The Thunderous Charmer (Male...


5.1K 54 35

A baby Zinogre got warped into the world of RWBY, and needs help.... before it's too late More

the Portal

The Golden Prince

2.4K 25 14

Hello my fellow readers! This is part 2 of the Thunderous Charmer! So i do want to make my other books known so go check them out if you are waiting for more of this! So i will talk to you all later!

Ruby's pov

I was asleep dreaming of cookies, then I felt something soft. I slowly opened my eyes to a large mass before me, I didn't think zinogres could grow this fast!? I managed to crawl over the zinogre's shoulder and noticed that it wasn't Y/N that popped out of the green portal that it had green scales, gold fur, orange-yellow forearms, and it also had a larger right horn than its left horn. I tried to get out of bed, but it grabbed me and pulled me closer. I felt its heart-beat as it slept, and I noticed that there was a light surrounding the abnormally large, green zinogre. It shrank into the Y/N that popped out of the Portal. I was surprised that the giant zinogre had changed into Y/N. I got up out of bed, and woke up the others.

Ruby: "Yang, wake up wake up!"

I ran over to Blake and Weiss to wake them up too. I explained what I saw.

Weiss: "So you woke us up, to tell us that the Y/N grew overnight and was green and gold and then it turned back into a baby Zinogre?"

Ruby: "Yes!"

Yang: "Ruby, sometimes you come up with the craziest things, you know?"

Ruby: "I'm not making this up!"

We heard a knock at the door, I walked over to answer it. It was a huntsman and Professor Ozpin.

Ozpin: "Good morning girls, I wish that you all had a good night's rest?"

Blake: "We have"

Huntsmen: "Good, I will be explaining your situation with the zinogre pup"

Ruby: "Hey do you anything about baby zinogres growing overnight and being gigantic, green and gold colored, and having a larger right horn?"

Huntsmen: "Wait... you've seen a Thunderlord Zinogre?!?!?! Those things are extremely aggressive than their normal counterparts! I don't know how you survived!"

RWBY: "Thunderlord Zinogre?"

Silverwind: "ugh... I'm Silverwind by the way, and Thunderlord Zinogre is a deviant, which is a monster that is a normal monster but the insanity levels of attacking and looks cranked to 20"

Ruby: "Oh, so a thunderlord Zinogre is bad news then? I saw Y/N changed back into a Zinogre puppy"

Silverwind: "What? You're telling me that you woke up to see a thunderlord Zinogre and then watched it shift into a baby Zinogre?"

Ruby: "Yeah"

Silverwind: "We are dealing with a zinogre who has Deviantius"

Yang: "Devi-what?"

Silverwind: "Deviantius. Its a special and rare mutation that only monsters that have been discovered to have a deviant form, could only have it. But how on earth did a zinogre pup have the capability to activate such a power?"

It then dawned on me, maybe the Portal that Y/N came out of, caused him to have Deviantius!

Ruby: "Maybe the portal that Y/N came out of, and gave him Deviantius?"

Silverwind: "You could be right, anyway we need to find out what ticks his Deviantius, meet me at professor Glynda's classroom in 7"

RWBY: "Ok"

We got ready for the day and went to glynda's classroom, and as we entered the room, we were greeted with various things, ranging from foods, modern day items, and Grimm in cages. Y/N looked scared, he hid behind my leg.

Y/N pov

There were big and scary things everywhere, but the one with red fur, I stayed close to, because she reminded me of mommy.

Y/N: "whine"

Red fur one: "Hey, its ok. You're gonna fine, you're safe remember?"

The red fur one picked me up as she said this. I reached out with my paws to get closer, and she knew what I wanted. She drew me closer to her chest, and I snuggled as close to her as I could.

I slowly opened my eyes to see what was in front of me. A nulberry, exciteshroom, and a scatternut. I sniffed each one, I was confused about why they were showing me all these things that I have seen before, I like nulberries, so I gobbled that up quickly. I was told to go explore around the large wooden cave or 'classroom' but the hunters were still following me, mainly the red, white, black, and yellow ones. I sniffed the air, and recognized a smell. It was something I thought mommy and I could never find again! I ran after the scent and tumbled over the things scattered around the place, and jumped up onto a few boxes and clawed through the wooden rocks or 'boxes'. I finally found what I lost when I was visiting my grandma and grandpa. My great maccao plush doll, it was my favorite toy, and it still is my favorite! I hugged it passionately, wagging my tail in excitement that I had my Great Maccao plush doll back.

Yellow one: "Aww, Y/N found a plushie, he's so adorable!!!!!!"

I stopped what I was doing, I sensed a presence that wasn't welcomed. A frenzied tetsucabra, I sensed that it was targeting the red one first. I started to become scared as I watched my soul detach from my body and watch my body grow into the mass, that I was terrified of..... Thunderlord, my other half of my body, he howled in anger as he leaped at the red one, I was scared for what thunderlord was going to do to her, but since he was my other half, I could be able to know his intentions. He was planning to kill the frenzied tetsucabra, but I roared out, telling to not kill him but to eliminate the frenzy virus, and bring him back to his original state.

Thunderlord threw a flurry of knifes at the frenzied tetsucabra, this caused the frenzy virus to be completely eliminated from him, and then thunderlord struck the tetsucabra with a green lightning bolt, which this caused the tetsucabra to shrink into a baby tetsucabra.

Hoped you all enjoyed offset part 2 of this new series so far!!!!! I will see you all in the next part!!!

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