Curious // Billie Eilish

By bisexauI

1.4M 39.5K 55.6K

Callie is a normal college freshman, perfectly content with being a nobody to the rest of the world. Billie i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19.5
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27.5
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 27

30.3K 810 1.6K
By bisexauI

Sorry this took a while to update, 5000 words as an apology?

Callie's POV

The first thing I saw when I woke up this morning was a familiar head of dyed hair on the pillow beside me, and let me tell you, I've never been happier to wake up.

I still can't believe I went two and a half months without this. Just thinking about my time without Billie makes my heart ache.

I don't want to have to go back home without her.

She's still asleep with her arm draped over my body and her legs tangled with mine, so I've been staying as still as possible so I don't wake her up.

Eventually I can't resist anymore, and I reach over to gently run my fingers through her hair until she slowly starts to stir.

"Mmmm," she groans into the pillow and I chuckle at how adorable she is. She turns her head and opens one eye to look at me, smiling tiredly as she does. "Good morning, gorgeous."

Her morning voice is somehow both the sexiest thing and the cutest thing in the world.

I smile wider. "Morning." I lean over to place a soft kiss on her lips and she smiles into it.

"I fucking missed this," she mumbles and looks into my eyes when I pull my lips away. "I hate waking up without you."

"I hate it too." I look into her eyes for a few seconds before sitting up and stretching my arms up. "I'm starving."

"Go get food then," she mumbles and buries her head back into the pillow, making me snort and roll my eyes in amusement. "I'm kidding, I'll come with you. Just gimme a sec, I'm fucking sore for some reason."

I look down at her and pout, shifting around to straddle her while she continues to lay on her stomach.

"What're you doing?" she asks and I don't reply, gathering her hair up in my hand and moving it over to once side to get it out of the way before I move my hands up her back and start massaging her shoulders, making her instantly moan. "That feels so good."

I hum in response and keep rubbing her shoulders firmly, frowning when I feel all the stress knots that have been building up for God knows how long.

"Baby, you're so tense," I say with a frown and dig my fingers in a little deeper so I can work on smoothing the knots out.

"Last few months have been really stressful," she mumbles then groans when I work on a specific spot. "Your hands are, like, magical."

I smile and lean down to kiss the back of her neck gently. I feel her shiver slightly and I move my lips to her ear before whispering, "I love you."

"I love you too," she replies and I can hear the smile in her voice. "A fucking lot, bro."

"Stop calling me bro," I say with a laugh and roll my eyes to myself because we always playfully argue about this.


"It's just not something you call someone you have sex with!"

She laughs and shifts around until she's laying on her back with me still straddling her. She rests her hands on my hips and looks up at me with an amused smile, "I mean bro in a romantic way."

I roll my eyes again and she rubs my hips slowly, her hands pushing my shirt up slightly.

Well, her shirt. I can't remember the last time I actually slept in my own clothes since meeting Billie. Even before we started dating we were wearing each other's clothes.

"Hey, baby?" she starts and I look into her eyes. "I'm really proud of you for getting that internship, you know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you that at first, I was a fucking asshole."

I smile softly and shrug it off, "It's in the past, you don't need to apologize for it."

She sighs, "But I-"

I lean down and cut her off with a kiss, feeling her kissing me back without a single missed beat. I savor the way our lips mold together like they're made for each other, and shiver slightly when her hands slip higher up under my shirt and lightly stroke my back.

I pull back after a little while and she whines in protest, which makes me chuckle.

"Sorry, Bil. We need to get ready to go," I remind her and get off of her. "We're seeing Hayley preform!"

I get out of the bed and feel Billie smack my butt playfully when I turn around, making me giggle.

"You know, I'm starting to get a little jealous of how excited you are to see this chick. You don't get this excited to watch me preform."

I chuckle and walk over to my suitcase, "You should be jealous, she's the love of my life."

