A soldiers world

By MsSita101

12 0 0


A soldiers world

12 0 0
By MsSita101


Always taken for sadness

Taken for anger

Or put under a column of fear

Soldiers cry everyday

For their kids

For their wives

For their lives

Shunned for leaving

A place where they were happy

To be put on the forward line

Right infront of the enemies

Judge for something

That helps us all

Put on the front line

To save our asses at the back

Turned backs

All they see

Lost their 'place'

In this social sea

Battered and bruised

Brought back home dead

Shot by a rogue enemy

Should have been home safe

Tucked in their bed

Wrapped in the arms

Of those they love

Close to their hearts


One of my best friends ever, told me to post this..

Sorry if it's horrible.

Anyway, thanks for reading this...


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