Opposite of me

بواسطة victoriaukwute0888

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Ashley James and Leah white are two different people with the same face but different personalities, Ashley i... المزيد


3 0 0
بواسطة victoriaukwute0888

Hi! guys um this is my first story on wattpad ... Well not counting the ones I wrote before then deleted them cause my friends were being so judgy

Warning: this book is not edited

Ashley pov

  "  What the heck are you doing, are you out of your mind " I shouted at Mark, my eight year old brother and only sibling, Mark had emptied out all of my maths  assignments from my bag and into the toilet and flushed then ran to my room, try6 assignment could cost me my grade and if I did not finish it, I would be suspended for a month or even worse expelled and I need this because well I have sort of this bad girl rep  my past schools .

  " what the fuck is wrong with you Mark" I screamed at Mark, my blood boiling.

   " haha you gonna get in trouble" the idiot just started laughing at me and then just then I considered killing him and hiding all possible evidence pointing to me , even if they found out it was me and arrested me it would still be better than facing Mr Carter in room 972 but it wouldn't be worth it anyway so I said,

                "get out of my room you deranged loser, you just hate me don't you " just then mom walked in 7

" I heard the ' h' word, Ashley why did you say the word 
" mom said ;mom did not like it when we said the hate word and I repeat did not like the hate word see what I did there instead of saying the bad word, well the bad word according to mom she would  always say we are brother and sister and then I would correct her that it was sister and brother and not the other way round, and then she would continue her speech ' both of you should always love one another ' blah blah blah and other shitty stuff like that.

   " BECAUSE MARK HATES ME !!!!" I screamed out loudly, I am pretty sure people at Los Angeles heard me .

" how can you say your brother detests you, he loves you, and in this house we do not use such language young lady" on cue the idiot comes to my mom's leg and starts fake crying
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   " I don't know mommy, she just wates that you wove me more" he put on his baby voice and then and there I knew that child is a demon child sent from hell to make my life miserable.

  " Nobody asked you deranged loser, you are just a nobody, important people are talking so butt out of this conversation and while you are at it butt out of my room Oh! and another thing butt out of my life would you " I screamed and with those Last words I stormed out of my room and out of the house, I took my bike and went straight to the park near the house it was sorta like my Ashley space , my chill space, call it whatever you want. I parked my bike in the slot and chained it to the rail

   " hey Ian " I greeted the guy who was who was also sitting on my favorite bench and on my favorite spot, if you are asking where I know the dude from well he is a guy in my school who does not talk much and well the guy is not cheerful let us leave it there

   " Hey" he greeted back with no emotion on his face

  " um can I join you ?" I said hoping he would agree because he was well Ian,Ian was one of those um how do I describe this, well he was a goth without the wearing of the black  but of dull colors including black and  was always by himself and personally I am scared of him with his whole aura,which screamed "DON'T TALK TO ME" he was not the easiest person to talk to. I was surprised when he shrugged his shoulders telling me whatever, he moved over and I sat down then suddenly he asked

  "What's up with you James " I looked at him in shock

        " you can speak " I said after recovering from shock with my eyes almost popping out of their sockets " yes I can, most human beings can " he said with that duh tone in his voice" no...it just that everybody in school thought that you were mute especially the teachers "

"oohh that's why my mom got a letter from the school saying that they wanted me to take sign language classes  in school, those teachers are such gossips"he said, I was still looking at him in disbelief that he could talk.

  "please could you stop, it looks like your eyes are  about to pop out " he said while I was staring at him like I just saw a dinosaur well it was somewhat like that 

     " um sorry " I apologized

       "No problem" he said, my head was still facing the floor still slightly embarrassed when he said

    " so?" I was confused

    " so what? " I said

   " so what is your problem " as I was about to talk and confess all my problems to him,it suddenly hit me then I said " why do you care, you barely even know me, we just met a few minutes ago  and now you are all up in my grill"

         I said boiling again for no reason, I have serious anger issues, I think I should visit a therapist or something and after hearing myself I realised I sounded like a black angry person based in the 80's.Not that I am racist or something I personally love blacks and all race of mankind.

         " hey slow down there usain bolts, it not like I asked to know about your sex life ? " as soon as he said that last part I glared at him " whoa, relax there just a joke "

                  " well it was very funny" I gave him a sarcastic smile " fine,I am sorry" I just sat there a little pissed at him for making those lame jokes, but let him continue

         " so now will you tell me what's bothering you?" 

         "why, you don't know me "

" just talk "he said so I explained everything how I was itching to strangle my little brother and the desire was enlarging every moment and how my mom was always taking his side and ever since dad died I had no one to cry on or even talk about my problems to until this day. After pouring everything out he gave me this amazed look, then said out loud

           " wow,if you keep all those emotions bottled up in there then you must be really strong the worst I have ever had to deal with was when I was... " he trailed off "anyway about your mum you need to talk to her, and your brother I assure you it is just a phase and as for someone to talk to you have me"he continued, then I scoffed 

" wow, maybe you should become a life coach " then he laughed then because his laugh was so contagious I started laughing then he said on a serious note" you should really talk to your mum about this and you will see life will just take its natural course "

             then I put my hand on my heart and said while pretending to be touched" wow that was really....cheesy " I said after taking a dramatic pause at that last part then I noticed a small smile on his face but he quickly suppressed it.

Then I noticed that the sky was now a mixture of purple and orange I enjoyed it before I asked my self why the sky was orange when it was just 4pm then I checked  my phone which I had turned off, and saw it was already
6:15pm I also saw I had like a hundred messages and missed calls, all of them from mom, how long did I and Ian talk strange.

" oh oh it getting late now I better start going, thanks Ian" I took my bike and started peddling home as fast as I could before it got dark.

At home

                I got home and took my bike to the garage then entered the house and saw my mom talking to a police officer, with a confused look I asked  " what is going on"  my mom had gotten up from where she was sat and said " officer Carl this is her "

"  what did I do this time,you know what officer Carl,here" I said putting my hands together and put them in front of me, overreacting a little bit"Um I ..." I cut him off before he could say another word.

" I know I have done a lot of bad things in the past, but the police has never been involved, mother of the year award is definitely going to you" I said the last part sarcastically to my mother

"WOULD YOU CALM DOWN!, officer Carl is not here to arrest you, so just calm down " my mum shouted,

" t...then why is he here? " I stuttered, still a little embarrassed that I  did all this shouting and raving for nothing.

" you did not come home on time so I assumed it was kidnappers " she said and then face palmed herself, and I felt a smirk coming on.

" you really do care "I said a little touched because it always seemed that she always loved my brother more. just joking anyway because she loves us equally... Right?, right?

Just then that idiot I call a brother, walked in  but I did not give him the time of the day. I stormed out of the living room

  When I got to my room I didn't bother changing into my pajamas, I was on my bed with in seconds and then I fell asleep thinking about today

  Media:  Sabrina carpenter as Leah/Ashley
An:hope you enjoyed it 
With love,

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