Death In My Voice [Severe Edi...

By junkfood16

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[Quicksilver X Reader] TW: fanfiction contains presence of medical drugs, emotional abuse, panic attacks and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 || The end

Chapter 4

577 16 1
By junkfood16

I love to hate the fight and you in my life is like
Sippin' on straight chlorine


Three more days passed, and I moved away from my hysterics.

It seems like Stark took me to work, but he flew off somewhere on the wings of love and joy, and all I could do was idle. How many times have I blamed myself for allowing myself to reopen my wounds?

And every time I've been steadily breaking down and choking on my tears, and this was for about ten years, probably. In the meantime, a lot of bracelets and watches hide scars on wrists. The advantages of physical wounds over psychological ones are that, most likely, they will heal and cease to remind themselves of dull pain.

The dough for pancakes is mixed, but I still cannot find the pans.

Tony has everything: money, fame and a beautiful girl, but really cannot find anything in the kitchen. I already wanted to ask Friday where to look for these kitchen items, when the frying pans fell right on my foot from the drawer that I didn't close.

Barely holding back a cry, I quietly whined and jumped on one leg to the chair. 

Having got used to the pain a bit and having remembered the failed pancakes, I, limping a little bit on my right leg, walked over to these unfortunate pans and lifted them. The kitchen, of course, is gorgeous here — the most modern and latest technology. But a woman doesn't need all these new kitchen gadgets if she knows how to cook.

Putting the pans to warm up, I put on a checkered apron and tied a tail to make it more convenient. Having poured liquid batter on one pan, I was already prepared to do the same with the other, when suddenly someone touched my shoulder.

Instincts worked instantly. Grabbing the pan more conveniently without a dough, I swung at her and, turning; I was ready to punish anyone who attempted upon my life.

What was my surprise when I didn't see anyone in front of me. I only felt a slight movement in the air. Either a ghost walked up in the tower, or I just had paranoia.

A quick blue flash - and in front of me was none other than Pietro Maximoff himself.

"I should have guessed," I exhale and lower the pan. My heart was still racing with such suddenness.

''Good morning, Y/N'' Pietro sat down on a kind of chair at the bar. 

''Guten Morgen,''  I turn the pancake and pour the dough on the second frying pan. "I'm going to die soon because of you." 

''I bet that you wouldn't die from fright'' I turn around, and I see this satisfied expression on his face. It immediately became clear what he meant. I just rolled my eyes and put the finished pancake on a plate specially reserved for him.

''Where is Wanda? I hope she is doing well.''

 "Yes, she just decided to take some time off today," I slap Pietro jokingly on the arm when he tries to squeeze the pancake from a rather large pile.

"Could you and your sister forgive me for what happened a couple of days ago?"

''What happened?'' he tried to pretend that he remembers nothing. Significantly I look into his eyes in a silent request not to begin. ''Come on, Y/N. Everyone has bad days.''

 I just smiled. Thanks to Pietro for understanding. We sat down to eat breakfast in complete silence, but literally, in ten minutes we couldn't stop laughing. I don't know when I looked at him and began to smile like a fool. 

We were like best friends who don't need any company other than the person opposite. 

"That's enough, enough," Pietro was already reaching for a new pancake when I stopped him. 

''Maria will come soon. Need to leave her something.'' But it was too late. Pietro grabbed another pancake and ate it. 

I laughed again and just put them in the fridge, finally sticking a sticker with the inscription: "Bon appetit, Maria." Throwing all the dishes in the machine, I didn't know what to do next. I wanted to visit Wanda, but Pietro said that she feels unwell and she is going to sleep all day.

"You seem to be working here. So why don't you get to work?'' Pietro's question was reasonable, but without Stark and Benner our research has stalled. I had extensive knowledge only in biology and biomechanics, but not gamma radiation and robotics, which, oddly enough, we also needed. Well, I was too lazy to be cunning. 

"By the way," a thought struck me immediately. ''You still owe me ten dollars.''

''That one you won unfairly.''

"It doesn't matter," I brushed aside his blame, as if from an annoying fly. ''Let's go somewhere.''

''Well, where do you want?'' he asked this question as if I was still a child. 

"Well, uh ..." I didn't think about that. ''Go to the park.'' None of the two of us wanted to die of boredom in a large tower, where Friday was the only interlocutor. 

Quickly putting on a light skirt and blouse, I grabbed my purse, and ten minutes later we were going down. The weather was just beautiful, and my heart sang from a sudden surge of happiness. I don't know what happened to me during these few hours, but all the melancholic thoughts disappeared somewhere and gave way to insane joy.

Pietro and I walked a lot until we entered the park. Everything was just perfect. We talked endlessly about any nonsense that would never take me much time in conversation with a simple acquaintance. 

This once again confirmed that I might soon have real friends. 

''What a shame that Wanda couldn't come up with!'' Pietro shook me on the swing in the park. Four hours passed just insanely fast. ''I hope that soon I will be able to communicate with her just as well.''

Pietro was easy. He even endured the way I spent a whole hour choosing for myself something new to read in a bookstore. I didn't laugh so much for a very long time. The long-lost feeling, which one gains only with friends, has risen somewhere deep inside. And as if I was not afraid to trust people, I really wanted to open up before the twins. 

They seemed to be ... like me? 

I kicked a small round pebble into the water and he, gurgling softly, plunged to the bottom of Long Island Bay. The sun was already setting, and it pierced me with a yawn.

Pietro saw how I could barely move my legs and picked me up. I just wanted to rebel that I would go perfectly well without any help myself, as I was already on the threshold of my room. 

"I know, I know, you would have perfectly reached by yourself," I laughed softly and opened the door with a special card. ''You are very stubborn, Y/N''. 

"No, I just wanted to thank you for spending the day together," I could not resist and yawned. ''Thank you, Pietro, you saved me from another boring day in the tower.''

"You're welcome," I put my arm around his shoulders and pulled away.

He jokingly gave me the honor and carried away at his super speed. I, once again yawning relish, smiled and went to bed to gain strength for tomorrow. 

I don't always idle.

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