I hear her scoff in disbelief which makes me smile in amusement as I look through my bag for the outfit I brought for today.

"I love that on you," Billie says when I take out the romper and I smile as I turn around to face her.

"Thanks, babe. Do you think Hayley will like it?" I ask and her eyes harden, her lips forming a straight line. "Come on, relax! I'm just joking. You know you're my one and only."

"Do I?" she asks with a pout and I roll my eyes playfully before walking over to her.

I wrap my arms around her neck and place a gentle kiss on her pouty lips, which makes her smile softly even though I can tell she's trying to act upset still.

"Get dressed and stop being pouty. If you're good today I'll show you just how much I really love you later," I tease and wink playfully, making her bite her plump bottom lip in excitement.

          When we finally get to the festival, I hop out of the rental car excitedly, having way more energy than I did yesterday after that log ass flight. I was so tired I didn't really get to appreciate how cool it was to be here, but now that's all I can think about.

"Billie, come on!" I shout and start running towards one of the stages, my All Access pass swinging around my neck as I do.

I hear her laughing behind me. She's been to dozens of these this year alone, so watching me get so excited about stuff she's grown accustom to must be amusing.

"Hold on, baby!" she shouts and I reluctantly stop in my tracks. "Can we go to the trailer first? I need to grab something."

I huff in annoyance but turn around anyway, making my way over to her again. "What do you need."

"Uh..." she trails off and I furrow my eyebrows. "Sunglasses," she says and I give her a look because she's already wearing a pair. "The pair in the trailer will match my fit better!"

I roll my eyes playfully and take her hand while we walk towards her trailer.

"Do you really need sunglasses or are you just sneaking me off for a quickie?" I ask and she laughs as she pulls me along, not answering the question.

She leads me towards the white trailers and I follow reluctantly, really desperate to go listen to whoever is preforming right now and dance around like an idiot.

She opens the door and walks up the steps, pulling me along behind her.

"Billie, don't take too lo-oh my god."

There, on the couch in Billie's trailer, is Hayley Kiyoko.

The Hayley Kiyoko.

The woman who launched my era of self discovery and the only celebrity I let myself fangirl over.

Holy shit.

"Surprise!" Billie says with an amused smile and I just keep staring at the girl in front of me like if I look away she'll disappear.

Billie and Hayley both laugh at my reaction, making a blush rise on my cheeks. I try to form words but they don't come out as my mind races a mile a minute.

"Hi! Callie, right?" Hayley asks and I melt a little at the sound of her voice.

"Uhhh," I reply dumbly and stare at her in shock. "Yes?" I blush even brighter. "I mean, yes. Yes, my name is Callie."

Billie snorts in amusement and wraps her arms around my waist. "I've never seen you like this," she says and I groan in embarrassment.

"I know, this is so embarrassing. I'm so sorry, I'm just really caught off guard and I feel like I'm dreaming and don't know how to act," I start rambling and Billie squeezes my hip to pull me back to reality.

"Don't worry about it, I think it's cute," Hayley says and I blush again. Billie squeezes my hip a little tighter. "Do you want a hug?"

I nod quickly and pull away from Billie, walking into Hayley's arms when she opens them for me.

Oh my god, her hugs are amazing too.

When she pulls away I smile and she smiles back, "You're so adorable," she says and I blush again.

"I'm so excited for your set. I've wanted to see you live for years," I tell her happily and she smiles even wider.

"I hope it meets your expectations! I would love to talk to you for longer now but I need to get ready for my set. You guys should come to my after party though, yeah?" she says and I feel like my heart is going to pound out of my chest from excitement.

I nod eagerly, "That would be amazing."

"I'll see you later then," she says with a smile and pokes my cheek then looks at Billie. "Great to see you again, your set yesterday was phenomenal."

They share a brief hug before she walks out of the trailer, leaving me standing here like an idiot with my mouth hanging open.

"Did that just happen?" I ask and Billie nods, a weird look on her face. "What? What's wrong?"

