|18+|Yoongi Smut Book

By NotExactlySpaceBuns

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A smut book for my baby angel Yoongi~ More

So Basically...
Alpha: The Missing Chapter


730 16 13
By NotExactlySpaceBuns

Baby boy!hybrid!Yoongi x reader

ᴺᴼᵀ ᵀᴼ ᴹᴱᴺᵀᴵᴼᴺ ᴵᵀ'ˢ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴸᴼᴺᴳᴱˢᵀ ᵀᴴᴵᴺᴳ ᴵ'ᵛᴱ ᵂᴿᴵᵀᵀᴱᴺ ˢᴼ ᶠᴬᴿ ˢᴼᴼᴼᴼ..... ᴴᴬᵛᴱ ᶠᵁᴺ ᵂᴵᵀᴴ ᵀᴴᴬᵀ.

You considered yourself a relatively well-off person. You had a job you enjoyed, decent pay, a nice house, a nice amount of free time, lots of stuff that generally made your life enjoyable. They brought you happiness.

And then there was your kitten.

That goddamned spoiled brat of a tom cat you named Yoongi.

You got Yoongi shortly after you had moved to Korea only a short while ago. Only eight weeks old at the time, he just seemed like a shy, sweet boy. He was like that when you met him, when you decided to take him home, and for the first month he lived in your house.

Unfortunately for you, he got comfortable after the last box was unpacked and began demanding attention every second of the day. When you refused him, he threw a tantrum.

He was nine months old now and, as most hybrids do, he had grown quickly and now looked like a typical twenty five year old, minus the ears and tail. He was still a terrible brat at this age and you had it in your right mind to adopt him out. He just didn't listen. And that was on a good day.

Today, however, was not one of his good days and you were considering throwing him onto the street at this point.

"Yoongi, why are there hairballs in my damn shoes again?" You threw your favorite pair of sneakers at the kitten balanced on the back of the couch.

"You didn't feed me when I was hungry." He yawned simply, his nose twitching as you came closer to him, grabbing him by his oversized, yellow sweater.

"I don't have to wait on you hand and foot." You growled menacingly, grabbing a spray bottle and squirting it in his face a few times as punishment. He began spluttering and whining, making you stop and sigh, cuddling the small man to your chest. "Please stop being so difficult Yoongi... I don't want to have to put you up for adoption."

"If you loved me—.."

"It's not about love at this point, Kitten! It's about respect! You have none of it!" You sat him on the couch and walked into the kitchen to sulk for a bit. You had no idea how to fix your terrible cat. You didn't notice him slinking in after you, getting on the counter behind you quietly.

"Milk... I want milk..." you muttered to yourself, needing some way to calm yourself down. You opened the fridge and found the two milk cartons completely drained and an I.O.U note from none other than Yoongi himself. You glared at him. "What have I told you about drinking all that milk? You know cats can't drink cow milk, they're lactose intolerant."

"I was thirsty..."

"Then get water."

"I wanted milk." He began purring and rubbing his face against your shoulder, looking awfully proud of himself.

"You're going to the pound. If I can't teach yo to behave, maybe they can." You grabbed the back of his sweater and began dragging him outside to your car, him starting to protest loudly as he realized what was at stake.

"H-hey, I don't wanna go! I like it here!" His voice began quivering as you opened the car door.

"Get in." You pointed sternly, rather taken aback when he grabbed your ankle and began wailing and crying.

"I like it here! I want to be here with you! I-I-I love this place and I love you for p-putting up with me, don't make me leave! One more chance, just one more chance! I'm s-still young, I can become obedient!" He looked up at you, his big brown eyes shimmering with tears.

"You've been nothing but an ass, you don't deserve one." Your voice quavered as you looked away from him. You didn't want to get rid of him, but you were honestly fed up with the cat.

"Please..." He begged quietly, his claws nervously digging into your pants. "Don't get rid of me..."

You groaned and hated how whipped you were for him, but picked him up and agreed. "Fine, but you're getting in the car anyway. I just remembered that your monthly checkup is due."

He clung to you happily, mewling his appreciation and love for you. You just rolled your eyes and began driving the little bastard to his vet checkup, secretly hoping he'd get some shots in the butt after behaving so badly.

