haunted house » francesco de'...

Bởi happyoctober

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it was the ultimate conundrum - and cliché - a pazzi and a medici. but unlike her sister, bianca, her love wa... Xem Thêm



2.4K 85 10
Bởi happyoctober

i now have an Instagram for like editing and stuff (ayyy yess including Medici) so if you're interested please check it out, it's magnificentmedici x

i am SO sorry for not updating for like a week, i'm supposed to be on hiatus till mid june bc exams but i couldn't resist writing some more and felt i owed it to u all to publish this so enjoy!! but be warned, updates will be sparse until mid june x

enjoy x

word count; 1492


Nonetheless, my brother's attempts were in vain. Francesco was a kind friend but that was all he, I felt, could amount to. A friend. Marriage was a whole other situation that neither of us wished to delve into at this time, despite my brother's attempts to strengthen Pazzi-Medici ties. Bianca had married a Pazzi, why should I? It seemed tedious.

Thus, as dinner came round, there was a tension within the room. Henry perpetuated it, of that I was sure, but I could not quite understand Francesco's reasoning for reaffirming it. The two men stared at me like hawks, shyly glancing away whenever I made eye contact.

Giuliano leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Smitten."

I shot him a glare as soon as I heard the word he uttered, "No such thing," I denied. "To whom are you referring?"

"Your two men," He smirked, eyeing them. "Suitors."

"Hardly," I scoffed, looking over to the two of them.

Perhaps he was correct. The two men looked away from me as I glanced over, failing to pretend they had not been looking in my direction whatsoever. Henry, for one, didn't like to be overshadowed. He was the golden boy of France. The Prince who simply wouldn't be tamed. There was nothing wrong with that when Francis was King, no, he'd been allowed to do as he wished when he wished -- or who he wished.

But now he was King.

And, to the best of my knowledge, he was to be married to Josephine. God, I envied her. I felt sick to admit but I did. She would be Queen whilst I was reduced to a low ranking position, without title, and would have to pay homage to her if I ever returned to France. It was sickening. Francis never would've seen me reduced to such a position but he was not here, and even the Almighty knew Henry's position was precarious at best. He had only just been anoinated and yet, here he was, visiting his brother's widow. For all his claims of diplomacy with Florence, all those around us knew that was not his reason for the visit.

"The wine is lovely, mother," I commented, looking at her. I simply said it with the intention to remove my mind from my thoughts, to detach myself from my emotions. I knew no other way than menial, simple conversation. Nothing too complex, nothing too thought provoking. Just simple, menial, forgetful conversation. "Is it from the vineyards in Tuscany?"

She nodded, smiling, "We had it brought in for the King's visit,"

Henry chuckled lightly upon hearing this, a smile curling his lips upwards. It was an expression I had seem looking down at me so many times over the years. I couldn't help but feel my heart drop a little as I realised that, when he left, I would never see that smile again. For all my claims of piety and not wishing to marry Henry, it didn't mean I didn't love him. It wouldn't. It couldn't.  "You need not do such a kind thing; I am content with water."

"It is not often we host a King, Your Majesty." Mother smiled, taking a sip from her goblet. We had arrived at dinner to find ourselves encapsulated by conversation. It was the custom, it was diplomatic, but it was wholly infuriating. I found myself filled with anger at Henry's mere presence. How dare he come here? Was it to taunt me? To remind me that I simply would not allow our union to occur — ever? I had not thought him a cruel man but my perception of the King was beginning to change.

"Well, Florence is a Republic," I spoke, eyeing the Frenchmen with suspicion. Henry chuckled,

"From what I hear, your brother rules like a King." His comments were true, of course. In Clarice's own words, Lorenzo may not have a crown but he was King.

"Well, then even Kings can fall from grace," I snapped, prompting silence to spread across the table. I glanced to my right, to Lorenzo, who's glare was more harrowing than my own, and promptly softened my expression into a small smile. "Forgive me, I am just a little tired." Lies.

Thus, as the conversation resumed, Francesco - who was sitting on my left - leaned over to speak with me.

"You seem tense." His comment went unappreciated and I looked at him with raised eyebrows,

"Whatever gave you that impression?" I replied monotonously. A smile curled his lips and he chuckled lightly, licking his lips with a swift movement.

"Just a hunch," He teased. His eyes flickered to Henry as he thought about his response. "He seems to like you very, very much..."

"As is his right, I am his brother's widow."

Francesco shot me a look. It was him who had the raised eyebrows then. "We both know I meant the sinful way, Alessandra. More so because you are his brother's widow."

Signing, I nodded, "The irony is not lost on me."

Francesco's lips parted to voice his response but it was Lorenzo's that filled the air.

"An alliance with him could be useful, Alessandra."

Appalled, I felt my mouth drop open. "This has to be a joke," I breathed. He shook his head,

"Papal dispensation would remove the stain on you being his brother's widow, sister," Lorenzo spoke, meeting my eyes. "It would benefit the family."

Francesco excused himself in that moment as Lorenzo stood, prompting me to do the same.

"I was married at twelve to benefit the family, Lorenzo. I think I understand political alliance, thank you," I snapped. "I won't do it."


"Do not sister me," I snapped. I glanced back at Henry, whose eyes had been on us the entire time. Scoffing, I turned back to Lorenzo. "I see you've already talked to him about this."

"He was amicable," Lorenzo shrugged. That was the final straw that caused me to implode with fury,

"If you will excuse me, brother. I do not wish any part in your plans!"

With that, I left Lorenzo in the middle of the room. I hurried off with the hem of my dress flying back with my speed of movement. I was infuriated at the notion. No wonder Giuliano was teasing me with the suitors notion — he likely knew of Lorenzo's plans!

"Alessandra," I heard him call after me as I took a seat by the roaring fire. It only took a few moments before Lorenzo appeared before me, frowning with his hands out. "I didn't mean offence, but-"

"But?" I cut him off, glaring at my younger brother. "Pray tell, what, brother?"

"I don't need to remind you that the benefit of the family is.."

"Of great importance?" I scoffed. Lorenzo nodded, "I think I am aware of the family's benefit, Lorenzo. I am the child who was married at twelve - I am the one our grandfather sent off to France!" I spoke loudly. "You had a childhood. You had friends. I was Queen before I became a teenager, Lorenzo."

"And I get that, but it's for-"

"For the good of Florence?" I snapped. "Well, forgive me, brother, but Florence is not my home. I haven't been here for years - I barely remembered it before my return. So, forgive me if I care little for it," I snapped back at him with venom in my words. "And now you wish me to leave again. To marry a man who-"

"Who loves you." Lorenzo cut me off this time, pleading in his voice.

"Love is irrelevant," I said. "He is engaged to another and it is a sin."

"We can send for papal dispensation and Henry has already assured me he will break the engagement. But only if you accept." Lorenzo spoke. "Wouldn't you like to be Queen once more?"

Yes. I would've jumped at the chance to be Queen once more. To have such rank, such title, such power. I missed it more than anticipated and knew I would give anything to stroll the Palace gardens once more.

But I'd made a promise to Francis. My husband. My King. And I wasn't willing to break that promise — not now, not ever.

"I would rather be dragged down the aisle kicking and screaming, Lorenzo," I spat. Eyeing me, his expression turned colder than I expected. He wasn't a cruel man but he was accustomed to getting his own way — even if it meant going against his sibling's wishes.

"That can be arranged."

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