It Struck A Heart String With...

By KanaRika4

265K 8.5K 3.3K

Ishi Azusa, she lived a life free of people on the streets of mustafu. She could never see the outside word b... More

Character Information, Prologue, Warnings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Omake 1, At the beach.
Chapter 17
Omake #2, And then they were Quarantined
Ishi x Mina!?
Omake #3 Mina falls for an Angel
Chapter 18

Chapter 5

14.7K 427 247
By KanaRika4

Chapter 5:


Aizawa laid on his side reflecting over the Ish's day and regretting bringing her out to experience his new students. His thoughts were interrupted however when Ishi threw an unconscious arm over his torso dragging him closer to him into a tight hug. He smiled down at her so glad that they found her that day, that she lived that long.

He closed his eyes let out a deep breath and felt himself fall into an exhausted but content sleep.


The next day the front of U.A. was flooded with press and media representatives, all of them begging for just a glimpse of the symbol of peace. They looked and acted as though they would sell their souls to the devil just to get an interview. They bombarded students with questions as the heroes to be tried to push themselves through the densely packed area...well not all of them tried to push through...some took a slightly more creative approach which lead to an excessive amount of yelling and swearing from the year's top student.

Aizawa stood at the gate watching his students struggle and then congratulating them half-hearted and lethargically once they made it to him. He could often be seen clicking his tongue any time one of the reporters asked him specifically about All Might. One might think from his reaction that he was angry at him, but no, All Might is the symbol of peace so why would anyone ever be angry at him?

Once all of the students were through the gate and headed to class Aizawa put his full attention on the reporters, he spent the following couple moments verbally berating them until one got so angry she tried to push through. That was her second mistake, the gate slammed down nearly crushing her. Her first mistake, however, was insulting and yelling at a U.A. accredited hero course teacher in front of a hundred news companies all of which had at least one camera recording video. If none of them had anything on All Might then a scandal would have to do for the next issue. Her career just might be over.

A couple of hooded figures stood smirking in the background, although they did not go unnoticed by the security cameras there was nobody watching the closed circuit video making it a mute fact, one that could be U.A.'s downfall.

Aizawa returned to his class, absolutely miserable, although some did indeed have some talent there were several in his class that simply annoying him half to death, specifically a very short unhero-like perverted student. He was honestly so glad the Ishi did not participate in classes because chances were that she would be in his class and if she was in his class she would have to deal with several personalities that she wouldn't mesh well with or that he doesn't want around her.

He quickly stood in front of the class and declared "You need to decide on a class representative". All hell broke loose, everybody was screaming, asking for votes, or making promises about what they would do for the class if they won. Aizawa simply sighed and sat on the ground wrapped in his sleeping bag that Ishi and Nemuri had bought him a couple years ago. He looked down at his phone, pulling up the cameras in Ishi's room to check on her.

Ishi's brow was furrowed and her pencil eraser dug into her cheek as she thought hard about how to answer whatever problem she was on, he quickly typed a message into the box at the bottom.

Aizawa's eyes flicked back up to the video where the screen showed his message. While the rest of his class was going insane trying to democratically vote for a position, Aizawa worked back and forth with Ishi to answer her math problem that didn't turn out to actually be that hard it was just that the words obscured the math she was meant to be doing. He chuckled quietly when she started silently rejoicing at her accomplishment. The small sound drew the attention of a couple of his students though they weren't entirely certain where it came from, simply that someone laughed fondly about something or someone.

"Aizawa-sensei! We have elected our class representatives" Iida shouted stiffly,

"Yep, okay who is it?" he asked.

"Midoriya as our official representative, and Yaoyorozu as vice"

Aizawa walked up to the front the class beckoning the two students to come up before putting a hand on each of their shoulders, "These are your class representatives, class dismissed" Midoriya was shaking, the thought of such responsibility terrified him, what was he going to do if he failed and so many people believed in him, such a role was one he had never been given before and he wasn't sure it was something that really suited him either. Midoriya looked at Iida out of the corner of his eye, he knew that Iida really wanted the position for himself but apparently he voted for someone else regardless.

Aizawa returned to his corner and fell asleep this time, ignoring his students yelling and making a mess for the rest of his homeroom class, and then ignoring the other teachers when they came into the room to teach their subjects.

He finally woke up when Nemuri walked over, her heels clicking loudly on the hard floor. She bent down, struggling to keep straight up with the uneven height of her feet. She shook his shoulder lightly, "Time for lunch, there's coffee in the teacher's room" she informed him.

"I helped Ishi on the math problem this morning" he reported.

"Weren't you supposed to be teaching your own class?" she asked

"They were being little shits" he declared, a frown on his bedraggled face.

"Yep, sounds like them"

"They elected class representatives, I would say that's enough work with them for one day"

"Come on, let's eat before All Might drinks your coffee"

Aizawa grumbled angrily at the thought of the pompous symbol of peace drinking HIS coffee.