He did.

And you had a nice mental laugh about it. Karma's a bitch, Yoon.

The vet pulled you into a different room while Yoongi lay face down on the examining table, complaining and picking at the spongebob sticker on his ass. "He's a very healthy kitten," she said. "A bit whiny, but he's healthy. You said he was... nine months old?"

"Yep. Fully grown but acts like a brat." You chuckled affectionately.

"Okay. As it's almost spring, I suggest you keep a close eye on any female hybrids or cats he comes in contact with. It's practically mating season and he's officially old enough to be affected by it. If he was a normal cat, I could've neutered him, but it's considered unjust with hybrids." The vet rolled her eyes.

"That won't be a problem, I don't let him wander outside. He's not allowed to let others inside as well."

"Still, keep an eye. A female's scent alone could be enough to drive him crazy. And so nothing gets stained, put plastic over the furniture of the rooms he occupies frequently."

"Stained?" Your face scrunched up in confusion.

"Just take my word for it, I've owned a hybrid before. Their heat gets pretty intense." The vet laughed and walked back inside the examining room, Yoongi still complaining about his ass. You pulled his loose shorts back up for him and picked the small man up, him clinging to your shirt as he continued complaining. "Make sure you bring him  in next month for his checkup again."

      "Yes ma'am, thank you!" You walked back outside and let Yoongi lay down in the back seat so he wouldn't have to sit.

     "Y/n, my bum hurts."

     "Stop whining, I'll get you some ice for it when we get home." He smiled softly, a loud purr resonatingfrom his throat for the rest of the ride home. Not one more complaint out of him. You were impressed. He hadn't been that silent before. He didn't bother you for the rest of the day, obeying your every command you gave him.

     "Do you need me to do anything for you?" He asked sweetly as you sat in your bed, his tail wrapping around your hand as he purred loudly.

     "Who are you and what did you do to the regular Min Yoongi?" You chuckled at him, rubbing his ears gently.

     "You said you were gonna get rid of him so he doesn't come around anymore." Yoongi whispered quietly, still slightly hurt that you were ready to give him up.

     "Maybe if he learns to behave he can come back." You found the spot behind his ear that he loved being scratched, smiling as he melted into a puddle of fluff and happiness on the bed. "You know I love you, right angel cakes?"

     He gave you a look of disgust. "That name's stupid, never call me it again."

     You held up your hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, don't get your tail in a tizzy." He stuck his tongue out at you and flopped onto your lap, closing his eyes for his nap. "Is 'Your Royal Highness' better?" You asked sarcastically, watching him nuzzle his way closer to your stomach.

     "Yes." He said poutily, curling into a ball before falling asleep.

     "Spoiled brat sounds good to me..." you grumbled, rubbing the spot in between his ears for him while staring at the ceiling.


     You woke up the next morning to... nothing, really. This was concerning for more than a few reasons, all of them involving the fact that Yoongi should've been yeowling for food at this time. You ran downstairs to make sure no one had broken in and stolen your asshole of a pet.

     A short hop, slip, and a fall later and you were downstairs, staring curiously at Yoongi pressing his face against the glass of the back door. "A-are you oka—.."

     "SHH! You'll scare her off..." he was wiggling his rump, looking like he was about to pounce. You looked out the window at the brown and white splotched cat sunning herself on the fence.


     "I said SHH!" He squeaked at you, scratching at the glass longingly.

     "Do you know her? Is she a friend that wants to hang out?" You raised an eyebrow at him.

     "Yeah, Let's go with that." He tore his eyes away from the glass door and looked at you. He seemed unusually desperate, almost crazed. "Can I go outside?"

     "Sure," you opened the door for him. "Wait, don't you want food—.. aaaaand there he goes."

     You turned away and began putting plastic over your furniture like the vet had instructed for about  before the thought hit you and you ran back outside to grab your cat and stop him from fucking every female he came across. You breathed a sigh of relief when you found him pouting at the foot of a tree. "Where's the lady? What did you do to her?"

     "She's up there," He sulked, pointing at one of the thin branches near the top. "I broke a claw trying to climb..."

