Accidental Avenger [Steve Rog...

Af abbielpxo

78K 2K 344

When Steve Rogers recruited an ordinary girl with the ability to use anything as a weapon, he never expected... Mere



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Af abbielpxo

I woke up to Natasha forcing a hoodie over my head. "What. What are you doing Nat?" I asked, seriously confused with a hoarse, croaky voice. My eyes were so tired from my impromptu nap and crying that every time I opened them they slowly shut again.

"She's covered, Steve!" Natasha yelled as she yanked pyjama bottoms up my legs.


"Are you sure?" Steve shouted back. He walked in with his hand over his eyes.

Natasha rolled her eyes and scoffed. "I've just spent fifteen minutes dressing her. I'm sure she's covered. Now get in here!"

Steve lowered his hand and opened one eye to peak. When he was satisfied that Nat was telling the truth the walked over to the bench. He looked at Nat and the now sleeping girl. With a sigh he leaned down and scooped her up. "I can't believe she slept down here. Those benches are a killer for the back."

"What do you know Mr Super-human." Natasha joked and stood up. She waited for Steve to step outside the changing rooms before switching off the lights. She made sure to lock up before running to catch up with him.

"I can't believe we forgot to invite her to dinner. How could we have been so ignorant?" Steve shook his head and adjusted Elodie in his arms as he walked around a pillar, so he didn't hit her head.

"She's been distant lately." Natasha shrugged.

"That's no excuse," He mumbled in response. Natasha shrugged and gave a wave before she heading down a separate hallway.

Steve continued down to the elevator where he requested Friday take them to the correct floor as his arms were full, unable to press the little touch buttons.

As he stood in the warmly lit elevator, he glanced down at the sleeping girl in his arms. Her cheeks were flushed from sleeping in a warm, steaming changing room. Her eyelashes softly resting just above her cheekbones. Her full lips relaxed, not giving him attitude or sarcastic remarks - something he secretly enjoyed.

That's correct. Even though he acted angry, some of the quick witted remarks left him speechless. Impressed.

He took her to her room and placed her under her thick blankets. He switched of the lights and closed the door, letting out a sigh.


I woke up feeling hot and sweaty. I was under a thick layer of blankets and in a thick hoody and fleece pyjamas. I threw back the covers and said "Hey Friday. Is the central heating on?"

"Yes, the heating is set in your room as +10 would you like me to turn it up?" The Irish AI voice asked.

"No!" I breathed out. "No. Do not do that. Please switch it off and set air con to as cold as it can go."

Feeling the air switch on i got up from the bed feeling sluggish and gross. I basically ripped of the hoodie and threw it across the room, wanting to be free of the heavy material. It landed on my purple crushed velvet chair. "Ugh." I groaned, feeling less like I was no longer being weighted down.

Just as I stood up to head to my bathroom there was a knock at my door. I grabbed a pillow from my bed to cover my naked chest and torso and headed to my door. I turned down the handle and opened the grey metal door.

Stood outside was Steve Rogers, looking nervous for some reason. He was looking down the corridor but looked at me when I said a quick "Morning."

"Good morning." He said before quickly avoided eye contact. "Wow are you. Are you naked?"

"Yeah, sorry." I shrugged. "I woke up in a hoodie and under blankets. It felt like it was 300 degrees in here. But what's up? How can I help ya?"

Steve cleared his throat and said "That was actually my hoodie. I just wanted to get it back. Today's laundry day yanno." Steve spoke in an awkward tone and tried to avoid looking at her, but he caught himself peering down at times.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." I said, leaving the door open and running across my room to fetch his hoodie from the purple chair.

Steve starred at her smooth, toned back. He saw something had never seen before. His mouth went dry as he starred, it kind of turned him on a little. He was broken from his daze as she turned and brought back the hoodie.

"Here you go." I handed it over and he took it slowly. I saw him look down at the clothing item but linger in the doorway, as if he wanted to say something else. Suddenly I became aware that I had ended up with his top and didn't even know how. "Wait, how did I wake up in this?" I thought out loud.

Steve's head shot up as he realised I had spoke. "Oh, you fell asleep in the changing room. Natasha wanted me to carry you back to bed but you were..uh. Naked. So I gave you this. Anyways um-"

"Oh." I felt the heat rush to my cheeks and bit back a smile, pulling the pillow tighter to my chest. Suddenly feeling so aware of how exposed I was. "Right. Well. Thank you, Steve. That was very considerate of you."

"You're welcome. It was nothing." He shook his head with a little blush present on his cheeks, he had definitely acknowledged the fact that they were both a little nervous around each other today.

He motioned to the hoodie by lifting it a little and gave her a nod. Just as he began to walk away the image flooded his mind again. He paused and looked back.

I was about to close my bedroom door when Steve stopped. I raised a brow, waiting for whatever he was about to say.

"Elodie?" He asked.

My voice cracked as I replied, "Yeah?"

"What does your tattoo mean?"

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