"Yeah, let's go" Nemuri stood up and extended her hand to pull him up. He slowly unzipped his sleeping bag and climbed out of it, he looked like a caterpillar hatching from its cocoon. He grabbed her hand tightly while she leaned back to pull him up. When he was finally standing he bent down to grab his sleeping bag and fold it over his forearm.

The teacher's room was crowded, and loud. Aizawa pushed his way through all of them shoving a couple unsuspecting heroes over until he finally reached the god-sent coffee machine. He breathed out a sigh of relief, grabbed a mug, and started pouring his caffeine-filled drink, reaching for a few packets of pure caffeine to add to his already filled cup.

But he didn't get the chance to even get the cup to his lips, let alone drink any of it, before the alarm started blaring. He and Present Mic met eyes and started dashing for the door and then down the hallway until they found a large group of media reporters wandering all over the campus. Aizawa, responsibly called the police while ignoring Mic who desperately wanted to simply beat the reporters up for trespassing.

In the hallways outside the cafeteria the students were panicking, everybody was shoving and screaming. A few students were pushed into the window and saw the reporters, they tried to get the attention of everyone else but their voices were lost in everyone else's panicked screaming.

Not being a class to wait around or give up, a couple of the first year class A hero course students took it upon themselves to gain everyone's attention by using Uraraka's zero gravity quirk to lift the ever responsible Iida into the air. He then used his quirk to propel himself through the air above everyone's heads until he hit a wall, he stood shaking on top of the emergency exit sign. As if his short flight through the hallway wasn't enough to draw everyone's attention he also yelled out loudly before beginning his declaration.

"It's just the media! We aren't in any danger, and we are U.A. students, we should act accordingly!" the panicked atmosphere lessened and then disappeared when they accepted that the press was being dealt with by their teachers and the police.

Classes started again and Aizawa looked more exhausted than lunch, usually, he seemed marginally less tired since he would sleep and drink coffee during the break. But today he wasn't given the chance to do either what with the media swarming around and Nezu calling an emergency meeting to say he didn't believe the media got in on their own and that a villain must have let them in.

Aizawa had his neck so far shrunk into his scarf that he could hardly hear anything, the fabric blissfully blocking out the majority of his student's chatter and their phones buzzing with last-minute messages.

"Um...sir...?" Uraraka called, her voice barely breaking through his sound barrier. "Your phone has been buzzing since before we entered the classroom" she states.

His head cocks to the side, confused. Before he emerges from his scarf and untucks his arms from his self-hug like posture. He looks down at the teacher's podium and grabs the knob to open the single sliding drawer in the whole wooden structure. His phone is face down right where he left it when he exited the classroom. He just looks at it irritatedly for a second wondering who would be doing anything to make it beep so much when whoever it was must know that he was meant to be teaching a class.

Finally, he extended his hand and grabbed the small device, slowly turning it over and turning it on. His class watched as his eyes widened and filled with panic at the sight of a notification. "Shit" was the only thing he said before heading toward the door, just as he was running out he shouted to Iida "It's a study hall, keep everyone in line, don't let anyone leave, any screams should be ignored"

Everyone sat puzzled until they started listening, really listening. Everyone in the class had been loud since lunch started so until now, nobody heard the hysterical screaming that was coming from nearby.

Aizawa met up with Nemuri and Yamada in the hallway, all of them running as fast as humanly possible, which for them was quite fast considering they have high stamina and speed since its essential for being a hero.

They all hit their palms on the door to the hero apartments at the same time causing it to fly back and slam against the wall with a resounding crack as the wall buckled under the sudden force. Nobody stopped however, in fact, a few more heroes ran in after them.

Almost everyone dashed up the stairs and down the hall until they met a specific door not meant for a hero. Almost everyone meaning that All Might did not follow them up, of course like everyone else he had gotten a notification on his phone alerting him that Ishi's heart rate and adrenaline had gone through the roof, but he stopped just in the door, looking at the television right inside the entry room. He was frozen, not physically but still frozen. He looked at the screen and wondered how this could have happened. The screen slowly filled with heroes, some crying, others trying to help a newly traumatized Ishi.

Once again the room was trashed, this time however it probably wasn't her fault. No, it was probably because of the villain who was currently holding her aloft by her throat her body was bobbing up and down as she tried to take breaths despite his large hand blocking her airways. Her bandages on the other side of the room, her eyes squeezed as tightly shut as she probably could but yet tears flowed out of unseen cracks, her bandages were in shreds on the other side of the room, several of the snakes stemming from her head was laid on the ground and bleeding, a couple of them frozen. Large chunks of ice were scattered around the room. And once again the man holding her so much like the acidic villain those few years ago was frozen. Turned to stone, never to breathe a single breath ever again.