      You clicked your tongue at him, picking him up and taking him inside to deal with his bleeding finger. "You know you're not supposed to climb relying on your claws, you're too heavy for it to work."

     "Do we have any more milk?" He asked, sniffing your shirt and licking his lips. You sighed. He had completely ignored you.

     "No. Get some water if you're thirsty."

     "But I need milk!" He whined, rolling around on the floor as he complained. You looked him over, chuckling at the formidable tent in his loose shorts. However, the crazed look in his eyes worried you and Yoongi had been known to get vicious.

     You stood up and locked the back door. "Fine, I'll get you milk. Just let me get dressed and eat breakfast—.."



     "I. NEED. MILK!"

     "FINE! IF THE SPOILED BRAT WANTS MILK, HE'LL GET MILK! I JUST HOPE HE REALIZES THAT IT'S HIS FAULT WHEN HIS GUT STARTS HURTING BECAUSE HE'S FUCKING LACTOSE INTOLERANT!" You put on some slippers and slammed the door shut, locking it to make sure he wouldn't start prowling for bitches in the neighborhood. "What happened to being good for me?" You grumped, getting into your car to get him milk.

     Yoongi watched you leave and flopped on the couch, groaning softly to himself. "Hurts..." his whimpers were soft, and he looked exhausted. "I don't like this feeling—.." he shot off the couch and began sniffing around furiously, following the trail of scent up to your bedroom. He tentatively opened the door and ran inside, sniffing at your bed and pillows. "Smells nice..." he mused to himself, rolling onto his back and examining one of your pillows and hugging it to himself, wrapping his legs around the soft object. He smelled it thoroughly, mewling happily when the fabric rubbed the spot he was desperate to have touched.

     He was slightly confused. Your scent, albeit relaxing to him, had never gotten him this excited before in his life. He pushed his hips into the pillow again, another needy meow slipping out. He just accepted the feeling at this point and rolled over again, the pillow being pressed against the bed and his hips rocking against it. "Feels... nice..." he panted, forgetting his earlier confusion and began reveling in your scent. Images flooded his mind, images that just got him more excited.

     "Roll over and let me play with you, kitten~."

     He let out a soft little moan at the thought of you saying such things, the knot that had been forming is his lower stomach snapping, a sticky, white fluid getting on the pillow and the sheets. He sat up slowly, loving the way his scent mingled with yours afterwards and set about marking everything in your room. He decided to start with the rest of the pillows first, on his second one when your car pulled back into the driveway.

     You grumbled as you carried eight heavy cartons of milk inside, hoping this would be enough to sustain him. You could hear meowing upstairs in your room and decided to bring him a carton so he would stop complaining. You had no idea what you were about to walk in on.


     He stopped what he was doing, diving under the bed to where you couldn't reach him. He was still using the pillow as a sex toy when you looked under and tried dragging him out.

     "I GET YOU YOUR DAMN MILK THAT YOU WANTED SO BADLY AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME? I DON'T WANT CUM ON MY PILLOWS!" You roared, finally managing to grab his sweater and pull him out. You snatched the second pillow away from him before he could ruin that one too. "What the hell is wrong with you..."

     He burst into tears at the lack of friction. "G-give it back! It makes me stop hurting, give it back!" You dodged as he tried lunging for him, looking him over for about the third time that morning. You were lying to yourself if you said the sight of him desperate and grabbing for his pleasure wasn't adorable. What you found the most adorable was the sight of his cum spilling out of his loose shorts and running down his legs to puddle on the floor.

     "Go run a bath." You growled. As cute as he was like this, he was making a mess of your room and himself in the process. He walked out sobbing something about how mean you were and that he wanted an owner that would let him do as he pleased, but you ignored him. You took the pillows downstairs to soak them and walked into his room, picking up all his plushies and toys to put them away so he wouldn't start with them too. You put them somewhere you knew he couldn't reach and walked back upstairs to give him his bath.

     You added some bubbles to the mixture, trying to cheer him up and stop him sobbing.

     "I'm stuck." You turned around, rolling your eyes at him as he tried taking off his sweater, stepping on the sleeves and falling. A loud wail then began resonating from wherever his head was stuck in the sweater and You pulled it off for him.

