Percy meets The Mortal Instru...

By enostervy

225K 5.4K 1.7K

This is a crossover between Percy Jackson and The Mortal Instruments WARNING there may be spoilers. POV stan... More

Percy meets The Mortal Instruments
Chapter 1 Clary POV An Unusual Encounter
Chapter 2 Annabeth's POV A Strange Couple of Mortals
Chapter 3 Percy POV The Most Unlikely Friend
Chapter 4 Isabelle's POV What a Day
Chapter 5 Percy's POV Shadowhunters?!!!!!!
Chapter 6 Magnus's POV Disaster and An Allie
Chapter 7 Isabelle's POV Isabelle's Peril
Chapter 8 Jace's POV Danger In Our Midst
Chapter 9 Annabeth's POV Wise Girl Has No Words
Chapter 11 Maryse POV I'm Scared for Isabelle
Chapter 12 Clary's POV A New Dangerous Game
Chapter 13 Gaia's POV Sebastian's First Capture
Chapter 14 Nico POV Disaster Lurks
Chapter 15 Alec's POV Alec's Shock
Chapter 16 Clary's POV A Full Dose of Adventure
Chapter 17 Annabeth's POV Into Monster Woods We Go
Chapter 18 Nico's POV The Reunion
Chapter 19 Percy's POV Ugh Meetings.
Chapter 20 Percy's POV We save a little girl
Chapter 21 Percy POV We fall into the Dark
Chapter 22 Nico's POV The Lost Family
Chapter 23 Nico's POV The Discovery
Chapter 24 Clary's POV Monsters, again....
Chapter 25 Jace POV Annabeth's concerns
Chapter 26 Clary's POV We return home (or close enough)
Chapter 27 Percy's POV The Last Battle (Hopefully)
End? (AN) and Poll
OC's ? And ANs
Poll Results!

Chapter 10 Nyx's POV An Unusual Turn of Events

7.4K 162 88
By enostervy

Chapter 10 Nyx POV


------A week later after Izzys capture--------


I was pacing back and forth in my room in Gaia's castle. I'm so stupid agreeing to help Gaia before asking what she wanted me to do. I didn't want to involve the Nephilim in this. Raziel's children are strong even though, through the generations the angels blood as become weaker. I don't think these angels are people who we want against us the the upcoming war.


Hearing a knock of the door I turned.


"Come in." I said.


"Lady Night, were going to discuss strategies in the drawing room. Gaia wants you to be there." The boy..... what was his name?


"What's your name mortal?" I asked.


"Sebastian." He said.


"Very well I will be there shortly."


"Thank you my Lady, I must go now." He said.


"Yes yes, go." I said. Waving him away.


Sebastian turned and faced me walking backwards out of my corders, and closing the doors as he left. That boy is unwise sometimes, but at least he got the number one rule right. Never turn your back to a Primordial Goddess.

Walking down the Grand staircase as Gaia likes to call it. I wondered why everything in this place has to be a light brown or white color. I think black is much more beautiful color, although it's not a color exactly but a shade. After walking through the halls for a short while I opened the doors to the drawing room, and sat down on the sofa. I probably had a bored look on my face because I'm not terribly interested in planning meetings.


"Nyx so glad you could join us." Gaia said with fake sincerity


"It's a pleasure I love meetings" I stated sarcastically


"Good because this meeting is about the shadowhunter girl, Sebastian brought us. Go get the girl." Gaia ordered.


"Yes Lady Gaia." He said. Getting up from the sofa he was sitting on, bowing to us and continuing to face us as he left the room.


"Sister?" I asked. "Are you sure you trust that Sebastian boy?"


"Yes." Replied Gaia. "He's gone through hardships he won't betray us."


I wasn't sure that was the case, but I didn't have much time to dwell on it as Sebastian came back through the door throwing a dirty, week girl, at our feet. She had long black hair and was wearing a black top, and black jean shorts. She blinked at the light in the room, sat up and looked around when her gaze settled on Sebastion. She glared at him and said.


"What do YOU want with ME." Putting emphasis on the 'you and me' sounding surprised.


And she was staring at Sebastian in shock. I could feel the anger rolling off her in waves, but you wouldn't be able to tell all that just by looking at her. Suddenly she turned around picked up Gaia's teacup off the table, and through it at Sebastian who ducked dodging it. The tea cup sailed past him and hit the wall, with the smashing sound of breaking porcelain.


"Enough!" Gaia yelled. "Sebastian dear, if you want to play with the prisoner, wait until we've decided what were going to do with her."


"Yes my Lady." Sebastian said bowing.


"And YOU, girl, are to be silent!" Gaia yelled. "The only time you're allowed to speak is when you're spoken to."


The girl turned to look at us as if just realizing that we were there.

"What's your name?" I asked. Curious that she could look at two Primordial Goddesses without fear. She pointed to herself.


"Me?" She asked. I nodded yes. "I'm Isabelle Lightwood." She said. "Who are you?"


"Why you-" Gaia started but cutting her off, I said. "It's okay sister I don't mind answering."


"I am Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of The Night, Hellhounds, Shadows, and nocturnal animals.


The girl looked at me in shock and surprise, so much so that she was speechless. Oh wait she couldn't reply even if she wanted to.


"You may speak if you would like." I said giving her permission to speak.


"Your a Goddess?" She asked.


"Yes." I said nodding


"Why have you brought me here?" She asked.

"As a hostage." Gaia replied.

"Why? I'm not useful as a hostage, I'm not that important."


"You are to the shadowhunters and hopefully enough so, that they won't join the Gods in battle against us, for fear of getting you killed."


"What? I thought you-" she started but cutting her off Gaia said. "The olympian Gods."


She still looked confused so I said. "It's a long story. To make the long story short We're family to the people we're going to fight."


"Sebastian put her back in her cell we don't need her here." Gaia said dismissively.

Oh dear sister, I thought, How did we get to the point of taking hostages......

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