Little White Lies

By sookiek

1.6K 144 122

Sawyer knows exactly where her life is heading. The plan for her senior year is full of horses, friends, scho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
One Year Later
Little White Lies Playlist
Meet the Horses!

Chapter 24

21 2 0
By sookiek

"This is surreal," Autumn says as she looks around the downstairs of our house a couple of weeks later. "I can't believe I'm at a gender reveal for Mark's daughter's oops. And even more than that, I can't believe how nice this is. My brother's wedding wasn't this well planned," Autumn gestures around the kitchen and dining room where everything is pink and light blue, from the table cloths to the food. "Is this how your mom always throws a party? Because if it is, I know who will one day be planning my wedding," she laughs.

"No way, this is nothing like Lisa's parties normally," Ali says reaching for a pink macaron. "For Sawyer's sixteenth she bought a cake from a real bakery and we were impressed."

"This is so over the top," I sigh looking around. Mom had sent us all to a movie so she could "prepare" for the party without our "interference". We'd come home to find the house looking like Martha Stewart and Pinterest exploded all over it. "This is all about showing up Gina. It has to be."

"How will she even know?" Ali asks.

"Because she was invited," Autumn says.

"Are you serious? Who wants to meet and hang out with the ex-wife all day?" Ali snorts.

"My mother apparently," I shake my head. "It's about that and winning over Jordan and Lindsay. The more amazing the party, obviously the more supportive Mom is being, the more the girls will like her the best."

"Speaking of which, here they come," Ali points out the window at a couple of cars pulling in.

"They're here!" I yell so Mom will hear me.

I excuse myself after a couple of hours of small talk with all of Jordan's random friends and relatives. I need a moment where some isn't telling me how great my Mom is, how wonderful the party is, or how lucky I am to have her around to plan all of my events. I step out onto the front porch and practically run into a petite dark haired woman with olive skin.

"Sorry," I say as I step around her.

"No it's not a big deal, my fault. I just needed some air," the woman gives me a weak smile. "This is all just so ridiculous."

"Thank you!" I exclaim throwing my hands up. "I've been thinking the same thing all day."

"This woman has gone so far over the top to win Jordan over when Jordan could care less about her or this baby," the woman shakes her head.

"She doesn't care about the baby?" I ask in shock.

"I mean, she cares, but she's talking about not keeping the baby. I keep hoping she'll change her mind, I can't imagine my grandchild growing up and not being able to know him or her," she says glancing back towards the door. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be unloading all of my family's drama on a stranger," she waves her hand dismissively.

"Hi, I'm Sawyer," I shake Gina's hand, this must after all be Gina. "My mom is the one making the spectacle."

"Oh my God," Gina blushes, "I'm so sorry!"

"NO, you're right. This is utterly ridiculous," I nod towards the madness inside. "I've never seen anything like this."

"I didn't know," Gina is still bright red.

"So you want her to keep the baby? That's not the story we've been hearing for the last couple of months," I tell her.

"I'm not surprised, Jordan loves to play the victim. She gets that from her father," Gina's eyes grow wide. "Shit, I shouldn't have said that."

"I would've," I laugh. "Mark's been living here since October, his flair for being a little dramatic isn't a secret. Well, unless you ask my mom," I add.

"I only want what's best for Jordan and the baby. I offered for her to move back home so I can help her, but she got mad at me for suggesting it. She'd rather give her baby up than admit she needs help. I'm hoping it won't come to that," Gina says.

"I'm only a year younger than Jordan," I tell her, "I can't imagine having a baby. I would need all the help I could get."

"From what Lindsay told me after Thanksgiving, I gather that you and Lisa have a very different relationship than Jordan and me. It sounds like you all get along pretty well. Lindsay couldn't stop talking about how close you all are. I think she enjoyed having your siblings around, nice for her to have some kids close to her age. She really enjoyed meeting their friends a couple weeks ago. Lindsay can be so shy," she glances over her shoulder towards the door. "I think it could be nice for her to spend more time here."

"I think the twins had a good time with her too," I say with a forced little smile. Jacey actually said Lindsay was awkward and quiet, while Grant said she seemed nice but not assertive enough to get a word in with Jacey and Emily.

"She thinks everything you all do with the horses is really cool. Maybe we can even get her taking lessons or something," Gina says.

Just then the door opens behind us, Autumn sticks her head out, "I'm supposed to get you guys, something about poppers?"

"Oh, it must be time for the big reveal," Gina rushes inside.

"Was that the ex-wife?" Autumn asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, she seems really nice actually." I walk inside, "Too bad Mom isn't marrying her," I laugh.

We walk back into the living and Jacey brings us over a couple of poppers. "Okay," Mom says once it seems like everyone has found their way in. "On the count of three everyone shoots off their poppers at the same time. Grant? Are you filming?" Mom calls to Grant who's standing on the stares, he gives her a thumbs up.

"One... Two... THREE!" Everyone shoots off their poppers and blue confetti rains down on our heads.

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