     "You're honestly such a baby." You sighed, working on his socks and checking his shorts. Can't clean them, they're already starting to stain. It won't come out by the time I'm done with his bath... "I hope you're proud of yourself, you ruined your favorite shorts."

     "It's twitching and I don't like it." He sniffled, completely ignoring you as he looked down at his cock, hard and swelling and dripping precum.

     "You're a guy, get use to it." You were currently feeling no sympathy for him. You had confirmed by now that he was in heat and currently hated it. You picked him up and plopped him in the bathtub. He yelped when the hot water touched his skin and tried climbing out frantically, scratching your arms as you tried to keep him in the tub. "What, now you don't love warm bubble baths anymore? You're seriously pissing me off today!"

     He stopped struggling, whimpering softly to himself. "Y/n, I can wash myself. You can go..." the words were were quiet. He knew you were mad and didn't want to make you any more upset.

     "Shut up, I'm washing you. You make messes when you're left alone."

     "I couldn't help myself—.."

     "I know you're disappointed about the lady cat, but you need to learn to control yourself." The tone of your voice was soft and sweet, not wanting him to worry.

     "It was your scent..." he muttered, rubbing his head against your hand when you began petting him. "You drive me just as crazy as I do to you."

     "Kitten..." you shook your head. "I don't love you like that. I practically raised you, it would be weird. I know lots of people have romantic relationships with their hybrids but I don't want you like that. You're my little brat, my baby boy."

     He rest his head against your chest as you hugged him. "It really does hurt though... can we please? Just one night? I won't ask you again, I promise, it just really hurts."

     "Really really hurts?" You asked, looking at his face.

     "Really." He nodded, looking hopeful.

     "You know I don't like you hurting, but there isn't anything I can do for you. We're not having sex." You said firmly, getting him out of the tub and wrapping a towel around his body. He didn't speak to you for the rest of the day.

     The silent treatment dragged on for a week. He drank all his milk and ignored you. You asked him over and over to stop being so butt-hurt to no avail. He constantly looked uncomfortable and had decided to ditch pants completely, walking around in an oversized hoodie that went down to about mid-thigh on him and nothing else. You felt bad and would make him his favorite food as a way to apologize, not caring at this point if he just ate and left.

     This is what you were currently doing when you felt a small pair of arms wrap around your waist and a head on your shoulder. "Is that all for me?"

     "You're actually talking to me?" You looked at him, surprised.

     "Yeah." You felt him press his hips against your ass, but chalked it down to how tightly he was hugging you. "You looked kinda sad, master."

     This intrigued you. "You haven't called me master since you were a month old." You chuckled. "Why now, all the sudden?"

     He shrugged and you felt his hips rubbing against your ass some more, a shaky breath leaving his lips. You then knew what he was doing and tried to push him off, but he was squeezed you so tightly you couldn't get away. "Bad cat!" You began reaching for the spray bottle, but he knocked it out of your grasp. "I said no!"

     "You said no sex." He breathed out. "I'm not inside you, am I?"

     You felt stupid. You'd forgotten how incredibly intelligent your cat was because of how much he depended on you for everything. If he could find a loophole in your rules, he would. And he had just found one. Obviously, you weren't thrilled with him, but you weren't that upset with him either. It was almost as if a small part of you had wanted this to happen. "You win this round..."

     Yoongi began meowing loudly, the feeling of you against his erection was almost enough to make him cum. He buried his face into the crook of your neck and sighed, letting your scent overwhelm his senses. "I want to be inside you..." he whined, bending you over the counter further and leaning over you. "Master, you smell so good—.."

     "You call me Mommy, nothing else." You sighed, propping your head on your hand. It was a kink of yours and if he was going to play you dirty, you should at least have one condition. "Is that understood, baby boy?"

     He nodded, whining again as his cock twitched at the name. "Mommy, Mommy!" He, much to your surprise, began leaving kitten licks and kisses on your neck and shoulder. "Please, please let me fuck you? I'm a good kitten, aren't I Mommy?" His begging was turning you on.