"She was so obviously flirting with you," she says with a huff and I give her a look, as if to say she's out of her damn mind.

"You're ridiculous."

"Am I? It was shameless!"

Billie is definitely the jealous type, although it hasn't been much of an issue throughout our relationship thus far.

When we first got together, she asked my to cut ties with Lauren, which we both mutually decided was a good idea anyway, and occasionally she'd get a little irritated with me for supposedly acting flirty at parties, but it was never a big thing.

Speaking of, I don't know if I should mention that Lauren and I became friends again during the month that Billie and I were broken up.

Maybe it's best she doesn't know, at least for now. It's not like anything happened between us anyway.

"Billie, come on. Don't make this into something it's not. Let's just go have fun at the festival, okay?" I say and press a kiss to her cheek, seeing her shoulders relax slightly.

"Fine, but if she tries anything tonight I'm going off. I don't have to pretend not to be jealous over you in public anymore."

Oh boy.

With that, she takes my hand and leads me out of the trailer again. Our hands swing between us as we walk towards the stage, the sounds of cheering growing louder as we do.

Obviously we can't watch with everyone else attending the festival because Billie would get mobbed, so we head off to a section reserved for artists and special guests that has security making sure no fans get in.

While the section is separated from all the fans, it's still close to them and completely visible, so when people start to realize who Billie is they start freaking out and waving at her.

She waves back with her free hand, still clutching mine in her other one.

"Does this mean the song worked?" someone shouts and Billie laughs, nodding her head in reply with a smile.

We stop walking when we have a view of the stage that we like and Billie stands behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist while her chin rests on my shoulder.

I smile and lean back against her slightly while we watch the current performer. I don't know who she is but she's good, and Billie and I happily sway along to the music together.

I look around occasionally and every time I do I see at least one person taking pictures and videos of us, but Billie doesn't give a shit so neither do I.

When Hayley's set starts I break away from Billie so I can jump around and sing along with everything I have, especially when Girls Like Girls starts, because that's my absolute anthem.

Throughout the set Billie seems progressively more annoyed, but I'm honestly too excited to care at the moment.

If she can't deal with me being excited to see my idol, that's on her. I'm going to keep enjoying myself, thank you very much.

When the last song ends I scream my head off with everyone else until she's off stage, leaving me feeling ridiculously hyped up but also sad because it's over.

I turn around to look at Billie and sling my arms around her neck, leaning into her with a happy giggle.

I'm almost acting drunk, but I haven't had a drop of alcohol. I'm just so happy, I saw my idol preform with my favorite girl in the world right next to me, life is good.

"That was amazing!" I gush then press a loving but quick kiss to her lips. "Thank you so much for taking me here, seriously. I'm, like, shaking."

She smiles slightly, but it looks forced, "No problem, baby."

"What's wrong?" I ask with a pout and cup her cheeks, but she just shakes her head.

"Nothing. Let's go get some food, yeah?"

I nod slightly and step back from her. She takes my hand and leads me towards the backstage area to where there are some food trucks for the performers and guests.

I intertwine our fingers and swing our hands between us as we walk, unable to wipe the wide smile off of my face.

I just wish Billie was in a better mood.

Once we get some food we sit down at an empty table and start eating, never letting go of each other's hands as we do.

I don't know how I'm going to manage to go without her for the rest of the summer once I leave.

"What are you going to do for your birthday?" Billie asks and I raise my eyebrows slightly at the question, because I hadn't even thought about it.

"Oh shit. It's soon, huh?" I ask and Billie laughs.

"Yeah. Less than a month, babe."

I think for a bit then sigh, "Well, I think it's on a Tuesday so I'm going to be at work. Great way to spend a birthday, organizing files and getting coffee for people."

Billie leans over and kisses my cheek sweetly before saying, "Don't worry, when I get back we can have a belated birthday for you. Anything you want, we'll do it."

