the blockade ( rainbow six si...

By Ace_Cottone

44.4K 248 417

when a shield is needed, I'm up first More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10

chapter 3

3.5K 22 104
By Ace_Cottone

I awake on the couch with the sleeping beauty in my arms.

Sèb: so are you two dating or what

Y/N: no, what makes you think that

Sèb: well you two and holding onto each other with a death grip onto each other

Noticing that we where still holding onto each other, I release my grip on her but she didn't let go.

Y/N: this is embarrassing

Sèb: don't worry about it

I pick get Tina to let go some then picked her up and lauded her in her bed.

Y/N: we don't speak about this

Sèb: it's good I got a photo of it then

He bolted out of the room with me right behind him

Y/N: don't make me use my gadget

He gave up after I said that

Sèb: don't, wouldn't want to have to figure out how to get rid of that stuff

Y/N: good now let me see your phone

Sèb: but...

Y/N: save it, I'll put it on my phone but so you can't show everyone I'm taking it off of your phone

Sèb: fine

He has me his phone. I send it to me off of his phone the remove it from his phone

Y/N: there, now any more I should know about, tell me or I surround you in foam

Sèb: no sadly

Y/N: good, now if you don't mind me, im going to go play some GTA 5

Sèb: what's up with you and games

Y/N: what's with Canadians and maple syrup

Sèb: we like it alot

Y/N: you just gave yourself the awnser

Sèb: you have fun, I'm going to shoot some

Y/N: ok, make sure to not let your gun muzzle explode when you try and shoot both your shotgun and assault rifle

Sèb: how do you know about that

Y/N: Tina told me about it

Sèb: that was one time

Y/N: don't make it two

I went back to the dorm and see Tina still asleep. I play GTA for a few hours till I got bored of people thinking there gangsters and screaming the n word like were on Xbox live not pc. I wait another five minutes till I heard Tina wake up

Y/N: morning

Tina: hello Y/N

Y/N: sleep well

Tina: yeah

Y/N: good to hear

Tina: do you have anything planned

Y/N: not really, what about you

Tina: seeing as I just woke up, no

Y/N: oh buck tried to embarrass us

Tina: how

I took out my phone and showed her the photo of me and her.

Y/N: I got it off of his phone and sent it to mine

Tina: thank god, he would have showed that to every one

Y/N: yeah but he can't so we don't have to worry about it

Tina: yeah he would have showed that to everyone

Y/N: I was thinking about going shooting, would you like to join me

Tina: sure

Intercom: blockade and caviara to my office please

Y/N: looks like she has something for me, I'll hang out with you when I get back

Tina: good luck

Y/N: thanks

I gave her a hug before heading to see what six wants. I enter the room and see cav almost asleep in her chair.

Six: you two are to enter a white mask base and get all the information you can get then leave, you have one hour till you leave.

Y/N: yes ma'am

Me and cav leave the office and head to our rooms to get our uniforms

Tina: so what's your mission

Y/N: me and cav go to a white mask base and get all the information we can

Tina: when you get back, me and you are going to hang out some

Y/N: got it

I change into my gear then go get my guns and ammo

Time skip

Cav: let's get this done so I don't have to look at your ugly face

Y/N: yeah sure, these guys are like fish, and we are the sharks

Cav: the predators have become the prey, let's go

We breach into the building without any struggle. Many of them began gunning at us but we stayed low and moved silently. After two minutes of silence three rounds rip through my back. I fall to the ground silently crying. Cav returns fire, hitting the guy in the head, dropping him instant
Dropping him right then and there.

Cav: Y/N

Y/N: I'm dead weight, just leave me.

Cav: not happening, six we need medical evacuation now

Six: who's hit

Cav: Y/N, he won't hold on long

Six: doc is on the way with an evacuation team

They kept talk but I wasn't able to under stand what they where saying. My eyes got heavy and I fainted due to blood loss.

Time skip

I awake in a bright white room then instantly close my eyes to be able to adjust bright environment. I look over and see Tina asleep on a couch next to me. Doc walked into the room with a clip board.

Doc: ah your awake, she's been on that couch for two months waiting for you to wake up. She only left for food, water, shower, and change. She didn't even go one missions

Y/N: wait how long did you say I've been here

Doc: two months

Y/N: now I feel bad

Doc: she really cares about you

Y/N: so how long do I have to stay here

Doc: your two months gave your wounds time to heal

Y/N: ok

Doc: have a good day Y/N

Y/N: you too doc

I wake Tina up and instantly regreted it, by that I mean she jumped into me.

Tina: Y/N

Y/N: loosen your grip please

She let go and caught me off guard when she kissed me

Tina: never scare me like that again

Y/N: I'm sorry, I didn't hear the guy behind me

Tina was still latched onto me not letting go. We get back to the dorm and sit down and talk. After about five minutes i take a shower then me and her talk some more.

Tina: you had me so worried

Y/N: I'm sorry

Me and her ended the day by watching movies and me teaching her how to play COD, which was harder than you think. After we got ready to go to bed sèb walked in with a bag I hope is flower

Sèb: Y/N help me hide this

Y/N: please good let that be flour

Sèb: God has nothing to do with this, and it's cocaine. I took it from bandit and now he's looking for me

Y/N: put it in the bathroom


Y/N: if you wake me up bandit, I'll trap you in foam

Dominic: is sèb in there

Y/N: no, he said he was going off base for the night

Dominic: I'll get him tomorrow, have a good sleep

Y/N: you too

We wait five minutes then sèb left the room leaving me and Tina. I lay in my bed and get comfortable until I felt an arm wrap around me

Y/N: what are you doing

Tina: I want to lay here with you, is there anything wrong with that

Y/N: no

Tina: ok then

I adjust myself so we both will be comfortable. She was warm and soft, why am I so attracted to her. I never have been with anyone since twelfth grade in secondary school.

Y/N: goodnight Tina

Tina: goodnight Y/N

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