     You were torn. Most of you wanted to say no. You didn't love him romantically and didn't want to have to deal with it. However, as much as you tried to push it down, a small side of you knew you were lying to yourself. You wanted him. Badly. That side was speaking the loudest, but you hesitated to give in. What pushed you completely over the edge was a soft, angelic moan and the feeling of something warm and wet dripping down your leg. You took one look at his blissed-out face and pulled him in front of you, kissing his doll lips. "Baby boy can fuck his Mommy..."

     He pulled you upstairs eagerly, promising to clean his cum off the kitchen floor afterwards. You couldn't believe what you were doing. He had won yet another round. First the milk, then the rule bending, now this. At least you were mildly interested in what he was about to do this time.

     You leaned against the door frame as you watched him struggle to pull his shirt off. "Your tail's stuck..."

"I know that!" He squeaked in retort, wiggling out his clothes. "Shut up!"

"Is that any way to speak to your Mommy?" You growled, pushing him gently.

"I-I-I can do what I want." He muttered, his voice shaking slightly.

"No, I really don't think you can." You sat on the bed and yanked him over, making him lay across your lap

"What are you—.."

You brought your hand down hard on his plump ass, smiling softly to yourself as he yelped. You did it again.

And again.

And again.

You didn't stop until he was blubbering and wailing, his ass a bright cherry red. "That's what you get for being such a brat to me after I took care of you."

"I-I'm sorry Y/n! I'm sorry Mommy!" He whimpered loudly, sniffling. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes. He looked so small...

     So needy...



     You began pulling him around by his collar, wrapping his hands around some of your shirt fabric. "Take it off for me, Kitten."

     "Yes Mommy..." He didn't hesitate, ripping the fabric off quickly.

     "I SAID TAKE IT OFF, NOT RIP IT!" You slapped his arm and took your clothes off yourself.

     He was so spaced out he had no idea what you had just said. He was waiting in anticipation for the delicate lace that you wore to come sliding down your legs so he could get what he desired so badly. "Mommy, hurry up!"

"Keep talking to me like that and you get nothing." You growled, deliberately moving slower.

"Mommy's an ass..." he grumped, pouting.

"That's it, I'm done." You pulled your panties back up your legs and walked out to make dinner.

Yoongi watched as you walked out, positive you'd come back in a minute or two. After five minutes of waiting, he assumed you had decided to clean something to teach him a lesson. After twenty, he tumbled down the stairs in a mess of fluff and hormones to get your attention again. "Mommy, it hurts!" He whined, rubbing his cheek against your arm.

"Well, don't piss me off and I'll let you get off next time."


"Shut up, it's dinner time." You places the food in his spot on the table and sat down, only to jump up again when he knocked the plate onto the floor with a swipe of his hand. "YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH!"

"I don't wanna eat, I want you!" He wailed, beginning to claw at the furniture. If he didn't have your attention before, he definitely had it now. It exited him to see you this angry.

You grabbed his tail as he dashed past you and, being pissed beyond hell, began tugging on it as you dragged him back upstairs. "YOU WANT YOUR DICK WET, YOU'll GET YOUR DICK WET!" You yelled throwing him on the bed.

"K-Keep playing with my tail? It's really sensitive and I almost came when you were tugging on it." He said, his voice sticky and sweet, his large eyes looking at you with his full begging power activated.

"Fuck no. You don't deserve to cum. Especially not this soon." You had already slid your panties off at this point and were looking in the closet for things you could use to keep your unruly kitten in line. Being single and hopelessly unable to find a boyfriend (mainly Yoongi's fault), you didn't have anything like ropes or handcuffs so you made do with some ties and a scarf. Turning back to him, your eyes shone with your devious intentions. "You're such an absolute brat that you don't deserve a reward like that. I don't care if you're in heat or not, until you learn not tho be such a pain in the ass you're not cumming."

His mouth fell open, thinking about a retort to spit back in your face. You took the opportunity and shoved the balled-up scarf into his mouth to serve as a gag, using a tie to rope up his hands. You had two extra ties for each ankle, but didn't want to use them if you didn't have to.

You wanted to laugh at him, his eyes swimming with outraged tears and his cheeks swollen with the material of your scarf. It was a pleasant sight to behold.