I smile and look at her. "I just wanna be with you, I don't care what we do."

She smiles at that, and we look into each other's eyes for a few seconds before someone sits down across from us and breaks us out of our sappy daze.

I look over and my eyes widen when I see who it is.

"Oh my god, hi!" I say excitedly and Hayley smiles at my excitement while Billie grips my hand tighter. "Your set was amazing, it blew me away!"

"Thanks you so much. This crowd is crazy, aren't they, Billie?" she asks and looks at Billie who just nods slightly, keeping her eyes on the food in front of her.

I squeeze her hand gently, signaling for her to actually be social and not get all grumpy.

"How's the food from that truck?" Hayley asks as she looks down at my plate and I slide it over to her.

"Try for yourself."

She smiles gratefully and takes some, and I look over at Billie for a second to find her looking even more pissed off.

I lean close while Hayley is absorbed in the food, probably starving after such a physically demanding set on stage.

"Calm down, baby," I whisper and kiss her cheek once more before I pull away.

"Are you guys up for the after party later?" Hayley asks and I nod quickly.

"Definitely! Thanks for inviting us."

"I might be a bit tired actually," Billie chimes in and I frown, looking at her with pleading eyes that make her shoulders slump slightly. "We'll see."

"Well I hope to see you guys there," Hayley says and I smile at her, earning a sweet smile back.

I chat with her for a while as we share the rest of my food. I don't mind that she has a lot of it because they gave me too much in the first place, and there's no way I was going to finish it on my own.

I'm over the freaking out stage of being around Hayley, so it's easier to hold conversation now without starting to hyperventilate.

I seriously thought I was going to piss myself then have an asthma attack when I first saw her.

But now that I've calmed down from the initial shock and excitement, it's easy to remind myself that she's just a normal person at the end of the day.

After a while, Hayley gets a text that makes her sigh in annoyance, "I gotta go. It was so nice talking to you two! I hope I'll see you tonight!"

She stands up and leans across the table to give me a quick hug before jogging off in the other direction. 

"What a sweetheart," I say with a smile once she's gone and Billie grunt in response, making me look at her. "Okay, what's up? You were quiet the whole time she was here."

"I don't like her! She obviously wants you," she replies and I roll my eyes.

"You are unbelievable. Don't get all jealous, please. You should know there's nothing to worry about."

She shakes her head and looks away from me, which makes me sigh in frustration.

"Let's pretend she does want me, which she doesn't," I pause to emphasize that fact, "I don't want her, so it doesn't fucking matter."

"You've been gushing over her like a little schoolgirl all day but now you're saying you don't want her?" she scoffs and stare at her in disbelief.

I can't believe she's serious.

"Yeah, I've been gushing over her stage persona. I don't know the real Hayley, I'm not into her beyond her music. She seems nice and I enjoy talking to her, but I don't feel anything," I start and make her look at me, which she does reluctantly. "You're the one I'm in love with," I whisper and cup her cheek sweetly. "You're the one that gives me butterflies and I call every night before bed and text first thing in the morning and think about 24/7. She's got nothing on you, baby. So quit tripping and enjoy yourself, please."

She finally smiles, which makes me smile.

"I love you," she mumbles and leans in to kiss me sweetly, which I instantly respond to.

After a little while I pull away so things don't get too heated where anyone can see us, pressing my forehead against hers.

"I love you too, now let's go watch some more sets then get ready for the party."


"Red or black?"

I turn away from the mirror to look at Billie, holding up one black bikini top and one red one.

She looks up from her phone and bites her lip as she looks between the two options.

"Neither, let's just stay in and not wear anything," she replies with a smirk and I chuckle.

"Baby I promise we can have all the sex you want later, but I really need this. I haven't gone to a party for, like, two months! Since before you left for tour."

She sighs and looks at the options again. "Okay, uh, black. You look ridiculously sexy in black."

I smile and toss the red top back into my suitcase before I start stripping down to change into my bikini, earning a groan from Billie.

