My Wish On A Dime

De Anna_may0501

27 1 0

So here my bitch ass was watching compilations of VAV on my laptop in bed. I go to stand up to put my empty p... Mais

The Studio

That Ass Thou

8 1 0
De Anna_may0501

So here my bitch ass is on my laptop watch compilations of VAV eating popcorn in my bed. I stand up to go put my now empty popcorn bowl in the kitchen when I step on something cold. I lean down to see and old grimy dime. 

I pick it up and rub it three time " I wish I could meet VAV and all of my favorite Kpop idol bands." I say then flip the coin. it lands on heads and I pick it up putting it into my pants pocket. I drop the bowl in the sink then walk into my bedroom door way
"fuck I'm a pig I need to clean." I sigh and put on my kpop playlist and start cleaning.

 I walk into the kitchen again to grab a new gallon of water when VAV's Senorita comes on. "ooooohhh shit yaaas queen" I start to grind and belly dance drinking the water. I hear shouting right out front of our apartment doors so I look outside to see a group of men arguing in Korean. I step outside in my red sports bra and oversized sweat pants ' fuck they are fighting over where they are' I say to myself. 

I take a deep breath and shout out " hey shut up some people are trying to work here" in Korean.

 they freeze and turn to look at me "you can speak Korean?" the tallest one asks back I shake my head i need to lie " I only know a small amount do you speak English?"  " ya a few of us do" the shortest one says. I shake my head " are you gonna be in the shadows all night or are you gonna show your faces cuz imma call the cops is you don't chill the fuck  out" I say with a huge sigh. they turn back to each other talking again ' what the fuck ever' I turn to walk back into my apartment when I hear footsteps from behind me. I turn to see VAV looking right at me " fuck me" I say with a chuckle " nope I'm done I've seen a lot of shit in this ghetto ass  neighborhood but this tops it all" I turn to walk back into my place when the air shifts behind me I turn and grab the persons neck who is behind me. I look up and see its St. Van I'm choking

" don't ever sneak up behind me you are so fucking lucky I don't have my knife on me" I say letting him go. he takes a few steps back.
" what do you guys want you aren't supposed to be here your supposed to be in Dallas on your gig" I say looking at all of them. Ace steps closer
"we don't know we were getting ready back stage when we all of a sudden where out front here" I look at him then to Jacob "what about you aren't you doing a TV show in China?" He shrugs then I look down the line to finally Ziu. I giggle then it turns to full out holding my stomach going to pee myself laughter.  I take a few deep breaths then try to stand up straight
" so you are telling me you puffed here like Mary Poppens and don't know how or why?" I say with a huge smile on my face. Jacob looks at me annoyed
" yes that's what we said" I look him up and down.
" fuck come on in ill lend you my phone so you can call who ever you need to" I turn walking into my appt  leaving the door open for them to follow in. I walk into by room and flop down on my bed holding my phone in the air waiting for them to walk in. 

 I hear the front door close and footsteps aproch my bedroom.
" come on guys I'm sure you don't have all day I know I don't." I say with a huff. the first one to walk in is Ziu he looks around and sees one poster of them on the wall and walks to it. the rest follow in looking around. Lou walks up to me grabbing my phone which I unlocked and starts to call someone. I close my eyes when I hear someone pick up my rap lyrics book
" I would put that down if I were you" I say opening one eye to see Ayno with the book in his hand.
" the first few are not completed yet" I say closing my eyes again.
"what is it?" I hear Baron ask from beside me
" my rap lyrics book some are done some aren't" I say sitting up. I grab my sunshine bare and use him to cover my jelly rolls I look over and see Ziu looking at my art book
" I cant draw for shit but I still try"  I say in purposely shaky Korean he flips the page that I tore out
" what was this its gone?"  he asks I quickly stand up and rip the book out of his hands. I grab my lyric book and the art book and shove them in my dresser. " for full grown men you guys really are nosy" I say turn back to them. I walk over to my closet and pull out my DIY milk crate seats. I pull out all 5 of them then walk into the kitchen and grab two kitchen chairs.

