Love at first sight? (Slow Up...

By lovetowrite12340

6.4K 248 53

Elsa Winters is a new actress to the world. She starred in her first movie Frozen. She's excited for what her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapted 21

Chapter 3

408 17 2
By lovetowrite12340

~Day After the Oscars~

Elsa's POV:

My alarm started to go off. I guess it's time to start my day sadly. I groaned. I live alone in my apartment. I wanted to live on my own and see what that's like.

I got out of bed and grabbed my phone. I walked to my kitchen and decided to make myself some breakfast. I'll make eggs and bacon for today.

I started cracking three eggs and scrambled them together in a bowl. After I turned on the stove I started to cook my eggs and bacon.

*inserts iPhone text message noise*

I opened my phone to see I have a text message. I looked at the number and it was unfamiliar to me. I read what it said:

"Hey Elsa! It's me Jack!"

I smiled. He remembered to text me. I quickly texted him back:

"Hey Jack! What's up?"

I went back to cooking my food after that. My phone dinged again I decided to finish cooking first though.

It took me a few minutes to finish cooking but it was done. I walked to my kitchen table with my food and phone.

I opened my phone to answer Jack's text message.

"Nothing much I just made myself some breakfast. What about you?" ~J

"I just finished making mine haha" ~E

"Nice. We should hangout sometime by the way" ~J

Well that wasn't random I chuckled to myself.

"Sure. When do you want to hang out?" ~E

"Today if your not busy? Sorry for such short notice..." ~J

"We could hangout today. No need to apologize, it's not a problem :)" ~E

"Great! So let's go ice skating! If you want to though." ~J

"I love ice skating! Did you want to meet there or travel together?" ~E

"We can meet there if you want" ~J

"Sounds great. What time?" ~ E

"Is 2 okay?" ~J

"Yea that should be fine. Guardians Ice Rink?" ~E

"Yep!" ~J

So, that's what I'll be doing all of today. I'm actually pretty excited! I'll be hanging out with Jack today.

It's a little weird though. We barely met each other yesterday and we are hanging out today. But it feels like I've known him longer, for years. It's so strange but so comfortable.

I've never been so comfortable with a complete stranger before in my life. And yet here Jack is. In my life and it's like we've been friends for forever.

Anyway, I checked the time to see that it's 12:30. I should probably get ready. I went to my bathroom that is in my bedroom and showered. I picked out white pants, a light blue long sleeved shirt, blue jacket, and some vans. I put very light makeup on. It was around 1:15 when I was finished getting ready. I went to one of my closets to find my old skates.

After I grabbed everything I needed I went outside, locked up my apartment, and walked to my car.

I got to the skating rink and parked my car. I got out with my purse (that had everything I needed in it) and my skates.

I saw Jack waiting by the door.

"I hope you weren't waiting too long," I said. It caught his attention and he looked at me.

"Don't worry about it. I barely got here," he smiled.

"Shall we go inside?" Jack asked.

"Of course," I smiled.

We walked into the skating rink. We put our skates on then headed to the ice.

It's been so long since I've ice skated but I'm sure it will be fine when we start skating.

I looked at Jack and saw him struggling a little bit. I giggled. That caused him to look at me.

"What?" He asked.

"You act like you haven't skated before," I laughed.

"I skated only a little bit when I was younger. I'm a little terrified that I might fall," he said blushing in embarrassment.

"Come on, I'll help you. And I'm sure you'll be fine," I said giggling. He's so cute.

"How are you so good at this?" He asked struggling.

"Years and years of practice," I said smiling.

"Elsa, please skate slowly," he said looking nervous.

"Jack, you were the one who suggested this. Why would you choose something that you are unfamiliar with?" I asked.

"I thought I would be fine but I was obviously wrong," he groaned. I just giggled. I helped him throughout the skating.

We talked about tons of things. Sometimes they were so random. And others just about each other.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"I just turned 21 last month and you?" I asked.

"19 but I'll be 20 in six months and happy belated birthday," he said and laughed nervously.

"Thank you!" I chuckled at him.

"Wow... and you're already an actor in a movie," I said.

"Yeah... I uh... took acting classes when I was really young and I heard about the audition from my drama teacher. He told me to audition for it. And look at me now," he laughed nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"That's amazing though! Was that your first audition?" I asked.

"Um... yeah... sorta," he blushed. I smiled.

"What other auditions have you done?" I asked.

"Just high school auditions for plays or even musicals. They were really fun and all but I wanted to do something on camera," he said.