"You are seriously killing me, baby."

            A little while later both of us are dressed, and I'm just doing some last touches to my hair in the mirror when Billie walks up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist, looking at me through the mirror. I look back at her through the reflection and smile softly.

"You look beautiful," she whispers and kisses my cheek. "This better not be for Hayley."

I roll my eyes playfully and turn around in her arms.

"All for you," I reply and wrap my arms around her neck as I look into her eyes. "And for myself, I feel hot."

"You are hot," she mumbles and presses a kiss to my lips while her arms tighten around me.

I kiss her back with a smile, but pull away quickly when she tries to deepen it while pressing me against the counter in front of the mirror.

"Later," I promise and peck her lips once before pulling away from her completely so I can get my purse, shoes and room key.

It's not long later that we find ourselves at a huge house, music playing throughout it and hundreds of people scattered around.

The house is pretty insane, apparently it belongs to some billionaire who rented it out to Hayley and her entire tour crew for her stay in Stockholm.

It has two fucking pools, both of which could probably fit my childhood home inside them if they were drained.

"Please never buy a house like this," I tell Billie and she snorts in amusement as she looks around the main entrance. "It's too much."

"Agreed," she replies and keeps her hand on my hip while she guides as through the crowd of people until we find where people are getting their drinks from.

"What do you want?" she asks and I shrug.

"Surprise me."

She squeezes my hip once in response then walks over to the counter and starts mixing us a drink each while I look around the party, trying not to choke on my spit when I realize a lot of the people here are celebrities too, not just Hayley and Billie.

When Billie finishes mixing our drinks she comes over again and passes mine to me, earning a kiss on the cheek.

"Wanna go outside?" she asks and I nod, taking her free hand with mine and leading her towards the sliding glass doors that open to a beautiful backyard.

We hadn't been inside for long, but I feel relief when we step into the fresh, night air. There's music and lots of people outside, but it isn't anywhere near as overwhelming as inside.

"You came!" a voice shouts and I turn my head to see Hayley, causing a smile to break out onto my face.

"Hey! Couldn't miss it," I reply and let go of Billie's hand so I can hug her when she reaches us.

"I'm glad you're here," she tells me when we pull apart and I smile, bringing my cup up to my lips to have a sip. "You too, Billie," she adds and looks past me to make eye contact with her.

Billie just nods slightly in response, her mood shifting back to how it was earlier today when she was jealous and pissy.

"Come join me and my friends, they'll love you guys," Hayley says and takes me hand, leading me over to the fire pit before Billie or I can respond.

When we reach her friends we all share a brief introduction before Billie and I sit down on one of the plush seats together, as close as we can be without actually being on top of each other.

Hayley sits down beside me, not that close, but still close enough for the fangirl in me to freak out just a little bit.

"Billie, your set yesterday was amazing. That last song was beautiful," one of Hayley's friends says and Billie smiles finally.

"Thanks, dude. I put a lot into it."

"Looks like the romantic gesture worked, huh?" Hayley says and nudges my shoulder, making me chuckle.

"She wooed me," I reply and kiss Billie's cheek.

We all chat for a long time while Billie and I slowly work at our drinks. She starts to loosen up a bit, smiling more and getting more talkative as time goes on.

Hayley and her friends are really sweet, and I think she's starting to realize that her jealousy was entirely misplaced.

"I'm gonna go get another drink. What a refill, babe?" she asks me and I nod.

"I'll come with you." I start to stand up but she shakes her head, pushing me back down gently.

"You relax, Beautiful," she replies and a few people coo, which makes her roll her eyes slightly. "Be right back," she kisses my cheek then gets up and walks back towards the house.

"How long have you guys been together?" Hayley asks and I look over at her again.

"It's kinda complicated. A bit over 4 months as an official couple though," I reply and she smiles.

"That's sweet, you two are so adorable together."

