"its not you its me" (Bendy x...

By miromaraa

20.4K 577 259

After being abused by their father for 5 years bendy and Boris were saved and were adopted by their uncle hen... More

becoming a monster
getting saved
our new home
my bully
our project
making a friend
forbidden questions
losing a friend
Is this what love feels like?
I'm sorry
sick as a dog
First kiss
Sleepover pt: 2
Who is she?
Brain washing
Last breath
The truth
Ink illness
The monster
Saving them
Shocking news
Oof (not a chapter)

He's gone!?

473 17 5
By miromaraa

Bendy's POV

"Fuck! I forgot to lock the door". I quickly took my hoodie and covered my arm with it.
Me: "O-oh hey bro"
Boris: "are you okay?"
Me: "I'm fine just go back downstairs and I'll meet you down there"
Boris: "But I thought I saw blood"
Me: "no you didn't now just leave!"
Boris: "ok gosh calm down"
He then walked over to me and kneeled to try and move my hoodie off my arm, of course I moved away from him.
Boris: "c'mon bendy I know your hurt"
Me: "I told you I'm fine, now just go downstairs"
Boris: "please just let me see your arm"
Me: "no!"
I tried to move again but Boris grabbed my hoodie and pulled it off my arm revealing my bloody cuts. I looked up at Boris and he looked back at me with tears in his eyes.
Boris: "what happened?..."
Me: "Please just leave already Boris!"
Boris: "No! I'm staying here until you tell me what's going on! D-did you get into a fight of something?"
Me: " it's complicated okay!"
I glanced at my bloody pocket knife and Boris looked at it too.
Boris: "wait...did you do this!?"
he tried to reach for my arm but I forcefully slapped his hand away. Boris looked at me shocked with tears streaming down his face.
Boris: "oww! Why'd you do that!?"
I got up, grabbed my hoodie, and pushed my brother out the way so I could leave the bedroom, then I went downstairs and out the backdoor. I mean he was just trying to figure out what was going on and I got mad at him for it. I guess I just don't want him to know about all crazy stuff that's been happening to me, like the bullying, those weird dreams, and the self harm stuff. I continued walking until I found myself in the park and sitting on a bench, I began running my hands through my hair while trying to think of what to do next. I couldn't go back now, not after I yelled at him like that so I just stared up at the night sky until I got bored. After a few minutes I remembered that I still had that paper from cups house. I pulled it out and examined it again but more closely this time. The writing on it was messy yet still very familiar, it almost looked like whoever wrote it wanted it to be hard to read but I still managed to make some of it out. It was called a mind morphing charm and it could erase bad memories and replace them with new ones and there were some symptoms of the charm wearing off like headaches and coughing plus it said that every time the spell is cast it changes the victims appearance, like a different eye or hair color. "Why would cup even have this?". Since I couldn't read anymore of the paper I stuffed it back into my pocket and decided to go home and apologize to Boris. I got up and walked down the sidewalk until I noticed mugman leaning on a tree, he looked worried about something and he was checking his phone a lot too so I decided to ask him if he was alright.
Me: "hey mugs, you ok?"
Mug: "not really, Boris was suppose to meet me here a few minutes ago"
Me: "did you try calling him?"
Mug: "yeah but he won't answer"
Me: "uh me and him got into a fight earlier which was kinda my fault but maybe that's the reason why he's not talking"
Mug: "oh, well can you please check on him for me"
Me: "sure"
Me: "uh hey mugs can I ask you something?"
Mug: "yeah, go ahead"
Me: "has cuphead been acting strange recently?"
Mug: "actually yeah he has, he's been nonstop talking to some girl on the phone all day and his eyes look really weird too
Me: "o-oh...well I guess I should head home now"
Mug: "bye bendy"
Me: "bye"
I continued to walk down the sidewalk until I got out of the park and into the busy city. This place always got busy during the dark, people were going on dates and other stuff at this time, that reminds me I've never been on a date with cuppy but that'll never happen since he hates me more. I guess I should call Boris now, I hope he isn't still mad at me.  As soon as I dialed his number it went straight to voicemail, I tried about 3 more times but the same thing happened and I kinda got worried so I rushed to get home.

15 minutes later

I finally made it back home but once I got into the house everything felt strange, it was quite and the whole house was dark and the only light was coming from the moon which was eerily shining through the windows.
Me: "Boris? Are you in here?"
Me: "I'm sorry about what happened..."
No answer. I went upstairs and called his name again but there was still no answer until I heard a phone ringing, it wasn't mine so it must've been Boris's. I went into Boris's room and answered his cell phone.
Me: "hello?"
Mug: "oh hey bendy"
Me: "hey is Boris there?"
Mug: "no, I thought that he was with you"
Me: "wait so this means that.....He's gone!"

To be continued...

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