You climbed onto the bed, examining his body. You reached out and flicked the head of his cock, watching him wince and squirm. "Eager, hmm?" You asked as you wrapped your hand around the hard object. "Are you really close right now?"

He nodded frantically, a muffled moan sounding from the back of his throat as you began moving your hand, the moan turning into a muffled wail as you stopped when his cock started twitching in your hand.

"What a horny kitten..." you waited for a minute for him to calm down enough, spreading his legs a little wider so you could crawl into his lap a little more easily. "I don't think foreplay is necessary at this rate."

     'Stop teasing me and just fuck me already!' He pleaded in his head, tail thrashing back and forth. A muffled whine left his mouth.

     You shook your head. "Pathetic."

     He kicked your leg. You tied him down completely, slapping his thigh. He wiggled around to his best ability, tears streaming down his cheeks.

     "Promise you'll be good for mommy?" She asked, pressing the tip against her folds.

     He nodded again, a wild look in his teary eyes.

     She ran her hands over his burning flesh, starting at his hips, trailing upwards slowly to his soft stomach...

     His chest with those beautiful, perky buds...

     His pale neck, the black choker-collar providing stark contrast to his skin tone...

     His pink lips, wet with tears and the drool soaking through the scarf....

     His flushed cheeks and dark brown eyes.

     You sank down, your back arching at the unusual feeling of his cock inside you. "Ooooh... that's a bit of a stretch..." you muttered, halfway down. "Hold on a sec, I need to get use to it."

     He was anxious, his entire willpower being used to stop from bucking his hips into you. "Mmph!" He looked at you and looked down to his gag, asking you to take it out.

     You did as he asked, instantly getting barraged by loud begging and compliments.

   "Mmh, your pussy feels so good Mommy! I can feel it dipping a-and—.. and—.. Mmh, please take it all the way! I need to be as deep inside you as possible!" He was thrashing around a bit, completely desperate to have you bouncing on him.

"Don't tell me what to do." You snarled at him. "I decide what you get and when you get it."

"But I need—!!"

You cut him off with a rugged, lust filled kiss. Your tongue danced around in his mouth as you sank onto him fully, liking the texture of his rough tongue lapping at yours. "Every time you complain I'll do that so if you want to be able to breathe I suggest the only thing that comes out of your mouth are moans."

He let out a loud one as you began rolling your hips against his to show he understood. "P-Please untie me so I can touch you?"


He whimpered but didn't complain.

"You learn quickly. Maybe we should turn this into a type of obedience training." You purred, tugging on his hair.

He just let out more whimpering, his hips bucking upwards to feel more of you. "I'm getting close..."


"You're sexy..." He muttered shyly, his tail curling as he looked away.

"Thank you, Kitten. You're adorable." You kissed his cute nose, smiling softly.

"Can we have food after this? I'm hungry." He yawned widely, showing off his pointy teeth.

"You're making it." She said, slamming her hips against his to hear his cute noises again.

He began struggling against his bonds again, yowling and screaming. "I can't, I can't! I need to cum!"

"Hold it or I'm getting off."
"No, no, no!" He wailed, his hips shifting restlessly underneath you as he tried controlling himself. "I caa-aa-aaan't!" He cried out, his tugging on the wrist restraints causing them to loosen around him. He managed to slip his hands out before you could do anything about it, grabbing your hips and pushing himself in as far as he could go. You shut your eyes as the warm fluid filled you up and began overflowing. His eyes rolled back and his tongue poked out cutely from in between his lips.

"You weren't supposed to do that." You leaned forward and pulled yourself off of him, his fluids dripping like a waterfall down your quivering thighs.

He pressed his ears against his head and looked away sheepishly. "I—.."

"It's fine, just check with me next time. I guess you have an excuse, you've been aching for this all week." You ruffled his hair and smiled. "Get up and go make Mommy dinner."

     He nodded, first wrapping his arms around your neck and pulling you down for a kiss, moving his lips against yours slowly and gently. "I love you. Thanks for getting me out of the shelter."

     "No problem, Kitten." You have him a kiss on the nose. "Where did you learn how to kiss like that?"

     "Watching you kiss your pillows because you're sad and lonely." He giggled, running off.


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