"Well that's still awesome! You had a lot of acting background. I barely started a year or so ago. Are you going to continue auditioning for movies?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm not sure on which one to audition for yet though," he said.

"Hmm... well keep your eyes pealed for audition signs. I know I will be," we laughed.

"I will. So, tell me more about you," he said.

"What is there to know? What would you like to know?" I asked.

"I don't know, just any kind of random facts about you I guess," he blushed. He is blushing a lot today. I won't tease him about it though.

"Well, I like to read. I randomly dance in my kitchen when I'm cooking. I watch The Office when I'm not busy. And I'm not sure on what else to say," I said.

"You dance when you're cooking," he smiled.

"Yes I do. I usually have music playing when I cook and when I'm waiting for the food to cook I just randomly start dancing. Sometimes singing if I have an audition," I said.

"That's a good random fact about you," he said chuckling. I rolled my eyes but I still grinned.

"What about you? Any random facts about yourself?" I asked.

"Um... well... I like to hangout with my siblings sometimes," he said.

"How many siblings do you have?" I asked.

"I have three siblings. My brother is 12 years old, my sister is 9 years old and then the youngest is 5 years old," he must have saw my face because he says, "She was a surprise baby." He chuckled. I smiled.

"Sounds like a full house," I smiled at him.

"It is but I wouldn't change it at all," he grinned.

"Anything else you would like me to know?" I asked smiling at him.

"I have a dog named Angel. She likes to play fetch. Um... I also like watching The Office," he continued.

"You have a dog. That must be fun. I've never had one before," I said and he gasped dramatically.

"You've never had a dog before?"

"Nope. My father is allergic to dogs and cats so we never got one when I was a kid," I said.

"Do you still live with your parents?"

"No why?"

"I'm getting you a dog."

"WHAT?!?! No, you don't need to do that," I exclaimed shocked.

"I know but dogs give humans unconditional love. I think every human deserves to have a dog at least once," he said.

"Jack you don't have to get me a dog!"I exclaimed.

"I didn't say I was getting you one now," he joked. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"How about we get off this ice and go somewhere to have dinner. I'll pay," he said.

"I would love to go out for dinner but I'm paying for my half," I said.

"Yeah okay sure. Anyway, where do you want to go?" He asked.

"Hmm... depends what do you like eating?" I asked.

"Well I have food allergies so it depends on where I go for food," he said.

"Let's go somewhere where you know you can eat then," I said.

"Um... is Chipotle okay?" He asked.

"Of course it is! I love that place!" I said.


We decided on which Chipotle to go to and we were off in our separate cars.

When we got there it wasn't as crowded. We were waiting in line for a little while so I started a conversation.

"So what are you allergic to exactly?" I asked.

"Will you listen to it or just pretend that you're listening then change the subject to something totally different?" He asked. I gave him a look like "seriously, that was rude."

"Sorry, it's just every time I tell people about my allergies they pretend that they are interested then change the subject completely," he sighed.

"Jack, I really want to know what you are allergic to. I'm not like those other people," I said.

"Okay and I'm sorry for snapping at you."

"You're totally fine now tell me what you're allergic to," I smiled.

"Well... I'm allergic to all nuts and soy... the soy part is only if it's soy protein," he said.

"Wow... that's a lot of allergies. Do you make a lot of homemade meals?"

"Yea for the most part," he said.

"What would you like?" One if the employees asked.
"Wait a minute, you're Elsa Winters," she said.

I smiled, "Yep that's me."

"And you're Jack Frost,"she said.

"Guilty as charged," he said.

"Wow! Oh my gosh can I get your autographs?" She asked.

"Um... I mean I guess," I said and glanced at Jack who shrugged. Not helpful dude.

She ran somewhere in the back and came back with a pen and a journal. She had us sign on the inside cover of it.

"Can we order now?" I asked.

"Oh yes, of course, sorry about that," she said.

We finished ordering and Jack paid for the dinner even when I told him not to.

After dinner we were on our way back to our cars.

"So, did you have fun today?" Jack asked.

"Of course I did. We should hangout again," I smiled.

"Yeah, I would really like that," he said.

"So, I'll see you soon then?"

"Yeah! Um... I'll text you for another time for us to hangout?" He asked.

"Sure," I smiled. I unlocked my car door and Jack opened it for me.

"Thank you," I said.

"You're welcome," he smiled.

And with that we went our separate ways to go home. He's a really sweet guy. He's a cutie too.

I've been thinking he's cute all day and I haven't corrected myself for it. I'm so weird. Why do I find him so cute?

February 26, 2019

A/n: I don't own the picture used in this chapter. Don't forget to:

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