Repeated Words

By Mermaidviolenplayer

9.2K 334 49

Meet the girl that doesn't speak. Angela Rizcoffe, age 17. It's not like she's a mute, but she keeps her voic... More

Repeated Words
(Prolouge)(Freshman year)
(Chapter 1) (Junior Year)
(Chapter 2)
(Chapter 3)
(Chapter 4)
Author's Goodbye(And Summary)

(Chapter 5)

545 25 2
By Mermaidviolenplayer

Angela froze and looked at her phone with fear running down her spine.

It rung again, that unknown number of a text splitting into a second one.

Swallowing hard, she reached over and picked up the phone to read the texts. She sighed in relief and smiled.

Hey, Angel. It's me, Caleb.

Where'd you disappear to? Is everything alright? Are you sick? If you are I can help. I know a few home remedies.

Angela smirked and opened her phone right when he texted again.

Please answer. I'm genuinely worried. ☹️

I'm fine, Caleb. No I'm not sick, no need to worry mother.

He answered back right away.

Oh thank god. I was about to call the ambulance.

Angela giggled and smiled at his words before cupping her cheek and texting back with one hand.

You're silly.

I know I am. 😉 But really, Why'd you leave school? Did something happen?

Angela froze and bit down on her bottom lip. She couldn't possibly tell him what happened. Besides, he probably wouldn't even believe her if Caleb met him.

I rather not talk about it right now, Caleb.

He didn't answer for awhile and Angela was about to place her phone down when it dinged again.

No worries. I understand. Although, can you at least tell me that you're not hurt or anything?

I promise I'm fine. 🙂

I'm glad, but that doesn't stop me from bringing cookies over, and us chilling with a movie after school to cheer you up.

Angela smiled, her heart pounding hard in her chest while her cheeks began to feel warm.

Aww, thank you.

Anything for a friend. See you later Angel 😇.

Yeah, see yea.

With that, Angela placed her phone down on her nightstand at the same time her father came into her room; his face twisted with anger.

"D-dad? W-what's wrong?"

"They can't do anything Angel," he said, siding at the end of her bed with his head in his hands. Her eyes widened.

"Nothing? N-not even a-a restraining o-order?"

"Not without a current event and not a case that happen three years ago. If it was early, they could have done something, but even with it, he did nothing to harm you when he was at school. Right?" Her father said, grabbing s hold of her hand with worry in his eyes.

That was when Angela noticed the dark circles under his eyes and the worry lines creased at the corners of them.

Her lips parted and she nibbles on her bottom lip before tightening her hand around his.

"N-no. H-he just t-taunted and s-scared me."

He sighed and kissed her forehead before looking back at her with worry.

"What do you want to do pumpkin?"

Angela thought about it for a little and when she opened her mouth, she couldn't believe she was sticking to it.

"I-I want to s-stay here. He probably w-won't do a-anything." Hopefully.

Her father looked over her face a little longer before nodding and kissing her forehead again and walking out of the room.

"If you say so Pumpkin."

Then he was out the door and heading downstairs.

It was about a little past three when the door bell rang. Angela flung herself out of bed to go answer it, since her parents were out shopping. She opened its door saw Lily standing there wearing jeans and a blue blouse; worry in her eyes.

"Are you alright? Come here," she ordered, wrapping her arms around Angela and hugging her tightly. Angela returned it and closed the door. They walked over to the kitchen table and Lily sat across from her as they talked.

"He didn't do anything did he?"

"N-no. He just s-scared me and t-then I left."

"What did your parents say?" Lily asked, looking her over from head to toe like she didn't believe Angela that she was alright.

Angela sighed and tucked her hand under her chin, drawing on the table with her finger.

"W-we looked to s-see about a r-restraining order, but t-they said t-they needed m-more of a r-reason than a t-three year s-sentence t-to prison for o-one."

Lily scoffed and crossed her arms across her chest. "That's bullshit. You feel threatened by his presence and that should be enough for them to do something."

Angela shrugged and continued to draw little figure eights on the wood of the table.

"It-it's just one c-class. I'm s-sure if I-I explain m-my situation t-to Mr. Millar, t-that he'll u-understand."

"Hopefully, but what if he bothers you in the hallways or at lunch?"

This time, Angela looked up and smirked at Lily. "Well, y-you are m-my body g-guard for a r-reason Lily."

She laughed and playfully hit Angela's shoulder before she hit Lily's as well.

"Oh and what about that Caleb guy?" Lily said, wiggling her eyebrows and making Angela blush.

"W-What a-about h-him?"

Lily rolled her eyes and smirked. "You like him, don't you?"

Angela gave her a weak smile before saying, "N-No. H-he's j-just a f-friend."

"Uh huh, sure," Lily said, leaning back in her chair with crossed arms. "Then why did he-"

There was a knock on the door and Lily and her both looked in that direction before looking at each other. Lily's smirk widened and Angela's cheeks became redder.

"Now, who could that be," Lily says, getting up to let the person in. Angela bolted out of her chair, but Lily was already running toward the door.

"W-wait Lily-"

But it was too late. Lily opened the door and there Caleb was, standing there with a plate of chocolate chip cookies and a black sweatshirt and jeans, a smile across his lips until he saw who really answered the door.

"CALEB! What a surprise!" Lily exclaimed, making Angela groaned and walk over to Lily and the shocked Caleb.

When he saw Angela, his shock disappeared into concern, completely ignoring Lily now.

"Are you alright, Angel?"

Lily awed and Angela looked at her with narrowed eyes before pushing her out of the way and letting Caleb in.

"Hey!" Lily whined as Angela began to sign to him as they walked to the kitchen.

Sorry about her, Caleb. I'm fine."

Caleb places the plate of cookies on the counter and looked back at her and signed,

You don't look it. Your eyes are all red and puffy. Can I do anything to help?

"You know," Lily piped as she walked over to us and grabbed one of the cookies and sat down at the table. "It's rude to sign in the presence of greatness."

Angela laughed and Caleb smiled at her before pulling Angela into a hug. She stiffened and looked up at Caleb with round eyes.

"What'd she say?"

Angela signed to him, her hands shaking a little from behind so closed to him and Caleb laughed as well, looking at Lily.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you all great and powerful Lily."

Lily smiled and looked at Angela, giving her a thumbs up.

"I approve of this guy. You may date him."

Angela gasped, her cheeks reddening even more. "Lily!"

"What?!" She says innocently, nibbling on her cookie. Angela pouted, but it quickly turned to her being tense when Caleb's breath brushed her ear.

"What's got you blushing so much, Angel?"


"Liar!" Lily yelled.

Angela glared at Lily and Caleb laughed and tightened his hold around her. She felt like she was going to pass out from how much care he was showing her.

"Never mind. Come on, why don't we watch a movie and eat cookies to get your mind off..whatever is the matter, okay?"

Angela looked into Caleb's eyes and nodded with a soft smile before signing,

I'd like to.

"Can I join?" Lily asked, raising her hand.

Angela smiled at her and rolled her eyes.

"Yes, Lily, you can watch the movie with us."

"Yes! Third-wheeling!"

Angela laughed and Caleb seemed to be smiling a lot while he looked at her and she didn't know rather or both she like it or if it made her embarrassed. Either way, she knew this was what she needed. A little time with her new friends and she might forget about him for a little while longer; until tomorrow that is.


Sorry it took so long. I hope you liked it and was enough to satisfy your hunger for this story.

Bye bye now!

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