Aizawa grabbed her arm and started talking to her. Nemuri called Recovery girl to come with her kit and a bunch of bandages, deciding that they might as well have another set in the room as well as a set over her eyes. Several other heroes started to get her down, once again breaking stone fingers and arms that held her captive. Aizawa stood under her and caught her frail form as she dropped from the tall man's failing grip.

"I'm so sorry" she sobbed over and over again, some of the few snakes that weren't injured or frozen started hissing quietly. #13 entered the room, a warm damp towel in their grasp, they laid it over Ishi's head in hopes of thawing the ice over her snakes and warming her up a little to draw her out of shock and keep her warm when the adrenaline left her.

"It's not your fault, we should have kept you safe better" Aizawa broke through her incessant apologies.

"We shoulda checked on you right after the breach" Yamada popped in, running a soft hand over the forming hand shaped bruises around her neck. "Sorry bout that" he looked down ashamed and thoughtful.

Ishi ceased her apologies and reached out a tentative hand to pat his very spiked up hair in a soothing gesture. Her hand waved around a bit before it finally made its mark with just a tiny bit of help from Aizawa.

"There, there," she said, remembering the times he had tried to calm her down from something and did the same thing.

"There's still snot coming from your nose" he commented, "and tears, you still haven't stopped with that"

"I still feel horrible" she whispered, "I feel nauseous" she declared quietly prompting Aizawa to walk with her out of her room and into the bathroom sitting the both of them down on the floor and showing her hand the way to the toilet so that should she need to vomit, she knew where.

Some of her snakes trailed out the door having enlarged so much while fighting that they couldn't all fit in the small room.

Recovery girl walked it with new bandages to wrap around Ishi's eyes so she didn't need to scrunch them anymore making her relieved if just the tiniest bit. Recovery girl had quite a bit more bandages knowing that she would be crying quite a bit tonight and that she would need new ones. She inspected the bruising and kissed it not using much of her quirk since Ishi was already so tired from her struggle and her tears along with the intense wave of after exhaustion that came with her adrenaline leaving her body as she breathed and meditated with Midnight who sat across from them on the bathroom floor. Recovery girl also treated Ishi's snakes since using her healing kiss would affect Ishi and not the snakes because until her body was completely healed her body would do nothing for them.

Eventually, she fell asleep as everything that had happened hit her like a train. Everyone in classes started wandering out of their classrooms looking for teachers wondering what they should be doing. A few students had left class 1-A following the hysteric screams and stomping feet of their teachers. They stood just at the door of the hero apartments looking in through the broken entrance over All Mights shoulder and at Aizawa and Nemuri who were currently bringing a limp sleeping Ishi back into her room. They froze at Aizawa being so gentle and slow, so much unlike how he behaves in classes. But the thing that surprised them the most was the girl in his arms, covered in bandages, snakes stemming from her scalp, a large bruise peeking out from under the wraps around her neck, and bandages covering her eyes.

The curious students took in a deep breath trying to calm the raging seas of surprise in them. They scurried away the second All Might turned back toward the door to return to his teaching duty. They ran all the way back to 1-A and silently vowed to each other not to tell anyone else in the room what had happened.

I have kind of reconsidered my thought of not giving her a love interest because I kinda want her to have someone to help her grow so here's who I'm thinking and why:

Bakugou Katsuki: he is super aggressive a lot of the time but he also has like "soft mode TM" and I know he can be super caring and nice if he wants to be so I think that in a scenario with him he would be super aggressive to anyone who wants to hurt her or disrespects her but is super careful about her and her feelings so like protector boyfriend kinda concept. His mom would probably screw up and yell the first time she would come over and Ishi would freak out a bit then Bakugou would explain to his mom and she would like become super aware of how loud she is being while also occasionally speaking a bit louder so that she can get accustomed to what crowds would be like for the future if they go to a coffee shop or shopping or the beach but like as a test run without there being any people, so like Mitsuki would become "new mom TM" and I think it would be cute.

Hitoshi Shinsou: well honestly I just love this lil boi but also like the connection they have for their quirks being villainous and I think that if she went over to his house his parents would be super super welcoming and just kind so it would be like a safe haven at his place and maybe I would make a loophole in her quirk so that he could give a command like "cancel the quirk in your eyes" and it would be kinda untraditional with his quirk but then she could take off the bandages and they could do that *looks deeply into each other's eyes with a sparkle and admiration* cliche which might be like super cute.

Tamaki Amajiki: again I love this shy lil boi and I think that their shyness would compliment each other and having miro as a friend would fill in for neither of them being able to go into a fast food store and order themselves (like I get super shy and I have to have my sister order for me and bring me my food, like that concept), but he is also super strong and can encourage her to get past her shyness just a little tiny bit while also not pushing her very far because he can't go very far himself so like mutual support and growth and protection, I kinda feel like she might have gotten obsessed with cooking during her time at the U.A. hero apartments so like she could make him new foods to enhance his quirk and help him out while he's fighting which would make her feel like she accomplished something and like make her proud of herself. 

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