Jinnie-hyung." the silver haired rasped out cheekily.

"Don't Jinnie-hyung me, you brat. Once again you risked your life! I told you to stop going out! Did you listen? No you didn't! And look what happened to you!"

Jimin licks his lips as his wounds start closing up. "Yeah yeah, I know. I'm sorry."

"You're always 'sorry', Min-ah. What if I wasn't here? Who would heal you? Sure enough I'm the only one here who has fucking healing powers!"

Yoongi interrupts their moment looking paler than usual.

"Whats wrong?” Taehyung asks his mate worriedly.

"You guys have to hurry up. Jin hyung hurry up."

"What?! Why!"

Yoongi sends a worried glance to his brother.

"Dad is here."


"You disgrace!" His dad spits, a hard slap hitting Jimin's left bruised cheek. The pure-blood can to nothing but whimper.


"Don't fucking call me that! You might as well be disowned by what you did!"

Jimin winces when he gets picked up by the collar and slammed onto the wall, a hand closing tight on his throat.

Jimin splutters and chokes a new wave of fresh tears streaming from his eyes, as he claws desperately on the hand that held him up.

"If this spreads to the council I swear to god--" the man throws Jimin on the floor and Jimin stumbles, vision blurry as he coughs out blood.


"Fucking pathetic excuse of a pure-blood." His father spits, leaving the room and slamming the door shut.

Jimin heaves, sobs wrecking through his frail and tired body.

"W-why..." He chokes out.

"Why keep me alive. Just fucking kill me! Kill me. Fucking kill me." He gasped out.

He couldn't breathe.

He couldn't fucking breathe.

"I-I... Please." he blacks out.


Jimin wakes up, dizzy but he's still on the floor where he had passed out.

Knowing his father, he probably didn't want anyone to take care of him nor help him. If he didn't restrict his brother and his friends to help him then he wouldn't wake up on the floor. With a heavy heart, Jimin picks himself up as his limbs give up on him like jelly.

Blood drips on the hardwood floor and Jimin frowns, he reaches up to his nose and looks at his fingers. Surely enough, his nose was bleeding .

"Fucking ironic." He spits to himself, voice cold.

He tries to lift his body up using the wall as support but instantly regrets it because he falls back to the ground with a sharp thud.

Turns out he was still dizzy. Ha. Probably effects of the silver.

He lets himself try to regain strength for a minute before standing up with all his might and using the wall as leverage. With tiny steps he manages to leave the room and get up to his bedroom. Once inside he drags his body to the bed and sits down.

It wasn't the first time he'll be healing his wounds alone, he's done this plenty of times whenever he successfully doesn't alert his friends that he had crossed the boundary. He also didn't want to ask for help since he did this to himself, well not literally considering the beatings.

Jimin was used to it though, He can get beat up thousands of times and he wont care. What he does care about are all the vile things his father would say to him.

All the words carefully and painfully drilled into his brain.



Piece of shit.

Jimin closes his eyes and breathes through his nose, willing himself not to scream as he tries to wipe away his wounds with some ointment. It stings like a bitch but it heals quickly, and he'll take anything that helps.

When he had finished, he stands up and takes a warm shower cleaning of all the dried blood from his skin. Skillfully changing into a clean pair of ripped jeans and a black shirt.

He tugs on a jacket and jabs the hood on, he has no time to use concealer to hide his discolored face so he chooses to just hide them instead. Once he's done he locks his rooms door and jumps of his window.

He needed to forget.


The bar wasn't like the club Jimin usually went to, it was calmer. More serene.

The beat of the music almost relaxing, the pure-blood thinks he was thankful for that.

He hadn't expected to see the stranger he bumped into awhile ago in the bar, No. He was sure he had already left but he still went here anyways, since he didn't really want the noise the club had.

He takes another long drag of his cigarette and sighs the smoke out, sinking into the chair he was sitting on at the very secluded corner of the room deeper.

He picks his glass of beer up and gulps down a fair amount, closing his eyes as the sting of the alcohol burns his throat. Humans were complex, they always find ways to destroy themselves and the prime example would be cigarettes and liquor.

A tap on his shoulder makes him jolt.

"Shit! Sorry. I didn't mean to surprise you!" A familiar voice laced in worry says.

Jimin looks up to see the stranger he bumped into awhile ago smiling sheepishly with his hand rubbing his neck akwardly.

The latter frowns.

"No! Its okay uhm..."

"Jungkook!" The stranger supplies, sensing the way the vampire trails off as he didn't know how to address him. "Jeon Jungkook."

Jimin nods, gesturing for the stranger; well, Jungkook to sit down. The raven haired does willingly.

"What a pretty thing like you doing here?" Jimin chuckles at the flirty tone he had used, leaning forward and giving in to the urge of checking the man out.

The latter seems to be more relaxed in this place, like it was close to his very own safe haven. The pure-blood reads through the steady beating of his heart.

"I'm anything but pretty right now, sweetheart." Jimin says though his heart feels light.

Maybe it was the alcohol?

Maybe Jungkook was also drunk.

Maybe that's why he's so confident and why he's openly flirting with Jimin right now.

Maybe Jungkook was too drunk to see the bruises decorating Jimin's once flawless face.

Maybe they were both a little bit drunk honestly but nevertheless, Jimin felt as if his problems had been thrown out of the window.

Jungkook chuckles. "Oh trust me, you are. Want another drink beautiful?"

"You'll buy me one?"

Jungkook grins, tilting his head and smiling boyishly. "Sure. On one condition."


"What's your name?"

Jimin smiles, the night was young for now he can finally let loose. "Jimin. Park Jimin."

"Well then. Shall I buy you that drink, beautiful?"

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