Cooking With The QB ✔️

By jade_writesalot

8.1M 263K 100K

"You mean your entire college career depends on me?" Axel laughs, his eyes twinkling. "Maybe..." I grumble... More

O N E ~ "Got yourself into a pickle?"
T W O - "You're an idiot."
T H R E E ~ "Sugarplum? Really?"
F O U R - "Tell me."
F I V E ~ "There she is!"
S I X - "Okay, lets go!"
S E V E N ~ "I want the bathtub."
E I G H T - "I'm so dead."
N I N E ~ "It's a bit of fun."
T E N - "Oh, that's a big deal."
E L E V E N ~ "Dance with me?"
T W E L V E - "Why?"
T H I R T E E N ~ "Only if you join me."
F O U R T E E N - "No chance."
F I F T E E N ~ "And she's back."
S I X T E E N - "You're such a girl."
S E V E N T E E N ~ "You'll love it."
E I G H T E E N - "Not that obsessed."
N I N E T E E N ~ "What's true?"
T W E N T Y - "Go for it."
T W E N T Y O N E ~ "Anytime."
T W E N T Y T W O - "Wait for me."
T W E N T Y T H R E E ~ "Better be."
T W E N T Y FOUR - "Sure, why not?"
T W E N T Y F I V E ~ "I'm listening."
T W E N T Y S I X - "What's wrong?"
T W E N T Y S E V E N ~ "Basically."
T W E N T Y E I G H T - "Let me help you."
T W E N T Y N I N E ~ "I won't"
T H I R T Y - "Okay."
T H I R T Y O N E ~ "We do."
T H I R T Y T W O - "Work for it."
T H I R T Y T H R E E ~ "Can't help it."
T H I R T Y F O U R - "That's her."
T H I R T Y F I V E ~ "Let's go then."
T H I R T Y S I X - "Yes."
T H I R T Y S E V E N ~ "I'm optimistic."
T H I R T Y E I G H T - "Your idiot, though."
F O R T Y - "Have fun."
F O R T Y O N E ~ "You're a legend."
F O R T Y T W O - "Thank you."
F O R T Y T H R E E ~ "Talk to me."
F O R T Y F O U R - "That's debatable."
B O N U S C H A P T E R 1
B O N U S C H A P T E R 2

T H I R T Y N I N E ~ "I have a question."

130K 4.3K 1K
By jade_writesalot

This chapter is dedicated to @RoosRose for voting and commenting! Thank you so much :)


A X E L 'S   P O V

Drew and Emma arrived back pretty quickly, their arms carrying just about everything in the vending machine from downstairs.

Their arrival also means I need to stop gazing at Skylar, which is pretty much impossible. She slowly sits up from the blankets that are strewn across the floor and makes her way over to help Emma.

Rob drags me over to the desk, his look almost taunting in the way it screams I told you your relationship would be fixed. Shoving his shoulder with my own, I let out a laugh when he almost falls over like the absolute idiot he is.

"You know, I did just see you lying on the blankets together. You can't deny that you've finally fixed it." He says, smugness ringing clear in his every word.

"Not completely, I still haven't told her about Maxwell." I whisper, desperately hoping Skylar doesn't hear me.

Rob reacts immediately, his voice painfully loud, "What!?"

His voice draws unwanted attention from Skylar and Emma. Skylar's gaze is warm, making me feel like I'm floating on fucking clouds or something. Having spent time not knowing if I was going to see that warmth or even a spark of light in her eyes again - even the slightest flicker of happiness makes me feel like I'm standing on the top of Everest.

But the fact that her eyes are on us while I talk about him, is something I really can't handle and I'm totally unprepared for it. Unable to get words out, Emma speaks up first.

"You guys okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, I, um...Axel?" Rob stutters before eventually turning the attention of the group to me.

I will kill him one day.

"Nothing, I just explained how I don't feel like getting drunk tonight but apparently that's not acceptable for Rob." I shrug my shoulders, willing for the fib to come to me.

Because eventually I will tell Skylar what's wrong. I will tell her what's hung over me for the past four years and how one person has managed to control my life - I'll tell her everything. But not tonight, not while she is looking at me like she did three months ago.

Looking at me like I finally redeemed myself. That, somehow, I've made it back into her life and she's happy about it. With hope finally seeping its way back into her, I refuse to put it out.

Not like last time because that's never happening again.

But I will tell her.



The rain carried on for the rest of the afternoon, but the high spirits continued as well.

Dean arrived after about two hours and I quickly willed my brain to shut up after his arrival.

The problem is, ever since Skylar and I's break, I can't look at him the same way. The way she brought him into the argument made my veins light up like a firework in the middle of the night.

Unannounced, impossible to ignore and deafeningly loud.

The anger consumed me and although we may be past that sickening stage in our relationship, the sight of him still reminds me that we reached that point once.

Regardless, we're better now, fantastic nearly and if he's her friend - I'm just going to have to put up with it.

"You know what? I'm so done with this." Emma groans as she lies down onto her back.

Since we decided to study, the five of us have been pouring over books.

Well, Skylar and Emma have. I can't study when Skylar's beside me, she's too distracting.

"Yeah, I realised that about one and a half hours ago. I honestly don't think my brain is mentally capable of studying." Rob laughs as he grins.

Dean looks confused before asking, "How are you in senior year then?"

