Lethal Confessions ✅

By Piesie2001

2.1K 525 147

👻 Your Confession Might Just Kill You 👻 In which a harmless trip turns deadly. An abandoned cabin, lurking... More

Lethal Confessions - Summary, Author's Note & Copyright
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Not A Chapter
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Thank You💕

Chapter Four

97 30 14
By Piesie2001

"You guys are really nasty, you know. You have a lot a questions you can ask but you always want to ask the nasty ones."

"Shut up, water-girl. Johnny boy answer my question."

John shifted in his seat and cleared his throat repeatedly.

"Clear your throat one more time and I'll whack you with one of my boyfriend's empty bottles." Alexandra threatened playfully. "Answer the damn question."

"One. Just one."

"One? You think one is a just? And how many times did you two roll in the hay?"

"You're only entitled to one question Shawn." Philip warned.

"I know that but aren't you riled, even the slightest bit? I know you've had only about three girlfriends in your lifetime. Doesn't it bother you that your best friend has been screwing with one of them?"

"No, it doesn't. Come on, you expect me to be mad because John slept with one of my exes? No, I'm not. Actually, I don't really care."

"You think he slept with one of your exes?"

"Yeah. I mean, definitely not Sophia. Right?" He chuckled.

Sophia gave a nervous laugh while shooting Shawn daggers which he dismissed with a wave of his bottle. "Yeah, right."

"Cassie your turn." John called out, desperate to divert their attention.


"Why don't you just pick a dare? What's the fun in it if everyone's just answering questions?"

"First of all, Alex, I have nothing to hide. Secondly, I don't trust you guys when it comes to dares. Sorry John, you may be a nice guy, but I'm not going to give you a chance to make me do something stupid. So, I insist on Truth."

"Fine. What made you come on this trip? And before you blame it on your cousin, don't. It was your choosing to come, what made you?"

"Really man? You had the one chance to ask her if she was a virgin, or if she had -"

"Shut up Shawn!" Philip and Sophia said in unison.

"Well," Alexandra prodded. "why did you come? I know you hate Shawn and me so you probably thought it was going to be terrible idea. Why did you still come? Or do you have any dark secrets you're hiding?"

"And before you think of lying, don't. Let me warn you that the spirits are not kind at all to kids who lie when they're asked."

"If you think that's creepy Shawn try harder. Okay, fine, you're right, I hate you two so I probably shouldn't be here. But I only came on this trip... because of John."

"Johnny boy? You came because of Johnny boy?"

"Oh my god!" Alexandra covered her mouth in surprise. "You like John. Cassie actually likes someone."

John smiled in spite of himself. He had never thought of himself as a good catch. He had always been Philip's best friend, his sidekick, a replacement for Philip whenever Sophia was bored, never getting attention as much as him. It kind of felt good to hear that someone liked him and and he hadn't even done anything extraordinary.

Cassandra folded her arms and tried to look anywhere but their faces. If she had she might have just seen Sophia's face contort into rage.


Shawn opened another bag and rummaged through without success. "Where are those goddamn cigarettes?"

He heard footsteps descend into the basement and figured Alexandra had come in search of him since he had left her hanging in the middle of a very passionate osculation.

"I can't find them, probably still in the car." He said, searching through a new bag, his back to her.

"What the hell is your game? What kind of game are you playing?" Sophia's anger-coated voice spat at him.

He slowly stood up and faced her with a simper. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb with me Shawn. You know exactly what I'm talking about. What do you think you were doing asking John about which of Philip's girlfriends he'd slept with?"

"I was trying to do Philip a favour since he was too blind to notice that his best friend and girlfriend were have a little reunion under the comforters, right beside him. I wonder how he would act if he finds out."

"You wouldn't dare."

"You think so? I would when I want. Maybe if I tell Philip about everything, I would save him, and John too, from being fooled by you and your selfish desires. You think you're so perfect but I know you're just like every whore who uses guys for their own benefit. Johnny boy is too lost in his infatuation with you to see how he's been used."

"Don't try anything stupid Shawn, I don't forgive easily."

"What can you do? Kill me?" He stepped closer towering over her, his eyes burning holes into hers. "Babe, I know you very well, you don't scare me in the least. Just stay away from me. I won't warn you again." With that, he shoved her aside and walked out.

Fury emanated from Sophia like vapour. Shawn was digging his own grave and she was surely going to help him finish it.


"It's 10pm Shawn. Leave those cigarettes alone and come huddle with me under the comforter. You can get them tomorrow morning."

He shook his head. "I need them now." He picked an umbrella Philip had placed by the door just incase they had to go out in the rain.

"Not that I care, but I think the storm is still strong and endangering yourself for a pack of cigarettes that will eventually kill you doesn't seem very bright."

"Well said water-girl but you should be worried about your fruitless crush on Johnny boy here and not me and my cigars."

A scowl found itself on Cassandra's face as she folded her arms. "You're always such an idiot."

Ignoring her, he opened the door, letting in a huge gust of wind with rain. "See you later." And he was gone.

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