Sally Face x Reader

By Chaosrunner

2.7K 34 29

"It's a prosthetic." He said gently as Larry looked down at the new male. His blue hair tied back in two dang... More

School fights

Half Face

1K 11 19
By Chaosrunner

Yo. If anyone wants to make a drawing on the character I made I will gladly show it in the chapters. Just send me a request and we'll get the pic set up for the next chapter. I've made a drawing of the character but I decided to go a different route with this story. So please give some effort and send me a drawing of Half Face and I'll set it up for the next chapter. Stay Chaotic.


Half of her face was a sickly tanned color that clashed against her natural highly pale skin tone. A long tentacle like scar fell across the bridge of her nose running along the bottom of the oddly green and purple like hues. Pierced snake bites adorned her lips and a bull ring in her nostrils. Her eyebrow had a pot leaf piercing next to a black loop. Her ears held from what Sal could count 26 piercings. Her left held fifteen and her right had eleven.

No smoking symbol was on her shirt with holes in the shirt and her jeans. Chains where everywhere one her but the one that caught Sal's attention. A chain dog choker was clinging to her through where art of her scaring fell down. Hanging from it where dog tags that looked to belong to a military man and in closer looking was in fact a set of military dog tags. The dark eyeliner covering her eyes added to the dull look of her right eye which was utterly blind.

"Yo wassup Half Face." Larry said fist bumping the female. Her back pack was chucked across the room as she lit a cigarette countering her shirt. She took a drag handing it to Larry who took it too.

"Mom's at work. She left the car keys and I took off for a bit. Got nothin to do bro." Larry handed the cigarette back and she offered it to Sal. He shook his head.

"Who's this blue dude?" Half Face asked smiling to him. Sal couldn't help but stare at the female as she stood in the room, her hips slightly pushed to the side. Sal smiled under his mask as she smiled to him. Rose spread over his cheeks which he was happy to have cover by his mask yet still hated the thing.

"Names Sally Face." He took her hand as she pulled him into a shoulder hug. He clapped her shoulder as she did him smiling.

"Kids chill. Look at him Larry. Nice prosthetic." Half Face said. Sal was surprised she knew what his mask was. Not many knew his mask was to protect and hide his deformities but she did. Then his thoughts went to her scars.

"How'd you know it's a prosthetic?" Larry asked before Sal could. She huffed and thumped her fist in his chest making him sputter yet chuckle as he stepped back from her.

"Because dickbutt I had one when I was going through the recovery of my burns." Half Face said drinking her Monster drink. Her lips where pulled back in a small smile even if she looked pissed. Larry looked to Sal then Half Face.

"Is Half Face you real name? Or you just going by it." Sal asked leaning into the wall of Larry's room. Half Face smiled to Sal and plopped down onto a bean bag in the corner. Her hair fluffed up then returned to it's wavy state. Larry say down as well gesturing for Sal to get comfortable. Half Face put her cig out and smiled at Sal.

"Real name is Tasha. I just get utterly bullied and my nickname is Half Face since well, my face." Sal nodded and tried the name on his tongue.

"Tasha Huh?" He said and looked to her then Larry. She nodded setting her drink in her lap.

"Real name Sally Face or same deal as me?" She asked Sal as he sat down in a bean bag as well leaning into it. Nodding he said the same as she had.

"Sal Fisher. Just decided to go by Sally Face to take away people's power. Might as well own up to it so they can't use it against me." Tasha smiled more pulling her piercings back.

"That's my boy!" She held her fist out to the male and his met it. This was the start of something great for the trio. More where to join but for now the three where happy as the small group they have.

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