I smile and blush slightly, "Thank you."

She leans forward to put her drink down on the table in front of us then looks at me again.

"Did you bring a bathing suit?" she asks and I nod. "Wanna swim?"

I glance back at the pool behind us and think for a bit before shaking my head hesitantly.

"I'm not really feeling it," I reply and she groans playfully, nudging my arm.

"I'm just not in the mood," I say with a laugh and she looks me up and down once. "What?" I ask and she smirks.

"You got your phone on you?" she asks and I shake my head, gesturing to my purse.

"No it's in there, wh-" before I can finish my sentence she stands up and leans down to wrap her arms around me, lifting me up and putting me over her shoulder with ease.

"Wait, no!" I shout and start squirming around while her friends watch and laugh. "Hayley, I swear to God!" I try to sound intimidating but I can't help the giggle of amusement that slips out.

She ignores me and holds me tighter as I squirm, walking me towards the pool.

"Put me down!"

"I will."

"Not in the pool!" I add and she just laughs while I keep squirming.

I look around for help and my stomach sinks slightly when my eyes land on Billie who has just walked out of the house, watching me and Hayley with a disapproving look on her face, her jaw clenched.

"I hope you'll forgive me," Hayley says before jumping into the pool.

The water engulfs me and I close my mouth and eyes so none gets in. It's actually really warm, so I'm not too mad, but still! My clothes and my hair are ruined for the evening!

I pop up out of the water and wipe the wet hair out of my eyes before looking around for Hayley, my eyes narrowing into a glare when they land on her laughing face.

"You suck!" I yell and splash her, which just makes her laugh harder and splash me back.

We start splashing each other back and forth while we laugh maniacally, probably looking like childish idiots to most people at the party.

"Okay, okay! Truce!" I shout and stop splashing her, squealing when she splashes me one more time for good measure. "Truce!" I shout again and she chuckles, holding her hands up as a sign of good faith.

"I will get my revenge one day," I tell her and she laughs as we both swim towards the edge of the pool to get out.

I push myself out of the pool and Hayley does the same, turning to face me when we're both standing.

I shiver slightly when the night air hits my wet body and she frowns, reaching out to rub my arms up and down for warmth.

"Come on, I'll get you a towel and some clothes," she says and takes my hand, starting to lead me towards the house.

Before we get far someone grabs my other hand and pulls me back, making me almost stumble backwards from the suddenness of it.

I glance back to see Billie, who looks pissed.

Here we go.

"I got it," Billie says, her hard gaze on Hayley. "Just tell me where to find the towels."

"I can show y-"

"Just tell me," she cuts her off and I give her a look as if to say ''be nice', which she totally ignores.

"Up the stairs, second door on the right," Hayley replies, sensing Billie's anger and deciding not to mess with it.

Without another word Billie pulls me towards the house and I share a look with Hayley before  looking ahead at Billie.

"Can you slow down?" I ask but she ignores me, leading me inside and pushing her way through the hoard of people to get to the stairs.

She practically drags me up them then pushes the door Hayley told us about open, slamming it shut once I'm inside.


"Shut up," she cuts me off and turns around to face me, pushing me hard against the door by my hips.

I open my mouth to say something else anyway and she rolls her eyes when I do, gripping my hips as she smashes her lips to mine hungrily.

She deepens it instantly and I don't even bother trying to get control the way I usually at least attempt to, because it's clear Billie will win this time.

It's a hungry, sloppy kiss that makes my head spin and leaves me breathless in a matter of seconds.

Billie's lips eventually move to my neck and she nips at a light mark she left last night, trying to darken it.

"You're mine," she mumbles against my neck while my hand comes up and tangles into her hair. "Now strip and get on the bed."



Imma make another .5 chapter and continue this smut in the next update so get readyyyy

I uploaded a new Billie fic called Horns so check it out if you're interested!

I'm sorry this update took so long, I've had writers block on top of my life being wack recently

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