 " all of you sit and stay still" I say pointing at the seats. the all sit down except Lou he walks out into the living room still on the phone.  I grab my laptop and turn it on I stand up walking into the kitchen making myself a cup o noodle and popcorn for the guys. I walk back in to see St. Van looking at my lock screen on my laptop I smirk at him

 " what? I found you very attractive when I first became a fan" he blushes and sits back down. I grab my Bluetooth head phones connecting them then open up my music making software and start putting together a beat when Ayno comes and sits next to me on my bed. I look up at him meeting his eyes briefly then looking back at the beat that I'm making. 

"when I first became a Vamp you were my bias." I say pulling out one ear bud to talk to him.

 "really?!?!" he asks excited. I nod looking away from my laptop to him 

" I also watched No Mercy and you were so cute on that show you were the youngest." I say with a big smile showing off my dimple on my left cheek. he blushes and look away from me

 "but I do have to say I have no bias now I could never choose between any of you." I say looking around the room to the rest of they guys. I look back at my software fixing a few things when I see Baron pick up my camera from my YouTube channel set up. "be careful with that they don't make that body anymore." I say looking up at him. he looks at me "are you a photographer or something?" he asks looking at my set up "hey your set up looks familiar its like I've seen it somewhere" Ayno says taking a good look at my room. I shake my head and go back to my laptop "it could be that I have a YouTube channel." I say. I sigh and shake my head "I'm missing something right in here for a 25 second period." I say to myself tilting my head back pulling out my head phones. "Can I hear it I might be able to tell you what you are missing?" Van asks. I look at him up and down "hmmm nope sorry." I say closing the software and putting my laptop to sleep. I stand up and walk into the bathroom splashing water on my face. " I've been up for about 62 hours straight as of right now I'm just tired." I say walking back into the bed room. I hear gasps "why!?!?!" Jacob asks I look at him and bite my lip walking to my bed laying down on it. I turn my body so my head is hanging off the end. "lets just say it was for work." I say. Ziu stands over me, I look up at him still upside down "well I've never been in this position before I hear its a great one thou." I say with a wink. he blushes and steps back, I put my hands down and kick up doing a back flip into a standing position. "wow that was lit!!!" I hear Baron call out. I flip my hair back and forth a few times shaking it out. I walk over to my filming station grabbing my camera turning and taking a few pictures of him. I pull them up and Jacob walks up beside me to see "damn these are good." I nod my head "that wasn't even me trying now imagen me telling you how to pose and with equipment." I say turning my camera back off. I walk over to my rap book and grab it grabbing a pen jolting down a few lyrics. " yes Ayno my way of making songs is different I have bouts where I can only come up with a few verses and even then they don't match I just jolt it down then go back over them its kinda like a puzzle." I say looking up at him. seeing him look at me with surprise written on his face. I grab the bowl of popcorn eating it again when Lou walks back in and starts talking to the guys in Korean I shrug and pass the bowl of popcorn to Ziu and stir my cup o noodle with  my chop sticks.  Lou looks up at me " it seems that there are people playing as us they wouldn't even let me talk to the manager." I sigh and tilt my head back whispering under my breath " its just like that one story on wattpad" I look back at the guys and sigh " let me guess you don't have any money either?" I ask them they shake their head. I grab my phone out of Lou's hand and open up my bank app. I add up what I have saved up in savings and in my checking and it totals up to about $150,000. " well boys have you ever had a sleep over with a girl before?" I asking looking back up at them. St. van stands up " we wouldn't want to put you out."

"do you have anywhere to go? you said you have no money and I don't mind this isn't my first sleep over with a huge amount of people." I say cutting him off I stand up and walk into the living room grabbing all the pillows from the couch and going and grabing the thin mattresses from the storage closet " hey can I have some help?" I call out Ace and Ayno walk up to me " here" I hand Ace the matrasses and Ayno the pillows. I walk into my room and open the closet pulling out everyone of my blakets that I have. " you put all of the chairs away" I say pointing at BaRon. I turn to the bathroom and pull out two new packs of tooth brushes and a few new bars of soap. I walk back into my room to see everything set up. "hey where did you get all of this stuff?" Lou asks. I look at him " I used to be in a band" I say and walk over to my dresser. I pull out 7 pairs of sweat pants and 7 new hanes shirts. " you used to be in a band?" St. Van asks with shock on is face. I turn to him and tilt my head "ya I still have my old merch we used to sell wanna see?" I ask him "hell ya we want to see" Ace calls out from behind me. I turn to the closet and pull out my old trunk.

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