"Luck." Rob shrugs and I nod along with him, knowing that he's completely right.

I gently take Skylar's hand in my own as Rob, Dena and Emma chat about the best type of chocolate.

As you do.

Rubbing circles across her knuckles, I whisper to her, "You want a drink?"

"Yes, please." She smiles up at me, my heart does somersaults as she laughs at something Emma said.

Going over to where the drinks are being kept, I roll my eyes when Rob starts shouting about how Galaxy is basically creamy goodness in your mouth.

I'm aware of someone making their way over to me and I'm caught off guard, to say the least, when I realise that it's Dean.

"Hey, you using that?" He asks, motioning to the bottle opener.

"Nah, go ahead." I nod, willing my emotions to stay in check.

Cracking open his beer, he takes a sip before staying beside me.

"Yes?" I ask, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible.

"I just...I heard about you and Skylar and I'm really happy for you - I genuinely am. But I just want to say, don't mess it up because I think that would destroy her even more than the break you guys had." He nods, looking at me guiltily.

All at once, I respect Dean more than I ever have before.

To be fair, I didn't really respect him at all before - so this is groundbreaking.

Knowing that he wants to protect Skylar, reassures me a lot. Sure, I want to be the one to always protect her - but knowing that he's there for her when I'm not, is more than calming to me.

Nodding my head, I agree. "I know I fucked up, but I won't do it again. I swear."

"Then that's all I needed to hear." Dean grins. His sudden sunshine personality makes is obvious why Skylar likes him.

"Are you two having a tea party over there?" Emma asks, a smug smirk painted across her face when I turn and glare at her.

"Nope, just talking." Dean nods, shrugging his shoulders in innocence. He looks at me in warning, as if to say that goes not further.

Walking back to Skylar, I hand her a new drink and join back in the conversation.

Once Dean left, the four of us decide to re-stock our snacks. With Rob claiming nobody knows the snack rota as well as him, he and Emma head off, which leaves Skylar and I alone.

"I have a question." I randomly blurt out as Skylar looks through Netflix for another movie.

Study session my ass.

"Hmm," She murmurs before turning and giving me her full attention. "What's up?"

"Will you, um," I swallow, coaxing the lump in my throat to go away. "Wear my jersey tomorrow night at my game?" I ask, my heart thundering like I've just done laps.

But these feelings are something that I've come to crave. The thundering heart and exhilaration that runs through my veins whenever she kisses me. The weird tingles and the feeling of warmth whenever she touches me.  These feeling are not lost on me and I don't intend on ever loosing them.

Skylar looks almost shocked at my question, like she doesn't know how to answer it. Hoping for the best, I calm myself when she opens her moth to speak.

"Of course. Who are you playing?" She grins at me, obviously pleased.

I love this woman.

Knowing that my thoughts are too soon, I keep them locked away. Knowing that I'll eventually tell her, I focus back on her question.

"Can't remember. Some team that we'll hopefully beat." I shrug, hoping that was the question because I have completely forgotten it.

Nodding her head, she bites her bottom lip. "Sounds good, I'll be there."

Smiling, I'm unable to resist the temptation anymore and I press my lips to her own. Winding my hands through her soft hair, my stomach does flips and suddenly I'm breathless with feelings for the girl in my arms.


The calls of unwavering confidence deafens my ears. Adrenaline runs through my body in a racing fast speed and as a result, my body cannot stand still.

The last ten minutes of match are more important than the previous fifty. It's the deadline, the cutoff point, the do or die moment.

Pumping my lags harder and faster than the previous five matches. The cooling sensation of sweat trickles down my forehead as I shout instructions to my team who seem almost as determined as me.

Throwing the ball to the open receiver who is finally open, the crowd goes wild as he catches the ball and starts running.

Do or die time and my team is living - I'm gonna make sure of it.

Despite my focus being completely on the game, my subconscious is hazily aware of the shouts of encouragement from the women of my dreams sitting in the stands, looking more stunning than ever.

Hair scraped back and my jersey almost swallowing her, her initial appearance threw off my whole game face.

But after getting screamed at by coach about something along the lines of killing me if I step off of the pitch, I recovered.

I had too because this team was tough, but we were going to take them down.

As the time closes in, the air becomes cooler, the sky becomes darker and the crowd becomes louder. The once graceful and effortless movements of the players on the field are now desperate and chaotic.

But that doesn't stop us, as the whistle gets blown, we know we've won. Letting out a cheer, our teammates give hands shakes of pure elation to each other and ones of sympathy to the opposing team.

I really couldn't care.

Seeing as coach had given me the all clear to step off of the field, (about fucking time if you asked me) I make my way over to the stands. With my helmet left on the bench, my blue and gold uniform stands out in the crowd.

Making my way over to the women who's been cheering me on for the past sixty minutes, I gather her in my arms as soon as I can. Skylar lets out a squeal of surprise but I silence it with my lips.

Eventually letting her go, I receive looks of adoration from our friends and ones of jealousy from the people who's opinion really couldn't matter less to me.

They don't matter because I knew we were back.

Skylar and I were back.

Author's Note:

Axel's POV has returned!!

What did we think of it? What's our thoughts on this chapter?

We also got a bit more backstory to Maxwell! But one questions remains: Who is he?

I would love to know your predictions!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please let me know by commenting and voting :)

Much love,

Jade x

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